Embracing Rejection, Overcoming Debt and Selling to Bill Gates with Beate Chelette

Dec 11, 2023 | Keeping the Hat Full, PodCast, Practice Makes Progress, Season 3, The Jam Room

The Back-Story

Rejection is a bitter pill to swallow. But isn’t it just a part of life? In this episode, Tim is joined by Beate Chelette, the growth architect who transformed her life from being buried under a $135,000 debt to selling her venture to Bill Gates for millions! Through real-life instances of a salesperson or an artist, they underline that each ‘No’ we encounter is not a reflection of one’s worth but a stepping stone towards growth. They dive deep into the significance of persistence, following your inner voice, and overcoming setbacks. Beate also enlightens us about the value of mentorship, asking questions, and the business side of work, especially for the artists.

Who is Beate Chelette?

Beate Chelette is the founder of The Women’s Code and a Growth Architect. She provides leaders and visionaries with strategies, blueprints, and growth maps to enhance business systems, leadership skills, and team strength.

Beate is known for her straightforward approach, ability to inspire and empower, and resilience. Her journey includes being $135,000 in debt at one point and selling her company to Bill Gates in a multimillion-dollar deal.

Beate has been recognized as one of the “Top 100 Global Thought Leaders” by PeopleHum and as “One of 50 Must Follow Women Entrepreneurs” by HuffPost.

Show Notes

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In This Episode:
(0:00) Intro
(0:27) The good note
(0:49) The bad note
(6:28) The Avocado story
(12:04) Don’t take things personally
(17:28) What is failure?
(20:51) Eliminate the wrong path
(23:50) Finding your tribe
(30:26) The Entrepreneurial Brain
(33:26) The significance of asking questions
(36:54) Guest solo and where to find Beate
(38:50) Outro


Read Transcript

Tim Melanson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to today’s episode of the work at home rock star podcast.

Today’s guest is very exciting. We’ve got the growth architect and she helps people land planes. She helps them design a framework strategy and system to streamline operations and workflow. Super excited. We’re rocking out today with Beate Chelette. Hey, you ready to rock? I’m ready to rock. Perfect. So first question is, we always start off on a good note.

Tell me a story of success in your business or your life that we can be inspired

Beate Chelette: by. Well, I mean, I was $135, 000 in debt, broke, a single mom, immigrant from Germany, did not know where up and down was and went through a decade of absolutely horrific bad luck and tragedy. And then I did sell my business to Bill Gates for millions of dollars.

Tim Melanson: That’s just an amazing story right there to Bill Gates himself, right?

Beate Chelette: To Bill Gates himself. Yes. Find you. What happened? You know, i. I always talk about this, Tim, that a lot of creatives are, they kind of know that it’s [00:01:00] possible that there is a lot of money to be made with their, with their craft, with their art, their creativity.

But then when they’re in, in the part, which I call the messy middle or the bohemian lifestyle, where you Have to, you know, borrow a dollar to pay the dollar that you borrowed and, you know, and you eat a lot of canned tuna and ramen and whatever that might be that you think you never get out of it. And but you, you kind of lovingly look at the success stories and you go, well, if it’s possible somewhere in there that you shouldn’t, shouldn’t this be possible for me then too?

And Yeah. Yeah. When it happens and you are getting out of this messy middle into that, into that rabbit, uh, acceleration where you finally have found the groove, right? You’re like the Beatles, you’re practicing and practicing in Germany, no less, which I think is such a great story on, no, no [00:02:00] less where all the strippers are, right?

Uh, in, in Hamburg. And you practice and practice and practice and you get so good that the sound just becomes unique because you have your whatever 10, 000 hours in and then suddenly somebody takes notice and then it just goes boom and it just hits and so that the story really is that we when we are Starting, we have just the idea of the dream.

We completely forgot the messy middle because nobody really wants to talk about the messy middle. The messy middle is great once you have achieved success and you look back where you say, Oh man, it was so hard sleeping in the car for like three weeks, you know, back then in the middle of the winter and my fingers were frozen, I couldn’t feel the guitar.

Then we need to remind ourselves that the messy middle is where the magic really happens. Because that is the, the part, you know, I, um, [00:03:00] the way I talk about is I say, it says like, almost like, you know, God, spirit, universe, whatever you believe it comes and says, how badly, how badly do you want it, Tim? And he said, I don’t want it bad.

You know, this is okay. And then God says, are you sure? And he said, sure, sure, bring it on. And then something happens. He got, oh, that was, that, that hurt. That hurt. And then God’s voice comes again, says, Tim, how badly do you want it? He said, no, well, bruises, you know, uh, it’s healing slowly, but no, I still want it, bring it on, boom, frying pan, right over your head.

Now you’re a little bedrazzled, and you go, okay, this is, this is a little rougher than I thought, and God comes again and says like, hey, do you still want it? And you go, um, yeah, yeah. Yeah, just easy on the frying pan here, please. And then you get completely whacked out by a tsunami. And then you lay there on the beach, you know, no clothes, washed up.

And the voice comes one more time and [00:04:00] says, do you still want it now? And that’s when people give up because they go like, well, that was a little bit too much. Clearly it is not meant to be. Because if, if I got washed on the beach, butt naked, it must not be meant to be. But really this is, this is the last test before the miracle happens. Because when you get to that point, especially in the music industry, boy, if you don’t have your shit together and you’re not ready to take, to do what it takes, you know, when I watched the documentary from Pink, And you just see that discipline that it takes to do, to do a tour, a worldwide tour. You think that you don’t have to, that tsunami that washed you on the beach is kindergarten compared to what that looks like.

So you, you lay there on the beach, bedrazzled, say, Oh, it’s just too much for me. And then you watch that and you go, man, that’s like a tsunami every night. So how do you survive [00:05:00] that? And I think that’s where a lot of people kind of go, go off.

In their dream, because they go, it’s too hard. Well, it depends on what your definition of success is. Do you think being the Rolling Stones and being still in concert while people operating on your vocal cords and you know, you’ve had, you’ve taken every drug on the planet for the last, what, 60, 70 years and you’re still up there and you’re still doing your thing. What do you think that takes to do that?

That dedication, that commitment to your fans and you complaining because you have to

eat ramen, get real, dude. Yeah,

Tim Melanson: I, I, I hear you a hundred percent. People will only see that. Overnight success, but it took a lot. Yes to get them to that point and when you say with the mess in middle though There is there is a lot of beating over the head with a frying pan But there’s also magic during that time too.

There are things that to go well, right? It’s just it’s a lot of this sort of like roller coaster ride during that time and you [00:06:00] just keep on Yeah.

It’s just enough breadcrumbs to keep you going. Right. Where, where suddenly you go like, man, how did I get in the troubadour? Right. I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m performing.

Uh, I’m in LA. I’m, I’m, I’m, you know, clearly it is, it is meant to be. I have a great story for you. Um, that literally just happened yesterday. So I found as a sales guy.

Beate Chelette: That I added to my team about six months ago and he literally just had started thinking about wanting to be in sales and there’s this like one particular sales training that he, he likes that got him hooked, hooked on, on wanting to be in sales. He’s with me for six months and his idol is this one guy by the name of Matt Ryder. And out of absolutely nowhere, Matt Ryder contacts me to be on my show, my, the business growth architect show. I have a podcast about business. And so I brought him on the pre call [00:07:00] because he got to meet his idol. And then afterward, I said to him.

I want you to just look at six months ago, you made the decision today, you spent time with a person who trains the highest performing salespeople currently all over the world. I said, it took you six months to have this conversation. I said, what do you make out of this? So that’s the breadcrumb. That doesn’t mean that the hard work isn’t going to happen.

But I said, you already were face to face. With the person you want to be. And, what did he say? Well, I mean, afterward he, you know, he said something really amazing.

He said, and I think this is actually a really good one to talk to your audience about too. He says, when you go in the supermarket and you pick up an avocado, and then you [00:08:00] touch the avocado, you go, no, don’t like this avocado.

You pick up the next avocado. Do you think that avocado is gonna go, I’m such a loser, I’m the loser avocado, nobody takes me, I’m just sitting here forever and ever until I’m overripe and then I’m gonna be thrown away, uh, do you think that the guy that owns the supermarket goes like, such a failure? Why

Tim Melanson: did I put that

Beate Chelette: avocado here?

This guy did not like the avocado, and he walked out with no avocado at all, it’s never gonna happen for me, I’ll

never, ever in my entire life sell any avocados, does nobody ever! So just think about it from the perspective, if somebody says, no,

yeah, he doesn’t, doesn’t

like avocado today, but somebody else, well, and so he says, he, and then he said, the best way to get somebody over their fear of rejection is to give them a whole bunch of people to call

where your rejection is almost guaranteed [00:09:00] and you make

him call anyway.

Because if they then convert somebody,

it is almost like a miracle happened

and they get over themselves pretty quickly because then they go like, well,

I knew, I, I knew that, um, the wind


going to, you know, book my gig on a Saturday night. But I tried it anyway, right? So you

knew. And so I like this philosophy a lot

of this idea.

I mean, I love the avocado story. Obviously, I’m going to be telling the avocado story forever now from here on out. But you know, just don’t be don’t be a sour avocado because somebody didn’t pick you up today. Well,

Tim Melanson: I use a I use an analogy with music. It’s just like imagine you are a country artist and you go to a heavy metal show.

And you are actually getting on stage to play for these heavy metal fans. They’re not going to like you very much. It’s just not the type of music. But if you hop [00:10:00] into a How about Andrea Bocelli? There you go. I don’t know. Depending on the audience, right? I mean some audiences just don’t like your type of music.

It doesn’t mean that you’re a bad artist. Because you can go the next day and play to a country audience or to whatever audience we’re thinking about and have the best show ever. It’s just a matter of finding the right audience to talk to, right?

Beate Chelette: Exactly. That’s a good example too. I might, I might, I might, I might take that one

too, because I think that we really have to have

to remind people.

Um, and if you’re listening, I think these are really two good examples because artists take things so personal. Oh, totally. That it’s not about you. It is

about you to Have as many haters as possible, because if you have

haters, that means that you have lovers. Um, in, in


and spiritual teachings, we always talk about that one cannot exist without the other.

[00:11:00] So the only reason you know this is white is because there’s black. If there was no black, you wouldn’t know it’s, it’s white. If it, there was no light, it couldn’t, you wouldn’t know that there’s

darkness. So they have to exist in.

In tandems, so that, you know, if there’s an above, there has to be a below, otherwise you wouldn’t know you’re above.

Yep. And if you’re below, there has to be an above, otherwise you wouldn’t know you’re below. And if you just

keep that in

mind, that these are spiritual principles, that if you, if

somebody tells you they hate your music, it

must mean that somebody is there who loves your music, and then it’s just up to you to find that person.

Yep. So instead of being all stressed out why somebody told you that you suck, You then go, great.

I found the hater. So the lover must be right around here somewhere. Where is she

or he? Yeah. That’s a much better, much better attitude and attribute to have. To focus on bringing in good stuff. [00:12:00]

Tim Melanson: And so like along the sales line, if you get hired, I mean, and I’ve seen this before, if someone gets hired to work for a company as a salesperson and, and they give you this script and they just go, okay, most people are going to say, no, you may not take that personally.

Some people do take it personally, but there are a lot of people that wouldn’t take it personally because it’s, you know, it doesn’t matter. It’s just your sales job. You know, someone walks into your retail store, like you say. And they pick up an avocado, they put it back down and they walk out. You don’t, you don’t get super upset about that, but the difference between that and being a creative or even having your own business is that that’s your avocado, right?

And they just picked it up and threw it away. And you do take that seriously because it is

Beate Chelette: part of your avocado. And,

Tim Melanson: and it’s very challenging to take, to just separate from that and go, you know what? They just don’t like avocados and that’s totally fine. Right. But it is, [00:13:00] it is a bit of a mind game, right?

Because you do tend to take that way more seriously if it’s your business, right?

Beate Chelette: Yes. A hundred percent. Yes. I mean, you know, I’ll give you another really stupid example. I took my daughter to the Doctor yesterday and so there’s a television blaring right above me The only seat available is me under the tv and it’s like spider man and it’s like all the dramatic music spider man crawling up buildings And stuff like that and then she sits next to me She takes her phone out and she puts it on speaker, which I hate hate hate So if you’re listening to this, please don’t do this It is so unbelievably rude to other people people do not need to hear or want to hear what you talk about Just put your headphones on so I said to her.

Well, excuse me. Pardon me, but Can you please put some headphones on? Uh, and she goes, I don’t have any. And I said, uh, I’m, I’m really trying to work here. Um, you know, I get it like from both sides. And then she got like all upset and huffy and puffy. And she, she dramatically got up and sat somewhere else.

And [00:14:00] then, you know, still listen to it on her speakerphone. It’s like, look, this has nothing to do with me not liking you. I just don’t want to listen to the news next to me on your speaker phone, which I have control over when I have to listen to something that I have no control over because I don’t have a remote control.

I was, you know, asked everybody if I could turn it down. These, these pieces always are

around. You have control over a

certain number of things, but how people react, you have no control over. So if you come from where you, where you clear where you’re coming from, right? My daughter, of course, was super embarrassed

and I was like, I really don’t care.

I don’t need to listen to this. I don’t want to listen to this. If she turns it off, great. If not that, you know, I’m not going to throw a fit. I’m just going to ask her regardless of how she reacts. It’s up to her. Uh, but people have strong reactions to things. Because they always take everything personal, but at the end of the day, you want to ask yourself, what is the fact here?

[00:15:00] The fact is you’re a musician. The fact is you need to put a lot of time and energy and money in to have that style that is you. The minute

you have that style, I can

guarantee this to you. I can give it to you in writing. There are going to be a number of people said, dude, what happened to you? You used to be really good.

Now your music just sucks. And other people are going to come and say, yeah, that. Is a sound I have not heard before. And you go like, is it good or is that bad? I said, no,

no, no, it’s,

it’s good. It’s good. I like it. I like it.

You have to follow what you need to do. I’m listening to this book, The Surrender

Experiment, which I totally recommend anybody.

Uh, to listen to or to, to read, and it’s about this guy who went into spirituality and meditation.

And then he just took whatever

was brought in front of him and shut the voice out that always judges everything. And then

just says, well, this is what I need. This is how much

money I [00:16:00] made. I got this offer.

It was

exactly for the money I just made. So I

guess the universe is telling me that I need to be doing this.

And he went on

to become ridiculously successful, uh, from a guy who was meditating and did want to do nothing other than meditate to run one of the develop one of the most successful medical billing software companies, uh, that.

It had over 2, 500 employees, right? So

the story always is that if you

step out of judgment and you really follow that heart and, you know, people overuse the word authentic, and I don’t want to terrorize your audience with that word, but when you really follow that call. Then in a voice and you say, but I know in my heart, you can’t go wrong.

It just, you just don’t know how long the path is and where it’s going to take you. You just have to follow that voice.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And then when you hear the [00:17:00] stories about, you know, the success and the failures along the way. You find out that oftentimes some of the biggest successes come out of the failures.

So sometimes you might be following your heart or your inner voice and it takes you down someplace where you get hit by a frying pan, right? Uh, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that that was the wrong path. It probably is the right path,

Beate Chelette: right?

Well, the way I describe this piece of it, I

want you to imagine you’re driving Your car and the GPS has been telling you for months and months and months update the GPS, you know, new navigation system available and you go like, I don’t have time.

I’m late for my gig. I got to run. You know, I’ve got to pick up my kid. I got to do something and then 1 day in ever inevitably they’re building that freeway. Your shortcut is not there anymore. It’s a cul de sac construction. So now you’re going to get out of the car. You’re going

to throw yourself on the pavement.

You’re going to throw a temper tantrum. You’re going to say, I’m the

worst driver in the world. This is never going to work for me. I’ll never drive again. [00:18:00] I’m going to sell this car. Insurance is too much.

Anyway, the, the, the roads suck. I suck. The car suck. Everything sucks. That’s it. This is it for me. You don’t, you know, your location.

is still there. It’s just this path that’s no longer

available. So

now instead of it, now you go in the car and you wave

friendly to the man with a hard hat or the woman and the neon suit with the, with the, with the stripe on it. And you

said, well, update my GPS next time. Thanks. And you find

another way.

And that’s, I think, where

failure gets so often

misunderstood. It’s like, you know,

you think you, this is it, this is the end of the world. It’s just not this

way. Find another one.

Anik Malenfant: Hi, my name is Anik Malenfant from Mastering Ascension, and I’ve been working with Tim Melanson and the Creative Crew Agency for a number of years now.

Tim is my go to guy for [00:19:00] all things technology, and his team have helped me to really Create the platform that I need that represents my brand, my message, and connects me directly to my ideal clients. What I particularly love about Tim is before he starts to dive into the technology, he always makes sure that he understands what your global view is, what your ultimate goals are.

So then that way you’re not wasting a lot of time back and forth switching around technology or platforms. He creates something from the get go that is scalable, which is highly, highly beneficial for any business. for joining us. What I’ve experienced from Tim and his team is they’re highly responsive.

They are a wealth of information and they’re going to offer you the tools that you need to really make the mark that you want to make in the world. So. That’s my recommendation for Tim. He’s awesome. You’re going to love every minute. You won’t regret

Beate Chelette: it.

Tim Melanson: Yep. And that’s just it. You, you would be very lucky if you just took a path and got all the [00:20:00] way to destination without any prior knowledge and just happened to choose the right path.

You were sometimes going to hit the wrong path. You’re just finding that out. Right?

Beate Chelette: Uh, I mean,

but when you, again, I think when you shift the example

to something so ridiculous,

then. You

go and you say, okay. Yeah. No, I mean, I would never do that. I mean, I would never like go in front of a construction crew and throw myself on the ground and throw a temper tantrum.

I mean, nobody would do that. I mean, maybe, maybe some people would. I was just going to probably right. Some people would. Yeah. Um, and I’m in L. A. So yes, probably a high probability here, but most people don’t.

And there has to be a always again, back to the question. What’s the truth in this? The truth in this is this way is not

the path.

Okay, eliminate it, cross it out. Now you have this option eliminated. Now, you know what other options you need to, you need to search [00:21:00] for. And

you just don’t know how

long it’s going to take and when your time comes, but you have to pursue your passion. Yeah.

Tim Melanson: And then furthermore to that is that the faster you can keep going and keep trying another path faster, you’ll get to your destination.

As you know, if you, if you take that one, you know, cul de sac and go, well, I’m going to have to take a few years to recover from this. Oh,

I’m going to add that to the story. That is so good. Now that I’ve been in a bad, bad position, I’m going to, I’m going to give myself two years just to deal with that, with the, with the backlash

Beate Chelette: of this bad decision.


Tim Melanson: And then maybe I’ll get back on the path and then find another cul de sac and then take 10 years this time. You know, I mean, that’s just it. I mean, it’s, if you were going through a maze, you wouldn’t just stop. You would, you’d keep going. You’d keep trying. Oh, keep trying. Oh, they’ll, they’ll, they’re okay.

This way is taking me further. And I mean, I, I find that’s, that’s part of the [00:22:00] jury. That’s the fun of the journey of finding a path that gets you pretty far. And then going, okay, I’m stopped again. I used to call them hurdles when I was learning, I was first learning an instrument, it’s that like you, you kind of like learn and then you get to a point where you just can’t get past something.

And one thing that I thought that was really interesting though, is that. When I took a break, and I just took a step back, maybe, maybe I took a break doing something else way outside, came back to it, then it was there, and then I got to the next hurdle, right? And it’s, it’s probably around the same thing with, with anything.

It’s just so easy to think about when you’re, when you’re looking at an instrument, but, uh, but when you’re going after a goal, it, it, It’s the same, isn’t it? You, you hit a hurdle, and then you have to, you do have to take a step back, but that doesn’t mean quit, it just means take a step back, recalibrate, and go again, right?

Beate Chelette: 100%. I mean, the other, the other thought is if you have a child, a newborn, and your [00:23:00] child wants to walk. You’re not gonna say every time they fall, I’ll just give it up, buddy. Not for you. Not for you. It’s just never gonna happen for you, walking. I mean, look at your wobbly legs. You just don’t have, you just don’t, don’t have the strength in the arm.

I mean, you gotta maybe hit the gym first before you try this again. I mean, no, no

parent said ever. Every parent goes like, yay, yay, Timmy boy, you got this.

Tim Melanson: Oh boy. Imagine if everybody in your life was that supportive in your business.

Exactly. Go, go, go, go. You got this. You got this. Good try. Yeah. Try again.

But I mean, that does, that does lead to another point where, where, you know, we do have to find that tribe. When we’re building a business, when we’re doing our work, because yeah, like some of the people in your life are not going to be super supportive of what you’re trying to do.

[00:24:00] And I have a theory that it’s because they can’t see themselves doing it. So they’re scared for you, right there, they’re scared that you’re going to get hit by the frying pan because they probably would hit by the frying pan, so they don’t want that for you, so they kind of take a step back, but there’s lots of people out there that are shooting for a goal and can be supportive of that, like have you, have you found yourself a little tribe of people that are supportive of your goals?

Beate Chelette: Yes. So there’s a lot to be said about what you, what you just mentioned. So number one, it’s not your parents job to tell you that you’re here for greatness. Your

parents kind of think that you’re here for greatness, but

according to the way they look at the world, which is why they are where they are. So you cannot expect that somebody who is consistently behaving the way that they were brought up or that they consistently behaving based on their value system, that they suddenly change that to accommodate you.

They don’t, if they would, they would be at a different point. They [00:25:00] would be entrepreneurs that will be widely successful. But if you have, you know, the white picket fence parents, and I say this with no judgment, it is going to be impossible for them to say, you’re going to be a great entrepreneur because they believe in the white picket fence.

So they’re most likely to say to you, well, if you had a corporate job, you had good vacation, you had good benefits, maybe one day pension, which we really don’t know if you will be ever or not. Uh, you, you have security, which you and I know is complete BS because, uh, I mean, judging by how many people get laid off every time the corporation changes course or their mind is staggering, so there really is no security ever, but it appears to be more security.

So you cannot go there. So you have to go around people to answer your question. Yes, that. Are your tribe entrepreneur organizations, um, meetups, masterminds, coaches, groups, communities where people like you hang out, but where there is honesty about, about this, because a lot of [00:26:00] times, especially in the performing industry, there people are not honest about where

they are.

No, it’s great. It’s not. I’m busy. Yeah. You’re busy going to the post office

and mailing your headshots. Uh, but you are not busy. Performing, you’re not busy doing gigs, so

then if that’s the case, you should be busy

making phone calls. But I think that the it’s a fine line of finding your try. That tells you that there is a opportunity for you to take advantage of and it’s not like this typical, which sometimes happens to the, the bad news is like a man.

It all sucks. It’s awful. L. A. is such a tough spot to be. There’s just too many musicians, not enough venues. And then, you know, finally have the venue and nobody showed up and all my friends is suck. You know, they all said they’re coming and then they didn’t come and then the venue. Was all mad [00:27:00] because they, you know, didn’t meet the minimum requirements, whatever that might, might, might be, you have to


around people that then say, well, that’s a pretty tough lesson that happened to me once, but Hey, here’s what you can do the next time, you know, you need to really, you can’t do this the night before you have to do this like a month ahead.

And you have to get the commitment, and you have to sell the tickets yourself, and you have to follow up, and if you, you, if you need to, you need to drive your friends there, or you need to, you know, organize these, who is picking up whom to get there, and, and make it like a whole thing, and after, afterward, we all go and hang out together, just make it something so that people actually show up, there’s lots of things you can do, so that’s the kind of people you need to hang around with, is that people that lift you to that next level, or they say, why you, why you moping around dude, what’s that gonna do for you, That also call you on your shit and tell you when you’re full of it and you’re, you’re, you know, um, a friend of mine [00:28:00] wrote a book and she

calls it the boohoo crew.

She says, you are allowed

to a boohoo crew for a night. That’s it. And then the boohoo crew leaves. And then you move on.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s so tough to find that group of people that are because it’s almost like the opposite. They’ll, they’ll be okay with you not being accountable. Like they’ll, they’ll be like, Oh, that’s okay.

Don’t worry about it. You’re only human. Those, those people. Right. And, and then also pumping your tires with things that aren’t really real too. Right. Like it’s, it’s, it’s the people that you’re looking for is exactly what you just said. The people that are. Not afraid to tell you what’s going on. Like, Hey, you, you know, are you, have you been actually out there?

and making those calls. That’s what’s important. It’s not, um, you know, Oh, I’ve just been working on it and meaning [00:29:00] not working on it. You got to make sure that you’re actually doing the work. Uh, but also, uh, they have to also be the type of person that, like you say, are able to have those experiences of things not going well for them and be able to show you a path that you can take.

Not necessarily that you have to take it. Give you a possibility of like, okay, well, that happened to you. You found a way out. I could probably find

Beate Chelette: a way out. Right? Yeah, you’re absolutely correct. And that, I think that’s why I tell my story as much as I tell my story about having been this immigrant single mom, 135, 000 in debt.

And then Bill Gates comes along and gives me millions of dollars. Is look, if I can do this and I’m a photographer by trade, I, you know, I wasn’t exactly the smartest in my family. I mean, then today, yeah. Buckle up people. I am by far the smartest, but that’s because I keep learning and that’s because I keep educating myself.

[00:30:00] And it, because then I realized that the traditional educational system wasn’t for me, that I was programmed to believe that if I was in an status quo environment, that somebody with my brain and with my talent. Would, would thrive in a status quo environment. I mean, that’s just preposterous.

Why did nobody tell me that?

So now when we look at this, um, my friend

Jeff Hayes wrote a book called the entrepreneurial brain and he, uh, has a television series. Called the entrepreneurial brain, which I’m very, very, uh, flattered to, you know, I’m, I’m in one of the episodes, uh, featured, and he says that the entrepreneurial brain, there’s only really 4 percent of the population that have that kind of a brain.

And it’s similar to, to somebody who is a criminal or bipolar, because the brain of an entrepreneur wants to defy existing rules. Because if you could follow rules,

if you, if you [00:31:00] could do the banking

career, Tim. I bet you would have done that, but you just can’t. It is just not possible for you, dentist, lawyer.

I mean, should I terrorize you any further?

Uh, it’s just not, it’s just not your path. So if we recognize that we don’t have a choice, and I think that’s what, what’s so hard for the status quo people is

to recognize it’s not a choice for people who are not like that. I don’t have a choice. I am unemployable, but I’m

really good at taking complex issues and business shortcuts and I can explain it to anybody.


creatives, because that’s my superpower

is to make a concept so simple that people say, Oh,

like an avocado in the supermarket. I get it.

I don’t, we don’t need to go into any, any KPIs and performance metrics.

Avocado. Got it. Right. And so [00:32:00]

when you are in this environment, you need to be around people that have a similar brain function or personality type as you.

But they need to be further ahead, which is why mentors

are so important. So anybody listening on your show, I want you to make


phone calls, pick a person you really, truly admire in your industry, and just call them five of them and ask them if they’ll mentor you. Because people at a certain level pay it forward.

They give back. That’s what the guy yesterday said. I said, what do you want to get out of this podcast interview on my show? And he says, nothing. He says, I want to give back.

Tim Melanson: Now, I find the same thing is that people that are at that level, I think it’s one of two things. Either they’ve gotten to that level because of a mentor, and they know, you know what?

It’s my turn. It’s my turn to pay that forward. Or maybe they didn’t have a mentor. Maybe they figured [00:33:00] out a path. And it’s just frustrating to go, like, watch people struggling when you know that you could help them, right? Um, but one of the things you said earlier that I want to go back on, I think that the people that ask questions are the smartest ones out there.

And it is so backwards because we sort of get this, like, idea that asking questions means you don’t know. So it means you’re stupid. So asking questions is sort of like, okay, well, that person asked a lot of questions. They’re an idiot. But like you said, if you ask enough questions, eventually you start to gather that information.

If you’re not asking any questions and you keep on saying, I know, I know every time something comes, comes up, then you’re not growing. And these people that are out there asking questions, these idiots that are asking questions are going to end up passing you real fast because they are actually out there gathering

Beate Chelette: that knowledge, right?


and there are so many aspects to

this of the asking [00:34:00] the questions is some people ask the questions just because they are wanting to confirm their opinion, but they already know, and what they already know, which is called confirmation bias. That’s different, but there are people that are purposely looking at the other side of it.

So, um, somebody recommended

me says it’s like, if you’re a Republican pick somebody. On like CNN or MSNBC. And pick somebody who is moderate on the other side and make it a point to listen to them. If you’re a Democrat, pick somebody who is moderate on the other side and listen to them. Maybe not exactly Breitbart, but, um, you know, but, but somebody on Fox who has a more centric, centric perspective.


the truth is always somewhere in

the middle, the truth is not the either one or the other. If you look at the language that’s used, the more inflammatory [00:35:00] the language, the more you already know it’s an opinion piece. And I come from journalism, you know, I’m a trained, uh, uh, photojournalist. And when we used to do stories, we had to fact check, like we had people in the office that would call and fact check.

I can guarantee you nobody’s fact checking anything. People look

at stuff, they take it hook, line, and sinker because it was on the

internet. Or on TV. Or even more so, yeah. And if it’s repeated often enough, then it must be, it must

be true. So, but it’s the same thing for business. If somebody says to you, it’s hard

to be a musician.

Says who?

How do you know that’s true? Was it hard for Beyonce? Was it hard for the Beatles? Would the Beatles say it was hard? Would the Rolling Stones say it was

hard? It probably

Tim Melanson: was hard to get to that point. Had to go through the 10, 000 hours just like everybody else.

Beate Chelette: Yeah, what’s

Elton John say? I mean, Elton John [00:36:00] famously sat down and, and created a melody around a, a phone book.

He says, I can, I can create, I can create a melody around anything. Give me a phone book. And he sang to the phone book. I was, my mind was blown. That is the double whammy for artists. You gotta hone the craft and you gotta hone the business. You thought you’re going to go into the, uh, creative side, so you never have to deal with the business side, only to find out that the business side is only a fraction of the, uh, the, the, the creative side is only a fraction of what you really need to do, and the business side is really much larger, until you can make the money, and then you can have people run

the business, and God forbid there’s some shiesters, some of the people that are out there.

So that way you can handle with that thing and you can fully concentrate on your art. But you have to learn this if you want to be successful. There’s just no way around it.

Tim Melanson: I could talk to you forever, but it’s time for your guest solo. So tell her what’s exciting in your

Beate Chelette: business or your life.

Was this already my solo?

Yeah, so, so, um, [00:37:00] first of all, for all your listeners, Tim, wherever you pick up the show, will you please do Tim a huge favor and go there

and, uh, give him a five star review, subscribe, and leave a comment,


if it’s a green heart, that means that you’ve listened to the entire episode, and I will tell you why this is so important to make a comment, it’s because it teaches the algorithm That you actually like the Joe, that there’s engagement and it will help him put this in front of more people who need to hear what we talked about today.

And if you know one person, please share this episode just with one other person today who needs to hear what we, what we shared today. It is a labor of love. So give some love back to Tim. So now with that, um, the way where you can find me, I’m known as the growth architect. As I said, I work with tons of creatives.

I love landing planes on big, fat, nutty ideas. The more colorful the people, the better it is. And, uh, you find me on social media, drop in my DM, make sure you mention the show though, so I can give you priority treatment.

If you’ve heard something and you say, I must [00:38:00] talk to this person, go to uncovery session.

com and schedule a complimentary

15 minute session with our business growth advisor.

Happy to give that to your audience.

Just make sure again, you mentioned the show. So we know this is coming from Tim, so we can be grateful to Tim. And we know that what we do is working. And if you want to know about business, go to listen to the business growth architect show, but don’t be a stranger, reach out.

I’m here to help.

Tim Melanson: Business growth and architecture. That’s really cool. I’m going to have to check out that show too.

Beate Chelette: Please do.

Tim Melanson: Thank you so much for rocking out with me today. This has been a lot of fun.

Beate Chelette: Thank you, Tim. I am excited. We completely stayed off script the entire time. We did. We had a blast.

That’s the way it works. We rocked

out. That’s what good improv is, right?


Tim Melanson: Yeah, exactly. No, I thought it was, it was really good. And we did touch on the topics just in a, yes, in a way, but awesome. And so to the subscribers, Oh, as we mentioned already, make sure you subscribe, rate, and call it. We’ll see you next time on the work at home.

[00:39:00] Rockstar podcast. Thanks for

Beate Chelette: listening to learn how you can become a work at home rockstar or become a better one. Head on over to work at home. rockstar. com today.

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