Embracing Entrepreneurship: A Deep Dive with Aaron Traha

Aug 14, 2023 | Instruments of Choice, Learning from the Best, PodCast, Practice Makes Progress, Season 3

The Back-Story

Imagine breaking free from the confines of the monotonous corporate world and venturing into the thrilling world of entrepreneurship. That’s exactly what Aaron Trahan, founder of Performance Mindset Coaching, did, and he’s here to share his empowering journey. Join us as we unravel a narrative of facing fear, embracing uncertainty, and savoring the sweet taste of success. Aaron spills the beans on the everyday achievements that validate his bold career pivot and lends his voice to those contemplating a similar leap – urging them to heed the call of their future selves and align with their most authentic path. Tune in and take this golden opportunity to soak in the wisdom of a seasoned coach.

Aaron has a 15+ year background as a senior-level executive leader within public-company corporate environments & early-stage startups. Aaron is passionate about personal & leadership development and, most especially, helping emerging leaders achieve their next best version. As a certified leadership performance coach – Aaron leverages his business background & professional coaching training to support leaders with the implementation of systems, tools, frameworks, programs, & accountability that accelerate their path to next-level results and reaching their full potential.

Show Notes

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In This Episode:
[0:00] Intro
[0:23] The good note: Story of business success
[8:07] When things didn’t go as planned
[11:46] On continuously learning and finding support
[19:37] The tools Aaron used to maintain success
[25:39] What Aaron practices to stay good at what he does
[28:19] Getting the reps in—no matter how you do it
[30:53] What’s exciting in Aaron’s business right now?
[33:36] Who is Aaron’s ideal audience?
[37:20] Outro


Read Transcript

Tim Melanson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to today’s episode of the Work at Home Rockstar podcast. I’m excited for today’s guest. He is the founder of Performance Mindset Coaching, and what he does is he helps people to accelerate the path to next level results and performance. Emerging for emerging executives. So I’m excited today to rock out with Aaron Rehan. Hey Aaron, you ready to rock?

Aaron Trahan: Hey Tim, I’m ready. Thanks for having me.

Tim Melanson: Beautiful. So we always start off with a good note. So tell me a story of success in your business that we can be inspired by.

Aaron Trahan: Yeah. You know, I, I think it’s what I, when I think about success in my business, it really shows up in the form of. Really being that support system that helps the clients that I work with on a daily basis really find that that next level, I mean, it’s very easy to sit back and be, um, stuck in a comfort zone and, you know, instead of just pointing out one specific thing, I think every single session that I have with clients is [00:01:00] so inspiring.

And what, what I deem successful is seeing people with the willingness and the desire. To leave the comfort zone and turn ideas into actions in reality. So I’m, I’m just privileged to be a copilot along that journey and, um, yeah. But it’s so fulfilling and I, I kind of think about making the pivot to do this full-time as one of the big success stories that as I look back on my career is, um, It’s nerve wracking to kind of make this launch, you know, from corporate life into your own startup venture.

But, um, it’s those success moments that, uh, really show up for me every single day that validates my decision.

Tim Melanson: Right on. So how was that transition? Was that scary? How long did it make you, did it take you to make that leap?

Aaron Trahan: Yeah, I mean, if you can, uh, if you can name the emotion, I felt it, it, it ran, you know, it ran the spectrum [00:02:00] and yeah, I mean, I started off my career as in my early twenties working for a large publicly traded company.

And, um, I think you don’t realize and how much you take for granted the, the safety or security net that comes with, you know, having. A leadership role in an established company, not even thinking about whether my next paycheck’s gonna show up or not. So within, when you go into really take off on your entrepreneurial journey, you feel all the emotions, you feel the uncertainty, you feel the fear, you feel the overwhelm.

Uh, but on the other side of that, as I just mentioned, you also get. You also feel the impact, you’re, everything around me is something that I’ve built, that I’ve created. And then to see how that shows up with working with the clients that I work with and how it’s transforming their journey and their lives.

Um, it’s far more offsetting the good than some of those, uh, [00:03:00] early, early stage kind of jitters that any new venture is going to have. So, um, yeah, so happy that I made the plunge. Wow. Well, let me dig into that. ’cause

I mean, your experience is a lot, probably more common than my experience. I mean, I, I was also working in a large company, but they were laying off and going about to go bankrupt in about eight years after I started.

And so I did not know the experience of a steady paycheck and a six year paycheck. And, uh, so it definitely was not the same. Uh, but I think most people are. And so let’s, can we get into your minds, because I bet you there’s people. Possibly even listening right now that are working, thinking, you know, they’ve got that dream, you know, that thing they wanna do, but they’re thinking about that steady paycheck as well.

How did you, like, how did you even decide that that’s what you were gonna do? What, what,

what happened? I. Yeah. You know, working one-on-one with high performers as a coach, [00:04:00] mentor, um, you know, a, a strategy advisor, whatever you want to call it. I, I’ve been doing that for the past couple years, more as a, an after hours project, more of a, uh, passion hobby, so to speak.

And. With each and every single conversation, each and every single passing month, it just became a gravitational pool. I just knew that that’s where I could deliver the most value. And even though it’s a pretty big, you know, alternative path to what I had been known for doing in kind of my corporate life.

Um, You know, that’s where all the fear comes up. The fear of being judged, the fear of saying, Aaron left his job to go do what? He’s doing this now. He’s a coach. He left, you know, the executive ranks to then go be a coach. Like what’s he thinking? So you have all those things running, running through your head, but.

What ultimately landed for me. And look, advice can come in many [00:05:00] different shapes and forms, right? If you go out there and seek advice, you’re going to get it. 99% of which is not all gonna be applicable. And kind of what I advise, uh, what I advise people on, on advice is the person you should really be listening to as your future self.

So as you think about you sitting on that, uh, that front porch on your swing as an 80 year old where you’re at the very kind of, uh, tail end of this thing called life, you’re gonna not be, you know, thinking about all the things that went well. You’re gonna be thinking about all the what ifs you’re gonna be thinking about.

I should have done this, I should have done that. Um, so how can you live today to take the advice of that 80 year old future self? To do what’s most authentic to you. And that’s ultimately what led me to do this was I knew if I didn’t, I was gonna wake up 25, 35 years from now. Regretting had, you know, not making [00:06:00] this, uh, this venture or this idea a reality.

So yeah, kind of took my own advice, listened to my future self, and knew that this was going to be the. This was going to be kind of the regret minimization play for the future. Um, and yeah, sure enough, I, I, I feel like I’m operating on mission and, you know, so glad, uh, that, that I did it. Nice.

Tim Melanson: Okay, so now you did mention you were dabbling in it before you left your company then, that you were doing it moonlighting, I guess, right?

Aaron Trahan: Yeah, you kind of by accident, you know, it’s like you, you, you run big teams and you leave one company to go to another company and you still mentor and, uh, you know, your former direct reports and your former colleagues. And after a few of those scenarios, you kind of wake up and say, wow, I’m having these monthly chats with 10 or 12 people.

It’s, it’s now starting to occupy a pretty big amount of time. Um, so yeah, there was some, some dabbling going on, but it was also a [00:07:00] powerful question that I was asked by someone who could see what I could not see. And that was one of my former direct reports who I was speaking to on a monthly basis, helping him steer through some, um, some career changes.

When he asked me the big question and that was, Why aren’t you doing this full time? Why don’t you go work for yourself and do this at a professional level? I feel like this is what you’re meant to do. I feel like I should be paying you. Um, And quite frankly, that’s what started the whole momentum behind the process.

And at the time I brushed it off saying, I, I’m, I’m, I’m an executive. I build businesses. I, I do this, I do that. I knew weeks after that conversation that my response to him was bss. When you start waking up in the middle of the night thinking about that question, it’s like, He was right. He could see something that I couldn’t connect the dots on.

Um, but it was that enlightenment from that question that I started to pull that thread a little bit more, a little bit more, a little [00:08:00] bit more. And here we are, a year later. I’m, I’m all in.

Tim Melanson: Amazing. Amazing. Okay, so now it’s not all Sunshine, Ray Bo. Not everything goes as planned. There are some things that don’t go as planned or are there, can you share with us something that didn’t go as planned and what we can learn from that?

Aaron Trahan: Yeah. Yeah. I, you know, I, I, I think it’s the experience that I had that even got this concept of leadership and performance coaching on my radar. Um, and to kind of make a long story short, I was put into a leadership position at a very early age. 23 years old. I’m running a hundred million dollars business.

Um, Wasn’t, wasn’t prepared for it. Had to, had to really learn on the fly. And while I had some career success after that and eventually worked my way up to the senior leadership team, um, running a billion dollar organization before the age of 30. It was one of those moments where once I [00:09:00] got there, I realized that everything I did up to that point was wrong.

Sure, I had success, but I wasn’t a great leader. I wasn’t a great listener. I didn’t, um, I didn’t put a lot of people on my team in a position to win. And so once I, I found myself on a new level. It was one of those moments where what got me here won’t get me there, and I had to go find some outside help to help me be able to see my own blind spots.

And, you know, with some of the success, I found myself in a place of complacency. I, I was accepting of status quo. I had, um, an unchecked ego. I thought I was the smartest person in the room. And I started to really plateau out. So it was that pivotal moment where I had to make a decision and say I had to rebuild myself and get back into a continuous improvement in growth mode or my early success was just going to be that an early peak and I was gonna be on a [00:10:00] decline from there.

And so it was a real look yourself in the mirror type moment. Um, that ultimately led me to finding some help through coaching. And completely changed my perspective on how to lead, how to help people get to the next level. And it was that small kernel, uh, that, that, that seed in the ground that grew into what my firm, you know, is today and me launching the firm.

But that’s where it started. It started from a place of, um, Not feeling very good about the position I was in and how I, how I got there. So yeah, that was kind of the big moment in time where I was defined as successful, but knew everything that I was doing to get there was wrong, was authentic, was inefficient.

Um, and I wasn’t a great leader and so I had to change all that. It kind of course corrected me to ultimately get me on the path I’m on today. Wow.

Tim Melanson: Well and up. Great points. I mean, for the most part, I think

Aaron Trahan: most [00:11:00] entrepreneurs would

Tim Melanson: probably consider themselves doers, dreamers, and probably the smartest person in the room.

Yeah. So they think they’re right. Right. And, you know, ’cause it, it takes a little bit of, I wouldn’t even say overconfidence, to go out there and build something of your own. You’ve gotta, you’ve gotta sort of have this dream that, um, you know, That other people can’t see, but you can see it, right? Mm-hmm.

And I think that that does lead to a lot of people not necessarily going out there and finding the help, uh, you know, can do this. I can do, I can get, you know, whatever. I don’t need to hire that person. I don’t need that coach, you know, that kind of stuff. Right. Uh, but it sounds to me like you put yourself in a situation where you did go out there and, and learn from other people.

Um, so I, I got two

Aaron Trahan: questions. One is, Do you think that’s an accurate

Tim Melanson: representation? Do you think that that actually does hold people

Aaron Trahan: back? And then

Tim Melanson: second, if someone does

Aaron Trahan: get to the point where you did

Tim Melanson: and, and maybe you can speak from experience, [00:12:00] how, how’d you find somebody?

Aaron Trahan: Yeah. Yeah. So I’ll tackle the first one and I think, yeah, I think it’s, I.

I, I, I used the word accelerator quite a bit in my branding and my marketing and my value proposition. And look, you can be like me and do what I did where I had this 5, 6, 7 year period where I thought I was the smartest. I thought that I had this golden touch and you know, I, it took me a while and with hindsight to realize.

You know, a lot of my success was mostly from me being in the right place at the right time. Sure, there was some hard work and some things I created for, for myself, but my success came in spite of a lot of my weaknesses, not because of me being so great. Um, and so when your ego becomes, you know, the driving force, And you start believing you’re the smartest one in the room.

Sure you need confidence. But confidence [00:13:00] that goes unchecked can be the demise of all of all growth. And one of the smartest things that I did from that point forward was not only go out and, you know, find coaching and. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s all over the place. So a simple, simple Google search or going on LinkedIn, um, and, and looking for coaches that really fit and align with, with where you want to see the improvement, where you want to see the enhancement is worth, um, certainly worth the exploration because we all need someone who.

Can stretch our thinking, who can help us see things from a completely different perspective. Um, and where I like to gain a lot of value is we’re all gonna face problems and solutions. But when you have that support system in place that can help you see problems and the solutions from a completely different lens, it just accelerates your path to be able to make better [00:14:00] decisions.

From gaining better or, or bigger experience. Um, so there are so many better paths than stumbling along and going through the, the trial and error and, and making a lot of mistakes that with the right amount of preparation and support network around you, you can avoid the vast majority of them. And I’m not saying that.

View mistakes and failures as bad. Um, I think anytime you’re challenging yourself and stretching out and doing big things, there’s gonna be an element of failure to that, but limit the unforced errors. There’s a lot of things that we do that are self-created obstacles that you can absolutely avoid by having a partnership in the form of coaching or mentors or advisors that you can rely on to help you see things you may have otherwise not been able to see.

I mean, we talk a lot about, you know, high performing industries, uh, you know,

Tim Melanson: sports, uh, [00:15:00] you know, even like, like, uh, even military, we, we will even say like, uh, like, don’t you need a wingman? Like, like there are blind spots. We do have situations where, you know, you’ve got some of the highest performing people in the highest performing areas, and they all have coaches.

They all have wingmen, right? So what, what’s, why do we not need one? Right? Are we better than them Really?

Aaron Trahan: Yeah. Yeah. And I think the answer of that is, is there’s, there’s a bit of fear of fear. Um, you know, the one thing about coaching, and especially performance coaching is, and, and I have this disclaimer with all of my clients, and that’s I.

Know, ahead of time of what you’re paying me for. You’re not, you’re not paying me to be a cheerleader and telling you everything you want to hear. You’re paying me to be there to tell you the things that you need to hear. And sometimes that may not feel good. Um, and so a lot of the people, especially when you’re really stuck in that comfort zone, you really are prioritizing [00:16:00] and you’re content with status quo is the time you’re, you’re.

The least likely to want to reach out and get these thought partnerships or coaches, um, that are not gonna be there just to agree with everything that you say. It, it, it is meant to be a bit of an uncomfortable experience. You’re, you’re growing, you’re stretching, you’re, you’re finding out to all the. The awareness and the clarity of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Um, and so it, it does take a bit of courage. It does take a bit of willingness and a desire to want to improve, to really go to those places that if you’re just having a. These debates and conversations with the voice inside your head all day long, they’re not gonna pressure you. They’re not, that voice isn’t gonna force you and challenge you.

It’s, it’s there to dish out the free passes. Like, if you wanna skip this morning’s workout, no problem. You’re tired. So that voice is from a place inside the comfort zone. So if you’re not ready to leave, uh, the [00:17:00] comfort zone and, and. Really break away from status quo. Yeah, there is a fear factor to it.

It’s, it’s, uh, it’s not meant to be comfortable, um, because what sits on outside of the comfort zone is growth. And so as I like to say, growth and comfort do not coexist. You have to choose one. Um, and so, yeah, I think there’s just a lot of that where people will make up every excuse in the book to say, oh, I’m just not ready for that.

Now’s not the right time. Uh, I didn’t budget for this. Those are all excuses. They’re not ready to go to the next level. Hey,

Tim Melanson: rockstar. I hope you’re enjoying this episode of the Work at Home Rockstar podcast. If you didn’t know already, my business is Creative Crew Agency. We build websites now. Let’s talk about your website for a minute.

Most people realize that at this. Day and age, we need a website, but we don’t really know what the website’s supposed to do, and sometimes you’ll just go and build a website for the sake of building a

Aaron Trahan: website. What I do is I make

Tim Melanson: sure [00:18:00] that your website actually accomplishes a goal. Now, there are three main goals to most websites.

Number one is to provide information

Aaron Trahan: and

Tim Melanson: build credibility. Number two is to schedule some sort of appointment and get them on onto a sales call. Number three is to sell something like an e-commerce site. Now, when you’re setting your website, you have to be very mindful that the visitor doesn’t know what to do, and so you have to provide them with a roadmap that leads them down a path to wherever you want

Aaron Trahan: them to go.

On my website, I want them to

Tim Melanson: be on a free consultation, so that’s why when you go to creative crew agency.com, you’ll see information about. Scheduling a free consultation. Now for you though, I’m gonna provide you with an extra link so that you can get your free website audit. Go to creative crew agency.com/free website audit and schedule an audit with me, and I’ll go through your website live and determine what we can do to improve your conversions and make sure that you’re getting the business from your website.

Go to creative crew

Aaron Trahan: agency.com and [00:19:00] we’ll see you there. For those that are. They’ll, they’ll make, they’ll make whatever they need to make, um, in terms of commitment and sacrifice to find the help to get them to the next level. Yeah.

Tim Melanson: Hey, and if you need an ego boost, then just recognize that, that is very scary.

You need to, requires a lot of courage to ask for help, which is the exact opposite of what your ego’s trying to tell you. That’s exactly, you don’t need help,

Aaron Trahan: right? That’s right. Yeah. Yeah. It’s, it’s, uh, yeah. The, the second that we think we have it all figured out is the second that we stop growing. Yeah.

So let’s talk

Tim Melanson: a little bit about the tools that you use to get success and to maintain success in your life and your business. Uh, can you, can you share some of those?

Aaron Trahan: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. You know, I’m, I’m, I’m a big fan of programs I like, I like things that can be developed into a routine, into a habit.

Um, and you know, one that I’ll, I’ll share with you that is [00:20:00] really effective is really helping understand awareness and through my mythology, and it’s not just mine, it’s, it’s pretty common knowledge out there that the foundation to all next level growth. Is awareness. I kind of think of it as we’re all on this journey of trying to go from our current state wherever we are today, to some version of an ideal state.

I’ve yet to come across someone who says, you know what? I want no growth in my life. I don’t wanna see better results. I don’t wanna generate better performance. I’m fine with not being better at all. I’ve never seen it. So we’re all on this journey of going from current state to ideal state. So if. Think about that in terms of using a G P Ss, to get an optimized route to go where we’re going, we have to know where we are.

We have to have an accurate, understand, uh, understanding of our current state, our current location, and we [00:21:00] have to know where we want to go. Without those two data points, it’s pretty damn difficult to find that optimized route to get there. So a big part of awareness is reflection. And if you’re just kind of going through life and you’re not looking back and learning, I think learning and reflection is such a key foundational ingredient of what makes strong awareness.

And so a program that I use to really, especially with all of my clients, build in a certain time every single week, ideally at the end of the week. To integrate this in for me myself, I do this every Sunday evening, and it’s called a 3 2 1 reflection exercise. This is a tool that is specifically designed for you to create your own blueprint.

On how to get better the very next week. Um, and so the way that this works is starting first with the three, think back on your week and really [00:22:00] identify the three things that went well for you during the week. But don’t stop there. I. Think about why they went well, what made them go well? What was the root cause of that?

Win that success, that highlight whatever it is, and find the common threads. Was it preparation? Was it your ability to collaborate with others? Was it, um, whatever it is, but find out the why behind your wins. The second question is, what are two things you wished would’ve went better during the week, and how will you make those things go better?

Going forward, same thing. Look into the things that you feel you didn’t knock the ball out of the park. That could have been, that could have worked a bit better for you, but go a layer deeper. Why? How, what? What can you do starting the very next day to make those areas, those items go better? And then third, why?

What did you learn about yourself in the week and why is that important for you? [00:23:00] So this should only take 10 minutes or less. You can go through this, but it really helps you look back on your week with an entirely different reflective awareness that you now know what are the common things that make wins for you?

What makes things go well? You have a a great game plan and action steps on how to improve the things that you wish would’ve worked a bit better, and then you connect it back to. Your authentic self. Why? Why is this important for me? Why, what, what did I learn about myself? What did, what light bulbs went off?

What insight did I gain? Um, and so that’s just a program that I put my clients through. We typically do this at the end of each week and recap the following week and all the insight that you gained from yourself through this program. Creates the blueprint on how to get better and then get better again the following week and get better again the following week.

So it’s just a great way to always take you back [00:24:00] to leverage a program that can enhance your awareness. That’s a really

Tim Melanson: good process. And you know, it’s, it’s funny that we think about this ’cause in, in, in companies lots, most companies have some sort of like, Reflection and awareness and, you know, accountability program built into the company.

You, you have to do it. You hate doing it, but you have to do it. And then, you know, you start a business and obviously you hate doing it, so you just don’t do it. And then you run like years and years and years. So, so it’s, it’s, you know, there are some clues from the corporate world we can get. That can help us in our self-employment or in our businesses to help us to, to get success.

And this is definitely one of them. That’s, that’s a really, really good

Aaron Trahan: system. Yeah. It’s, you don’t, you don’t need a third party for it. All you need is discipline and to be, you know, to be honest with, and yeah, create your own spreadsheet. Just drop it in there. And what you’ll see after three weeks, four weeks, five weeks, you can go back and what you’re [00:25:00] doing is you’re cataloging.

Your own roadmap on how to create better success, how to pinpoint the areas of development. Um, and so you’re essentially, if you execute this with consistency, you’re able to create and write your own book on how to take yourself to the next level. It just comes down to then discipline and consistency.

So if you can check those two boxes, And execute this program. I’ve never not seen it create a path forward for those that use it on exactly and precisely how to generate better results for themselves. So Aaron, another thing

Tim Melanson: that we hate to do is put this up. Practice makes perfect, makes progress, whatever you want to call it.

So tell me some of the ways that you practice and you

Aaron Trahan: stay good at what you do. Yeah, yeah. I think, you know, it’s, um, Practice is such an important, such an important piece of growth and success because [00:26:00] it kind of goes back to that continuous improvement, right? It’s, it’s not all that different than what we’ve talked about before.

It’s when you get into a comfort zone and you start accepting status quo and things are good enough, um, you stop doing those things like practice in whatever area. That you did before to kinda get you to the level that you’re at. And so for me, the biggest thing is, is to always stay in a learning mindset.

Never think that you’re the smartest one in the room. Um, and, you know, practice really comes down to just being disciplined on finding that continuous improvement. You know, I have a, I have a three out success formula that. I really kind of think about when I think of people who have had success and then stalled out and stopped growing, and what separates that group of people from the group that just continues to find new layers of success?

One [00:27:00] of the things that I, I’ve noticed that separates one group from the next is that the group that continues to find success usually out learns everyone around them. So they’re always looking for opportunities on how to get better. They’re always applying those insights and putting them into action, and so it’s, it is the big differentiator when you can stay in a learning mindset.

A great example of that would be the program that we just, that we just talked about, running a program like that, getting the findings and then applying them the very next day. I think the big thing that I notice with people who. Don’t practice, don’t, you know, continue to work on their craft, is they get stuck in a mode of inaction.

And inaction will always kill growth. And so stay learning, always be able to apply those learnings and keep taking [00:28:00] action no matter how imperfect it may be. Um, I think it’s just such a cornerstone to always developing your craft and, and getting better and finding, regardless of external metrics, finding the next best version to yourself.

And so it’s, it’s such a key component. So here’s something I never asked for, but I, you, I just thought of it

Tim Melanson: now. Like, so in music for example, you know, playing, uh, an instrument in front of people is a form of practice. But also playing it at home and, and learning new rifts and all that stuff is also practice.

Mm-hmm. Is, does that, does that translate very well to business? Like, is it still practice if you’re actually out there making those calls? Or is there stuff that you should be doing at home on your own

Aaron Trahan: without actually getting out there? Yeah, yeah. I, I, I, I don’t view that as an either or. I think about that as more of an and, um, so when I think of practice, it is, I.

[00:29:00] It’s getting the reps in no matter how, no matter how you do it. It’s, but, but I think the one big thing that will always get in the way of practice to drive improvement is inaction. Um, and so I, I also think about practice in two different ways. There’s practice for the sake of like putting in time, and then there’s more deliberate practice.

And so, I think awareness is what sits in the middle of that. And if you have bad techniques or you have bad habits and you’re never working to correct them, you’re just doing it to do it. You just keep practicing to to practice, and you’re not working on the nuances. You’re not actually working on the craft.

You could, uh, it is kinda like the 10,000 hour rule. There’s a caveat to the 10,000 hour rule. If it’s not deliberate practice to, to enhance your development areas. It doesn’t matter if you practice for 20 hours, if you’re practicing over and over and over, bad habits, bad techniques, [00:30:00] bad routine, um, you’re not gonna see that much improvement.

All you’re gonna do is get really good at doing something the wrong way. Um, but if you, using reflection, using awareness, and really figuring out where you need practice and then putting in the deliberate work to improve those areas, track the improvement, um, set goals around that, that improvement. So I think, I think practice has a nuance to it.

It’s not just showing up and going through the motions and doing that over and over. It’s being deliberate. It’s having intent. On what you’re practicing, why you’re practicing it, what are you trying to optimize for, and how are you measuring the improvement? Give me five hours here versus 500 hours of the other one, and I bet those five hours would generate an outsized return on that time.

Love it. Very

Tim Melanson: good. So it’s time for your guest solo. So tell me what’s exciting in your business right

Aaron Trahan: now. Yeah, yeah. You know, I, I, I’ve [00:31:00] built a, I’ve built a program. That’s exactly what I wish I would’ve had. Whenever I kind of got stuck in that complacency trap. And so when I look back at my journey and the journey of others, I kind of work backwards and identified what are all the traps of emerging successful leaders that stalls out growth.

And I’ve already mentioned one. The foundation is awareness. The next one is clarity. Uh, third is setting up the right supporting milestones and goals. Fourth one that we talked about earlier, thought, partnership and, and, um, you know, having those external partners. And then fifth, accountability. Those are the five levels of my mythology that I’ve created programs for, and it’s always.

Without fail, one of those areas is always the leading cause of when someone is an upward trajectory and they lose their [00:32:00] momentum, it’s because they lost clarity or. They stopped having stretch goals or they stopped listening to other people ’cause they thought they had it all figured out, or they were no longer accountable to what they said they were going to do.

You name it, it’ll always show up in one of these five buckets. And so I’ve created a program where we have programs that deliberately are put in place to increase the strength and uh, performance in these areas. And so if they can, if people can work on these areas consistently, It’s not a matter of if they find new levels of success, it’s when, so instead of doing what I had to do and what so many others do, because of the fear of asking for help or looking for help, you can spend 10 years kind of feeling like you’re just, you know, churning on the hamster wheel.

What I provide is, Experience methods and programs that accelerate that path by giving them programs that help them [00:33:00] minimize the downside and accelerate the upside. And ultimately, I save people time. I want to get people to where they want to go much faster than if they just stay in status Quo. Time is a precious commodity.

We don’t want to be, uh, spending time in an unoptimized state. I want to help emerging leaders get to where they want to go, in the way they want to be there, uh, faster. So that way they can spend more time making an impact. So that’s, that’s what’s most exciting about the work that I’m doing in, in who I’m working with.

Right on.

Tim Melanson: So who would be the, you know, ideal person that would get the most from one of your pro, uh, one of your programs?

Aaron Trahan: Yeah, it’s gonna be that that leader, um, who has already experienced success, their career is on a nice trajectory, but they know, they know there’s more. They, they, there’s a lot of runway left and they wanna accelerate their path to the next level.

And so this may be, you know, a [00:34:00] couple of examples as startup founders and CEOs, maybe just after a capital raise and. Okay, they’ve now got a bigger company with bigger expectations and they’ve gotta level up at the same level that their company is growing at. Or it’s that that vice president who’s looking to break into the C-suite, it’s someone looking to make that intentional jump to the next level.

And that doesn’t have to mean title, but it’s making that jump from their current state to their ideal state. They want to go from their version of good to their version of great. All in the, all in the journey of finding their next best version. That’s where I can step in and help get them there much more quickly than they would otherwise be able to.

Had they continue to, to go through the motions, stumble, trial and error. Um, I can co-pilot with them and help them navigate, uh, the most efficient path there. Nice. So how do we find out [00:35:00] more about you then? Yeah, so easiest place to go to would be my website and that’s performance mindset coaching.co. Um, and I’m constantly sharing things on LinkedIn, so I.

Feel free to find me on LinkedIn. Let’s connect, let’s engage. Uh, I’m sharing different types of programs and leadership development thoughts almost on a daily basis there. That’s where I, I show up most. Uh, so between my website and LinkedIn, that’s, that’s where you can find out everything about what it is I do.

So what, what would be the process of getting started with you? Is there, you know, sort

Tim Melanson: of like an introductory call, like how does

Aaron Trahan: it work? Yeah. You know, I, I’m a big fan in believing that people don’t buy coaching. They invest in systems that generate results. And just like when you’re going to buy a car or looking to buy a new home, you get to test drive and you get to walk through the home first before you buy.

I don’t want to be a salesman. I don’t wanna sell you about everything that [00:36:00] can happen in the future. I want you to experience how I can help you. So, Going above and beyond, um, just a sales presentation of how we can help through a discovery call. I welcome people to join me in a 60 minute, um, exercise where I give them one of my tools.

I let them experience what it’s like working with me because just like with test driving a car, you need to feel the experience before you can accurately determine whether this is a good fit or not for both of us. So, Instead of us just talking about all the great things that we could do together, let’s actually go through one.

Let’s experience it together. Um, and worst case scenario is you’re gonna come away with a tool that you’re gonna be able to, to use for the rest of your career. Um, and look, if we’re not a fit for each other, you come out ahead. If we’re a fit for each other, there’s a lot more impact we can make in the future.

But I’m a big fan of being able to show the value ahead of anybody making a decision to work [00:37:00] with me. I love it. That

Tim Melanson: sounds great. So what was that

Aaron Trahan: website again? Performance mindset coaching.co. Dot co.

Tim Melanson: Awesome. Thank you so much for rocking out with me today, Aaron. This has been

Aaron Trahan: a lot of fun. Yeah, thanks for having me.

Tim Melanson: Awesome. To the listeners, make sure you subscribe, rate, and comment.

Aaron Trahan: We’ll see you next time on the Work at Home Rockstar podcast. Thanks for listening. To learn how you can become a work at home rockstar or become a better one, head on over to work@homerockstar.com today.

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