Kimberly Spencer – Crowning Yourself

Apr 4, 2022 | Assembling The Band, PodCast, Practice Makes Progress, Season 3, The Jam Room

Season 3 / Episode #61 : Kimberly Spencer

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

The Back-Story

Meet Kimberly Spencer, award-winning high-performance coach, and trainer, Amazon best-selling co-author, international motivational speaker, and the founder of, helping high achieving visionary leaders build their empire and sparkle with holistic fulfillment in their bodies, businesses, and relationships.

From her entrepreneurial beginnings at five selling bags of glitter-water to her neighbors, to becoming an award-winning screenwriter, certified Pilates instructor, Miss Congeniality, and six-time WEGO Health Activist Award nominee, Kimberly is proof that it’s better to make your own mold than to conform to someone else’s. She’s also the former executive of a national e-commerce startup and was the owner of the private Pilates studio, Fitness with Kim in Los Angeles, CA.

Her journey into the world of mompreneurship with her husband was featured in the 2017 Netflix docuseries, Being Dad. Her work has been featured on The CW, ESPN, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and NPR, and in Thrive Global, Girls Life, CNBC, and Forbes.

Show Notes

Guest, Kimberly Spencer is a high performance coach for and what she does is she helps visionary leaders strip themselves of self-limited stories, stand out fearlessly and build their empires.

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Show Notes:
[0:00] Intro
[0:41] The Good Note – Story of Success
[7:57] The Bad Note – Story of Failure
[12:11] Assembling The Band
[20:27] Practice Makes Progress
[25:28] Setting up a Jam Room
[31:39] Guest Solo


Read Transcript

Intro/Outro: Are you a work at home rock star, or do you dream of becoming one? Then you found the right podcast, your hosts Tim Melanson talks with successful work at home rock stars to learn their secrets and help you in your journey. Are you ready to rock? Here’s Tim?

Tim Melanson: Hello, and welcome to today’s episode of the work-at-home rockstar podcast. Very excited for today’s episode, we have a high performance coach for and what she does is she helps visionary leaders strip themselves of self-limited stories, stand out fearlessly and build their empires. So excited to be rocking out today with Kimberly Spencer. Hey Kimberly, are you ready to rock?

Kimberly Spencer: I am so ready to rock to him. This is going to be fun.

Tim Melanson: Absolutely. So let’s start off on a good note. Tell me a story of success in your business. Then we can be inspired.

Kimberly Spencer: Uh, so in 2020, we all are familiar of like, what happened then? Um, and my husband and I were traveling. And on vacation with, uh, with our son in Australia.

And we decided, um, on a whim and not on a whim and it was also in the line with our vision to choose to stay, and we decided to stay and live in Australia, which also meant that for a time we would be moving into being a single income household. And so that, like my husband asked me, he said, We can do this.

And I was like, yes, we can. And so it transitioned me into a whole new level of trust and support with my own business. And the fun part was I had to learn how to completely pivot because prior to that, in the beginning of 20, 20 or 2019, I found that live events were just the biggest source of lead generation, revenue for our business. And so I said, told my team 2020 is that we’re cracking down. We’re doing live events, live events, January. So January had an amazing successful live event. February another one March. I said, we were going to take some time off cause we were traveling for three weeks and then we would hit another one, another workshop when we got back.

Well, we didn’t end up going back. And so meanwhile, the world goes on lockdown and I’m thinking, how do we transition live events into something that is a profitable lead generation for us. And that was immediately when I remembered a podcast I did in 2019 because I tried like doing Facebook ads. I tried doubling down on my own content production, which was great because it did bring me the Facebook ads brought me new leads, but they weren’t qualified the, uh, con our own content production it helped to really build a deeper community, especially when they really needed the support from, uh, from needing this cheering on and beliefs and mindset shifts that happen when we’re all in locked down and like not unsure of the world. And there’s so much uncertainty, but I was looking, how do I continue to bring in those new leads?

Because that’s what live events did for us. And that’s when I found guests podcasts. And I remembered it, uh, interview that I did back in 2019, where the podcasts are actually became a client of mine. And that was a pretty large sale for me. And I was like, huh, I wonder, I wonder if I could just repeat this process.

And we doubled down in doing guest podcasting, created a whole system for it, with my internally, with my queen team. So I didn’t hire some fancy expensive ad agency that only does like two to three. Um, interviews per, uh, per month for like 500 to $1,100. That wasn’t an investment I was willing to make.

Now I do like two to three per week and get to meet amazing people like you, Tim, and have great conversations. And we did $70,000 of new business in nine months and only 50 interviews.

Tim Melanson: Wow. Wow. Well done. That’s a great story. And, uh, that’s awesome though. I mean, you’ve been on so many podcasts now. That’s cool.

Kimberly Spencer: Yeah. Yeah, it was. That was it’s. It’s been such a fun adventure and it’s like a fun way to connect. Um, and now I teach people how to do it inside my communication Queen’s program. And it’s, it’s worked for multiple different people in so many different industries, which has been really fun to see that it’s not just like people who are coaches.

Cause I think the coaching industry got a huge boom and 2020 when everyone’s like, what do we do? I guess we can just kind of coach and mentor, which is great. Um, because coaching, the coaching industry has a pretty low bar for entry, but at the same time, because it has a low bar for entry, a lot of people who maybe were not qualified or who didn’t have processes or systems in place to coach were stepping into that space and not really knowing what to do.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Yeah, because I think a lot of people would go towards doing like zoom events, like, like trying to do online events, whereas you went a different direction and decided to get on other people’s podcasts.

Kimberly Spencer: Yeah. Yeah. Cause I mean it consistently, no matter what business owner I’ve worked with, one-on-one conversations just go so far.

And the beautiful thing about a podcast is that it’s a one-on-one conversation, but it’s also a one to many. So you’re having the intimacy of a, of a powerful conversation with another human being. And then that conversation is being distributed. So it’s not like. Discovery calls or strategic partnership calls to see if you’re like a right fit.

You get to see if you’re a right fit connect. And then that conversation ripples forth, which is what I love about podcasts.

Tim Melanson: Can I tell you a secret? Oh yes. That’s exactly how I run my podcast is because it’s a great lead generation source for the exact same reasons that you just said. Uh, you can start up your own podcast.

You invite people that could potentially be clients of yours. Yeah. No, I guess you could go either way, you could be on other people’s podcasts or you could have your own podcast.

Kimberly Spencer: Yeah. And you can, uh, the one thing that I liked about having being on, I ha we’ve had our own podcast for two years now, the princess and the bee.

With going on other people’s podcasts. The other part of the strategy is that you’re not the one doing the production, the marketing, the distribution of it. So you’re co-promoting because ideally when you go on someone else’s podcast, you’re agreeing to co-promote to help them, but really. They’re doing a lot of the distribution, the editing, the stuff that, I mean, when I work with clients who have their own podcasts and who aren’t yet making six figures, I w I’m curious as to why.

And I see that they’re spending like seven to 10 hours in editing per episode. And I was like, well, that’s why we need to delegate that stuff.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Oh yeah, that’s totally true. I mean, it is a lot of work to, to, to modify, to edit the podcast, first of all, and then also you’re right with all the promoting and all that stuff.

I mean, when I have a guest on the podcast, I hope that they’re going to go out there and do some promoting. They, they sometimes don’t whereas, uh, I would probably think that most podcasts hosts do do some promoting, right?

Kimberly Spencer: Yeah. I mean, I think that’s the one thing that I love about the podcast community is if you have a podcast and I have a podcast, like I know the effort that goes into producing a podcast.

When I go get to have the opportunity to go onto somebody else’s I do promote it because I know the work that goes into it. And that’s, that’s one of the big principles that I teach is we have generosity as a standard, um, in my company. And. When someone invites you into their kingdom, as I like to say, um, you are a guest, you are an ambassador of your own pro uh, kingdom, your own programs, but you are, you are a guest inside of theirs.

And so how would you like somebody to be a guest inside of yours? When nobody, nobody likes to be in a relationship with a taker. I think when you have generosity as a standard and you’re a giver and. Really think of how can I contribute to somebody else’s success instead of it just being all about me, sharing my message and how awesome I am.

Like it changes the game for your standards and for your results in your business too.

Tim Melanson: Well, welcome to my jam room.

Kimberly Spencer: I’m happy to be in your kingdom. 10.

Tim Melanson: So now along this path, you know, there are lots of great notes, but there are some bad notes from time to time that we’re going to hit some things that just don’t go as planned.

So I’m wondering, can you share something that didn’t go as planned in your journey and how we can either avoid it or recover from.

Kimberly Spencer: So I wasn’t always a coach. I just had two businesses prior. Um, I was a private Pilates instructor and I had my own small, uh, private Pilates studio in Burbank, PA back in Los Angeles.

And then I also was the president of an e-commerce company for two years. And. I was bought out of that company back in 2014. Um, and thankfully, so looking back in hindsight, but I could have saved myself so much pain. Had I just known what I know now. And what I know now is that when you start a business with a business partner, you want to make sure that you’re not only just passionate about what you’re doing, that they, that you both, you and the partner have an underlying.

Values foundation and that it’s a values match. So I work with a lot of business leaders on their mindset and a lot of people think mindset is just like, let’s think positive mindset goes so much deeper because your subconscious mind runs on values. And if you are value, freedom, for example, or if you value, speed and another person values, um, stability.

Then you’re going to have a mismatch of values as far as like what or, or, or if another person values predictability, then they may not have the innovation that is necessary for certain developments that you want to put through. And that was what I really found with my former business partner was that while I valued speed and execution and kind of getting scrappy with it, he wanted more predictability.

So he wanted to hire. Like a professional marketing company and this, and I’m a press agent and have an office and things like that. And after a while, I’m like, we don’t need this stuff. Like let’s get small and scrappy as a startup. And while we did get some amazing results, like getting our product featured on like time square and whatnot, and in major, major magazines at the same time.

When you and your business partner don’t have an alignment of values or having set that foundation first, then you’re basing it off of passion and passion will get you, get you to a point. But when the. Shit hits the fan in a way, because challenges do come up as business owners when challenges happen, especially when the financial challenges happen.

That’s when people like their true colors really come out. That’s actually, when their values really come out and when, when their values come out, if somebody values predictability and certainty, and yet you’re looking for like, how do we innovate in order to avoid this cash flow crisis? It’s going to be a mismatch of values, then that comes down to how do you, how do you navigate that conversation?

And I’m so grateful now that I was bought out of that company because, um, it was, it, uh, it was, it would have been very, very challenging me for me to continue in, in any regards. Um, just because of the, the misaligned. And that’s fine. And the beautiful thing about going through that now, as I’ve worked with two of my clients on we’re walking them through and like helping guide them through their own buyout processes with partners that just weren’t aligned, they just didn’t have the same values.

I mean, I had one client who had. Can’t having a can-do attitude was one of her core values of her company. And yet she partnered with somebody who was very much of a victim mindset of like, well, I don’t know if we can do that. Oh, she, she just didn’t want to innovate. She didn’t want to try new things.

She didn’t want to, um, Uh, she can, every idea she would have, she’s like, well, I don’t think that that’ll work. And so, and then she wouldn’t come up with anything else on top of that. And so that was constantly, constantly kept on. Like my client kept on trying to get things started and it was not working.

And she ended up having to buy her business partner out and so happy that she did because then when she did, she hired three new team members who totally supported her to a 300% increase.

Tim Melanson: Wow. Yeah, that, I mean, that leads right into the next topic, which is about the band, because, uh, I’ve heard that before that you focus more on, on values rather than on skills, because like you said, when things really get tough, that’s when the values really come out and that’s where you end up in clashes.

If you’re not on the same page. So. Is it safe to say that that’s what you do when you’re looking for people to be part of your band as well?

Kimberly Spencer: Yeah, I mean, I hire based on values. Like we, we buy into an idea into getting our kids to ate, eat broccoli, um, into, we are persuaded and influence. We buy things based on our internal values.

So we will subscribe to a belief system to accompany, to. Um, emission, if it aligns with our values now, when you’re hiring, like forming your band, sometimes you want to have everyone have the same core values as your company, but you also don’t want them to just have their own, um, You also don’t want them to have the same values across the board.

And what I mean by this is everybody has a different type of buying structure and we buy based on our values. And there’s a great book called why they buy by Sherry tree. Who’s been one of my mentors for years, and she really talks about the psychology of persuasion and influence in sales. And we’re always selling.

So if I were to sell my operations manager into, um, creating something, that’s streamlined the process, I wouldn’t come at it from a space of like speed and winning and cause that’s not her value system. She, if I came at it from a place of process and structure, that’s where, how she operates. And I use a system called bank, um, where I personality test, everyone who applies to work with me.

Um, and we, and I’ve done this with clients too, of personality testing their entire teams when they, when they enroll as the client. And what I found is like, while you want everybody to have the same core values of the company. So like for us, um, my core value in crown yourself is ownership period like period core value.

Another one of ours is grow or die. Like we literally will look at the programs. Are, is this something that’s growing us? Or is this something that’s like depleting us our inner energy. Um, but those are two core values that anybody who comes on to my team needs to have now speed is. My, uh, scheduling manager has she’s, she’s just the scheduling queen.

She’s so speedy with getting me booked on podcasts. She’s amazing. Um, but that is one of her values for how she works. Another for my operation manager, she values relationships. And so I’m going to have a little bit more of a deeper conversation with her. We’re going to walk through things. I’m going to show her the step-by-steps.

And because of that, what I found is that some people. While there, while their team may have the same core company values, they may still hold the same value of ownership at the same time. If they’re hiring based on other people, like sometimes their diversity, even though they may be ethnically or racially diverse values wise and how they think.

They’re not thinking diverse. And you do want people on your team that are thinking diverse because somebody who’s going to be out there doing sales. You want somebody who’s more of an action taker. Who’s going to be like the hustler, or who’s going to be the one who’s going to really nurture relationships.

You don’t necessarily want someone who is going to be. Stuck going down the research rabbit hole and like doubting themselves or, or, you know, formatting everything into a spreadsheet, but losing the relationship if you’re working on something. But if you’re working on some, if you’re working with someone on your team who is in data acquisition, then yeah, you’re going to want to hire somebody who’s into the knowledge and getting the data and putting together the spreadsheet and doing.

But they’re probably not going to be the person who is going to be the best for your sales team. So for example, I had at one client and he was so frustrated because he had a team of nine and he was like, why does every single person require a 30 minute conversation? And we coded all his team and he ended up hiring all nurturers.

They were all nurturers. That was their first informant primary value. And so they all needed to be nurtured and they all wanted to feel significant and they all wanted to contribute. And I love nurturers because they are like the salt of the earth and they are amazing. They have hearts of gold. And because of that, you want to like, they will want to have a deeper, longer conversation.

So he couldn’t just give like step-by-step instructions to his team. He would have to like have a whole team meeting and then gathered together versus I said, well, if you hired somebody who is more of a systematic or structured thinker in the bank system, they call it a blueprint. If you were to hire somebody, who’s a blueprint, they would just do the step-by-step and here’s your step by step.

And here’s, here’s each step that you follow. Here’s your process. There you go. And they will rock out that process. Because they have the steps. They don’t need a whole conversation necessarily around it, but if you aren’t hiring to different thinking types, then, um, that that’s why having communication.

Versatility is key for your, for who you hire and having diversity is not just diversity of race and ethnicity. It’s the diversity of thought processes.

Tim Melanson: Wow. Wow. That’s gold. So what I’m hearing is that you’re, you’re going to have some sort of like main value of the company. So like a mission statement of value of the company.

But then what you want to do is sort of divide up your company’s roles, the things that need to get done in your company, because you know, companies are sometimes the same, but they’re also very different. And then in each of those roles, you want to find a person who matches the value. That would be most beneficial in that role.

Kimberly Spencer: Yeah. So if you’re looking at someone, if you’re looking at client acquisition or lead generation, you’re probably going to want somebody who is more action oriented, because if you shorten the sales, the length of the sales cycle, that’s how you speed up building income. Um, versus if you’re, if you’re hiring someone for customer support, you’re going to want to hire someone who really values having that depth of conversation, because they’re probably going to be like, When people are emailing customer support.

Yeah. You’re going to want to hire a nurturer because people who are looking for customer support, they aren’t necessarily they’re normally. In a crisis mode. They’re not necessarily looking for support because things are going well. So they have a problem and everybody deals with problems differently.

So if you have someone who is more of a nurturer who can like talk them down, cool them off, buy them a cup of coffee, like make them feel really supported, heard, and understood, and respected. Then suddenly you’re going to build up a stronger customer relationship and same with like your data. If you have somebody.

For data or for the techie stuff, like that’s going to be a different type of person or the accounting. That’s a different type of personality than someone who, who is necessarily nurture, like yes, nurture your numbers, but you also want somebody who’s precise who has credentials and who can, who is detail oriented for your accounting to make sure you’re a numbers.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Yeah. You don’t necessarily want to have like the salesperson who is very optimistic in the accounting section, because I know you’re out of money.

Kimberly Spencer: Yeah. And or you don’t want somebody who’s so fast that they rush through things because they value speed more than they value certainty and predictability.

So yes. Have your company’s core values and that’s who you hire by. So, and then how. The second layer of like, what are the specific role of the values that that person will need to have? Yeah. Right on.

Intro/Outro: Hey rockstars, it’s Tim here. Hope you enjoy this episode. And if you are, feel free to leave us a review while I’ve got you here. I want this to tell you about my business. Creative Crew agency is a one-stop shop for your online business. We provide graphic design websites, ongoing support hosting, and so much more. If you’re looking for a shiny new website. Or you need some technical help with your current platform, feel free to visit creative crew and book a time to talk now, back to the show.

Tim Melanson: So now let’s talk a little bit about practicing and getting good at what you do, honing your craft, all that kind of stuff. I’m wondering, like, how do you approach, you know, first of all, how do you get good at what you do? How do you focus your, your attention on getting better, but also how would you explain that to other people?

How would you get your team to get better at.

Kimberly Spencer: So I look at, um, Really I’m like, I’m an avid book reader. I love reading. Um, and then I’m a certification junkie. And the beautiful thing about certifications is that I can block out a week of like this as the time that I am blocked out. So I’m only focused 100% on that one activity, that one certification or that one thing.

Um, and I aim for about three certain new certifications every single year, uh, because I just love to Uplevel my craft as a, as a speaker, as a coach, as a, as a facilitator. Um, being able to have that. Beyond that for elevating your team. If you have, like, this is a company policy that we have, I have books that I recommend, and I also have any program that I’ve taken.

When someone comes onto my team, they are, they have access to that program. Should they desire to it? So any business program and I’ve, I’ve taken. Different courses over the years of all different sorts of things. So if somebody wants to learn something new, all they have to do is access it for, um, through our, our database.

And they can just let me know which one they want to take and I’ll give them the ability to take it, because that way they’re upleveling their skills. And since that’s a core value of ours is grow or die. Like I want my team also strengthening their own sets, strengthening their skillset and becoming better.

It is one of my intentions that every person who comes into contact with me in some way is elevated in some way, whether it’s just me showing up with a smile on my face to, to choosing joy, um, or to. Tipping or to buying something like whatever it is. I look that is a skillset and a practice of showing up in alignment with what it is that I preached.

And I think that’s a practice of integrity as well. And the practice of, well, what is it that I’m really preaching? What is it, if I’m pre, if my, my genius zone is in transforming people’s stories about what is possible for their life and their business. I had one client who joked with me. He said, if all know, if your coaching is worth it, if, uh, if I can buy my plane, At the end of day, within a year.

You bought us plane with a year. And, but I also hold that standard of like, what is possible, like, okay, this is where you want to be. Let’s get you there because suddenly our egos or doubts or fears are going to want to keep us small and playing in that box that we’re accustomed to. And so it’s my job to keep on pushing that, that growth curve, that, that story of what is possible.

That also means I also need to challenge it for me. So when I start feeling, oh, I’m really comfortable in this space. Oh, okay. Maybe I need to, like, where do I need to grow? What do I need to grow as a mom? Do I need to grow as, as a wife, do I need to grow as a business owner or as a team leader is, um, how can we grow our operations and constantly thinking about that, that never ending improvement to see what area we can grow and we get to grow into, to become even better.

Tim Melanson: Wow. I really liked the approach that you said about this certification junkie, because I think that having like a finish line it’s such, such a great way to do it. Right? Cause I mean, I know that I, you know, I continue to learn, I keep on learning things, but I don’t necessarily structure it in terms of a certification, but that would be good because it would be like a starting point and end point, you get the certification or you don’t, and then you move on to the next thing.

Right. And I love what you said also about making everything that you do accessible to your, to your team. Because I know that in the employment world, that’s a big benefit. A lot of people will. Go and get jobs in certain places because their training is included and you’re doing that in the self-employment area as well, which is awesome.

Kimberly Spencer: Yeah. Yeah. And that’s, and that’s something that is, is really fun for me. Like I loved it when I had my ops manager, I was, uh, elevating and expanding her role as far as what she was in charge of. And she started out just doing. The operations of the podcasts of just producing the, of getting the podcast distributed and all that and managing those operations.

And I remember when I felt like I was like doing something right. Because she, she asked me when I, as we were expanding her role, she said, can, can I still do some of these things with the podcast? Because she just loved it so much. And she was also learning from it. And I was like, I must be. I think I’m onto something.

If my team wants to also consume and be a part of the content production and learn from the content that I’m like, that’s, that’s, um, I’m onto something and that, and then also expand I, that was how I expanded it to like, if they wanted to jump on board with, with one of our, the programs that I’ve personally taken to become a better business leader, they’re more than welcome.

Tim Melanson: Love it. Love it. Let’s talk about your jam room. So working from home is it’s no small task, especially if, when you have family at home and I’m wondering how do, how do you do it?

Kimberly Spencer: So I have two babies under five, and right now we’re actually not at home. We’re actually in an Airbnb in Perth. Um, cause we had to come over here to get my son a passport and.

So how I do it is I have very strong boundaries with my children and my husband is an amazing support. I honestly don’t know how single moms do it. I think they are the, they are literally goddesses and single moms and single dads like how you do what you do. I salute you and commend you because I would not be able to do this without my husband.

He is such a support. So when I have an appointment like. Like he’s currently taking the boys out to go for a coffee and breakfast. And then when we’re actually at home, like my back room is dedicated to work, so they know not to go back and open the door unless mommy. Out. Um, so boundaries are a super, super key thing, especially with young kids.

And they’re not always fun to uphold because sometimes I would much rather stay in play and, and build Legos and train tracks when my son asked me to, um, and sometimes that is a priority and sometimes that’s not. And I do believe in scheduling in first. Putting into the schedule, the boundaries of what do you have planned for your family?

What are the, what are the personal things you want to do? What are the family things that you want to do? Because you’re building a business to support your life. You’re not building a business. You’re not, you’re not working for a business. You’re building it to support you. So start with building those personal boundaries for us.

So I have scheduled in my schedule. Taking the kids to the, to the pool, like, and it’s blocked out just like I do any other appointment, just like I do with my clients. It’s blocked out that, that is my time for mom time. Or, and I have lunch dates blocked out. I have lunch dates with my husband, blocked out.

I have my massages blocked out and time blocking is really key. So I really make sure that I have that overall. Uh, harmonic structure. Cause they don’t really believe in work life balance, but the harmonic structure of everything working together in your grand life symphony, because sometimes you’re going to have a time when your business and the drum section is like, the horns are going to need to crescendo and the, and maybe you’re in the middle of a launch or you’re in the middle of launching a new.

Product or you’re putting something new out there or you’re taking your marketing to the next level. So your, your horn section of your business is going to have to crescendo, but nobody wants to listen to a symphony or a song that’s like horns yelling at you all the time. So that’s why you decrescendo that into having the balance of your string section, the family, the harmony that happens from that.

And you’re able to have that flow and you can do that through looking at literally looking at the color patterns of your schedule minus color coded because I’m a Virgo and I’m nerdy, um, and, and having, and having that color coded to see like, okay, am I. The full rainbow of all the colors in my schedule of all the things that I enjoy and love doing that I blocked out that time for, and that my business gets the support cause it’s, um, it’s, Parkinson’s law that work expands to fill the capacity and time that you have for it.

And so with the beautiful thing of working from home is you get to set your own rules. And the sucky thing about working from home is you get to set your own rules. And so. Marking that out. The other piece of working from home of having your jam session is having a very clearly delineated. What are the key priorities like top three things that you need to get done in your work business period, done finite and always the two things I, when, when I work with my clients, we look at what do you need to do for client lead generation?

What do you need to do for client retention? Those two things you focus on only those two levers. And you’re good to go. What do you need to do for client lead generation and what you need to do for client retention and that will create greater symphony in your business so that you’re not focusing on the 10,000 other different things that you need to do.

I can do when you’re working from home.

Tim Melanson: I also have. Blocks in my calendar as well. And I find that if you don’t set those me time blocks, those like family time and the, and the meantime blocks, that’s the easiest way to sabotage everything. Oh yeah. Well, because what’ll end up happening is it you’ll start to feel guilty.

I think, you know, the family’s waiting outside. You’ve been working all day. You didn’t give them any time at all. Uh, you know, the thing that I don’t feel like doing right now, which is probably the most important thing you should do. And so getting not getting done.

Kimberly Spencer: Yeah. And then, and then you build up the resentment toward your business.

And once, once you go down that resentment spiral, Or resentment about things that you quote unquote have to do, or sometimes resentment towards your kids and family. Like I’ve I’ve. I remember when my son was first born and I wasn’t quite my first son four years ago and I wasn’t of the mindset and my business.

Wasn’t where it is today. And I remember there would be moments where I would resent him for crying and that. Hurt me to my soul, because I would feel so guilty that I re I was having these thoughts of resenting him for being a baby. And really what I was resenting was my own choices to not have those boundaries.

And that’s why I’m so firm on my boundaries that I have so that my kids know that they’re fully supported and that we have time for each one of them. And then my business has time to do with. To do, to keep moving.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. So if anybody’s listening to this right now, it’s okay. It happens to us all like the boundaries

Kimberly Spencer: it’s human you’re normal.

And the thing is your boundaries will evolve as your business evolves. Like some, like I said, sometimes certain times in your business will require a crescendo and a greater focus on that. And sometimes it won’t and that’s so, and both are okay. Yeah.

Tim Melanson: . Yeah, for sure. Right on. Awesome. You know what, it’s time for your guests solo.

I want to know what’s going on in your business right now.

Kimberly Spencer: Well, and in our business, we are launching communication Queens, which is our eight week group coaching program on how to get booked and profit from guest podcasting and use it as a really fun lead generation funnel that also gets to keep you standing in your zone of genius, which is sharing your story, doing the messaging, holding the vision, having amazing, powerful, connected conversations, and then turning those conversations into greater forms of revenue.

down the road And so we’re, we’re rocking that out.

Tim Melanson: And how do we find out more?

Kimberly Spencer: You can go to crown and just click work with me and you’ll see communication Queens right there. And if you like this conversation and you’d like to have deepened the conversation, you can always sign up for a one-on-one high-performance consult, and I’m happy to chat with you.

Tim Melanson: So if you were thinking about the ideal person who would get the most out of your program, who is.

Kimberly Spencer: The ideal person is typically someone who really desires to be heard. They know they have a voice, they know that they’re probably not making as much money as they could. And that. Get, maybe get a little tripped up on the fancy, like they need a funnel, they need a marketing funnel with an emails and all those things that, that can trip business owners up.

And they just want something that’s easy and streamlined and a clear cut process and strategy that works. I mean, this is how we generated $70,000 and only 50 interviews. Um, and I teach the exactly how to do that. So if you feel like you have. If you have a message that you want to share, if your business is not just a business, but it’s like a calling on your heart to like serve on a greater level and impact more people and make more income from it, then communication Queens is for you.

Tim Melanson: Awesome. Awesome. Thank you so much for rocking out with me today. Kimberly, this has been a lot of fun.

Kimberly Spencer: Thank you so much, Tim. I so appreciate it.

Awesome to the listeners. Make sure you subscribe, rate and comment. We’ll see you next time. on the work-at-home rockstar.

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