Lynne Eichenbaum – Practice makes Permanent

Nov 22, 2021 | Keeping the Hat Full, Learning from the Best, PodCast, Practice Makes Progress, Season 3

Season 3 / Episode #42 : Lynne Eichenbaum

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

The Story

 The idea for Garden Sleeves by NOMPI gardening gloves came about when I contracted poison ivy after tending to my vegetable garden. I wanted a sleeved gardening glove that was lightweight, breathable and machine washable. So I made myself a pair, LOVED the result, and couldn’t wait to share them with my fellow gardeners! Keeps arms free from scratches, sunburn, poison ivy, mosquito bites, wild parsnip burn, stinging nettles and so much more! 

Show Notes

Good Note : Working on Network TV at the View. Wasn’t moving up in her career and knew that something was missing. Came up with an idea for an invention, patented it and started going to tradeshows. Grew slowly and steady.

Bad Note : Don’t be stubborn. She created an acronym NOMPI (no more poison ivy) and wanted to name her gloves nompi gloves… but the market didn’t know what that meant and eventually knew that she had to change the name.

Practice Makes Progress : Practice makes permanent. If you practice enough, you permanently engrain it.

Keeping the Hat Full : The most important thing is to not let success get to your head. Don’t turn down smaller local opportunities that might not net you as much as the big ones.

Learning From the best : Joined a mastermind of woman business owners. They meet once a week and cover their hits and misses for the week. This has been very big for Lynne. She met key people to help her bring her business to the next level and so much more.

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