Bridging Traditional and Holistic Medicine with Dr. Kimberly Faucher

Jul 7, 2024 | Gathering Fans, Learning from the Best, PodCast, Season 3, The Jam Room

The Back-Story

In this episode, we talk with Dr. Kimberly Faucher, the founder of Tend and Tonic, who assists women in bridging the gap between traditional medicine and holistic practices. Dr. Kim shares her journey from starting her medical career in the Air Force to successfully founding her own practice in California. She discusses facing financial challenges during the economic downturn of 2008 and emphasizes the importance of health and community building. Dr. Kim also talks about her holistic approach to medicine, her efforts to help patients build strong personal economies, and her upcoming in-person event focused on comprehensive wellness.

Who is Dr. Kimberly Faucher?

Dr. Kimberly Faucher is a seasoned Air Force veteran, practicing physician, entrepreneur, founder of the private equity firm Open Sky Associates, and best-selling author. She is a curious problem solver who seamlessly integrates soul and science through her practice, Tend and Tonic. With a passion for problem-solving and a heart dedicated to well-being, Dr. Kim combines extensive experience in program development, business administration, and strategic organizational efficiency with her medical expertise. Her transformative methodology lies in a unique 3-part framework, the GPS for Well-Being, which empowers her clients to personalize and integrate strategies across all eight domains of health.

Show Notes

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In this Episode:

00:00 Introduction to Today’s Guest: Kimberly Faucher
00:28 Kimberly’s Journey: From Air Force to Thriving Practice
02:06 Overcoming Financial Struggles and Building Resilience
04:29 The Importance of Health and Personal Economy
09:29 Holistic Practices and Medical Insights
15:49 Creating an Optimal Home Office Environment
22:06 The Power of Collaboration and Outsourcing
27:47 Empowering Women Through Community and Health
34:36 Conclusion and How to Connect with Dr. Kim
If you need any further adjustments, please let me know!


Read Transcript (generated: may contain errors)

Tim Melanson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to today’s episode of the work at home rockstar podcast today. I’m excited. We’re talking to MD and founder of tendon tonic. And what she does is she helps women bridge the gap between traditional medicine and holistic practices. It’s going to be an interesting episode. Excited to be talking to Kimberly Faucher.

Hey, Kimberly, you’re ready to rock.

Kimberly Faucher: I am

Tim Melanson: Awesome. So we always start off here in a good note. So tell me a story of success in your business that we can be inspired by.

Kimberly Faucher: I started my medical career in the Air Force, where I was giving my time in exchange for not spending fortune getting educated, which allowed me to have the opportunity to choose what I wanted to do based on loving it, which is going to be a theme. Uh, afterwards. Completing that commitment in the air force, I went to Seattle and I worked in a big multi specialty corporation.

And at some point, when my daughter was 10, I decided I wanted to, um, be a little bit closer to nature, [00:01:00] spend more time with her. And, uh, being a sunnier climate, so I moved or relocated from Seattle to California. Um, and. Uh, started my own practice, so this is the sort of entrepreneurial aspect of this starting my own practice from the ground up in a town that had no gynecologist and within 9 months.

That practice was basically thriving, which is kind of unheard of. And that’s to me, that is a huge success. It’s about being really. Tuned into what I cared about and taking action and, um, then being, you know, courageous to see it through the beginning parts of the story. So, um, I feel good about having done that.

Tim Melanson: Awesome. Well, so now not everything is sunshine and roses though. Cause some things don’t go as planned and you know, the good note kind of comes with a bad [00:02:00] note sometimes. So I’m wondering, can you share with us something that didn’t go as planned and how you recovered?

Kimberly Faucher: Yeah. So the bad note happened simultaneously as a good note, which is why I was laughing and the bad note is I moved in 2008. So, I had, I had mortgages in Seattle and mortgages in California and rental house mortgages and a brand new business. And in 2008, you couldn’t sell anything. You couldn’t refinance anything.

There was no loans to be had. And I had like, Uh, no money to get this business going and it was very, very, uh, financially stressful. Um, and I sort of vowed in the midst of it that I would not be in this position when this happened again, because this is a cycle. I, I was old enough that I’d already seen a couple of these come and go.

I still got. You know, caught in it, because that’s the nature of us. [00:03:00] Uh, so I vowed that that was not going to happen again, but I built the practice and it got going and it was really satisfying. And I did all the things. And I was just about set to dial it back and maybe focus on something else, which was preparing myself for the.

The third act of life, which was. You know, establishing a passive income stream and being able to be in a different supporting role to my family. And guess what happened? So, um, very clear that there’s no amount of preparation that you can do for some of the things that happen. And the best you can do is sort of be positioned and being positioned means looking at your.

You know, what are your values? How are you aligned and what are you doing to be aligned with them? And are you making good decisions with your, your health and your well, so you can withstand these things where you’re being [00:04:00] forced basically to pivot and you don’t really have pivot in your plan.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, that’s a good call. Like, and like you say, I mean, you can’t possibly. I don’t foresee anything, you know, every single thing that can happen. Right. But like you say, you know, your health and your wealth, I suppose those are some things that you can have as buffers, right? I mean, if you have your health and you have something to fall back on, you know, if something were to happen, well, then you’re, you’re in better shape, right?

Kimberly Faucher: Yeah, definitely encoded that became very clear, like how vulnerable everybody was and they’re even more vulnerable because their personal economies are disrupted and if you don’t have your health, you pretty much aren’t going to think about anything else. But if you have this feeling that you’re pretty much okay, or you’re okay enough.

Nothing keeps people up at night. No, nothing makes people, you know, fight with their family. Nobody feels as stressed as they do when their personal [00:05:00] economy is capsizing. And so what I got out of that experience was. Really that need to factor in people’s personal economy to their to approaching their health because it was not, you could not separate it.

People would not come in because of their 20 dollar copay, or they not come in because of their misgivings about being in public. And then the next thing that happens is. You start to see the very clear adverse effects of just not having social network of any sort or a community and how. So, then my next, my next iteration of as a, as a doctor in this little rural town, like, what would I do different was, I think that I could figure out, or we should be maybe paying attention to how can we.

Address that how can we become more resilient and in better position as people by creating, uh, [00:06:00] circumstances and. Opportunities to build community and build it now, just like we want to fix the roof while the sun is out. It might be another day ahead.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Well, I remember getting some advice a long time ago from one of my mentors who said, it’s better to build a network before you need it. That

Kimberly Faucher: Yeah,

Tim Melanson: kind of comes into play here. Right. Right.

Kimberly Faucher: Yeah, especially as you get a few more decades. You just don’t want to be hitting the ground. It doesn’t it’s hard to bounce back further further along. You go.

Tim Melanson: well, and, and I think, I mean, I think that, uh, so some of the, I suppose, silver lining of what happened with COVID is I think it did put their big spotlight on, you know, number one, your, your own health and the people you have around you, because like you say, I mean, imagine if somebody was, you know, just flying high, making tons of money and whatever it is that they [00:07:00] were doing, you But then all of a sudden they couldn’t make money in that thing that they were doing anymore.

You know, if, if they were sacrificing their health in order to make that money, well, now all of a sudden they can’t make the money anymore and their health is poor. Now what? Right?

Kimberly Faucher: right. And they

Tim Melanson: the other hand,

Kimberly Faucher: have no experience navigating health care either because they’ve just been not needing it or ignoring it.

Tim Melanson: probably not. Yeah, just ignoring it. You know, maybe they need it the whole time, but they just don’t want to take the time to, you know, focus on that or eat better or whatever it happens to be. But I think that What we did learn as well is that there were probably a number of individuals that maybe they weren’t super rich or whatever it was, but they were happy with what they were doing and they were taking care of themselves.

So then when all this happened and they lost their ability to make whatever money they were making and whatever they were doing [00:08:00] at that particular time, they were probably more able to shift into something else. Because they were healthy, right? They were, they were feeling good and they could have the mental stamina to, to pivot, right?

Kimberly Faucher: Yeah, I think that people who are overall more grounded and maybe more focused on their health in general were able to find their way in and keep being seen and other people who were. Not did tend to like, uh, show up a little bit at home and there are anecdotes. In my community of people who they did have a devastating medical event occur.

It didn’t get attended to the system. You know, the hospital was making it even harder than it already is to navigate health care. And so their condition in that 2 year or whatever time did become untreatable basically. And that’s a sad, really [00:09:00] sad circumstance.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, not all things can be fixed with a healthy lifestyle, I’m sure. But, uh, but I bet you a lot could, right?

Kimberly Faucher: Yeah, that’s like positioning foundational. You’re, you’re going to be better off if you’ve, uh, stuck with the fundamentals, you know, the sleep, the exercise, the nutrition, et cetera.

Tim Melanson: So let’s talk about practices then. I mean, we’re talking about, you know, let’s talk about business, but you know, what I’ve found is very interesting is that when we talk about this, this practice makes perfect, uh, Category in the, in the rockstar formula, oftentimes it brings up a lot of these, you know, just general holistic practices of, you know, routines and rituals that they do to keep themselves, you know, alert and all that stuff.

Like, is that kind of the things that [00:10:00] you want to talk about? Or, I mean, from in your line of work, practice means something totally different or does it mean something totally

Kimberly Faucher: Yeah. Yeah. So practice makes perfect does apply to medicine because that’s what we call it as a practice and part of it is. We are, um, we’re getting better and better and better. It’s like, at first, we learn a lot of facts, but we get better at the interpersonal relation part. And we get better at crystallizing the knowledge that we’ve gained over time, seeing how something we did worked or didn’t work or what the difference was.

And there’s also this. You figure out that if just knowing the information was enough, we would all this is a very common cliche. We would all have a 1, 000, 000 dollars and 6 pack abs. Right? And so there’s the how to help people effectuate the thing. And so most of my practice now is really those 2 bookends.

So there’s the ABC is being sort of aware and then there’s the sort of basic building blocks and then there’s Getting committed and getting it done and I help people [00:11:00] like, figure out what do they really care about? What are they trying to accomplish? So that we can choose the right tactics or tools.

And then, um, but then it’s this part where you commit to doing something and you’re clear exactly what it is you need to do. And then you have somebody coaching you and keeping you accountable and that’s the part where practice makes perfect. So we have, there’s lots of books. People like to refer to.

About how to start and maintain, you know, habit and like, for me, I’m, I’m also have a, like, a time sensitive activity to things. Like, I don’t want to go down some dubious rabbit hole of this will help you or this is going to magically do this. Or all you need is this 1 thing. It’s like, or you need to spend 5 hours every day doing it, or you’re wasting your time.

I want to know. What is the minimum effective dose of something, because I can only spend so much time at it and I don’t want to be [00:12:00] spending time on anything. If it’s not going to work where it’s like, so exercise is a good example. Sometimes hard to get that habit for people. And so you break it down, you make it small, you get, you figure out what the barriers are.

And some people love it. They just like, they, they can’t imagine a day without exercising at least an hour and they’re going to resent it if they can’t and others. Just like pulling teeth and. Those are the people you have to figure out what exactly do they need to do um, overcome every sort of internal and external barrier to getting it done.

And I, I can understand that because I like to exercise, but have this time limit. And so that’s where figuring out the minimum effective dose. Sometimes it’s helpful so that we can optimize.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, exactly. Because, yeah, I mean, and, you know, it tends to be that if there’s too much, we get overwhelmed as well, you know, it’s like, oh, I’ve got all these things wrong with me. And, [00:13:00] you know, I’m going to try to fix them all at the same time. But, you know, it’s a whole multitasking thing, right? I don’t know if multitasking is a thing.

You can only do one thing at a time.

Kimberly Faucher: 100

Tim Melanson: only focus on one thing at a time, even though we say that we’re multitasking real, what we’re doing is we’re switching from one thing to another. And we’re probably not being super effective at any of them. Whereas, you know, like you say, if you pick something and go with it, then you’re probably better off.


Kimberly Faucher: Yes, exactly. They say 23 minutes. If somebody interrupts us right now. It’s going to take us 23 minutes to actually get back into the groove. So, in my practice, I actually do not have a receptionist. I have 2 doors between me and the person coming in. So I could barely hear it. I have no phone ringing, no fax ringing.

It’s like, I’m just like, they’re 100 percent with the person, which. Um, that that’s actually 1 of my values, which I learned from another patient. She came in years ago and she, she could see anybody. She wanted because her husband [00:14:00] was a fancy cardiologist where I worked and there was some very popular people in my group, but she was seeing me while I was there and it was, uh, the, the word she used to translate it is because she wanted somebody who was into her, which, you know, that is, you know, Like a slang word for like, nowadays it’s love and but my interpretation of that is, I mean, and I agree that is 1 of my values is, um, present, engaged and encouraging.

So, like, with my kid or with my pet or with my, the patients that I see it, like, they fully know that that’s where I’m coming from. And so part of being fully present is. Not having those distractions, and they get their attention when they’re with me. They know I’m not going to be paying too much attention to their email.

Like, come in, let’s sit down. I’m going to be present, engaged and encouraging and help you and help you do the same thing for your own. Your own life, get you [00:15:00] present and engaged and self encouraging. So, ultimately, they can become sovereign over that same process. They’re not depending on me. Like. Some deity or something, you know, anyway, that makes it fun because that is me practicing one of my values and it’s, uh, totally enhancing that the practice and hopefully the, the care that get

Tim Melanson: Cool. Well, that doesn’t work so well as an acronym though, because now it’s P, but

Kimberly Faucher: wait. What was the acronym?

Tim Melanson: present engaged and encouraging

Kimberly Faucher: yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So we’ll have to fix that. We’ll have to get another E. Yeah, resident engaged encouraging. Yeah. True.

Tim Melanson: you know what? In marketing, sometimes being funny is actually what really works. So maybe. that would work as you’re so, uh, so let’s talk a little bit about I mean, you obviously, um, You’ve been working from home for a little while now. So tell me [00:16:00] some Some hints that we can have from you that we’ve that we can Use to have a better home office to have a better jam room.

Kimberly Faucher: So, uh, what I found was a good way to start figuring out like how to make something better is figure out what all my excuses are and I’ll go back to the exercise thing. So I, I have this house. It’s. You know, large, but I have a lot of pets and so the pets are coming and going and there is a cat door in what is now my office and, um, there’s a little bit cluttered.

There’s a cat box. So I had an exercise machine in another room. And I’m like, why don’t I exercise? Why don’t I go in the office? Anyway, it gets down to, um, back to the interruptions and not just the physical interruptions of cats and dogs coming, but the. Hair and the smell and so I, like, my favorite, the favorite thing in my office [00:17:00] are the doors.

So I have a door and happens to be glass and I can see outside, but the door means that the cats are not coming in. I had to rearrange the cat door, rearrange the house, put all the exercise equipment in here with me in the office and it now it’s clean. It smells good. I can control the temperature and I can control the, you know, The incoming and the outbound activity and so, um, that gets back to this thing about being present and focused.

And so, um, I started with why, what is my excuse? It’s dirty. It’s smelly. It’s busy. And I eliminated him and then it’s like, oh, I love coming in here now and now I have like, and so then the next thing was setting up visual cues. So I love coming in here and then I have a visual cue. Here’s here’s my rowing machine.

Reminding me that take a minute, take 5 minutes, get on that thing. And I have the visual cues of the books, which [00:18:00] feel like friends and I have the visual cue of the, the. You know, whatever it was, I was working on yesterday. I’ll leave it out for the next day to have the visual cue. Here’s where I’m starting again.

Tim Melanson: How about that?

Kimberly Faucher: those are some of the tricks that I feel I’ve helped.

Tim Melanson: I love that and and that is one of the biggest challenges. I’ve always found about working from home is the interruptions and Because I mean there’s lots of distractions in your home. It’s it’s it’s where everything is so You know, having a way to kind of like create that barrier around and, and make sure that when you’re in this space, you’re working, right, because it’s

Kimberly Faucher: yeah, yeah. And you have to iterate I think you have to, like, I know some people say, well, I’m going to have everything I need in there. I’m going to bring all my food and I’m going to have the coffee. But others that might not be the best idea, because then you’ve just brought all the potential interruptions into your space.

So, you know, there’s a little bit of reflection required take an action and then reflect. [00:19:00] Because that’s where the learning, learning is, and you’re trying to learn yourself and optimize for whatever work it is you’re trying to do. If getting up and walking 50 feet to the kitchen is worse than having the coffee pot in, in the end, then yeah, I have the coffee pot in there.

Tim Melanson: I, I like what you just said about, you know, getting, uh, like just looking for your excuses too, because I think that that’s probably good. I mean, if you find that you’re wasting time now on the thing that you’re supposed to be, you know, more efficient, well, then obviously that’s now your new excuse. So right of it, right?

Kimberly Faucher: Yeah, here’s the other thing about excuses I noticed is, um, you and I’ve been talking because your website creator and, um. I will sit down to do a little bit of work on something like that. That’s a, you know, several standard deviations outside of my wheelhouse and I will feel afraid. Like, I know I can’t really do it or this is going to take so many hours.

And why do I think [00:20:00] I should do it myself? Oh, because I feel like I should get better at it. And, um, it is that exact. Sensation of being afraid and being incapable that I will find myself going and looking for an excuse. So sometimes your excuses are just in a signal, which is how I like to sort of not criticize myself or not criticize the patients.

If they come in and they say, this is what I’m feeling, or this is what I did, or this is how it happened. It’s like, okay, that is a signal. Let’s just listen to the signal and try to see what is it telling us, which is so much less. Critical and toxic, and, you know, we already fight a lot with our negative self talk and, um, just reframing that where your body is trying to help you or your mind is trying to help you or your patterns.

Are a signal of opportunity for maybe a little bit of an adjustment,

Tim Melanson: Wow.

Kimberly Faucher: be friendly,

Tim Melanson: Yeah, well, and that’s, that’s fairly [00:21:00] deep too, because, you know, it’s one of those things where it’s a circular catch 22, where you’re thinking, you know, you’re convincing yourself that you need to do something, but you don’t want to do it. So I guess, I guess it’s more or less, you know, almost, I like what you say about just becoming aware of that, because now you can decide now you can decide, okay, well, is this something that I really need to learn?

Because literally I don’t want to do it, keep on making excuses and moving somewhere else. And maybe it is something that someone else needs to do for me, or maybe I just need to buckle down and do it and then find out, right?

Kimberly Faucher: Or, or do it or a third alternative, do it together. Like, don’t try to figure it out by yourself, get some, somebody to help you because some, sometimes where you’re afraid is a signal of exactly where you do need to go, like, in your, your health, like, it’s, you’re afraid to look because you’re afraid of what you’ll see.

It was like, well, get somebody’s hand. Yeah. And don’t you don’t have to do it alone. You just [00:22:00] choose somebody to work with. Um, that’s its own job. Of course, choosing somebody.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, I’m all for that. Like, and, and I think in the whole world of the self employment, you know, that’s the thing, I mean, if we can surround ourselves with people that are very good at the things that we’re not necessarily so good at, then everybody wins, right? Cause I mean, I’m sure that, you know, whatever it is that you do or whatever it is that they do, you know, is.

Is, is compliment to whatever you do. So you can sort of almost barter with that, even though it might not necessarily be a barter. It could be an exchange of income or who knows, but it could be a barter. I mean, you could end up building a team that helps each other with the things that you’re not necessarily so good at.

And you work together on all those things. Cause I bet you there’s something that you might, you might be scared about building a website. I’m not, but I’m probably scared of some things that you know how to do really well, so we can work together on that. Right.

Kimberly Faucher: Yeah. Yeah. That’s the thing that’s fun about entrepreneurs and solopreneurs is they like, I identify as [00:23:00] a solopreneur. I don’t really want to have a whole team. So I don’t want to hire. Staff to handle, like, all the bits and pieces of a business, but I know they need to be done and I’m going to try to learn what needs to be done, but I don’t necessarily need to do it because I’m trying to maintain, like, what’s valuable to me, you know, love and freedom and resilience and keeping things a little bit simpler.

Tim Melanson: Yeah,

Kimberly Faucher: So, getting like, taking your signal to figure out where do I need to be better informed better equipped so that we can just operate better, but not necessarily ignore it not necessarily take it all on yourself.

Tim Melanson: yeah,

Kimberly Faucher: very similar to people coming in for medical help or It’s like, I am not going to be the one who’s going to choose what food to put in my mouth or not. I’m not going to be the one who does [00:24:00] the, um, sleep habits at the end. If we’re talking about a hysterectomy, yes, I’m going to be the one doing the surgery, but I’m not.

Um, but there is a part where there’s a shared decision making and all of that. All of that stuff gets to be thought through what is mine to do? What is yours to do? What can we do together? What can we get rid of? And listening to the signals is your path to like, where to pay attention. I think.

Tim Melanson: yeah, I tend to gravitate towards that as well. And one of the reasons why I do gravitate towards having like subcontractors or contractors as opposed to employees is because, you know, I think that when you hire a contractor, that person has some like skin in the game with their business, they are trying to be the best that they can be for their business, just like you’re trying to be the best you can be for your business.

Whereas I think that in a lot of circumstances, employees don’t. Don’t treat their jobs necessarily the [00:25:00] same way as a contractor would treat their business. And, you know, of course, there are some, you know, exceptions to that rule. But, but generally speaking, I think that when you’re an employee of something, it’s sort of like easier to just leave it at work and not necessarily, you know, just do whatever you need to do.

It’s not my job, right? To get that paycheck, right?

Kimberly Faucher: I think that’s the statistic is like, 2 thirds are disengaged and like, 18 percent are. Actively disengaged, like trying to harpoon the business. So, you know, big businesses are spending a lot of energy trying to, uh, align and motivate people. Whereas when you’re an entrepreneur or a solopreneur, you don’t have to be motivated because you’re already impassioned to do what you’re doing.

Like I’m already impassioned to help people by, you know, if there’s people who are, do not want to go down the path of trying to figure it all out themselves, which I wouldn’t either. That then, you [00:26:00] know, we get to work together and I get to bring the momentum behind that. Just like you with the websites, you’re bringing all that background and, um, they get what they need.

You’re happy to do what you’re doing.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, it’s that subject matter expert right that you’re bringing on board that they know that thing really well and they want to do the best they can do and you’re getting all their experience doing that thing. And then, you know, whether it be a long term project or not, you know, it’s. You don’t even have to make that decision.

You can hire them. And, you know, that, cause one of the things about, about, you know, I know, I know I’ve heard people that you do have employees who say, you know, you need to figure out how to fire quickly. Right.

Kimberly Faucher: Yes. Yeah. Like a lot.

Tim Melanson: awkward,

Kimberly Faucher: There’s so much energy to managing the people, whereas in our world, it’s a little bit less about that. It’s more about make sure that people who could benefit find you and, um, that [00:27:00] that’s, you know, that’s a different kind of issue where we. We sometimes don’t know exactly what I, what we need.

Like, somebody will say, you need SEO. No, no, you need an email. No, no, you need to do Facebook. Like, you don’t even know what you need. Sometimes it’s like, for medicine, people will go online. Oh, yeah, I read this. So that must be what I need. I wish I could lose weight and you can find a bazillion things. It’s like, Maybe we should get organized and think about the other, you know, like all the modalities.

Let me help you figure out where she where she goes. So you don’t waste time back to that. Not wasting time. Not wasting effort. It’s like, I don’t want to waste time. Managing people’s motivation,

Tim Melanson: Yeah. So, okay. Great, great segue into your guest solo. So tell me what’s exciting in your business then.

Kimberly Faucher: so what so what all happened after covid is I got this idea. It’s like, next time this is going to happen again. [00:28:00] And I really would like to empower women to have them, like, have a community and know what they need to do and, uh, be able to share. So I have a program. That, um, I help people sort of identify this, what is their A and their B and their C and then look at all the 8 main domains of health and see where are they at?

Where do they want to work on and help them break it down into small steps? And that is something I’m doing that I didn’t used to do 1 on 1 with people. And. But at the same time, I’m like, going to have in the fall an in person event where I’m going to bring subject matter experts on how to start a business, where to store your money, how to invest your money, um, health, and in the middle of the meetings, be doing health, like, it’s going to be out in this beautiful place near the wine country, [00:29:00] and I’ll have like a, a yoga teacher in between talking, doing um, Some body movement, so while we’re there, we’re actually, you know, like, sort of living the thing of how you do your work and you take care of yourself all in the same day and build the community.

So getting around other people who are sort of on our path.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. I feel like, so you, you’re, you’re a quite. Uh, unique when it comes to medical doctors, because I don’t know if there’s a lot of them that sort of focus on the holistic path as well as the medical path to write. Is that what you’re doing? You’re sort of merging them, right?

Kimberly Faucher: yeah, there’s people who say that and it’s a little bit of a marketing gimmick, but I actually am trying to really do it. Like, what are all the things that a person needs? And a part of it is dictated by them, but there’s major categories and try to help them see where they’re at and frame how they might, um, figure out if they even know where they’re [00:30:00] at all of it.

All of it’s interesting to me because, you know, it’s. There’s the personal, there’s sort of the community thing, and then there’s a bigger, like, where you fit into the universe. And I, you know, I’m, I’m of a certain age where it’s like, um, there’s also a part of, like, do you feel at home where you are? Do you feel like you’re being noticed and prioritized?

And so a lot of times, uh, 1 of the things is, at least women, Even need that they even need to feel like they’re seen and their issues are prioritized. It matters. And that gets back to the, um, the P present. Engage encouraging. Yeah. So feel feel notice feel prioritized and get them to, like, get concrete on that.

It’s easy to say big broad words like that, but to actually get concrete and here’s the 8 domains. And here’s what you care [00:31:00] about once I get to know you.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Well, I think, yeah. And I think that, uh, a lot of people are always looking for like the quick fix, right? They’re looking for just give me a pill. Give me a pill that’s going to fix all this stuff. Right. And I know, unfortunately, I think we’re finally getting to a point where maybe, maybe the pill isn’t, maybe there is no pill that’ll fix everything for you all at once.

You know, and, and there’s probably not even a set of pills that will fix everything, you know,

Kimberly Faucher: No, no.

Tim Melanson: more to it. Right.

Kimberly Faucher: Yeah, because it’s not static. There’s not like an everything that’s ever done. We’re always always moving. Thank God. So I, what I try to focus on is, um, it’s not just the where we’re like, our perceived goal. So, say, it’s climbing a mountain. We want to get to the top, get where that beautiful lake is, but it’s like, we have to.

Prepare to do it. We have to have a guide, which could be a map or a person, but like, it’s nice if we sort of enjoy the process as we go. And so [00:32:00] trying to frame, like, am I in shape? And am I enjoying taking pictures as I go? And I saw a deer and it’s fun to be pushing myself a little bit. This is hard, but not impossible, like, enjoying the process and that’s when you really start to understand all the domains that affect your health.

And you realize how many of the things you can change or impact. And that it doesn’t happen in a day, and it’s not supposed to, but you’re getting a win every day because you’re paying attention to whatever little thing you want to do that day. Then every day becomes a win. And it’s, you know, much more within your control versus just the outcome.

If you’re only the outcome, that’s kind of a bummer because 1, it’s far off. You maybe never get there.

Tim Melanson: Well, and I remember somebody, somebody once said to that, that, that what happens when you hit the goal? Like, it’s like, it’s not going to sound like your, your, your life isn’t going to be all of a sudden the best ever once you hit that goal, like there’s always going to be something else. [00:33:00] Like, it’s like, The journey of, or the, or the, the excitement of going after the goal is what keeps you moving once you hit it.

I have to set something else. So, so it’s like, uh, it’s, it’s one of those things where, where, yeah, I mean, if you don’t even enjoy the process of getting to the goal and then finally, when you get there, you’re going to probably be disappointed.

Kimberly Faucher: or, uh, you have grown so much that your goal shifts. So, um, some, some guru says, uh, well, it’s, uh, there’s this, this gap in the game. So we’re, you know, that’s Dan, Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy gap in the game. We’re always looking at the gap and we feel bad, but if we turn around and look at the steps we’re making good.

Tim Melanson: I love

Kimberly Faucher: Um, but there’s also this idea of being grateful. We should be grateful. So I live in this house in California. I have this practice. That was my big goal and I wanted to be closer to my daughter. She’s growing up. [00:34:00] I like did all that. But does that mean I’m done? No, it’s like, because I grow now I want to do the next thing.

But part of it is to sit here and like, I’m so grateful. I have this property and these horses and it’s this beautiful sunny day. And I really proud of how my daughter has turned out and, you know, like, being grateful, but not settling. I think that’s, um, I have to remember who I stole that from. I didn’t steal it, but be ever grateful.

Never settle. You know, that’s what he says. And that makes sense to me because we are growing. And if we weren’t, that would be disturbing.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. So now tell me, how do we find out more about you then?

Kimberly Faucher: So, I would love it if, uh, your audience, uh, would just send me an email. Dr. Kim at tendon tonic dot com. I have a, uh, of a free like PDF about how to start your morning. And then I, I have this book that I put a chapter in called [00:35:00] transformational journey and it’s. There’s a bunch of authors in there.

They’re pretty famous. Dennis Waitley and Kyle Wilson. And, um, you know, it talks about like some hard thing you went through and how you got to the other side, which like a chapter here and there might be super like, just right. The right thing at the right time for people. And I’m happy to send them a free, like email version of that book.

Um, so

Tim Melanson: Awesome. Cool. So keep it simple. Yeah. So email drkim at tendon tonic. com.

Kimberly Faucher: Yeah. That’s it.

Tim Melanson: Awesome.

Kimberly Faucher: And I’m on, I’m on LinkedIn to LinkedIn, Kimberly, if people want to, like, DM me that way too, but I’m really, I’m, as you can tell all about really the conversation.

Tim Melanson: Awesome. Well, thank you so much for rocking out with me today, Dr. Kim.

Kimberly Faucher: Thank you. Good to see you.

Tim Melanson: To the listeners, make sure you subscribe, rate, and comment, and we’ll see you next time when The Work at Home rocks our [00:36:00] podcast.

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