WHR #7 : Debbie Peck – Social Media Manager

Oct 12, 2015 | PodCast, Season 1

12071522_10153226833975954_135779713_nThrough her company, Crush Marketing Group, Debbie Peck teaches and inspires people to utilize social media to not only build strong companies, but to create a better world. She has been working online for over 14 years in all aspects of internet marketing, and is the creator of Social Media Kindergarten. As a Certified Social Media Manager, Facebook Ads Specialist and Online Marketing Strategist, Debbie can help you bring in more leads, more sales and more freedom in your business. Debbie’s mission is to help coaches, speakers, authors, thought leaders and entrepreneurs to get their message out in a bigger way.

Episode #7 : Debbie Peck

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

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Hire somebody (or follow somebody) who has already done it in your field.


  1. Treat your business like a real business
  2. You can’t grow your business if you do everything.  Hire people!
  3. Look into programs (government) that support entrepreneurship

Debbie’s Book Recommendation:

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