Hunting for ‘Nos’: The Road to Entrepreneurial Success with Dan D. Johnson

Apr 22, 2024 | Assembling The Band, Instruments of Choice, Learning from the Best, PodCast, Season 3

The Back-Story

In this podcast episode, Tim is joined by Dan Johnson, a Failure Transformation Expert. Dan, shares his personal story of success and offers valuable insights and advice for entrepreneurs. He emphasizes the importance of execution and not being afraid to take risks. Dan also shares stories of failures and how he learned from them to bounce back and achieve success. They discuss the tools and principles that can lead to success, including focus, confidence, discipline, and consistency. Dan also offers a free webinar series to help you transform your mindset and achieve success. Overall, this episode provides practical advice for entrepreneurs looking to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Show Notes

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In This Episode:
(0:56) The good note
(5:17) The bad note
(7:53) Keep swinging and learn through failure
(13:48) The people that he hired
(17:58) Unbelievable work ethic
(21:15) There are no shortcuts, no skipping
(26:18) Four principles to be successful
(30:48) Go after a hundred “Nos”
(33:30) What’s exciting in his business right now
(35:22) Where to find Dan
(35:41) Outro


Read Transcript (generated: may contain errors)

Tim Melanson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to today’s episode of the work at home rock star podcast.

Excited for today’s episode. We’ve got a failure transformation expert with a bad note, I think. And he is from the Dan Johnson worldwide and the empowerment center. And what he does is he helps small business owners to live a better life. So I’m super excited to be rocking out with none other than Dan Johnson.

Hey, Dan, you ready to rock?

Dan Johnson: Yeah, let’s rock and roll. What’s up there, Tim? Thank you so much for having me.

So thank you so much for having it. So tell me a story of success that we can be inspired by. You know what, as a young man, I was about 21 years old. I was working at a radio station and I used to work out. I actually used to be buff, believe it or not. I used to work out and the general sales manager, I would come in with my clothes on a dry cleaner hook.

And the purpose of the clothes was to go and change and put on my suit and stuff and get ready for work. And so the general manager of the station, one day called me into his office. I always got there hour early and he said, Hey, what are you doing? Running a dry cleaners out of my radio station. [00:01:00] And I said, no, but it doesn’t like a bad idea.

And so we begin to talk about the idea of me running the dry cleaners out of his station. And he said, well, as long as you maintain being above goal every month, cause I was a sales guy. And so he said, I would be your customer. So that day I left the radio station and went to the local printer. And printed up some dry cleaning tickets.

I spent about 80 bucks and I started the business called executive dry cleaning solutions. We come to you and literally my general manager became my client. All of my coworkers became clients. They will bring their clothes to the radio station. I would take them home. I was 20, 21 years old. I would take them home.

I would tag the clothes and do all of that. I negotiated a deal with the local dry cleaners to clean the clothes. I would drop them off. They’ll clean them. I’ll come back, pick them up the next [00:02:00] day. I’ll deliver them. We did that for about 12 months. And from that. We opened up a walk in facility. We built it with 4, 000 customers, and then we opened up a second facility.

And eventually I would give one away and sell the other. But I think that was a pretty cool story on a good note of how we’ve been able to navigate business over the past 20 plus years.

Tim Melanson: an architect. I mean, there was no real thinking about that, or, Oh, maybe, maybe they’ll let me go on that for a few weeks.

Dan Johnson: We thought about it in that 30 minute conversation. When he’s, when I said, it’s not a bad idea. And we basically wrote the plan in that 30 minute conversation. And then I begin to execute. I always believe that there’s no substitution for the lack of execution. So you have to execute. A lot of us have plans, but we don’t have a plan to execute.

And it is the lack of execution that causes most plans to fail. [00:03:00] And so that’s what I believe and that’s what we did.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, I, I see the same thing. I mean, it’s a matter of like, you have these great ideas and then you think about it, talk yourself out of it. Right. And next, you know, you don’t do it.

Dan Johnson: Consider this Southwest airlines, Southwest airlines was established by two gentlemen that was complaining at the airport while waiting to take flight. They met at a bar. They wrote the business plan in about 45 minutes on a napkin and look where they are today. Wow.

Tim Melanson: And, you know, let’s do a little analogy with music.

I mean, there are some of the greatest songs and I mean, you can look this up. We’re written in five, 10 minutes, but it’s interesting when you hear that, like, it’s just this inspiration hits and it’s right. And you go for it. And then, you know, some people that will take, you know, decades to write a song and it doesn’t go anywhere.

Meanwhile, you got somebody who was just playing out with a riff and now it’s a song, right?

Dan Johnson: think that’s the whole key. We look [00:04:00] for perfection. We wait for all of the ducks to line up in a row before we pull the trigger. And the truth of the matter is ducks don’t sit still. So if you wait for all of the ducks to line up in a row before you pull the trigger, then you’re never going to pull the trigger.

So I say, Hey, if you get a duck in sight, pull the trigger. And that’s really how things go viral today. If you think about it, things go viral, not because it was planned and it was perfect. Most of them go viral on accident.

Tim Melanson: You’re right. Now, that’s not to say that if you were to just go on a whim and do something that it’s not, it’s going to go perfect.

There’s going to be possibly something that’s going to go wrong. Was there anything that didn’t go necessarily right for you? And how did you recover from that? Well, the title

Dan Johnson: failure transformation expert suggests that there were not just it.

Anything, there were multiple things, in my life that didn’t go right for me. And we had to make some adjustments. [00:05:00] For example, I remember in the stock market when the stock market had crashed. Right. I lost six figures in the stock market. As a young man, we had just built 30 homes, cash, low income homes, cash, myself, along with the investment group.

And we were only able to sell two of those homes. Before the market crashed and everything bottomed out because they were low income homes for people for affordable housing. And so it was terrible. And I looked up one day I was at 30, I was nearly a millionaire. And then before you knew it, the market crashed and my car got repo.

I walk outside. I’m thinking someone stole my car. And the truth of the matter is it got repo. It took me 10 years to get back in real estate Because I was afraid because I fail and failure is a real thing. The challenge with [00:06:00] failure, Tim, is that most of us become one with fail and we allow our failures to shape our identity.

And I had to learn through that process that failure is not who I am. Failure is something that happened. And if I look at failure, right, it becomes a life lesson that says, oops, That didn’t work. And so I learned from those things and then I would later come bounce back by the grace of God. I would later bounce back and build.

We were going through an eviction and we wasn’t going through eviction because we wasn’t paying the mortgage. I just was afraid to buy. So I was renting. And the landlord didn’t pay the mortgage and I didn’t know it. I got faced with a 90 day eviction and what we did in 90 days, I had to find a place to live.

And seven months later, I made a choice that I’ll never be in that position again. And we had built a million dollar real estate [00:07:00] portfolio. it took some principles. It took some tools. It took some grit and some grind in order to make that happen. Wow. That’s such great advice.

Tim Melanson: And that’s the thing is that we’re all afraid to fail.

Why don’t you agree that the more failures, especially little failures that you make, easier it gets, right? Over time. Like I said, I

Dan Johnson: think failures are like lessons learned that didn’t work. So that means every time I fail, if I look at it, right, I should become smarter. I believe it was the vacuum cleaner.

They had about 10, 000 prototypes before they found a prototype that actually worked. What if they would have stopped? What if they would have given up on the hundredth prototype? Listen, if I can help your listeners and those that are listening to us today, if I can give them one piece of advice, issue failure, a bill of divorcement, divorce yourself from failure, because if as long as you become [00:08:00] one with it, you’re It will follow you everywhere you go, and you won’t start because you’re, you’re afraid to fail.

And to me, the true essence of failure is not how you finished, but the fact that you refuse to start.

Tim Melanson: And you know what? I mean, really, there are so many ways that you can work this out in your mind as well. I mean, think about a sports game. I mean, if you get scored upon, the game’s not over yet. You’re just down by one.

Yeah, and that’s a similar thing with failure. Sometimes, you know, something might hit you. You’re not done. You know, you know when you quit really if you quit at that point, well, then you’re down you lost that game. And that’s okay, too. You know what?

Dan Johnson: You know, you can come back, right? Yeah. You know, I am a fight fan, so I love watching boxing. I love UFC, you know, I’m a fight fan and I was, I forgot the fight that I was watching, but this particular boxer was down throughout the entire fight, and it was in the [00:09:00] 12th round and they told him in the corner, Hey, listen, the fight is not over.

You’re down on the scorecards, but if you go out and knock them out, you win. And this particular boxer got out. In the 12th round and he kept swinging and he landed a 12th round knockout. And so the lesson that I learned from that is that as long as you are in the fight, there’s an opportunity that you win.

And it doesn’t matter how late in the fight, it looks. It doesn’t matter how many hits that you’ve taken. If you keep swinging, there’s a possibility that you can land a 12 round knockout. So what is that point? The point is keep swinging, stay in the fight and keep swinging.

Tim Melanson: And you know what? It’s funny.

That’s a pretty good analogy because sometimes business does seem like fight, you know, you are pretty hard with some things that just. You’re just not expecting right, you know, and, it can be tough. [00:10:00] And I think that though, on the other hand of it is that nowadays there’s lots of places where you can get help.

Right. And. You know, for you, you know, how did you, like, did you reach out for help? Like, did you know all this all on your own? Like, how was it that, you know, learn the things you learned to get good at what you do?

Dan Johnson: First and foremost, I definitely didn’t learn it on my own. I had a few failures to help teach me.

But the second thing to that point is that I’ve always marked somebody. That was where I was trying to go and that became a vision for me, whether it was a distant coach from afar or somebody where I invested money in to sit in a room, to learn some of the secrets and the trades of their success. And so I believe that mentorship is so important.

I believe that coaching is so important, which is why I’ve committed my life to helping small businesses start their business, build their business and ultimately scale their business. And so I do that as a coach because [00:11:00] of the fact there was things that I learned that you don’t have to make those same mistakes.

I’ve already failed at it. I’ve already got the book on it and I got the sauce to how to transform it into success. So let’s me and you work together. People along the way, spiritually, I have a spiritual coach. I have a pastor that I rely on. When I wanted to learn more about internet marketing, I was speaking in Thailand at an international internet marketing conference.

And I learned from there when I wanted to become better in sales, I marked someone and I learned from there. If you’re going to become better, you have to make certain that you’re not limiting yourself to yourself.

Tim Melanson: I agree. And really, the first part of it is that you’ve got to sort of let go of a bit of that ego thinking that you’re already great at everything and realize that, hey, you know what, there’s some other people out there that might be a little bit further down the road than I am.

No, it’s just like in a race, you look at the person in front of you and you try to keep pace with [00:12:00] them. That’s like your guideline, right? You know, that you can kind of stay behind them and get a little bit closer, a little bit closer, but you have to have something that you’re shooting towards.

Otherwise, I mean, it’s like, imagine trying to run a race and everybody runs the race alone. How would you know if you’re winning?

Dan Johnson: Yeah. You won’t know. And that’s what I think vision, why vision is so important. The beginning of anything that ever exists is vision and vision takes you beyond where you are.

And because vision takes you beyond where you are, I believe vision helps you. It provides your daily activity direction. It says that because this is where I’m going. Then this is what I’m going to have to do today to get there tomorrow. And so vision is the driving force of where you’re seeking to go and how to actually get there.

Tim Melanson: So let’s talk a little bit about the people that you have around you. Now, is there a, you know, what first thing you did? Like who were the first people that you hired into your team? I mean, did you hire them or did you subcontract? Like what is your. And look like, well,

Dan Johnson: [00:13:00] so the answer is C all of the above, right?

I am a serial entrepreneur, keyword prey, other keywords, cereal. So I own multiple businesses. So for example, in my real estate business, I have about nine employees. All of them have variations of skill sets that can actually, that’s needed in order to build a home. I trained my son. My son has been, he’s 21.

He’s been working with me now for about four years. He owns 51 percent of that company. So I do client relations and business development, and then he does everything else. And so I have that infrastructure in place. And then we have an office manager that kind of handles. the administration, you got to have a team, right?

So with Dan Johnson Worldwide, we have someone that’s been in communication with you to facilitate this booking. We have that person that handles scheduling We have another person that handles all of our presentations [00:14:00] PowerPoints and graphics.

And so we have a person that’s full time that does that. So what am I saying? What I’m saying is you got to have a team. And one of the things I’ve learned about building teams earlier on, I hired people Tim that I was trying to help, but didn’t necessarily have the capacity to help me I hire people with my heart and not my head.

And so what I’ve learned is you got to hire the right people. Now, what does the right people look like? Number one, those are the individuals that understands the vision. Number two, those are the individuals that have the necessary capacity To keep up with you in running towards the vision. Number three, those are people that have the competency in their area of expertise as they work within the business.

Number four, those are people that have compassion for people and seeing the business overall, [00:15:00] the vision of that business and the mission of that business. Successful.

Tim Melanson: rockstar. I hope you’re enjoying this episode of the work at home rockstar podcast.

Most people realize that at this day and age, we need a website, but we don’t really know what the website is supposed to do. What I do is I make sure that your website actually accomplishes a goal.

Now, there are three main goals to most websites. Number one is to provide information and build credibility. Number two is to schedule some sort of appointment and get them onto a sales call. Number three is to sell something like an e commerce site. Now, when you’re setting your website, you have to be very mindful that the visitor doesn’t know what to do.

And so you have to provide them with a roadmap that leads them down a path to wherever you want them to go on my website. I want them to be on a free consultation. So that’s why when you go to creative crew agency. com, you’ll see information about scheduling a free consultation. Now for you, I’m going to provide you with an extra link so that you can get your free website audit.

Go to creative crew [00:16:00] agency. com forward slash free website audit. And schedule an audit with me and I’ll go through your website live and determine what we can do to improve your conversions and make sure that you’re getting the business from your website. Go to creative crew agency. com and we’ll see you there.

This reminds me of like the whole, you know, you have to fill your own cup before you can start to talk to others. Right? I mean, if you’re sort of just starting your business and getting going, then you’re right. I mean, if you hire. Friends, family, people that you’re trying to help, well, it’s not going to get you very far, right?

You need to hire the people that you just mentioned with those principles in order to make sure that you get ahead. And then maybe you can be in a situation where you can give back, right?

Dan Johnson: guess what? It wasn’t always like that, right? We’re home based business. We’re in our homes. We’re by ourselves.

And so that’s the other piece. You got to have an unbelievable work ethic and you got to use what I call the WOWS method. W O W S E. And that’s answers this question. What are you willing to do with or without [00:17:00] someone else? Because sometimes we stagnate our business because we’re waiting. For help when we have to become that help, first and foremost,

Tim Melanson: I learned so much through doing that.

I’ve been in that situation too, where you’re kind of going like, well, I don’t really know how to do this. You know, it’s not going to be perfect, but when it comes down to it, it’s either not perfect or not done at all. You’ve got to do something,

Dan Johnson: right? Absolutely. One of my clients this year is their fifth year.

They’re in the health and wellness industry. I serve, I’ve been a consultant for them for five years. And they started out zero, right? And now they’re a multi multi million dollar organization. But I remember I tell stories all the time of the CEO who was in the little small cubicle area, putting labels, hand labels on the bottles herself.

You know, they developed a team called team [00:18:00] no sleep. it was like three or four people. They never slept. To build this now multimillion dollar company with 30, 000 customers and 3000 distributors across the country. But it started out with the CEO putting the labels in.

I walk in, you know, with my high and mighty self as a consultant. And she says, Hey, Dan, Can you stir this, this lotion for me and keep stirring it so we can put it in a bottle while we’re meeting. Sometimes you just got to do it. You got to do it yourself until you get to that place where you can hire somebody else.

Tim Melanson: And you know what? That like, let’s think of our, let’s think of our, but you know that you don’t like this, how I can do it. So now when you’re looking for someone to help you, you know, that that’s the bar and that’s as low as it’ll go. It’s a matter of finding someone that could do it just a little bit better than that.

Right? Absolutely. Absolutely. Now, on the other hand, you know, when you start to get to that point, you now [00:19:00] free up that time so you can go and do something else.

Dan Johnson: Yeah. And that’s the whole key. You want to get to the place where you’re not working at your business, you’re working on your business. And I think when I shared that model with about my son, that’s kind of where we are now where I’m not working at the business.

I’m talking to you. He’s the one that’s making ordering supplies. He’s the one that’s making, you know, Home Depot runs and all of those things while I’m talking to you. So I’m working and then I’m the one that’s building the business.

I’m working on the business. We’re getting new clients and things of that nature. You want to get to, you want to set up an infrastructure. Well, you’re no longer having to be the guy to put the labels on the bottles, but you’re the guy that’s talking to the stores that’s going to buy the bottles.

Tim Melanson: people would say, Hey, can I skip the part where I’m doing all the stuff and I just get to the point where Dan is right [00:20:00] now?

Dan Johnson: there’s no shortcuts. Because you’re looking at where I am right now, the part that you want to skip is actually what got me here.

Tim Melanson: Yeah,

Dan Johnson: if that makes sense, the part that you want to skip is what got me here.

And if you want to get to where I am, then you’re going to have to do the part you want to skip because I didn’t skip that part. And that’s what I think is so important about entrepreneurs, unless you have a bunch of money. That you can just throw at the wall and waste, which I’d never had that. And I think I shared with you off camera that every business pretty much that we’ve started with the exception of one, and we’ve started and built over 12 businesses with the exception of one, everyone that we started, we started with a hundred dollars or less, and we built it one day, one sweat, one tear, one failure, one broken brick.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. That’s super inspiring. Like, cause I think to myself, well, you know what? I didn’t grow up with a bullet load of money either. And I’m sure that there’s a lot of people that are listening to this that don’t have a ton of money. We all have time and we all [00:21:00] have the ability to use that time to get to that point, right?

Dan Johnson: Listen, and that time Is one of the most valuable assets that we have ever been given the value of time. And I think the problem is most people don’t understand the value of time. I actually entrepreneurs and I’ve coached CEOs on this piece called what’s stealing your time and killing your productivity.

And we can analyze, we analyze for seven days. Where our time is going, and we show you how to get that time back so that you can use that time and invest it so that it can get a return.

Tim Melanson: I’ve done that exercise as well. And I would say I recommend to everybody to see where your time goes, because they don’t blow your mind.

It really, I’m sure. And even you, you’re a high achieving person. I’m pretty sure when you did that, it probably blew your mind.

Dan Johnson: I did it. At the age of 42, [00:22:00] not at the age of 40, when I did it at the age of 40, and I realized I had about 26 hours a week unaccounted for. So guess what I did, Tim, I went back to school.

I took four to five classes per semester, full time as a grown man with five children, with multiple businesses traveling across the country, and I was able to graduate. Two years later, Magnum Cunlati, because I took my time back, I found my time. And I said, I can’t waste this time anymore. I’ll say this, and I want you to consider this, Tim, every day in your life is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

It is a day that you’ve never seen before. And it is a day you’ll never see again, which means every second that goes by is a second of your life. Going by, [00:23:00] what are you going to do with your day? And in answering that question, it also answers the question. What are you going to do with your life?

Tim Melanson: Stop wasting time.

So important. And it’s so crazy because we think about some people don’t think about money at all. A lot of people do sort of account for their money and even budget their money. they know that we don’t do that same type of budgeting with our time. And we should, because you know, there’s a lot of time being wasted that, you know, if you took that time and like you say, go to school.

There’s a million things you could be doing. And a lot of it is distractions, watching TV, you know, things that entertainment, right. And phone

Dan Johnson: calls that you didn’t, you know, what, call me and they say, Hey, Dan, what you doing? I’m always doing something. And then I say, what you doing? They say nothing. I say, well, I’m gonna let you get back to your nothing.

So I can get back to my something.

Tim Melanson: right there is a good tip on its own of like, don’t answer the phone. [00:24:00] Like I don’t answer the phone on the first ring. I’ll actually let it sit. And then I’ll get back to the person when I have some free time in the calendar that’s scheduled. And I think that’s important because when people realize that they could just get ahold of you at any time, because you’re working from home and you know, that it ends up wasting your time and they end up asking you to do stuff that you feel bad saying no to.

Dan Johnson: to do it for free and they know that you’re the guy that that’s how you get paid. Right. And so, you know, I tell people all the time, even clients that I coach, you can’t pay me to waste my time. It’s too valuable.

Tim Melanson: Amazing. So let’s talk a little bit about tools.

So what are the tools and instruments that you use to get success in your business?

Dan Johnson: You know what? There’s four principles that I believe can transform any failure into success. There’s four principles that you can have that can help you become successful. You know, the first principle is focus.

There’s a lot going on in life, but you got to be able to stay focused. The second thing is confidence. [00:25:00] Cause if you don’t believe in yourself, then nobody else is going to believe in it. If you don’t believe you can do it, then you’ll never try. And so if you don’t believe, if you didn’t believe Tim that you had something to offer through this rockstar podcast, then you would have never started it.

You would have never offered it. Number one is focus. Number two is confidence. Number three is discipline. You gotta have successful discipline habits in order to be successful. It’s not going to happen because you want it to happen. It’s gonna happen because you work for it to happen. Greatness is not something that’s given.

It’s something that is achieved. And anything that requires achievement requires discipline, and so you gotta have discipline. And then the fourth thing is consistency. Sometime we quit too soon, but I believe that if you do the right thing, consistent enough, long enough, it will eventually be enough confidence, discipline, and consistency.

Tim Melanson: I think I would add one more. I would add forgiveness. Forgive yourself if you don’t.

Dan Johnson: you said that [00:26:00] I thought about my, I got a chick on the side. Now, I’m just going to be honest. I have a chick on the side. Would you like me to tell you about my chick on the side?

I love, love, love her because whenever I give her a share of vision with her, what she does is she immediately receives my vision. And then she immediately goes and gives me direction to help me get there. And when I follow those directions, sometimes I come into detours. Sometimes I make the wrong turn.

Sometimes I stop. Even though she’s giving me the directions to get there, sometimes I miss it. I’m not paying attention. But what I like about my chick on the side, Is that whenever I make a wrong turn, whenever I come to a detour, whenever I stop, she doesn’t fuss, she doesn’t cuss. She doesn’t tell me how much of a failure I am.

What she does is she just recalculates and when she [00:27:00] recalculates two things, she does, she forget about where I started. She picks me up from where I am. And she doesn’t forget my destination to where I’m going. And that’s why I love Siri so much.

And I want you to do is do what Siri does for you. Do it for yourself. Hey, listen, you made the wrong turn. You came up against a detour. Listen, don’t change your destination. You may have to change the route to get there, but you don’t have to change the destination and don’t beat yourself up. The fact that you made the mistake, forget about where you came from, pick up from where you are, but never change where you’re going.

Tim Melanson: that. I love that. And it’s so good. Well, you’re right. And I agree with all that. The one thing that I would say on that is that times I know I’ve been in a place where I wasn’t 100 percent confident that whatever is like maybe a sales call.

Sales call is a good example. It’s scary to pick up the phone. It’s weird to call that person and ask them for the sale or whatever it [00:28:00] is you got to do. I mean, bottom line is that, you know, your business, you know, that you can do that’s what they’d offer. So, you know, if you’re confident in that, in that part of it, it’s, I might be scared to pick up the phone.

Well, what ends up happening is that when you make those calls, sometimes it goes better than you expect it to, you know, you make the call, you, you ask them a couple of questions, you find out that they do have a problem. You say, Hey, are you open to, to looking at this? They say yes, you’re like, okay, I like, yeah, exactly.

Supposedly it will surprise you that people are actually looking for what it is that you want. And then that builds your confidence. Once you get a couple of yeses, now you’re like, okay, people are looking for this. And it just kind of pumps you right up.

Dan Johnson: call.

So, you know what I do for those that are in sales that are afraid to make those calls? I change their goals. And I tell them, listen, I need you to go get me a hundred no’s today. Go after a hundred no’s. So your goal is not a yes. Your goal is no’s. And [00:29:00] on your way going after a hundred no’s, you stumble across a few yes’s.

And you learn some things along the way and the more you learn and the more you go after the nose, the more yeses you’re going to get. So you don’t deal with rejection when someone tells you no, because you’re excited. You hit the goal. I got another note and that I’ve learned that helped me when I was young and in sales and it’s helped many people that we’ve coached to get over that fear of rejection of making the call.

Tim Melanson: And you know what else too, is that on the other end of that line, you’ve got somebody who was now a little bit confused because you don’t need them anymore. Now it’s a matter of, you’re not desperate. You’re actually okay with them saying no.

Dan Johnson: give me some time to think about it. They would. one of my failures about sales is that I didn’t like rejection. So if I called on you two or three times and you didn’t respond, I wouldn’t call no more, and then I’ll look up and somebody else got you.

Yeah, because I told [00:30:00] myself, no, you see, and that’s what I like to help people to understand. Tim, the reality is don’t tell yourself no, before asking for the yes. How many times with the blade? No, they’re not going to want to do it. No, no, me. No, no. You know what? I might as well not even waste my time and ask, stop telling yourself no, before you ask for the yes.

Ask for it. Worst they can say. Is no, but ask.

Tim Melanson: Oh, I love that. And I hope that anybody who’s listening to this is listening It’s normal. However, you know, you just gotta ask for it. Cause You never know. And one of the things that you just said though, that is totally true.

If you’re working in a sales team. and you watch your buddy go out there and get that sale that you said to yourself. They’re not going to be interested in. There’s nothing more motivating than that.

Dan Johnson: I felt that pain. And so, you know, I’m going to ask for a yes.

You’re going to have to tell me no. And if you tell me no, that means I only got 99 [00:31:00] more no’s to go. All right. So it’s time for your guest. So tell me what’s exciting your business right now, dad. So, you know, right now we’re focused on three areas. And number one, we’re focused on helping you to transform mental failure into success because success is really a mindset.

And, you know, some of us we’ve dealt with a lot of trauma in our past and all of those things. And so we got a few webinars that’s coming up to help do that. The failure transformation webinars. Number two, we just launched a financial literacy board game and a financial literacy book. We’re teaching financial literacy all across the country.

And the last thing, which is really big for me is through our non for profit organization. We are, we leave March 27 for South Africa and we’re building in South Africa, fresh produce markets. We’re build, we’ve adopted schools. We’re building a school classrooms for schools, their dormitories for safe housing for young girls to be able to go to school safely.

And so those are the things that we have going on. [00:32:00] So if we looked at, as I give my guests solo, I would say this for your listeners that are listening today, they can go to dandjohnson. com. What I like to do is offer them one of our webinar series, absolutely free. Everyone else is signing up for them.

They’re paying for it for your listeners. If they go to dandjohnson. com, give us your name and your email address. You’re going to begin to receive, we’re going to welcome you. And then you’re going to receive an email. That’s going to give you three webinars is going to take place. You pick which one is most suitable for you.

And that webinar is going to be absolutely free to you. Thank you for this opportunity to share with you, share with the audience. And I hope that because I was here today, that we’ve empowered some people to live a better life.

Tim Melanson: Me too. Thank you so much for rocking out with me today, Dan. This has been a lot of fun. And you said dandjohnson. com, right? Love it. Thank you so much. And thank you for that gift too. Cause all three of those webinars will be useful [00:33:00] for anybody. So thank you so much for that. I appreciate you. Awesome. And to the listeners, make sure you subscribe and rate and comment and we’ll see you next time with the work at home rockstar podcast.

Intro: Thanks for listening to learn how you can become a work at home rockstar or become a better one.

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