Turning Litter into Gold: Journey To A Six-figure Cleaning Business with Brian Winch

Sep 25, 2023 | Assembling The Band, Gathering Fans, PodCast, Practice Makes Progress, Season 3

The Back-Story

Strap in; we’re about to embark on a journey of entrepreneurial grit and determination with Brian Winch, the man who turned cleaning litter from parking lots into a six-figure business. We uncover Brian’s early days, the hurdles he had to jump, and the myth of the ‘customer is always right’ that he victoriously debunked. He also sheds light on his successful book, Clean Lots America’s Simplest Business, and the success stories stemming from it. So, buckle up and get ready to immerse yourself in Brian’s inspiring journey and valuable insights on building a successful business.

Who is Brian Winch?

Brian Winch grew his simple home-based environmental service from a side hustle in 1981 into a six-figure business of 40+ years. He started with little money, education, and skills and shares how you can do the same in his book Cleanlots – America’s Simplest Business.

Show Notes

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In This Episode:
[0:00] Intro
[0:29] The good note: A story of business success
[2:17] The bad note: One thing that got him down for a while
[4:41] How does he keep getting good at what he does?
[6:31] How does he go about finding the right people to surround himself with?
[12:16] How does he turn followers into fans?
[18:47] On delegating tasks
[24:07] How does he go about coming up with new content?
[28:13] Guest solo: What’s exciting in his business right now?
[31:05] Where to find Brian
[31:44] Outro


Read Transcript

Tim Melanson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to today’s episode of the work at home rock star podcast.

Excited for today’s guest. He is the author of clean lots and he’s been in business for 40 plus years. And what he does now is he helps people start a simple home based business, uh, cleaning litter from parking lots, which is almost as easy as going for a walk. Very excited about that. And, uh, we are talking to Brian Winch today.

Hey, Brian, you ready to rock?

Brian Winch: I’m ready to rock and roll, Tim. Thanks for having

Tim Melanson: me. Awesome. Thanks for being here. So we always start off here in a good note. So tell me a story of success that you can be inspired by.

Brian Winch: Oh, well, um, you know, I, I come from very humble background, uh, not much money, uh, not much education or skills.

This was back in 1981 when I started my business and I was working a full time job and, um, all I had. Take, uh, to get started was the memory, uh, of my, my dad who had recently passed away at the time, one of his side gigs, uh, which was [00:01:00] cleaning up litter from parking lots. So, uh, uh, I started that I had nothing to lose and I turned it into a, uh, a six figure business of 40 plus years.

So I think that’s pretty good success story.

Tim Melanson: That’s not bad. I’ll take it now. Okay. Well, with the good note, you know, sometimes you’re going to hit a couple of bad notes along the way. So. You know, tell me, was there some things that didn’t go as planned that we can learn from?

Brian Winch: Oh, yeah. I mean, things didn’t run smoothly, like from the get go.

I was very determined to, to be successful and make this business, uh, you know, my, my full time occupation. So I obviously ran into hurdles and roadblocks and everything, but, um, I refused to, to give up. And, uh, I just, um, I, I got help. I found a mentor or I did research. This was way back before the internet, mind you.

So, um, you know, the information wasn’t as easily defined, uh, back then as it is today. So if I had to go to the [00:02:00] library or, you know, talk to friends or, or network with some people, uh, I did what I had to do to, uh, you know, to circumvent, you know, any of those problems or roadblocks that I, that I encountered at that time.

So I could move forward and grow the business. Right

Tim Melanson: on. Well, is there, is there one big one that, that kind of kind of got you down for a little while?

Brian Winch: Um, well, you know, well, I mean, the one mistake I made, uh, actually after being in business for about, you know, probably about seven or eight years, um, you know, there’s that expression out there.

The customer’s always right. And, and, uh, you know, I guess, you know, that’s a myth. Really? I know from experience, but, um, a couple of my clients, uh, approached me and said, Brian, you know, we love the service you’re providing, cleaning up the litter from our parking lots. Um, you know, are there some other services you can provide for us?

And I said, such as what? And, uh, and, you know, we started listing some things off. Like, can you shovel some snow in the winter? Can you cut some grass in the [00:03:00] summer? And, um, you know, back then I was afraid of losing business. So I said, yes, and I did it. Um, you know, this was on a small scale, you know, you know, those other services he was wanting me to provide.

And I did that for a few years. And then I just grew to hate doing that. I mean, they don’t really compliment or work together well with my parking lot, litter cleanup in terms of the hours and et cetera. And so finally I, you know, with great trepidation, I, I approached them and, um, told them this isn’t working out.

Um, you know, I, I like, like to stay on doing the litter pick, but I. Really don’t want to do the snow shoveling and the grass cutting anymore. And, and, uh, I thought perhaps I would lose the, his business. And he said, no, no problem. I was just, I thought maybe I might be doing you a favor asking to do these other services so you could make some more money.

But, um, but yeah, it was a lesson learned. Um, and so, you know, what we do. Is just litter [00:04:00] cleanup. That’s that’s all we do. And we’d rather be seen as the the the experts rather than a jack of all trades and, you know, master of none.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And that’s a common theme that I hear from a lot of entrepreneurs is just trying to figure out what you do really well and focus on that rather than offering all these extra services,

Brian Winch: right?

Right. And then, you know, I mean, why did you get into that business to begin with? We know whatever service or product you’re selling is because you really enjoy what you’re doing as opposed to, you know, branching out into some other things that you’re really aren’t your, you know, field of expertise.


Tim Melanson: And, and shoveling snow is not as easy as

Brian Winch: going for a walk and it’s colder,

Tim Melanson: much colder for sure. So tell me a little bit about practicing. Like, so, you know, you’ve been in business for a long time. Uh, I mean, have you had to keep up on your skills or anything like that? Like, what do you, what do you do to keep up with the times?

I guess.

Brian Winch: Well, you know, there’s always new technologies, new platforms, and I’m a great proponent of telling people you [00:05:00] don’t have to be everywhere, but it’s important that you be where your customers, where your prospects are. So, you know, you, you, uh. They have to keep working on those things. Um, um, you don’t have to know everything, but you know, like I say, uh, where I said before, if, if you need assistance, there’s plenty of ways to, to get that now, uh, free, but, uh, um, just, you know, keep working with, you know, what is working well for you.

And, um, and you’ll continue to be successful. Yeah,

Tim Melanson: absolutely. Uh, now what about, do you have any sort of like regular rituals or routines that you, that you keep up with, you know, just to keep yourself sane even?

Brian Winch: Well, you know, I absolutely refuse to work weekends. So, um, I work Monday through Friday. Uh, we do have clients, however, that, uh, you know, want their, some properties cleaned on the weekends as well.

So, um, You know, I’ve delegated that work or, you know, we we use subcontractors to do a lot of the cleaning for us. Um, I no longer work as many hours as I [00:06:00] used to when I was younger, but I still enjoy putting in about three hours of the actual cleaning work every day because it’s great exercise. I love the early morning work, the hours, the peace, the solitude of those early morning hours.

And, you know, I Do a lot of my best thinking while I’m cleaning up litter. Um, and so, uh, but yeah, I, you know, I, I, I guess I have that luxury now at this stage in, uh, in my business where I can pick and choose my hours and, and, um, and, you know, just do what I enjoy doing.

Tim Melanson: Thanks. So let’s talk a little bit about the delegating.

Like, so how do you go about finding good people to, uh, to surround yourself with?

Brian Winch: Well, when we first started the business and started, uh, um, uh, subbing out the work, um, we, uh, we thought, well, you know, a great source of, you know, potential client or not client, but, uh, potential, um, um, cleaning, uh, prospects, um, where it would be, you know, friends, family, members, relatives, um, you know, people that You [00:07:00] know, knew what you were doing and they thought that was a cool idea.

And then they, you know, maybe in the past they’d say, Hey, you know, if you ever got some extra work slides on my way, I’d, I’d love to do this for a few hours before I go to work in the mornings. So, you know, that worked out really well. We’ve got some of those same people, you know, they’re still doing, uh, you know, the, the, uh, the cleaning force, uh, you know, 30 years later, um, you know, the last probably 5 10 years, um, you know, with a lot of these job boards that are online, um, there’s a lot of small, very small micro, you know, janitorial cleaning companies, if you will, that, um, are only interested in doing the cleaning, not necessarily getting contracts themselves, and they’re open to all sorts of different type of Uh, you know, types of cleaning.

So, you know, uh, a lot of those people are a great source. Um, and you know, we don’t have to worry about them stealing any business from us, but we get great results and they understand what it takes and what, what they have to do to keep customers happy. So, um, there’s, you know, all sorts of, [00:08:00] uh, different ways to find people that work for you.

Tim Melanson: And that’s a really good point because, uh, you know, there is quite a few people. That are, and, and that want to just do the work, but don’t necessarily want all the other stuff that goes along with it, like getting the clients and all that stuff in it. I think that that’s, uh, one of the things that I’ve found was misunderstood about working from home.

I think that people think that, oh, if I’m going to start a business, I’m going to work from home. Well, I’m going to be the salesperson, but that is not necessarily true. You could probably hook yourself up with somebody who’s doing all those sales and you can just do the work, right?

Brian Winch: Well, you know, I think, you know, um, if you’re a solopreneur, um, you have to understand your product or service and, you know, really who is better in, in explaining, uh, to prospects, you know, what it is that you do, then yourself, um, you know, I did try early [00:09:00] on, um, you know, uh, subbing that out, you know, like the sales work, but it, Uh, It just didn’t work.

And so what I’ve and it’s really simple. Actually, I’m an introvert. I’m not an extrovert. And a lot of people think if you’re in sales or you’re gonna be in business, you have to be an extrovert. I don’t believe that at all. What you have to do. Is believe in the benefits or believe in your product or service and sell the benefits.

So for example, when I’m, when I’m, um, uh, prospecting, um, I’m going to explain to my prospect, the benefits they get from using our company or in service service, as opposed to just selling the features, et cetera, and, and providing that extra value, like, Hey, anybody can clean up. But in addition, To our our litter, litter picker, litter cleanup service.

We’re also going to provide you with free reporting and it doesn’t cost you anything. So, for example, when we’re cleaning a property and we notice fresh graffiti on the wall or [00:10:00] somebody stumped off a sofa and a mattress at the back of the building. We, uh, we just take a picture of that and forward the image with a text, the, the, the following morning to our clients to make their job easier.

And they appreciate getting that, you know, those field reports, if you will, uh, to notify their, you know, graffiti removal company or their junk, uh, junk hauling contractor to, to remove the, the sofas, et cetera. And they’d rather hear it from us and get on it. Quickly, as opposed to hearing it from an angry tenant saying, you know what, nobody showed up here for a couple of days because, you know, why is this stuff still on the wall?

Why is this stuff still sitting behind the waste dumpster?

Tim Melanson: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I agree. I think that having I’ve tried to hire salespeople to in the past, but I’m always It’s tough, right? You’re, you’re always going to be the best at that. And I like what you’re talking about, talking about the benefits, because I think that a lot of people get stuck in trying to get, you know, very complicated with what they’re offering, you know, [00:11:00] talking about all the details of, you know, here’s how we do it.

And these are the cleaners we use and all

Brian Winch: that kind of stuff. And here’s how big it is. And it’s got an opening this wide and it sits this tall. Yeah. At the end of the day, nobody buys the product, you know, for those reasons. I mean, it’s what, what is the product going to do for them? You know, how is it going to make them feel good?

Um, and you know, if you think about it, um, you know, people, the maker of, uh, jeans, when they show their jeans commercials, they’re showing how attractive you can look and it’s usually a model, right? How attractive those, uh, those jeans look on that person. And so people think, wow, those jeans are going to look great on me too.

And you know, that’s why they buy them. They don’t care about, you know, how many stitches are down the leg or, or et cetera.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. You’re totally right. And, and so, you know, is there, like, how do you go about finding that information out? Like, let’s just say you’re trying, you’re, you’re in that point where, you know, you’ve got the details, you know, you have a great product, but how do you make that connection to the client?[00:12:00]

Brian Winch: Uh, well, just explaining the benefits, what that product is going to provide them or what it’s going to do to them. Um, and so you have to wrap your mind around that type of thinking, as opposed to the technical side of it.

Tim Melanson: And what about, so let’s talk a little bit about getting fans, like the, the, the marketing side.

So how do you change somebody? And, and Hey, now with social media, it’s easy to get in front of an audience, right? Uh, but how do you get that audience to now want to follow you and want to do business with you?

Brian Winch: Um, well, I mean, you know, like, for example, we have a company page on LinkedIn and, you know, we’ll post a lot of the stuff that we send to our clients that, you know, we discussed earlier, such as the graffiti or stuff like that.

And we’ll, we’ll, uh, we’ll, um, uh, attach, um, In a post, the, the image, of course, but also, you know, this is what we do, you know, besides cleaning up litter, we also report the graffiti, et cetera. And, you know, we use the, it’s important to [00:13:00] use the right hash, hash marks and et cetera. Uh, and, uh, so people that follow you or people that are following, you know, those related subjects are gonna see the posts.

And so it doesn’t necessarily lead to a client, you know, uh, the first time they’ve seen our posts, but you build trust. And after a while, you know, they could very well reach out to you and, and, uh, because they’ve been, you know, seeing your posts for, for the last 2, months, whatever, maybe a year, and they reach out to you and say, Hey, you know what, and they think they know all about you, you know, uh, and the service you provide based on what they’ve been, how they’ve been following and the content you, you’ve been providing.

So they’re, so they’re more receptive to, you know. Um, you know, doing business and they’re more, they’re, they’re, they believe in your service because they, they think they know you based on, you know, what you’ve been posting on, on social media, whatever, uh, um, platform that may be. Okay.

Tim Melanson: And so, I mean, you’ve been in business 40 years, so I imagine things have changed a little bit.

Like. [00:14:00] Have they changed much in the last 40 years from what you used to do for marketing

Brian Winch: to now? Oh, well, you know what, it’s anyone who’s starting a business now, I have to say from personal experience, it’s so much easier now than it was when I started out. Um, you know, the internet back in the day. Uh, and, uh, you know, I mean, people of a certain age, I, you know, I don’t know how, how, how long ago did they stop publishing and distributing yellow page telephone directories, uh, 15 years ago or something, but I mean, back when we were operating, that was the internet of the day, the yellow pages was.

probably about six inches, depending on the size of your city, but, you know, good three to five, six inches thick. And, you know, if you wanted to go to, you know, find a good pizza restaurant, you know, there wasn’t social media defined, you know, who recommends this pizza place, you know, word of mouth, of course, was always present back then as well.

But, you know, if you needed a plumber or whatever, you just. The saying back in the day was let your fingers do the walking, [00:15:00] and you would go through the pages and find your plumber, find your landscaper, find your, your, uh, Chinese food restaurant, whatever the case is. So, you know, with that in mind, that’s where we had to advertise.

So we, uh, we started out with just a little listing and then we expanded that into a display ad and, uh, and, you know, and you were hoping that people would find your ad in. The, the telephone book and, and reach out to you. And, and that’s how we did business for quite a few years. And then after, you know, with the advent of the internet and, and, um, you know, um, and, and websites and, and, um, um, you know, things like, uh, getting a Google business profile or getting a profile on LinkedIn, uh, basically there’s no need to pay for, for those ads in, in, in the yellow pages or basically anywhere else we don’t pay for.

Well, you know, we do pay for advertising, you know, when we pay for clicks, you know, when we, when we advertise on, on, uh, on Google and we’ve tried to add, you know, um, [00:16:00] uh, LinkedIn ads as well, but, uh, we’ve Google is, is worked up, you know, really well for us. But as long as you, you have that content and which you share like on your, your, your social channel.

So that goes a long way in bringing customers to you.

Tim Melanson: Hey, Rockstar. I hope you’re enjoying this episode of the Work at Home Rockstar podcast. If you didn’t know already, my business is Creative Crew Agency. We build websites. Now let’s talk about your website for a minute. Most people realize that at this.

day and age, we need a website, but we don’t really know what the website is supposed to do. And sometimes you’ll just go and build a website for the sake of building a website. What I do is I make sure that your website actually accomplishes a goal. Now, there are three main goals. To most websites.

Number 1 is to provide information and build credibility. Number 2 is to schedule some sort of appointment and get them on onto a sales call. Number 3 is to sell something like an e commerce site. Now, when you’re setting your website, you have to be very mindful that. [00:17:00] The visitor doesn’t know what to do.

And so you have to provide them with a roadmap that leads them down a path to wherever you want them to go on my website. I want them to be on a free consultation. So that’s why when you go to creative crew agency. com, you’ll see information about Scheduling a free consultation. Now for you though, I’m going to provide you with an extra link so that you can get your free website audit.

Go to creative crew agency. com forward slash free website audit and schedule an audit with me. And I’ll go through your website live and determine what we can do to improve your conversions and make sure that you’re getting the business from your website. Go to creative crew agency. com and we’ll see you there.

Were you quick to make that switch to, uh, to that different model or would

Brian Winch: it take you a while? I’m never, I’m never first to the, to the dance. Uh, I mean, I’m dragged kicking and screaming. And then when, when I absolutely see that it, it, uh, the benefits and there’s. There’s no way the other one works [00:18:00] or is, is really, um, you know, worth it anymore.

Then, yeah, then I’m, I jump in feet first and I’m a big, but, uh, and then I’m really loyal, I tend to be maybe too loyal to, to some of these platforms. Uh, but, uh, but yeah, I mean, like I say, that’s the one thing I guess I don’t like is, you know, the change is becoming so much more rapid. But, uh, and you know, you, you, you get pulled in different directions, but like I say, you know, you have to know where your prospects are and they’re not everywhere.

I mean, like if you’re selling, if you’re a business selling to consumers, you know, maybe more of a, you know, Facebook and some of those other platforms, but if you’re a business selling to business, uh, LinkedIn is still the number one place to be. Totally. I

Tim Melanson: agree. So now do you, uh, do you do all this yourself?

I mean, do you have a, you know, a social media person that does it for you or anything

Brian Winch: like that, or, well, yeah, I, I have, uh, had in the past, but that’s something I [00:19:00] found out, you know, from doing myself, um, and knowing my business more or better than, than, you know, than, you know, uh, paying somebody, uh, uh, I, um, I, I use somebody for probably three or four years and, uh, and then at the beginning of the pandemic, you know, what, two, almost three years ago, uh, a lot of business dropped off.

So I had to cut expenses and, uh, I, you know, they were one of the first to go because a lot of business was drying up, but then coming out of the pandemic, I took over, you know, I took it over myself, I had the time. During the pandemic to learn some of these new skills, like on the Internet, there’s so many things you can learn on YouTube, you name it.

And I found out I was getting better results doing it myself than, you know, what I was getting from the previous, you know, uh, you know, a sales agency that are supposed to be experts, but, but that’s the thing, like I said before, you know, they don’t know everyone’s business. It’s impossible. I mean, they could have how many [00:20:00] clients.

And, uh, you know, they think they’ll, they’ll do what’s best for you, but at the end of the day, you know, your business better than anyone ever will.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. I’ve found like, and I mean, my business is actually, I do do marketing. I build websites. I do other it stuff and branding, and you can hire someone to do all that stuff.

But when it comes to the day to day kind of like content. I just feel like it’s got to come from the business owner, right? Or somebody

Brian Winch: internal. Yeah, well, and that’s true. And like, you know, with my website, I mean, I could never create and design my own website. So I got somebody else to do that. But in terms of what the content that’s on it, I mean, I’ve got a huge hand in that.

And so you just need to. In some cases delegate, I mean, cause you can’t do everything yourself, you know, but you do what you know best and get others to do a lot of the other stuff. And maybe you find some other stuff is really menial and you just don’t want to do it. You hate doing it. Well, there’s always somebody to do it for you.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, [00:21:00] exactly. And especially nowadays where it’s so much easier to find those people, right? Yeah. You know, there’s lots of people that are looking to work from home right now and working, you know, a side hustle of some sort, or even a full time business. You know, you can find some contractors that can just.

You know, maybe they have a bunch of other clients doing similar work, and you can just hire a few of their hours a week. You don’t have to hire full time

Brian Winch: employees, right? No, well, there’s plenty of virtual assistants out there, and it’s just you just have to weed the best candidates out from the, you know, from the other ones.

So it’s like, it’s like anything really.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And do you have any sort of like processes on how to weed those, those clients out? Well,

Brian Winch: I mean, like now a lot of, you know, just checking reviews, like everyone does on social media now, like I’ve got my son’s, uh, You know, uh, we’ll be checking out a new restaurant, and the first thing they do is check the reviews to see to see if it’s any good or not before they even want to think about stepping into the [00:22:00] place.

So, uh, but yeah, I mean, you know, there’s all sorts of information online to, you know, find out, um, you know, well, you know, if, um. You know, if it’s there, they get positive reviews and they’re like, and again, we come full circle. I mean, that’s, that’s where you got to be and you got to make sure you provide that extra value where people are going to want to, uh, take the time to give you good reviews and, and, and tell people, you know, why, why dealing with, uh, you know, clean lots or, or whatever the case is, is, uh, is, is such a good idea.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Uh, so that whole thing about reviews is everywhere too. Like, I mean, not only can you get like a Google business profile and collect reviews on there or Facebook profile, collect reviews on there, you know, there’s lots of places where you can, you know, for your own business, make sure you’re set up and you’re collecting reviews because that’s what people are looking for.

And then on the other side of it, too, when you’re looking for someone, make sure you go check those reviews, too. I mean, there’s really no excuse to not have a situation where you’ve got reviews being collected,

Brian Winch: right? [00:23:00] Exactly. Exactly. So, you know, I’ve got a Google, uh, my business profile, or they’ve recently changed it to Google business profile, I guess.

And so, yeah, you’re always conscious of, um, you know, your reviews and, uh, and you know, and You know, on that profile, sharing updates about, you know, whether you’ve got sales or deals or, you know, um, you know, what, if you added another service or why your service is better and why, why is that? How is your service better and, uh, you know, sharing images and even videos and, uh, you know, it’s amazing because with analytics.

Even with the LinkedIn, your company page at the end of every week, you know, you get a notification from LinkedIn, for example, showing, you know, um, the, the activity, you know, how many people, you know, saw your post and how many people engaged everything. And sometimes, you know, you know, it’s, it’s pretty cool because you, you know, you may have might have just.

Put, uh, you know, shared an image and wrote two or three sentences. That’s it. It doesn’t take long to [00:24:00] create that. And then at the end of the week, you found out, Oh, that many people read that and saw it and liked it. And well, that’s cool.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Yeah. And how do you go about, uh, you know, coming up with new content all the time?

Brian Winch: Um, it’s just from. Seeing and, uh, you know, I mean, that’s a good idea because you think you run out of ideas after a while, but there’s always something, um, you know, I’ll give you an idea. I guess it was last year, but, uh, last May, uh, and, uh, I pulled into one of my shopping centers that I, that I cleaned and I discovered in the middle of the parking lot, somebody had, uh, pulled off one of the, uh, the sewer grates, you know, the iron, uh, uh, catch basin grates and.

And cut it in half somehow and then put half back in place, but the other half was missing. And I couldn’t understand who would do this and why would they do that? So I thought it would make an interesting, amusing piece. So I shared it, uh, on my social media and I said, what do you think somebody [00:25:00] would, uh, would.

Do this or use half of a sewer grate for and some people replied. They had some great ideas. Well, maybe it was a homeless person who decided that was a good cheap barbecue grill or or, you know, whatever the case is. And, um, so, yeah, I mean, I got a lot of engagement just by putting something like out there like that.

So, so, yeah, I mean, my business is never boring. It’s not, you know, routine where it’s the same stuff every day. Yeah. You know, it’s sometimes it’s surprising what you, you, you will see. And so I share that on, on, uh, my company page all the time, you know, and it makes for, uh, makes for great

Tim Melanson: content. And I think what you’re, the point I think that you’re, that you’re making here is that the content that you’re putting out there is not just sale, sale, sale.

I got a sale. I got a sale. It’s, it’s like literal, like this cool stuff that you’re experiencing, right? Yeah,

Brian Winch: well, you know, it keeps you, you know, relevant, it keeps you, um, newsworthy, but you’re right. I mean, nobody, you don’t want to come across [00:26:00] as salesy and anything you do, what, you know, whether it’s posting content, uh, on your social pages or, or, uh, even on your website for, for that matter, you.

You know, you want to make a sale, but you want to, you don’t want to come across as pushy or salesy because at the end of the day, nobody wants, nobody really likes to be sold. I mean, people, you know, there’s nothing worse than, you know, answering the phone and at the other end, there’s a telemarketer and right away, you know, they’re trying to sell you something and most people do, you know.

You know, some people are more polite than others, but, uh, uh, you know, that’s just, I, in my opinion, I just don’t like to be sold anything. I will buy when I want to buy when I’m motivated, when I have a reason to buy, but I don’t just phone me up and say, Hey, I got a great product. You got to buy it. And, and this deal was only good for the, for today.

Don’t, you know, it’s not good tomorrow. You need to buy it today.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Yeah. I know. Yeah. And, and I think that that’s the thing is that there’s like, I suppose there are. Some companies and some [00:27:00] businesses and some products that are like, you know, you’ve got to educate people on like, maybe it’s a brand new invention.

Maybe I don’t know that they don’t know that they need right, but for the most part, most businesses offer, you know, a product that people know that they need and all you got to do is just make sure that you’re. You know, providing that value to them, right?

Brian Winch: Right. Well, it can like in the case of, um, are the, uh, the cleaning the cleanup business.

Um, you know, we share the benefits. Uh, and the way we do that is we say, hey, uh, we can provide you with a cleaner litter free property, uh, for less money. We provide our service after hours where there’s no vehicle interference and use tools, simple tools that allow us to clean up more material in less time, thus saving you money.

So, you know, that’s, that’s what we would, you know, uh, use in a lot of cases. And, and, uh, and if, and then if we wanted to go one, you know, a couple of words, uh, uh, further in order to get a prospect to agree to provide his email [00:28:00] address, so we could send them more information about our company would say, you know, um, what is your email address?

We’d love to share more information. So, so, you know, um, so you can see how we can be a benefit to you.

Tim Melanson: Okay. Right on. Okay, Ryan, it is time for your guest solo. So tell me what’s exciting in your business right now.

Brian Winch: Well, um, you know, I, you know, I don’t, like I mentioned before, work as many hours cleaning anymore, but, um, I’m putting in more time throughout the day, uh, appearing on podcasts and, and spreading the gospel of my book, Clean Lots, America’s Simplest Business.

And I really get excited sharing this simple cleaning opportunity with other people across the country who, uh, you know, quite frankly, don’t mind cleaning up after other people. And, you know, fortunes have been made. They’re being made by people that, um, uh, you feel the same way we do. Uh, we have no problem cleaning up, but we like leaving the environment.

[00:29:00] Uh, the, the properties that we clean in a better situation, um, than when, when we arrived and we feel good about the service we’re providing. And, you know, there are, you know, Surprisingly, a lot of people out there that, uh, tend to agree with us and, and they’ve been, uh, really successful after buying the book and, and I provide free support.

Um, and it’s one way of giving back, uh, you know, to, uh, in memory of my dad who, uh, unfortunately wasn’t alive to see me take his idea and turn this into such a successful business, but. You know, he was a caretaker. He was a janitor and that’s what he did for his job. And then he did a number of side hustles on the side.

And, uh, and so, yeah, you know, I get a kick out of, uh, helping other people out and, and, uh, and some of them actually are more successful than I am. Wow. That must feel pretty good. Yeah, it does. It does. Like, I’ve got one, one fellow, uh, who, uh, bought [00:30:00] my book three years ago, uh, in the Chicago area and, uh, long story short, he’s now operating nationwide, every state.

Tim Melanson: Wow, that’s amazing. And I love it too, because it is leaving the world in a better situation than you found it. And you can also make a few bucks in

Brian Winch: the process, right? That’s right. You know, and, you know, I, I keep this affordable because I, you know, I’m conscious of who my demographic is, the people that are interested in this opportunity, uh, are probably much the same, uh, in the same situation then.

Then, uh, that I was when I started out, I mean, not much education, not many skills, not a lot of money in the bank. You know, I didn’t have thousands of dollars or was I willing to go out and sign a big loan? I didn’t have any business experience. I learned from doing it and that’s why having a simple business based from home as a side hustle is, I think the best way to acquire those skills and develop your, uh, home based business and maybe take it full [00:31:00] time and who knows where it’ll go from there.

Tim Melanson: Amen. I agree. So tell me, how do we find out more?

Brian Winch: Uh, you go to my website, uh, cleanlots. com and my book is available there. There’s a brief video that shows me cleaning up. So you get a feel for what I’m doing. Uh, there’s a free report you can download. Uh, is this the right opportunity for you? Uh, my book’s available on Amazon as well, all the online bookstores.

And, um, yeah, there’s, you know, check me out cleanlots. com.

Tim Melanson: Great. That’s awesome. Thank you so much, Brian, for rocking out with me today. This has been a good, good time.

Brian Winch: Thanks Tim. I’ve enjoyed myself.

Tim Melanson: Right on. To the listeners, make sure you subscribe, rate, and comment. We’ll see you next time with the Work at Home Rockstar podcast.


Brian Winch: for listening. To learn how you can become a Work at Home Rockstar or become a better one, head on over to WorkAtHomeRockstar. com today.

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