Charting Success in the World of Remote Work and Well-being with Ken Paskins

Jan 29, 2024 | Assembling The Band, Gathering Fans, PodCast, Season 3, The Jam Room

The Back-Story

Today, Tim talks to Ken Paskins, the CEO of ShiftSpot, who offers an illuminating perspective on managing a business and catalyzing substantial growth within it. Drawing parallels between the strategic shuffling of top operators in SEAL teams and fostering strong middle management, Ken underscores the idea that growth through people is a fundamental business tenet. He candidly shares early setbacks faced by Shiftspot and the importance of cultivating a business support system that aligns with the company’s goals. His journey provides a roadmap for entrepreneurs to navigate the complex terrain of audience engagement and resilient business development.

Who is Ken Paskins?

Ken Paskins is the Founder of GCE Strategic Consulting and The Shift Spot™. He has a wealth of experience in leadership, including operations, sales, acquisitions, strategic planning, and P&L management (up to $500M) while leading teams north of 400+ people across North America and Europe for Fortune 100 companies such as Oracle.

Ken grew up in Noblesville, Indiana, and graduated from Purdue University. He watched his father and grandfather try to make businesses work while learning on the job, and not having the experience needed to truly know how to run a successful business, so he decided there had to be a better way and worked his way up the corporate ladder learning the skills needed to run a business the right way.

Ken has been a fractional COO for over 3 decades, helping companies from pre-revenue to $50M. His clients include HVAC, accounting firms, legal practices, software companies, etc. Additionally, he has experience in PE, VC (including Sequoia) and M&A.

Show Notes

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In This Episode:
(0:00) Intro
(0:06) The good note
(2:56) What didn’t go well
(7:58) Leadership and accidental entrepreneurs
(11:34) Organizing the jam room
(13:35) The importance of fitness
(18:40) Finding clients
(21:51) Getting referrals
(23:25) Building your team and delegating
(27:17) Ken’s guest solo
(28:02) Target market
(32:26) How to connect with Ken
(32:35) Outro


Read Transcript

Tim Melanson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to today’s episode of the work at home rock star podcast.

Very excited for today’s guest. He’s the ceo of ship spot And what he does is he helps CEO stop working in the business and start working on the business. And we’ll get into that a little bit more in detail about today. We’re rocking out with Ken Paskins. Hey, Ken, you ready to rock?

Ken Paskins: Let’s do it, Tim. I appreciate it.

Tim Melanson: Awesome. So we always start off you in a good note. So tell me a story of success in your business that we can

Ken Paskins: be inspired by. Yeah, so I think the, the, the greatest, uh, one of the great successes that we had early on is when we first started the community and, uh, there was this individual, this, this year that was struggling, um, with his company and he, he provided basically at a online store for herbal supplements and everything, and then several retail stores.

And, uh, his top line wasn’t growing the way he wanted, right? So he’s looking to actually, uh, shedding some of his staff and he never had been faced with that. So, uh, we went through a couple of [00:01:00] different scenarios with other folks, uh, in, in the community and kind of challenged him to not look at cutting staff, but, uh, focusing on the top line and seeing if we could actually grow that.

So we actually came up with some package ideas and some membership ideas. Uh, that he began to implement over the, over the following quarter, if you will, and his business ended up growing, you know, 12 percent that year and didn’t have to cut the staff that he had looked at. So we basically, I mean, just helped him repackage everything he had and did some, uh, did some different things from a membership perspective and kind of changed the game.

And it was pretty exciting. So you don’t always have to follow or look at the bottom line and cut people. You can sometimes look at what can I do on my top line as well. And that’s one of the things we came up with. Yeah, I love

Tim Melanson: it. And that’s pretty common too, right? People sort of look at trying to put things before they start to try to grow things, right?

Is that normal? Is

Ken Paskins: that? Yeah, I don’t know if there is a normal per se, I think it just depends on the, uh, the [00:02:00] individual. Some individuals think that they can outsell it and continually to flush cash down the drain per se. Um, so I don’t know if there is a norm per se, but it’s, it’s good to just make sure that when you get into those emotional decisions and you’ve got to make some tough decisions from a business perspective.

That you look at it all angles and not, could not assume that you are boxed in per se, uh, and, and make sure that you’re applying the right solution. Yeah. And

Tim Melanson: probably the biggest thing is that when you’re kind of in that, that space where there’s some emotional connection to the people that you have, of course, and you know, you can probably be a little bit paralyzed and not really about what to want to know what to do

Ken Paskins: next.

Right. Yeah, yeah. That happens a lot. I mean, you know, this individual specifically had some people that have been or still does. People have been with this company 15, 18 years, right? So that’s, that’s a lot of time if you will. But look, the business is a loving, breathing entity and it’s there to survive and it’s there to grow.

[00:03:00] And if it doesn’t do that, then you can’t employ people anyways, right? So that’s got to be the primary focus.

Tim Melanson: So now along with a good note, there’s some things that don’t go as planned. So wondering, can you speak to us about something that didn’t know? Well, you know, a bad note in their business that, that we can maybe avoid or learn how to recover

Ken Paskins: from.

Yeah. I don’t know if it, if it would apply to the, uh, the masses per se, but, um, One thing that we did and you’ll notice my language will change here a little bit, but when we first launched a couple years ago, um, it was a community built for CEOs and, uh, you know, and my, my. Um, let me back up just a little bit.

So my history, by the way, is I come out of corporate America and I worked for large software companies, manage PNLs up to a half a billion dollars, large teams of four 50 plus. And prior to this shift spot, I had a consulting, [00:04:00] still own a consulting practice called GCE strategic consulting. And the best way to describe that is a bunch of hired guns per se in a variety of different seats, operations, finance, marketing, sales, HR that would drop in and help business leaders and elevate and get to the next level and break through that glass ceiling.

I operated and did that as a C. O. O. Perspective. So I started to see a variety of same stories and similar problems, uh, you know, occurring within companies, et cetera, et cetera. And some of those were making poor hiring decisions. Some of those were, you know, uh, you know, making decisions without facts and figures, but based upon emotions.

And so the shift spot was formed originally to go help solve that problem with CEOs. But then as we started going down that path and, you know, gain clients and [00:05:00] everything, and speaking to those in the community and everything, what really occurred, and then I also analyzed past assignments was that a lot of CEOs out there have a ton of support and help, right?

So they have, uh, groups such as EO and Vistage and. YPO and masterminds and, and coaches and everything else. And, but, you know, what they didn’t have was that support system actually for their leadership and their management. Right. So, and it dawned on me that a majority of the situations when I was dropped, dropped into, uh, be an operator and help a business owner that.

A lot of my time was spent elevating their direct reports, right? Honestly, keeping them out of their own way and helping them, you know, solve really hard problems and, you know, helping them with a lot of business, uh, acumen and things that they had lacked. Right, so the shift spot literally made its shift itself and, you know, we started actually focusing on that middle layer and [00:06:00] it’s, it’s interesting.

There’s a, uh, there’s actually a book out there, uh, Jaco. He’s a, he’s a famous Navy SEAL actually. And one of his books put a lot of focus on that, on taking top operators and switching them from one team to the next team. And they realized that actually in the steel environment, not only would that old team still rise, but the new team would as well.

So there’s this new focus out there in, in corporate America and small businesses to actually focus on that leadership team, because, you know, the whole goal of growing a company or the objective of doing that. It’s really doing that through your people. So I think one of the, one of the, the challenges and one of the mistakes we made was just initially taking off and launching the company and not really challenging myself and getting distracted and going down the wrong path.

And as soon as we made that switch, uh, you know, sales and [00:07:00] getting in front of people and be able to understand the pain points and solve those pain points became a lot, lot easier. So I know that was a really long answer, but, uh, and I don’t know how that applies to the masses that are, are, are listening, but I guess maybe the 1 lesson is.

They’re there that just because you launch a business idea, don’t think of how you started and where you started is going to be the end, right? So, you know, for example, Amazon started selling just books, right? Google started selling door to door, um, you know, advertising. Right now they’re a giant search or engine and now Amazon obviously does way more than books, but go into it and listen and learn and develop and re re evolve your idea until it hits what buyers want.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, right on. And, and also, you know, a lot of what I heard there was focusing a little bit more on the top level [00:08:00] leadership levels of the business as well. Because I think that’s probably pretty important. And a lot of people, when they look at their business, there’s kind of looking down and going, going to make those little guys work harder, right?

When a lot of it has to do with leader comes from the top down, right?

Ken Paskins: Yeah, that’s really it. And I’m sure a lot of your listeners can relate to this, but, uh, there’s a lot of people out there that are quite obviously these accidental entrepreneurs. My father was one of them, right? Never worked for anyone his entire life, started a company.

He had multiple, lots of failures, fortunately more successes than failures. And he had to teach himself everything about leadership and interviewing and, you know, finances and operations and all that. No one really taught him. So those are some expensive mistakes and I work with owners all the time. I just got done working with a guy that is a CEO of a 50 million POS business, uh, for, for restaurants and, and bars.[00:09:00]

And, uh, he started in sales and just honestly got some money and kept, you know, kept gambling, taking high risk and they paid off and suddenly he’s got this, you know, this big company, but. You know, and he’s owned it for five years. It’s really taken off like a rocket ship. But prior to that, he’s never really ran teams.

He’s never, you know, developed compensation plans. He’s never really, uh, you know, understood or built, you know, operational process and things of that nature. Right. So for him to then teach his managers or have those expectations, right. To get to the next level. Is daunting, right? Uh, and they lack that skill set.

So what we found that there’s a lot of CEOs out there that once again, they have this support group, but what they need to figure out is how do I get more out of my people and how do I arm them with the basics so that they can take my company to the next level? Because guess what? Maybe I don’t know how to teach him or I, I [00:10:00] don’t want to teach them, but they need to be elevated.

Right. In order for me to scale and, and, and succeed.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. I agree. And I mean, one of the other things that keeps coming up here is that, uh, you know, a lot of this had talked about people in very, very high places in very, very big businesses, hiring people and hiring coaches, right. And like working on themselves and, you know, you, you sort of think, I don’t know about you, but I sort of think that.

The guy that’s, you know, running a billion dollar company probably has it all figured out. He does. Do they really need to hire somebody?

Ken Paskins: Well, it turns out they do. Yeah.

Tim Melanson: Cause they do. Right.

Ken Paskins: Yeah. And well, and even those individuals, Tim, I mean, even those individuals have high level coaches and advisors and everything.

Right. So, you know, a good friend of mine, he was number two at Intel and Balmer, you know, personally hired him to train his, his executives, his director reports and make them better [00:11:00] leaders. Right. You would think that a company, uh, you know, the size of Microsoft, you wouldn’t need that, but. But they did. So I think it gets back to anything.

Professionals continue to develop and get better, right? Uh, you take any sport, high end sports athlete to high end CEO to even, you know, companies, smaller, smaller CEOs as well as smaller, medium sized businesses. I mean, professional. Professional and personal growth is, is definitely needed to, you know, to realize your dreams.

So, you know, at the shift spot, now we, we focus on cultivating and transforming those existing managers and leaders and to high performers. And, uh, you know, we, we, we’ll do that. Eight weeks with a program that we’ve got or their money back, actually.

Tim Melanson: So now let’s talk a little bit about the jam room. So your home office now, I mean, this has changed over the last three years.

I’m sure a lot more people are working from home. However, uh, there still are some challenges of, about, you know, [00:12:00] setting up, uh, you know, productive workspace at home. I’m wondering, do you have any tips that we can use for that? Uh,

Ken Paskins: you know, uh, for, for me, I, I am a veteran of this COVID did not teach me this.

So I’m probably not your typical interviewee per se. Right. So I have literally been working remote for most of my career. I mean, maybe close to 30 years, 28, 30 years, something along those lines, because as I’d stated, Came out of high tech, right? So most of my bosses lived in California and my team was distributed across North America or even Europe as well.

So, um, you know, you know, my, my, my setup is kind of like a war room. Right. So I’ve got, you know, two monitors. I’ve got a, uh, I’ve got a treadmill that I walk on. It’s a walking desk, if you will, my desk where I’ll elevate and decrease and everything or, or, or whatever, go up and down. And I’ve got a special chair that sits on my treadmill and everything, but.

You know, I spent a lot of time in the [00:13:00] office, so I’ve got to be comfortable and the things that have changed, I guess, over, over time is now the video aspect, right? When I first started working remote, it wasn’t video and as a matter of fact, my 3 young girls were curious of what I would do all day because I’d stay in an office and I’d be unshaven with a baseball hat on.

I’d go for a run during lunch, come back and not shower till dinner time. But work, because we didn’t have video back then it was just phone calls and I’d be, you know, call a call after call back to back, you know, and conference calls or speaking to clients or speaking to team members or something like that.

But it’s something that I have actually, I guess, been doing for decades. And even in my consulting practice, I mean, the past 8 years, all of our clients have been remote. So I don’t have the answers to your question, Tim, feel free to dig in and ask any additional questions you might have.

Tim Melanson: Well, you got me beat.

I’ve been working from home for 15 years now. So you’re double on me. But, uh, but one of the things that keep on coming up as, as themes is [00:14:00] it’s to do with fitness. There’s there. It seems to always be something to do with keeping in shape.

Ken Paskins: Some soul, right? Yeah. And that’s important. I mean, go, go ahead. Go ahead.


Tim Melanson: I was going to say, say that. Yeah, it just, it’s, it’s something that you don’t really think about when you’re thinking, Oh, you know, we’re from all, we talked about this before the, uh, before the interview, you know, what is the jam room? And, and like, you talk about monitors, that’s normal, you know, the, the, the workspace, the office door and all that stuff, but.

But why is it important to have something to do with your health and with your fitness

Ken Paskins: in, in, in your home office too? Yeah. So that all started, um, boy, what was it, I don’t know, 10, 11, 12 years ago and, and I started to get some. Arpal tunnel in my wrist and I started to gain some weight and I wasn’t able to work out as much as, as I wanted to and, uh, and I started to get [00:15:00] this pain in my neck and everything.

And it’s just like, this is just, uh, you know, I, I, I was living in my office practically. I mean, I was getting going back then at. 630 and, and it wasn’t unusual to stay till 630 at night, go eat dinner and then come back and work a couple hours. And that’s when I, you know, ran really large teams. I don’t recommend that life for anybody at this stage, but it came to the point.

It’s like, this is just, this is. Detrimental for my health and long term being and everything. I got to change it. So I maybe did what an extreme would be. At least my wife told me it was an extreme. And I went out and dropped 12 grand on my office. And I know that’s a lot of money for people, but you know, I was like, I’m getting the best monitors, the best computer, the best, the best keyboard, the best desk, the best treadmill.

The best of everything, right? Because I don’t want, I want to take care of my eyes, my wrist, my neck, my body and all that stuff. But, you know, for some of the listeners on all the health stuff, go, there’s a [00:16:00] company, I’m looking at a little digital monitor, uh, to drive you the brand, but it’s called iMoveR.

And, um, you know, they have great stuff to help, help set you up, but you got to take care of your health. I mean, without your health, you don’t have a sharp mind. Without a sharp mind, you can’t do the things that you want to do. So I try to get in a couple miles every day, right? And obviously you can’t do the treadmill during a podcast or during a video call.

And, uh, and I also try to force myself to go to the gym, you know, at least two to three times a week. But, you know, it’s something you got to put in the forefront if you’re going to be sedentary and just sitting in an office chair all day. Love it. Love

Tim Melanson: it. And those are some great tips too. I’m really happy that you ended up talking about.

Hey, rockstar. I hope you’re enjoying this episode of the work at home rockstar podcast. If you didn’t know already, my business is creative crew agency. We build websites. Now let’s talk about your website for a minute. Most people realize that at this day [00:17:00] and age, we need a website, but we don’t really know what the website is supposed to do.

And sometimes you’ll just go and build a website for the sake of building a website. What I do is I make sure that your website actually accomplishes a goal. Now there are three main goals. To most websites. Number one is to provide information and build credibility. Number two is to schedule some sort of appointment and get them onto a sales call.

Number three is to sell something like an e commerce site. Now, when you’re setting your website, you have to be very mindful that the visitor doesn’t know what to do. And so you have to provide them with a roadmap that leads them down a path to wherever you want them to go. On my website, I want them to be on a free consultation.

So that’s why when you go to creative crew agency. com, you’ll see information about scheduling a free consultation. Now for you though, I’m going to provide you with an extra link so that you can get your free website audit. Go to creative crew agency. com forward slash free website audit. And schedule an audit with me and I’ll [00:18:00] go through your website live and determine what we can do to improve your conversions and make sure that you’re getting the business from your website.

Go to creativecrewagency. com and we’ll see you there. You’re totally right. I mean, in a, when you’re running the business yourself, you are the one that needs to keep that energy up. Right. Right. You know, if you’re working for somebody else, somebody else is responsible for the, you, you just show up and do your job as a whole, you know, if you’re responsible to always be keeping the energy up, then you’re going to have to figure that out.

And I, you know, like I said, there’s been a lot of guests that have come on the show that have mentioned something to do. With fitness and standing desks and treadmills and all that stuff. So, and also that, you know, been a lot of guests that have talked about meditation and other types of spiritual practices as well.

Yeah. And, uh, a little bit of stuff seems to keep coming up over and over again with entrepreneurs works from

Ken Paskins: home. Yeah. You have to, or you’ll go crazy. Yeah.

Tim Melanson: So let’s talk a little bit about getting fans now. Um, I mean, this is probably one of the things that you’re, you know, you’re [00:19:00] getting good at, but, uh, I’m wondering how do we start finding people to talk to number one and also converting them into people that are going to actually

Ken Paskins: want to do business with us?

Yeah. So, um, what we did is, first of all, I went and interviewed. This was a concept that was derived from my consulting practice. Right? So, you know, once again, I started to see like these leaders and managers that struggle with how do I create productive meetings for both one on one and group meetings, right?

How do I create scorecards that tells the CEO where we’re going or what we’re doing, or how do I communicate up, down and across the organization effectively or interviewing people or. Build a business case, right? So a lot of owners here all the time. I’m sure those resonates, but somebody comes to you and says, Hey, I need to hire four people.

Well, why? Well, we’re all busy, right? Or I need two new vans. Well, why? Well, the [00:20:00] other ones are busy, right? So, but, you know, so we teach the, these business leaders to under the concepts of building a business case, right? The pros and the cons and what that ROI looks like as well. And then also problem solving skills, get to the root cause, make sure they’re solving, uh, the, the, the, the correct problem per se.

And, and Tim, I got a little distracted. What was your original question? I’ll go to that.

Tim Melanson: How do we grow that, that fan base?

Ken Paskins: Yeah, gotcha. So that I saw those problems within the consulting practice, which then sparked this to evolve and then create our accelerator program. And really what I did is I went back and I basically talked to past clients and it was like, Hey, you know, You know, Tam, you know, we, you know, when I worked with you, I saw these problems.

Would this type of a solution benefited you? Yes, it would. Right. So then we gathered that data and I worked with a bunch of different [00:21:00] CEOs and everything, and also hired a marketing firm or an agency that does my consulting practices, um, marketing efforts to go out and do a survey and then do personal interviews of different CEOs to really.

Home in on what the message is, what the package is, what the offering is, how much they should pay on that. And then a lot of those people that participated in the survey became very excited because they were a part of it, right? So, you know, they, they. You know, a lot of those ended up turning into customers, right?

Because like, look, they were a part of, if it’s, it’s like having a conversation with Tim and Tim telling you, here’s some of the challenges I have with my company, right? If you can fulfill this, I’d buy that. Right. So, so then that began to become the place that we started to gain clients from. And then it just started to spin off of referrals from there.

Right. But, um, that’s kind of the, you know, the, the, the track that we [00:22:00] took, if you will, to get, get clients and get going. Right on.

Tim Melanson: Okay. Let’s talk a little bit about referrals too. So, I mean, this is a huge part of my business is referrals. How do you, like, do you have any tips and tricks on how to get someone to sell what else about you?

Ken Paskins: You know, I think it’s all about, honestly, just doing a good job and doing what you say. And specifically for what we do, I think people feel obligated at that point to actually give you a referral. Right. So, um, if you’re not delivering a great service, you know, then it’s going to be harder, but at least with the, the CEOs and the managers and others, I mean, once they get into the program, They, they get excited, right?

They get excited about their personal and professional growth and, uh, they, they want to share those experiences with others and. You know, and quite honestly, we ask for them, right? I don’t know if most people, I don’t know if most people actually ask for referrals, [00:23:00] but if you feel like you’re giving a good service and everything and you’ve earned it, then there’s nothing wrong with asking for that, um, as well.

And people, people want to see people, they. They like and enjoy working with succeed. So I don’t know if it’s much more complicated than that, to be quite honest. I found it to be

Tim Melanson: pretty simple to, uh, referrals just tend to just coming out. I’ve found that actually in the opposite end, if I work too hard at like putting together incentive plans and all that stuff, it doesn’t actually work any better than just doing a good

Ken Paskins: job.

Yeah. I agree. A hundred percent. Right on. So let’s talk a

Tim Melanson: little bit about the band. Now. Um, what

Ken Paskins: would you say would be the first people

Tim Melanson: to start working with like a, in your business? Like maybe if you’re trying

Ken Paskins: to delegate somewhere, what are the first people to start working with or did start working

Tim Melanson: with both?

Like what were the first people that you

Ken Paskins: started to [00:24:00] hire, I guess? Okay. Gotcha. Okay. Well, I mean, so we are a, uh, uh, husband, wife, uh, program per se. So the very first one was my wife, right? And she’s got a lot of expertise around marketing and PR and things of that nature. So that, that became a pretty simple and we came up with this concept and everything based upon it.

Okay. Gotcha. My history and everything, and from there, we, we hired a, uh, a junior marketer, um, to join the team and actually help with a lot of the activities, social posting, blogging, yada, yada, all that good and great stuff. So she’s focusing some more on the strategy and everything. And then, um, I focus on.

The program and, uh, it’s delivery. And then we’ve got a series of coaches and experts that are for the, for the rest of them, there are 10 99s that participate in the community and, um, you know, a, a part of our program as well. Okay. Now, does [00:25:00] everybody

Tim Melanson: sort of stay in their lane or is there like any type of overlap of duties?

Ken Paskins: No, we’re pretty religious about that. And we’re only that way just because, you know, that, that’s my expertise, right. Of, you know, companies hire me to be an operator and coming in and driving. Driving, you know, accountability driving, uh, role, clarity, setting expectations and everything and not allowing that to take place.

So we actually do a very good job at the at that to be quite honest. And if we do see it, which is rare. We’ll call it out, you know, like, Hey, why am I doing this versus you or, or, or whatever? But you know, the, the key to grow in any company, I don’t care if you’re small or, or, or large, right? There’s, there’s, there’s some truth to the CEO has to wash the dishes and open the door every day, but you’ve got to rely on your team and you’ve got to provide clarity for them and allow them to go do their job and trust that they’re going to do a trust, but verify.

Yeah. Trust,

Tim Melanson: but verify. Yeah. [00:26:00] And, and, and that’s a good point because, you know, a lot of people, when they start their business, they’re the solopreneur and they’re doing everything. And then as they’re bringing people on, it can be, it can be quite challenging to just let go

Ken Paskins: of those responsibilities. Right.

It can be, it can be. And like, like I said, I mean, quite honestly, you know, most of the companies that I worked with in my consulting practice were. Five to 15 million, you know, some outliers of 250 million, 50 million, but most were within that range. And a majority of those folks. Started out as a, literally a solo, right?

So an SEO expert, for example, client in Germany started out as a mathematician, technician, SEO expert, and then suddenly she’s got a, uh, a team of 20. Right. And, um, so, you know, we’re often working with those business owners that either provide a great product and or service, [00:27:00] and they are probably, uh, you know, some sort of scientist and or great salesperson then can go out and deliver it.

And then they want to a multiplier. So they add people to the team and then they struggle with. All right now, what do I do with this team? Right? And, um, you know, the shift spot specifically helps with that because. Not only are they learning every single day, but now they’ve got team members that they’ve got to learn and elevate as well to hit their goal.

But that’s, that’s, that’s our bread and butter per se. Nice.

Tim Melanson: Well, this seems like a good time to move into your guest solo then. So tell me what’s exciting in your business.

Ken Paskins: Yeah, I mean, you know, it’s exciting because I mean, it’s a new year where we’re launching a couple of different, uh, new programs and everything.

And that’s really started to take off. Um, we’ve, uh, we just launched a new face on our website. So that’s always exciting. Actually, I’ve done that in both companies, both expensive, but you know, they, they have the. They, they, I’m confident that we’ll see the return on that. [00:28:00] But, uh, there there’s, there’s a lot of really cool stuff going on actually right now.

So we’ve got our next cohort launches here in a couple of weeks and we do a new cohort actually for leaders and managers every month. So check us out if you want to see when the next one is. So now, what

Tim Melanson: would be the person that would get the most out of working with you, actually? What is your target market, I guess?

Ken Paskins: So we target working with CEOs that really have 10 years or less of experience. And you might ask the question, well, why is that? Well, I’ve found that if you’ve got 15 or 20. You probably have fixed a lot of these pain points and, uh, you’ve got the scars on your back. You’ve got some failures. You’ve got support.

You maybe have worked and elevated your team already and or replace them with more expensive staff. So that’s, that’s one spot. Uh, we don’t really target number of employees, but a minimal with us is you must have two managers that [00:29:00] have. Workers under them, right. And direct reports. And those are not 10 99.

So those are full time employees. And as far as industries, it’s, it’s really technology and business services, which is a broad category, but CPA firms, uh, consulting firms, uh, legal firms, anybody provides that type of services, right? Uh, those are, you know, those. More of a white collar environments are a good fit and that’s a target market that we’re working with

Tim Melanson: nice.

And so how does the process work? Like they, what do they do? They go to your website, fill out a form like that, or they call you. How does it.

Ken Paskins: Uh, it’s real simple. I mean, the eight work week program is 2997, which honestly, CEOs don’t bat an eye at, and it’s, it’s substantially well below what I used to, you know, coach with, uh, and, and, and bill out myself.

Uh, they go online, we’ve got a community developed for them. [00:30:00] They get a, get a link, they pay with a credit card, ACH, however they want. Uh, they’re set up in a cohort, uh, and then once that cohort is established within the cohort, they’ll get an accountability buddy and then every single week there will be both a, uh, a lesson reviewed and then a new lesson learned.

So, for, for example. You know, one, one week, you know, or the very first week we, we drive into building successful one on one meetings with your direct reports, building, uh, you know, team meetings to drive accountability with, with your, with your team, specifically setting up, uh, expectations and role clarity with your team.

So you get the results that you’re expecting, uh, and we’ll provide the framework and show them. You know, how to do that, why it’s important answer questions, and then they will go back to their business basically for a week and then develop that. And in that process, they have an accountability coach. We [00:31:00] also have during the week, an office hour event where they can dial in and ask any questions on that project and everything.

So then the following week, they come back and we’ll review with everybody. All right. So what does your, your one on one. Uh, template look like for your team, you know, where are you going to post it? How are you going to use it? What is the value of it? You know, your group meetings, uh, what do the expectations you’ve set for your team?

Same questions, fine. Do that and then give them a new thing and go through that same process. So then the next assignment would be a scorecard. Now we’re going to have a scorecard. So when the CEO asks you, Hey, how is your business doing? How’s your team doing? You can then show and say, and explain it.

Here’s how we’re doing, right? Here’s the good, the bad, the ugly, and here’s where we’re going and be able to articulate that. So the entire purpose is not just a bunch of lessons and videos and all that. It’s actually taking something every single week and learning something tangible that I can then apply to the business [00:32:00] that that following week.

And the CEO can actually see the results and get something out of it and then learn, you know, thereafter. So that, that’s the process. It’s more

Tim Melanson: like a workshop than, than, uh, than a

Ken Paskins: course, right? It is, and it’s surrounded with, you know, community as well. We’ve got an online community that we developed with other experts in it, other, uh, leaders and managers on the same journey.

Once they actually become a part of the program, they stay in the community forever. You know, we, we have leadership books that we recommend and other things. And there’s, there’s all sorts of extra value add within that community as well. But as far as the course itself, yeah, that’s a good way to put it.

Tim Melanson: Wow. Right on. Okay. So how do we find out more then?

Ken Paskins: Yeah, go to the, the shift spot. com and all the information is there. Um, but you know, if any of your listeners also just want to shoot me an email, Ken at the shift spot. com and ask me to, you know, to look through and do a free assessment of their [00:33:00] leadership team and, and, and, and offer up some advice to help get to them, get them to the next level so they can realize their dreams.

And generally this shows up with, boy, I. I wish my people understood what I did, or I wish I didn’t have to do everything, or why do I have to work all these hours, or I wish I had more time, you know, or I wish my people solved problems, or I wish I understood, you know, how they’re driving their departments.

If you got some of those red flags or some of those things going on in your head that you’re hearing per se, shoot me an email, reach out, let’s have a call. You know, I, I’ve been doing this a long time. I, I don’t push people at all and try to close them if it works out great and not walk away as friends, but, uh, just shoot me an email, Ken, at the chef spot.

com. I love that. Well, thank you

Tim Melanson: so much, Ken, for rocking out with me today. This has been

Ken Paskins: really, really valuable. Thank you, Tim. I appreciate your time as well and stay warm up there. I

Tim Melanson: will. All right. To the listeners, make sure you subscribe, [00:34:00] rate, and comment. We’ll see you next time on the work at home

Ken Paskins: rockstar

Tim Melanson: podcast.


Ken Paskins: for listening to learn how you can become a work at home rockstar or become a better one. Head on over to work at home rockstar. com today.

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