WHR #69 : Edna Keep – Real Estate Coach

Feb 20, 2017 | PodCast, Season 1

As a Financial Advisor and Real Estate Entrepreneur my husband and I have built a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio. We started in September 2007 and currently own 437 doors valued around $47M – primarily in Joint Ventures with others and purchased with Other People’s Money. In 2010 we were inducted into The Tigrent Learning Hall of Fame (Robert Kiyosaki) for our start up success at utilizing the strategies we learned. Our portfolio is almost entirely invested in Saskatchewan. We recently partnered with a couple of our students and purchased 33 doors in Winnipeg, MB. Our major operations are long term buy and hold rentals. We have had the same property management team in place throughout the time ran by my oldest daughter. We are in the process of building a couple new up down duplexes for another Real Estate Investor through our company Tamco Homes. One of the major things we love about long term buy and hold is the mortgage pay down as whether markets are up or down this is a constant and we now have over $25,000 per month in mortgage pay down.

Although we have a nice size portfolio, we also have a few other business’s and income streams. We are 50% owners of Tamco Homes – a small volume custom home and commercial builder, renovator and remediation specialist – in business since 2009. And a feedlot cleaning business, Keep Corral Cleaning owned and operated since 2001.

In May of 2014 after being approached by several people asking how we had built such a massive portfolio in such a short period of time we started our Real Estate Training/Coaching Business that primarily helps people learn about using OPM to buy Real Estate. I absolutely love sharing what we’ve learned through the years and helping others build passive income through investing in Real Estate.

We are always looking to expand our portfolio and businesses and believe that quality opportunities and win win relationships will always attract the Investors and Partners required to expand.

Episode #69: Edna Keep

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

Show Notes

  • How Edna became a Work @ Home RockStar
  • How she set herself up to be able to work from home
  • People don’t want to know everything you know… that’s why they have you
  • All the top producers in her field use a coach… so she hired one
  • Hire a coach who is doing what you want to do
  • Find a specialty
  • Edna includes meditation as part of her regular routine
  • 90% of a person’s success is mindset, especially when you are dealing with money
  • Your pain can push you for a while, but your vision will pull you
  • Keep doing the things that brought you success even after you get some success

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