Season 3 / Episode #58 : Jim Gale

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

The Back-Story

At age 19, Jim first learned about the power of writing his goals. From the practice of inspired visioning, he became a 4-time All American and National Champion wrestler.

After college, he moved to Hawaii, backpacked through 37 countries, lived with the Maasai, explored cultures, and searched for his next inspired vision.

He wrote his goals again at age 29, which included being retired in 3 years. Jim went on to create a mortgage company that reached $1.3B in sales in 3 years, leading him to early retirement and the achievement of another life goal.

He bought a boat, lived on the ocean for a year, and then moved to Costa Rica to build eco-villages where he discovered permaculture. It changed his life and he realized he needed to bring it to every household in the world. The idea whose time has come became Food Forest Abundance. Jim speaks about sovereignty,
entrepreneurship, mindset, and freedom. 

Show Notes

Guest, Jim Gale is the chief storyteller at Food Forest Abundance. And what they’re doing is they’re working to create freedom and sustainability by helping people grow food in their own backyard.

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Show Notes:
[0:00] Intro
[1:49] The Good Note – Story of Success
[2:58] The Bad Note – Story of Failure
[4:38] Assembling The Band
[8:57] Practice Makes Progress
[14:54] Instruments of Choice
[19:13] Gathering Fans
[24.23] Guest Solo


Read Transcript

Intro: [00:00:00] Are you a work at home rock star, or do you dream of becoming one? Then you found the right podcast, your hosts, Tim Melanson talks with successful work at home rock stars to learn their secrets and help you in your journey. Are you ready to rock? Here’s Tim?

Tim Melanson: Hello, and welcome to today’s episode of the work at home rockstar podcast.

I am very excited for today’s guest. He is the chief storyteller at food forest abundance. And what they’re doing is they’re working to create freedom and sustainability by helping people grow food in their own backyard. Very very cool idea, Jim Gale, are you ready to rock?

Jim Gale: I’m ready to rock him. And I thank you so much for having me on your show and exposing and sharing this idea with more people.

This is how we change the world. We have it. We have figured it out. As Victor Hugo said, there’s one thing stronger than all of the armies of the world. And that is an idea whose time has come well, this is it. All the armies of the world is what we have to [00:01:00] overcome right now. And the idea is enlightenment.

It’s the garden of Eden it’s joy, abundance, it’s freedom on every level and it’s happening at an exponential. Thank God for the apocalypse. And I’m not talking about this. This is not a religious statement, by the way, this is a statement of pure logic and joy. And, um, yes, a lot of the religions around the world have pointed to the garden of Eden as a utopic fantasy.

That’s a scam, my friends, food forests everywhere will defeat all of the forms of tyranny. And we’ll unpack that.

Tim Melanson: Right on, well, I have a little garden in my backyard and it is so much fun to grow. I got to tell you, uh, it is a challenge though. So, uh, you know, I’m, I’m definitely looking forward to hearing what you have to say it in your, I guess, solo about how you, how you help people.

But before we do that, I want to start on a good note. So tell me a story of success in your business. So we can be.

Jim Gale: Oh, gosh. Okay. So we launched nine months ago and it was one full-time person, [00:02:00] me and, uh, I worked like triple time. So three full-time people, but then two part-time people. We now have hundreds of people involved around the world.

We’re helping people to grow food in about 20 countries and almost every state in the nation. Uh, just a month after launch, I got a call from the producer of the crocodile. Hunter just got off the phone with them a couple minutes ago and he said, Jim, we want to shine a light on your vision for society.

Two days later, I get a call from Adrian, from entourage who was my favorite actor. So my favorite producer and my favorite actor call me within 48 hours of each other. And I’m not in this world like this. It’s it defies logic and reason what’s happening. And we finished a TV pilot that is called the land of plenty, that is going to inspire millions of people to grow food.

So that’s one of many magical events that are happening on a daily.

Tim Melanson: Wow. Okay, Jim, I’m going to pull you down here for a second here. Good luck.

Because along with the good note [00:03:00] comes a bad note. And every once in a while, things are not going to go as planned. So, you know, it’s only been nine months, but I’m going to guess there might be a bad note that has happened since then.

So tell me something that didn’t go as planned.

Jim Gale: Right? So first, the first thing in permaculture is you turn the problem into the solution. And I literally do. Anything bad. There’s nothing bad that has happened. There are a bunch of contrast elements that are a bunch of frictional elements. There are a bunch of things that we won’t do again, elements, right.

And all, uh, there’s one person that we hired because he had an epic resume, like epic. And I won’t get too into it because I don’t wanna, I don’t, I, I’m not a believer in shame or any of that stuff. Right. But anyway, we hired this person because there was a lot of story around it. And then the energy was so different.

Um, some people come at business like from a control and force mentality, [00:04:00] right? Like I’m in a piss in their parade to wake them up or any of these type of metaphors. I’m not going to piss it, but what, no. After time after this energy started to kind of seep into the group, we had to make a change, right.

But we turn that lemon into a lemonade and we learn what we wanted to learn. And every single one of these things is a piece of the puzzle that brings us into a greater awareness. In fact, I love being proven wrong because it elevates me to a new level of understanding or overstanding of what’s the truth, right?

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, no, I agree. A hundred percent. So now, uh, that really kind of leads into the next question, because I want to talk about the band a little bit and how you’re going to put the right people around you. So how’d you fix that?

Jim Gale: Well, we fixed it by having a meditation. I mean, at the end of the, at the beginning of the new world is our ability.

To connect [00:05:00] with spirit, with source, with the divine, with this epic vibrational foundation of reality that we are in. And so I do a lot of meditation. I’m big into just sitting and allowing my mind. To relax. In fact, it was a year ago and I’ll talk about another one of my long-term failures. Um, I started a mortgage company.

I was 30 and within three and a half years did about $1.3 billion in sales, bought a boat, lived on the ocean. I thought I was really cool. I thought I was going to be wealthy for the rest of my life. Then I learned. In one year I took the red pill. I learned permaculture and I had two daughters. When you stack those three things, I started looking at the world through their eyes, which were more important to me than my own, as far as you know, I’ll do anything for my daughters, my four girls now.

And I started efforting and struggling because I learned that we’re poisoning and destroying our world on so many levels. So I started going into [00:06:00] the why, why is this happening? And I see. Really about, well, that was 14 years ago, the first 12 years, 12 and a half, 13 years, I was obsessed with understanding the problem in great detail and then finding out the solution.

Um, I actually read bill Molson’s quote and it’s though the problems of our world are increasingly complex. The solutions remain embarrassingly simple, and it just, I started balling. And I said, I’ve got to be an optimist here. I’ve got to find the solution, but I still had some stuckness. Right. It was a year ago.

I went from zero. Um, so back when I was 30, I went from zero to about 20 million in net worth over the next five or six years down to negative 80,000. Right. I didn’t have a job. This was two years ago and I was, I had put all of it into a new job. That was a new business that I started. That was shut down by this, by the government.

Not by COVID by government. [00:07:00] That COVID didn’t shut anything down. Government, the government made choices. Yep. Yes. Govern means to manage a control and meant it means mind. Right? That’s the problem is. The solution then. And so I let go of all the fear I was broke. I didn’t have an income. I didn’t have any of that stuff.

And I meditated let go all the fear. And all of a sudden I started living by faith and courage and joy. And since that day it’s been magic.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Wow. Okay. Meditating. Yeah. Uh, I’ve been working a lot on that lately as well. And it’s one of those things where, you know, I’ve done quite a few episodes of this podcast and I am actually surprised how many people use meditation regularly in the business world? I would, I mean, I probably would have to go back through and just check, but I it’s, it’s definitely in the 80 to 90% range, which is, I think a little surprising at [00:08:00] first, uh, because you think it’s, you know, you think of a, I mean, I would think of meditation as being someone very granola.

Somebody who’s not really. You know, moving very forward. However, it turns out it’s pretty much the opposite. The people who are have the highest goals and the highest, uh, you know, desires are the ones that actually ground themselves regularly.

Jim Gale: Yes. I mean, talk about high goals and desires. We are going to catalyze a shift in consciousness that leads to mass adoption of abundance and freedom.

I guess happening as the highest imagine a highest goal or ideal I can even imagine. And the more I meditate, the more I enjoy life, the more the ideas and the in spirit come right in spirit inspired. So to live in Theo, astic, enthusiastic is the, is my joyful duty to my posterity, to my kids, to my world and it’s self-serving at the same time.

Tim Melanson: Yup. Yup. Yup. So now speaking of the practice of [00:09:00] meditation, w what about other practice? Like, how do you, when I say practice makes perfect or practice makes progress, even, what does that mean to you as it associates with your.

Jim Gale: So it means visualizing and settling in. So my practice is literally meditation. I don’t plan anything anymore. I, I see great value in writing goals at certain points of life, right? When you’re stuck in your. Kind of breakthrough, right? I’ve written. My goal is now three times in my life. Once I was 19 and wrote that I wanted to be a national wrestling champion.

The other time I was 29, wrote that I wanted to have $3 million and now 49, I wrote that I want to catalyze the shift in consciousness, leading to mass adoption of freedom. Um, and those other two came true. This to me is a lot easier because it is completely driven by allowing my mind to relax and then following the guidance, the inspiration.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, you’re making a really good point. I’ve been reading a book [00:10:00] called atomic habits. I’m not sure if you’ve read before. It’s very, very good. Uh, but one of the things that they said is that everybody who’s a high achiever, uh, all have goals. But so do people who are not high achievers, so it can’t be the goal that’s the difference. So what is the difference? It’s, it’s their habits. It’s, it’s what they do. It’s, it’s, it’s other things other than the actual goal. And so I think that what you’re saying, you know, writing goals is one thing, but that’s not going to get you there. It’s something else. Right?

Jim Gale: Connection with source is what is getting me here every day. Um, so my practice is visualizing the end result, which brings me great joy. Like every time I do a meditation, I sit and I just allow my mind to chill. And then I’ll take times. And in that meditation, I’ll visualize myself at a hundred, two years old on my property where we’re developing this completely off grid community with a studio to demonstrate freedom every day.

And my kids, my grandkids, my [00:11:00] great grandkids, everybody’s running around and there’s birds and butterflies and bees and little animals running around it. It’s just complete abundance everywhere at that’s how it should be. So we get to help bring that into reality. Yeah,

Tim Melanson: it’s so great. About stuff like this, because I mean, one of the things that I noticed is that people get stressed out. People get stressed out about their goals and they’re not happening fast enough, you know, there’s, you know, this and then what they do to try to fix that. I mean, What I would do to try to fix something that’s not happening fast enough is try to push it even harder. And really when it eventually, it’s almost like you get to this like breaking point where you can’t push any faster, you can’t push any harder. You, you sort of like lose motivation and you take a step back and you just sit there. And that’s when the epiphany comes,

Jim Gale: dude, you nailed it, man. You absolutely nailed it. So one of my teachers is Esther Hicks. Um, and no one is Abraham on YouTube. There’s a million videos by this [00:12:00] woman. Um, and she’s one of many teachers I’ve gotten very metaphysical with my teachers nowadays and she says very clearly, if you’re efforting go take a nap go play, go for a walk in the park, go play with your kids, your dog, go do something to take your mind off of it. Just like you said, just now take your mind off of the struggle. Let go of the struggle. There’s no struggle be in this moment and feel your hands like just. Oh, my gosh, I feel the vibration. I can feel.

It’s like, there’s an energy. I’m pretty soon. I’m going to be able to manifest some light in there somehow. I don’t know, maybe. Right. Not giving up on that. So just feel it. And then all of a sudden, like you said, the ideas that.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And I’ve got a good analogy with, with music. So when I was first learning music, uh, one of the things that I, I called them hurdles, but what it was is that I, I, I tried to learn something.

I try to learn, you know, maybe switching from cord the cord, something really basic. Right. But at the beginning, you don’t, you’re not very good at it. [00:13:00] And I remember just, and over and over, and it was almost like I was getting worse. Right. It was like, it was getting worse. I was making more mistakes than I did in the first and then I would be like, okay, I’m done You know, I’d go off and do something else and come back a few hours later, maybe even the next day. And it was right there just like that. And I was like, what, what? And, and eventually it kinda, I kinda figured it out that that’s exactly what was happening was that I was push, push, push, push, push, push.

Wasn’t going, walked away, came back in there. And it sounds very similar to what you’re saying right now, right

Jim Gale: Completely, oh man. For 14 years, I was, well for 13 years I was struggling for one year. I let go of the struggle and then more has happened in this one year towards the fulfillment of my vision and dream. Infinitely more than the 14 years previous. That was my struggle. That was my, and my tough time of failure relative to my goals. It’s a beautiful thing. It’s a beautiful [00:14:00] transition. And again, it’s self serving this idea of selfishness being bad. There’s no such thing as not selfish mother Theresa was selfish.

She, she couldn’t think of another thing to do with her time. That would bring her more joy and fulfillment than what she did. Right. That’s selfish. I love it. When you, we, selfishness is very consciously serving. And regenerative and abundant. It’s the best thing in the world.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, exactly. Well, because we all derive a certain amount of pleasure from helping others.

And so, you know, that’s what I’ve heard before. There’s a quote that says there’s no such thing as a selfless act because even something for someone else, even if it’s anonymous, Even if you actually do something, you don’t tell anybody you did it, you still feel it

Jim Gale: a hundred percent. You feel good about it, right?

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Right now. Let’s move into fall. Let’s move into the instruments. So, you know, what are the tools that [00:15:00] you use, uh, for success in your business.

Jim Gale: Um, communication through consciousness, through, um, a settled place. In fact, there’s a few real specifics I’ll give to everybody that, um, will change your life.

Never, ever, ever text or email pissed off. Never, if you can avoid a phone call or a direct conversation and pissed off, avoid that as well. Right. Way until the energy has went away. Because everything that, you know, belief systems are like filters they’re they’re BS, right? They’re they’re like filters of reality.

So when we have a belief system, when our guards up, when something’s going on, then reality will come in. Right. Filter through our BS. And then we will see and experience something different. You ask anybody who was watching CNN and Fox to you say, okay, they say that the sky is blue and the one will say, oh, there’s clouds over here.

The other one will say something different. Right? It’s reality is a [00:16:00] perspective. And so I’d say the number one thing. Never engage in anything and tell your conscious until you’re settled. That’s the most important tool that I’ve learned in.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, I agree. And also having the intention do everything with intention to right and I think that’s where a lot of things happen. You go into these patterns of doing something because you’ve always done it. And you know, it, as soon as you sort of get excited or, or even just have an outcome that you want for something. The whole conversation takes on a different life. Right,

Jim Gale: man, I’m going to write that one down because you’re just teaching me stuff here.

I’m going to, so go in, there’s a thing called segment intending, where you’re going into a new segment of your life and it could be a 10 minute segment. It could be a two hour, it could be a weekend seminar, whatever the segment is, what is the intention for that segment? And so I’m going to. Make myself [00:17:00] a reminder to bring this up to the team meeting.

Great team meetings, correct?

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Well, uh, I don’t remember where that came from, but it probably was like an Esther Hicks type thing where, you know, every time you go into a different, like, if even if you walk into the car before you get in the car, what’s your intention. Getting out of the car, you go to the grocery store, what’s your intention.

And I think that’s probably part of meditating as well, being present in the moment. Right.

Jim Gale: Awesome. And, and love that because this idea of stacking intentions, right? So some people say what’s my intention at the grocery store. Well, you’ve got a little list. That’s not your intention. That’s just your, what you’re going to do.

If you actually have the intention to stack functions. In other words, I’m going to have fun. I’m going to make eye contact. I’m going to smile at somebody. I’m going to say something nice to the person behind the counter, which could change their life. Like literally you can radically change somebody’s life by saying, gosh, it’s so nice to see you again.

I love your smile. [00:18:00] Like those types of things. And as I’m saying that I’m thinking, oh, there’s opportunities that I’ve missed. I’m going to not miss them tomorrow.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, well, grocery store is a for me. I actually love to listen to audio books at the grocery store while I’m doing groceries. And I don’t, I don’t know what it is.

I think it’s just, it’s very therapeutic for me. Maybe that’s because getting groceries is one of those things that’s just super automatic, you know, you pretty much buy the same stuff every time. Right. And, uh, so there’s no, not a whole lot of thinking going on, but it’s an opportunity for my brain to kind of process something.

Jim Gale: Yeah, that’s awesome. There you go. You just stacked functions. You’re not just actually at the grocery store, but you’re actually solving some problem.

Intro: Exactly. Exactly. So now, Hey rockstars, it’s Tim here. Hope you’re enjoying this episode. And if you are, feel free to leave us a review. Well, I’ve got you here. I want this to tell you about my business.

Creative crew agency is a one-stop shop for your online business. We provide graphic design websites, ongoing [00:19:00] support Hosting, and so much more. If you’re looking for a shiny new website or you need some technical help with your current platform, feel free to visit creative crew and book a time to talk now, back to the show.

Tim Melanson: What about fans? Let’s talk about how to gather fans for, you know, you’re, you’re, you know, you’re setting huge goals right now, and you’re going to have to build people that are going to want to follow your goal. Let’s go back to the very beginning. You first got the first idea, and now all of a sudden you got to go talk to your first person.

How did you, how did you do that? How’d you prepare, would you say.

Jim Gale: That’s a pretty interesting story. One thing I want to jump back on is this idea of have to, and need to, and must do. I threw all those away those terms. And I catch myself now immediately when I say, oh, I have to, oh, no, I get to, because I want to, because it’s fun.

Right? It’s uh, it changes the energy from which the action comes. Um, so, uh, [00:20:00] about a year ago, um, like I said, Dead broke, no job, no income. And I knew what I was going to do. I didn’t know yet how it was going to happen. And then I heard Del Bigtree from the high wire was speaking in Sanford. And I’m like, I love del big tree.

I’m going to go see him. And I said, oh, what can I ask? Can I do, oh, maybe I can write him a note. Maybe I can read pretty soon. I’m full-on writing him a speech. And I walked up and said, Dell, you know, can I buy a beer or something? And I’d like to chat with you and share some with you. He said, sure. He’s such a nice.

I handed him my speech and he, he took the time to read it right there. And he said, Jim, you’ve got something here. I’d like to chat with you. A few months later, he had us on the high wire and that one act was the catalyst for this global explosion of Abundance.

Tim Melanson: Wow. Wow. And, and where did that idea come from? Was it just [00:21:00] instinct or you read it somewhere?

Jim Gale: It came from the gap. It came from the gap. So your mind is right here and you got your thoughts here and a thought here, and your thoughts are buttoned up against each other. Take a deep breath. Boom. That’s the gap. That’s where all the magic.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Wow. The zone and music for, for sure. Uh, you know, or the vibe, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s all the same.

Right. And, and that’s the thing. I, I th I think that the, the number one thing though, that I’m taking from, from the conversation with you right now is that you really believe that your idea is going to change the world. I think that that’s where everything starts and, you know, business is about solving problems.

And so whoever’s listening to this, you have an idea and, you know, you can change some lives with it, whether it be one life or whether it be several lives, that doesn’t matter. The, what does matter is that you believe that it’s going to help and that you can help someone with it. So [00:22:00] once you get out there and start to talk about it, that’s going to come across.

Jim Gale: Yes. And the world starts in your heart and your mind and your body. So when we change this world, then it’s automatic that we are enjoying and we are becoming an inspiration to others. There’s no amount of pain or suffering or shame or humiliation or rage that I can feel that can help anybody do anything positive.

So the first thing is to let go of all those programmed emotions and start in intentionally raise your vibration to faith and courage and joy and love and all those things. And then you’ve just changed the world. You’ve changed your world from there. It’s pure magic.

Tim Melanson: Yup. Yup. Uh, I heard a quote that, what was it? It was, uh, it was lighthouses. Don’t go chasing boats.

Jim Gale: It was great.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And I think that that’s, that, that hit me hard because you know, when you have something and you know, it’s very bright and it’s very, it’s, it’s very. [00:23:00] I don’t know. It’s just one of those things where people just are gravitated towards if they come to you, right?

Jim Gale: Yeah, yeah. Yes. And like, I’ve had three podcasts today. I’m so thankful for that. Um, and now all these requests to speak on stage. I spoke three or four days ago at the greater reset in Texas, and this is what I am. Designing my life to be the most effective, inspirer and empower that I can possibly be. And I believe in Napoleon Hill’s quote, um, whatever the mind or man, uh, whatever the mind of man or woman can conceive and believe it can achieve.

That’s a truth. That’s a truth that has come from his study of the greats throughout history. And. That’s one that I would suggest everybody meditate on for a little bit, because what can your mind conceive and believe? And it’s a stepping stone. First of all, I can have a good minute. I can [00:24:00] have a good hour.

I can have a good week. I can have a good year, right? Start wherever you start and build on that. I’ve been building on that so long that I can conceive and know, I know that we’ve already changed the world, that what we’ve already done is like seeding little food forests that are expansive by their very nature.

Tim Melanson: Beautiful. It’s time for your guests. So low. I wanna know more about this. Awesome. So if anybody out there wants to turn your backyard or your property of any kind into a paradise into a food forest that will provide so much abundance and joy, the cash returns are insane. The food security issue. This takes that out of the works, the, um, the odds of your family, getting cancer, diabetes, or heart disease go way down when you have this type of system and just the joy of life.

You know, in fact, I asked my partner, Dr. Ian SCOTUS, how much do you work in your [00:25:00] food forest? And he goes, oh, I work about a half an hour a day with a big smile. I said, Ian, how much do you work in your food for. Not at all. It’s, it’s that kind of thing. Like we planted a food forest, 14 months, we’ve done zero maintenance and it’s just thriving zero, except for, we did have to cut a trail around it because it was so thick.

Um, that took about a half an hour. So we design and install food for us, for individuals, for communities and schools, we put a hundred percent of our net monthly profits back in strategically. We invest it back in to put food for us up at schools and churches and all of these public facing. And if you want to be in the business of helping people be self-reliant and free and grow food, this is the best business model that I can imagine in the world.

Right now, you can use your home as your home base for this business, create a demonstration site, which also becomes a nursery and a foods production site. And now you’ve got the ultimate stack of [00:26:00] functions of joy and demonstration and education, or you’re helping people create freedom. How do we find out more about this?

Awesome. Well, I would go to your site as well. There’s we have these amazing affiliate links. It doesn’t cost anything to spread the message about this. And we also believe in regenerative capitalism, we don’t believe in socialism and communism. Rooted in force and violence, we believe in the voluntary exchange of value.

So for instance, our contract is two pages in, it speaks to the voluntary exchange of value. There’s no bullshit, there’s no NDAs or patents or none of that stuff. It’s, let’s grow food and have fun doing it, and let’s provide value for each other and get compensated for our value. So I would suggest go to your site, go underneath and find that link.

And, um, if we also have social media all over at food forest, Awesome. Awesome. Thank you so much for rocking out with me today, Jim, this has been a lot of fun. I love it, [00:27:00] man. Thank you. Very excited. Let’s go change the world. Let’s do it. We’re doing it. Awesome. Thanks again to the listeners. Make sure you subscribe, rate and comment.

We’ll see you next time on the work-at-home rockstar podcast.

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