Transforming Lives: Wellness, Success, and Integrity with Mike Moshe Hen

Mar 10, 2025 | Instruments of Choice, Learning from the Best, PodCast, Practice Makes Progress, Season 3

The Back-Story

In this episode of the Work at Home Rockstar Podcast, Tim Melanson sits down with Mike Moshe Hen, a seasoned entrepreneur and wellness consultant. Mike shares his remarkable journey from battling hair loss to creating a transformative wellness protocol that’s empowered countless individuals. Tune in for powerful insights on self-awareness, the importance of integrity in business, and essential health practices for entrepreneurs working from home.

Who is Mike Moshe Hen?
Mike Moshe Hen is a Certified Proctor Gallagher Consultant and Epigenetics Wellness Expert with over 30 years of experience. Through his innovative wellness solutions—including Machisimo Wellness Centers, TDID Hair and Skin Solutions, and the 15% Body Fat Club—Mike specializes in mental reprogramming, anti-aging, and sustainable health transformations. He’s on a mission to positively impact the mindset and health of 1 million men over 40 by 2026.

Show Notes

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In This Episode:

  • 00:31: Mike Hen’s inspiring success story
  • 02:15: Lessons from failure—overcoming significant business setbacks
  • 05:36: Why integrity is crucial in entrepreneurship
  • 07:09: The power of daily self-reflection
  • 09:36: Key health and wellness tips for entrepreneurs
  • 17:28: Practical hydration and detoxification strategies
  • 22:00: Transforming mindset with mental programming
  • 28:33: Embracing love and consciousness for personal growth


Read Transcript (generated: may contain errors)

Tim Melanson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to today’s episode of the Work at Home Rockstar podcast. I’m excited for today’s guest. He’s got a lot of energy. We’re talking to the owner of a whole bunch of businesses. There’s machismo Wellness Center, there’s TDID, hair and Skin Solutions, 50% Body Fat Club. Basically, what he is doing is he is helping people to improve their health by installing new paradigms.

He just makes happy people, so I’m excited to be talking to. Mike Hen and yeah. So Mike, you ready to rock?

Mike Moshe Hen: Let’s help some people.

Tim Melanson: Let’s help some people. Be happier. That’s awesome. So tell me a story of success that we can be inspired by.

Mike Moshe Hen: a good story. I started losing hair around 43 and I was in the industry of wellness and took on myself to really find something that really works because the industry is kind of lacking. Got to develop my own protocol, my own machine, parent date. And in the last eight years, I created miracles with this and, it really took off.

I own 23 [00:01:00] locations today, and it just keeps growing. I have a lead, doctors calling it the cure for hair loss, restored my hair at 50. I got more hair than my 20. And the reason I took it is because when I was losing her, I feel the emotional. weight. It got on for some weird reason. And since then I had ladies in tears thinking me about developing this ’cause they felt everywhere else for years. My core, as I mentioned before, is I really want to help people the best way I can.

And this one really made some, news and flesh and I help so many people restore confidence and when confidence comes back, especially for women, men too. in my methods, I also added some meditation and stress level reductions and the best review I ever got. I can share it with you was not only I got my hair back, I got my life back.

Tim Melanson: Yeah.

That’s [00:02:00] success in my eyes. You’re only successful in the amount that you’re able to influence for the better other people. ’cause anything else, I’m sorry, you’re not taking with you Wow.

Mike Moshe Hen: that’s my greatest success is the amount of happiness that I spread in people.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, I agree. So now on the show I like to talk about both the good notes and the bad notes. ’cause sometimes things don’t go as planned, and I wanna make sure that people that are listening to this know that, hey, it happens to us. So I’m wondering, can you share with us something that didn’t go as planned, some bad notes, a mistake that you made, that you recovered from.

Mike Moshe Hen: Yes, I had another, I’m an entrepreneur at Blood, so I just started to, to know two more new businesses. I had a business that I started, in the AC industry. And when you do that, you hire technicians and they might sometimes do things that are not in accommodation with company policies.

Tim Melanson: Okay.

Mike Moshe Hen: Okay, so that’s business I tell [00:03:00] health is a hundred percent up to you. Business, you’re depending on others. So I started spreading and I really spent a lot of money on advertising and I just boosted this whole campaign. And one of my technicians did something horrible in pharma that I don’t want to talk about it.

And I got a call from the general attorney that I have to shut down SAP. Or I’m getting sued, so business just start waking, picking up. I took a whole bunch of money to like, let’s grow. Just went out. The bill just got covered and I’m getting a phone call that I have to shut down and I went out of it with a loss, a big major one, and I just had a newborn son.

Tim Melanson: oh, wow.

Mike Moshe Hen: It got me to the point that I literally had to open savings for emergencies just to keep them feeding. But if you’re [00:04:00] entrepreneur, you know, you’ll have the highs, you’ll have the bad, the, I take them today as lessons. There. There is no obstacles. There is nothing that happens to you.

Everything happens for you. Your job is to pay attention to why? never repeat it again. So, you know, we might go into a business, we might start, we might have something going on and you know, God work in mysterious way. We gotta stay positive. That’s all I can say.

Tim Melanson: Yeah.

Mike Moshe Hen: The period of stress.

Tim Melanson: Well, that’s just it, right?

Mike Moshe Hen: If you’re an entrepreneur, if you work, from home. And you have plans to grow and make it bigger. You know, we make plans and God, God is on. So take everything that is. if it happened in a certain way, it’s to show you a better way. That’s the only attitude.

We should keep it because it’s like it’s a truth that might hit you later. So don’t wait. Just understand it wasn’t meant for you. There’s something better. Look for it.

Tim Melanson: So then in this particular instance, what [00:05:00] was that something better? Like what did you learn from that?

Mike Moshe Hen: well, it got me to the point that I, decided to depend only on myself mainly. And, I understood that I should be better at the process of who I’m hiring. And, when you hire. You should make sure that you follow up on them. A lot of business owner, I had a friend who just lost everything because of the same incidents of one of his employees saying something he shouldn’t and he lost everything.

as we grow, we need to make sure that if we don’t do it, we have people in place that?

are sort of people quality control of who works for us and why Today my hiring process, first question. What are you looking to do? Make money or help people if he’s looking. If make, make money is like, thank you very much for coming.

You can make money somewhere. So I’m looking for people who wanna help people who keep integrity. Now, one of [00:06:00] my mentor explained what integrity is. Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking.

How come for the last, let’s say 12 years? Nine years more correctly. Integrity is a priority in everything that I do. I understood that I’m never alone because the one time that I’m alone that you’re gonna call me a body. So there’s always a greater force. You wanna call it God, the universe. They’re always there with you.

And when you think no one is watching, guess what He’s. That’s what I learned is, is to keep integrity and work with people that has integrity as the fundamental and keep educating them about what’s right and how I want my company to run. So never let go.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, well, you can see what people do behind closed doors by the results that they have around their life too, right? It’s, you know, you might think that you’re getting away with it, but it is showing up in your health and in your business and everything. Around you. Those are the [00:07:00] results of what you’re doing regularly.

Right. And it’s not just the things you do when other people are watching. It’s the things that you do when people are not watching too.

Mike Moshe Hen: Yeah. absolutely. And one of the things that I wanted to, bring into the people watching us awareness is pay attention to all aspects of your life. Where are you falling from? Grace. You can do that so easily. 30 minutes in the end of the day, just run the day. What did I say to who? How did I act? How did I respond?

And in those activities that I was encouraged, where did I felt from grace of becoming better? Saying something nicer, inspiring, and promise yourself you’re just never gonna do it again. Now, if you keep this process, you know, life will present you the opportunities again and again. And, and just show, develop the conscious awareness that you are watching yourself.

You are watching your health. You are watching, the people around you and how you treat them. don’t start taking people for [00:08:00] granted. You know, like it’s one of the things. and give everybody, but also don’t be stupid. You know, I tell people, if you watch how people act, their sweet words will never sting you.

Tim Melanson: Yeah.

Mike Moshe Hen: Because I, when I hire people, I watch them, I say nothing. I watch, they’re gonna tell me everything. Results are the name of the game, and the results will be based on your action, not your words.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Well I think that a lot of people when they, do an inventory on how they acted that day and whatever mistake happened, I think a lot of people probably self-medicate, and forget about it. but if they do, it is tough, right?

I mean, you have to. look at what you did, what you said wrong. You have to take accountability for that. but you also have to move forward. So it’s more or less like forgiving yourself for doing that thing and making sure you’re not gonna do it again, versus justifying why it was the right thing to do at that particular moment.

I think there’s like a [00:09:00] balancing act there of going like, okay, you know, it is what it is. It happened. And I can see how there was a reason why it had to happen, and it’s because I need to learn and move forward. And I’m gonna forgive myself for who I was yesterday and tomorrow I’m gonna be someone different.

Is that how you look at it too?

Mike Moshe Hen: Absolutely. and that, basic process is just awareness to self.

Tim Melanson: Mm.

Mike Moshe Hen: Like, if you don’t wanna ask yourself, how did I get here? I suggest you start analyzing your, self on a daily basis. The best way to do it is in the end of every day, you watch how you acted and you look for opportunities to do better.

let’s, let’s talk about health now. I, I do health now mainly because we have, a pandemic of disease. And, if you, if you look at the day and you say, how many times did I have brought this with something into my mouth? In between? Breakfast, lunch and dinner. And I recommend reducing to breakfast and lunch.

Skip dinner. Trust me on that. the person who lived the longest in the Bible [00:10:00] met to, she lived 969 years. He used to eat once every three days.

Tim Melanson: Yeah.

Mike Moshe Hen: So tell you something. And we all know the benefits of fast eat. So what I do.

I fast once a week. I fast every day, 16 hours from the last time I ate, which is around five, six to breakfast.

And I work out on an empty stomach. And, at 50 I’m just gonna show off. And it all started with me being overweight because I forgot to pay attention to how many times I pulled these. And there was a lot. I was working from home next to the fridge, sitting a lot, and you know, oh, I gotta wait for the email.

Five minutes, let me grab some fruits some days. Now fruits also can take fructose. The only difference between fructose and glucose is the name still sugar. So you might think, oh, I might be eating fruits, but hey, if the body is not asking, don’t give it.

Tim Melanson: Yeah.

Mike Moshe Hen: So if you develop the awareness on health on a daily basis and you look at yourself and you [00:11:00] don’t like what you see, or a little bit overweight, then you understand, you know what, tomorrow I’m gonna reduce the amount of, and maybe increase some exercise activities.

Because we don’t want to get to the point that we’re hit with something and there’s nobody else to blame. Health is not business. Business. There’s many factors that will come in your health, your relationships, how you treat others, how you are in peace with yourself can be improved daily by conscious awareness to who I was today compared to a better one. I think. it’s an obligation because it improves relationship with kids, with coworkers, with everybody, because you’re consciously aware of yourself and what you did wrong with acknowledgement, acceptance, forgiveness.

Forgiveness is not for them. It’s for you. So, but acceptance of, okay, this is what it is.

and I can make it better. And you do it. That conscious process will only improve your life on every aspect [00:12:00] because you give it in every aspect in people in myself, how did I handle my business today? a a, let’s say a musician.

Where did I play the guitar today? That could have done it better if I paid more attention. There’s so many things you can take it into, and it’s only like. 10, 20 minutes before you fall asleep instead of scrolling on Instagram, giving away your time and attention to things that don’t matter that much, you matter.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, I agree. And now, are there any practices that you do on a regular basis to stay fresh, in both your business and personal life?

Mike Moshe Hen: So my life has completely changed drastically because of these, processes. I completely changed my life to have it the way I wanted it. So I don’t have mornings that I have to rush to work except the fact that I have to take my kids to school and I wake up at six 30, make them breakfast.

We sing and dance a little bit with breakfast. We talk about life on the drive, we talk. So that’s [00:13:00] a commitment. and I told my kids. Like I don’t really care about school that much. But the process of getting an A in school is the same process of getting a in life, and that’s what I want you to get a, and thank God my daughter is third in state of Florida in mathematics.

My son yesterday got three A’s in all these tests because of this simple process that that’s the way you get a in life information. Teacher is speaking, pay attention. Don’t be with your friends. Pay attention. Think about what she’s saying. Get more information after, which includes doing homework. And with the edge of information, get some more information about what you learned.

So why now? You’re consuming yourself in knowing more than others. And when you get back to school, talk to kids about it. So you’re creating an environment of kids who are interested in learning. Show me your friends. I’ll show you who you are. [00:14:00] Talk to the teacher about it. Hey, I learned this. Now what the teacher sees someone who is interested in what she’s teaching suddenly or the teacher’s favorite.

And when the tests come, you don’t even have to learn. it’s the same process of getting an A in life. You pay attention to the information. You gather more information, you practice it, you talk to others about it. Mastermind. you just perform better. That’s the way I did it in all my businesses and I got five star review.

Nothing else than five star reviews in all my businesses. ’cause of everything that I talked about keep integrity and this process. So if we as person learn to become conscious of where I am, how can I get better? Gather information about it, gather people that are interested in becoming better, then guess what?

Our life will be better in every aspect. There’s no lack of information today. You know, I tell all my clients when I start in, anytime I can bring you to the, well, I cannot make [00:15:00] you drink. I can give you the tools. I cannot make you use them,

Tim Melanson: Yeah, absolutely. So speaking of which, what kinds of tools are you talking about.

Mike Moshe Hen: So there’s for the weight loss, let’s say, which is important ’cause it also improves your health. There’s detox. Avoiding fluoride at all costs. Cleaning the water, you are 75% water. Do you think it’s important what kinda water you drink?

Tim Melanson: Yeah, absolutely.

Mike Moshe Hen: Absolutely. And bottled water are the biggest scam in the world.

Why? The lack of oxygen makes the molecular structure dense, which means you’re drinking it. God forbid it has plastic particles in it today. We all know that. So those dense structure of molecular does, does not penetrate to the cell. So you drink a lot and you pee a lot. You’re adding plastic particles. So do you think you wanna ionize the water? Filter the water? Yes. So just, you know, you can get the bottle of water PBA free, put it [00:16:00] in a filter that ionizes and I send them the leak. I have them on my stores. I test it everything myself. ’cause I use it myself. And now your water comes ionized.

Ionized means it’s got added minerals and the chemical structure is minimal. Now it absorbs to the cell. Now you can get crystallize and become. ’cause water is the cell scheme. Basically it’s crystallized the water with added ingredients that mix the cell. And that’s why your skin hydration is very important.

It’s 80% water. Understand. So it’s very important what type of water. Now if you wanna add hydrogen water today, you know hydrogen is the smallest molecule. You are detoxing on a daily basis just by drinking. Water that you give five minutes to run in a hydrogen device, that they’re all over the place. I can, if you want, I can share links to my site.

I have the best because I use it myself. So if we take water and we just clean them [00:17:00] prior ionize them, makes them more suitable for the body con to consume and add hydrogen to it, now you are giving your body the fundamental. Existence, which is water, it’s, you know, you consume it daily. Why won’t you pay attention to the quality of water that you’re consuming? It goes to your brain. the cells, keeps my headache and migraines away. So here, here’s a small practice. So I tell them that, and guess what? They show up the next treatment with the bottled water. Those who do show a difference. Those who don’t, don’t. Very simple pause and effect. So water, first thing, then, detox.

You know, the hydrogen water that, I highly recommend everybody listening added to your life. Even staying, focused water work can become better because of hydrogen water. It also cleans every cell in your body creates [00:18:00] methylation groups, which means everything you eat, it absorbs better.

It detoxifies every cell. From the most harmful chemicals including mercury, start consuming it. Detox, I have a natural detox. Clean your gi, rejuvenate your liver with some black seed oil. You know your liver is the filter of your body.

Tim Melanson: Yeah.

Mike Moshe Hen: You know, we drink alcohol. two shots of tequila. Your liver is not, synthesizing protein for 72 hours.

You can minimize the 72 hours by adding hydrogen water. Liver goes back to synthesizes protein. They understand. I tell people I’m getting ready for 70 at 51. I’m getting ready for 70. Why? ’cause it’s coming. I took a client, a famous singer, 82 years old.

He wants more hair. I said, God bless you ask me what should I expect? I said, this is the first time I’m taking 82 for hair restoration and it’s natural, so I please forgive me. The oldest I had was [00:19:00] 72, so we, we gotta see now, I don’t know if you pay attention, the Instagram social media is full of older people over 80 and the Jeep Re So thank God there is some switch in awareness.

I think the one that are suffering more would be 20 to 50. concentrate now working with 40 plus because 40 to 50 is sort of a turning point that you can, continue in a certain path that will not end well or develop some conscious awareness. Say I’m still young enough and, and create a totally different you in all aspects. So I concentrate mainly on men ’cause women has a different biology, which. I said, you know what? Let me concentrate on what I know best. ’cause women, they have different, set of rules. The biology is so different. So detox, rejuvenate with, a BLE seed oil. Add some Sheila to your diet.

Why? It contains tons of minerals [00:20:00] it’s the number one testosterone increase for men today. And we all know that testosterone is a major decline. Now everybody has a different ratio of testosterone that they can thrive on. Some will be good on 600 milligrams of free testosterone. I’m at 1550 and I’m building muscle at that, so everybody would be different.

So I also add, if you want to take it to the next level, go to your family doctor. Do blood work panel and metabolic panel. Know what to eat. I used to think that I need to eat a chicken salad and it will be good for me. It was creating inflammation for me.

Tim Melanson: Yep.

Mike Moshe Hen: Understand. So not everything that you think you know is good for you.

So my program is on the individual level, blood work, blood panel, metabolic. Now you start to eat what is good for you, not what society made you think that you should consume. I had a lady called me this morning, what type of green and red should I consume? I said, before you consume them, what do a metabolic, maybe you don’t need [00:21:00] red.

For me it’s only steak and egg. That’s all I eat. I don’t eat anything else. I get, all the 21 amino acids, Sheila, black seed oil and steak and eggs. My body has turned from to 7% body fat. Can I show my abs real quick at 51 after being 41? Okay, and this is without too much of effort.

This is just this machine. I know how to handle it. I’m driving it. I know how to handle it. And my life becomes so much better. So real quick. 51.

Wow, Yeah. And as I told you earlier, I started with working from home and I decided to like doing some pushups and then I said, you know what? I can also do pull-ups and I can also do app crunches. And suddenly I find myself in the gym because you start seeing, like I said, it will catch momentum.

Guess who will show up better? Wando, my mentor used to say, neglect is an infection. It spreads.

Tim Melanson: I agree. So tell me what’s exciting in your business right [00:22:00] now.

Mike Moshe Hen: I started working, with, 10 x and they provided me with a hundred stages It is just really what exciting in my business is I have methods that concentrate on installing new software here because the only thing that prevents you from being the happier, healthier version of yourself is what you think you are,

Tim Melanson: Yeah.

Everything in that limits you and your business is what you think you are here. agree.

Mike Moshe Hen: I don’t know if I mentioned, I’m also a Proctor Gallagher Institute consultant. I was mentored by Bob Proctor, the legendary Bob Proctor for five years.

Tim Melanson: Oh, nice.

Mike Moshe Hen: And, I learned that everything starts with a concept that comes in the mind.

Nowhere else. Nowhere else. The idea that I’m gonna work from home started here. The lack of ID [00:23:00] that I can be successful is installed here. The lack of ID of, I can have a feed body is here and we think in images. If I say a cat, don’t see CAT. Everybody listening had a different cat in their head. We think in images. Everything we see, I say a car, you don’t see CAR, you see a car and it usually be your car. The only way I can bring an image that will be equivalent to everybody if I say a specific car. So let’s say I say red Dodge Viper. Now everybody will see Red Doge Viper.

Tim Melanson: They know what that is.

Mike Moshe Hen: Exactly.

You understand? So by narrowing the concept that you speak. You can start installing. So my program that I do, it’s a 90 day program. I don’t [00:24:00] ask anybody to do anything but to install the software here once the software installed here. And thank God that program was developed with Bob Proctor, Dr.

Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton Giants in epigenetics. So you cannot even resist the installation of the new program. And it’s so exciting. Like any resistance you might have. It is not in a consideration, but there’s one thing you have to do, you have to do as told. And it’s so simple. let me share a story that, when I started working with Bob Proctor, he told me, you have to sit down twice a day and write what you need and, and like, write down why.

And I was doing it and I’m like, Mike, what are you doing? This is bullshit. You’re wasting time. and I stopped. and I paid him around $35,000 to be mentored by him personally for that period of time. He says, Mike, if I don’t see that you do it every day, you don’t send me a video that you’re doing it, [00:25:00] I’m gonna stop coaching you and there’s no money back.

It’s right that you do as told or goodbye, and all you have to do is sit down and write. Now, what happens when you sit down and write, let’s say an id? You have an idea here, you write it down. This is your first time. You can present it in physical reality, although in just in that, but you can present it now.

We all know we had tons of ideas here. Can’t even remember them.

Tim Melanson: Yeah.

Mike Moshe Hen: So the program is based on epigenetics and Jose Silva method. And it literally, if you do as told. You will install the program that will make you find everything that you need on the individual personal level to do to get fit.


That’s exciting because. It’s bulletproof. There’s no failures. It’s, you can’t fail. The only way you can fail is if you don’t do the simple little things that is not even required to do, [00:26:00] do the gym fast, anything, 90 days to install a new program.

and you can date, like do it laying down on the bed. trust me, once you start with a program, you’re not gonna be, you’re gonna start. ’cause the new, the software is being changed and it’s so wonderful and it’s, the future, basically the future of medicine is epigenetics and frequencies.

So basically by installing the new neuro connections in your brain by doing these little things that all you have to do is really do. And it’s so simple. ’cause the body is nothing more than a manifestation of the body of the mind, just like your life is. So, the idea, and it happened to me, so I know it works. I was 40% overweight. I had a belly that my, me and my daughter used to drum on it.

Tim Melanson: I’ve got a book by every one of the people you just mentioned, go

Mike Moshe Hen: Oh yeah.

Tim Melanson: and,

Mike Moshe Hen: work with them on a level and, I had such great conversations about the future of, humanity and, it seems [00:27:00] like the malevolence of the pharmaceutical is starting to crumble.

Tim Melanson: I agree. I think things are changing. I think that’s why things are so, crazy right now. ’cause I think that they’re just trying to like grab. Grab hold of people’s minds before they kind of move on to something else. And you know,

Mike Moshe Hen: You know when, COVID was on social media everywhere, do not touch the vaccine. I told my parents, you touch the vaccine. You’ll never speak to me again. Ever in your life.

Tim Melanson: I didn’t do that. I didn’t, I didn’t wanna exclude anybody for any reason. I wanted to just create love. Because, you know, there were people that were blocking people and deleting friends and all that stuff, and I just don’t think that that’s good. Now, what I do believe is what you said earlier about you are who you hang around with.

Mike Moshe Hen: So I tended to try to find people that I could spend time with that aligned more with me. but that didn’t mean I was calling anybody up and saying, I’m never gonna talk to you [00:28:00] again. No, it was my parents, you know, it was very important for me, for them not to get it. and because I have some insights, on a global scale, when you know what they wanna do, you understand their moves

Tim Melanson: I agree.

Mike Moshe Hen: and you said, yes, you should accept everybody with love, but I also believe that we should, Albert Einstein said that the world will be destroyed, not by the ones who try to destroy it, by the one who sit and don’t do anything about it.

So we have at some point, if you can, and I call it yes, be nothing else, but love Jesus. Consciousness to me is the most wonderful thing, and I tell my clients, look at Jesus consciousness, even when he was tortured. Please forgive them.

Tim Melanson: Yeah.

Mike Moshe Hen: Not even one single word is being beaten to death. Still ask for them to be forgiven.

That’s love consciousness. Why? He is not creating any negative karma [00:29:00] on himself. And he understood that what you do to others shall be done to you. So he didn’t do anything wrong. Most beautiful consciousness you can adopt is Jesus love. Okay. And I’m not Christian, I just understand the concept of love.

He died for love, which mean he has no sin. Beautiful. So whenever you do something, you, there’s two consequences to it. You can be love and there’s no consequences to love, but good consequences. And that’s why we should analyze ourselves daily. Where did I fall from? Grace.

If you see something wrong and you don’t do anything about it, that’s. Let’s not love. ’cause you should love, love and love the truth more than, let’s say, other people emotions. You know, like Socrates, he drank the poison.

Truth, you know, it might be your truth or, and, and not universal, but there’s some universal truth and, truth should be protected [00:30:00] always, especially against evil. And when you see evil going on, Yeah.

I, I suggest you, you do some love against it. And sometime love has to be hard, you know, it’s called hard love it.

It is to prevent evil from expanding,

Tim Melanson: Yep.

Mike Moshe Hen: know, because evil doesn’t have any values.

Tim Melanson: No. and they expand where there’s a lack of

Mike Moshe Hen: Yeah, So with the good people, we need to do something about when you, when you see something, going wrong, you know, and look at society today, we see people, you see people instead of helping something that goes on wrong in the street, that they’re filming it and walking away so something has to be done.

With love to fight anything that is wrong and hurting people.

Tim Melanson: Yep. I think the danger is that, from what I’m seeing, it appears to me that there’s a lot of people that think they are on the side of good, but might not be. [00:31:00] And so they’re acting in a way that they’re trying to stop.

like what you were saying about the vaccines, it’s very possible that those vaccines were actually harming people. That those people that were pushing for it, that thought they were on the side of good, they thought that they were helping people.

So I think that’s why my thought is I don’t want, I wanna accept everybody because maybe I’m wrong. I could be wrong. Whatever I’m fighting for could be actually the evil.

Mike Moshe Hen: Yeah,

Tim Melanson: rather than fighting, I instead, I want to direct my energy towards things that are unifying people.

I want to try to bring people together on common goals rather than trying to bring people together against somebody else.

Mike Moshe Hen: one thing that I learned from me screaming on social media, don’t touch it. They said that, the words. A wise man are softly spoken and wisdom can only be heard as loud as one willingness to listen.

Tim Melanson: Mm. So if you [00:32:00] wanna present your truth with a love that you might be wrong, present it softly. Agree.

Mike Moshe Hen: I understand. So. Don’t, don’t be loud and vulgar. You know, be soft always, because it’s much easier to change direction if you spoke softly. Okay. I was wrong. I understand.

So yes, I, I did, I do, and, and here’s another example. Dentists are convinced that fluoride is good, but fluoride is poison. But their education, you know, so they believe, but obviously they believe something wrong, but they were educated like that. So they think they’re doing well. In all honestly, fluoride kills suppresses your pineal gland.

It de calcify it, calcify it, which prevent you from going. So that’s what they want. That’s why they put it in your mouth first. ’cause the pineal gland is right after. So, toothbrushes, it’s in my mic’s. Cell healthy Steps five LT Depth. Stop brushing with fluoride toothpaste.

Tim Melanson: Yep. [00:33:00]

Mike Moshe Hen: Understand because it suppresses your pineal gland, the pineal gland.

You cannot think about solutions because you prevent it from what we call today, the six sense, everything

Tim Melanson: to source.

Mike Moshe Hen: pressed and it brings your, and once you’ve, mess up your pineal gland, you mess up, serotonin and serotonin is the master hormone to all other hormones. You mess that up, you mess up humans and they love doing that to us. I don’t know why. I,

don’t know who’s behind. They ask me who’s they? Well, you know, there’s some sort of a hierarchy of the beneficiaries and that’s they whoever benefits from you getting into their system, circulating dollars. Well, they say You’re, gonna die anyway. You know, let me make a buck. And it’s, each and one of us responsibility to develop the consciousness to what is the truth?

How can I utilize it to make my life [00:34:00] better in aspect of as a family man, as a businessman, and as a healthy person in my relationships to myself, God, and others. And your health is a representation of how you respect. I tell everybody, is self-love. If you love yourself, you’re not gonna disrespect yourself by eating Burger King or, McDonald’s.

There’s no food there. So respect yourself enough to love yourself enough to show up as an examples for others to follow and inspire. That’s it.

Tim Melanson: Wow. how do we find out more about you then?

Mike Moshe Hen: Excuse me.

Tim Melanson: So how do we find out more about you then?

Mike Moshe Hen: social media, best would be YouTube, at Mike Mochen, eh, healthy image that fit. And I’m gonna start, promoting this as well. If you live in South Florida, you probably already know about me. I have ads [00:35:00] going on for the last years from my face. I want the guy from the commercial when I do skin, hair, and wellness.

And, YouTube, mainly, I load up a lot of videos, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. I’m really spreading out in this mission because this is so solid and bulletproof and does not require anything. I’m not gonna ask you to go to the gym or start dieting, just start installing the new software and everything else will happen regardless, because you’re changing the driver.

Tim Melanson: I love that so much. This has been a lot of fun.

Mike Moshe Hen: Pleasure. Keep rocking.

Tim Melanson: We’ll see you next time in the Work at Home Rockstar podcast. And as always, go to for more information.

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