Empowering Success through Soul Alignment with Naranjan Nota

Nov 6, 2023 | Instruments of Choice, Learning from the Best, PodCast, Season 3, The Jam Room

The Back-Story

Are you ready to tap into your intuition and embrace the power of your inner guidance? In this episode, Tim interviews Naranjan Nota, a spiritual teacher, mentor, and guide from Bright Shining Light. She helps people align with their souls, enhance their intuition, and build confidence in using their energy gifts. The episode delves into the importance of following one’s intuition, recognizing the quieter messages from the soul, and navigating the balance between external pressures and internal guidance.

Naranjan has spent over 20 years healing from traumatic experiences. Life experiences took her down a healing path where she delved into many modalities to heal my past karmic lifetimes revealed in daily life. During this time, she has learned astrology, essential oils, numerology, Chakra, ayurvedic medicine, and women’s health. Naranjan believes in continuously learning and growing as a part of life; she embraces it fully. Her curiosity to learn is not only from a mental level but also bringing spirituality a harmonious balance. Naranjan has aligned in partnerships and received recognition for her coaching and life skills experience.

Show Notes

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In This Episode:
[0:00] Intro
[0:29] Naranjan’s good note
[1:56] Guide or intuition vs. another source
[4:24] The bad note that we can learn from
[7:25] The tools that Naranjan uses in her business
[9:03] The importance of stepping away from busy environments to reconnect with intuition and inner wisdom
[11:05] She shares her approach to finding mentors and coaches, emphasizing intuitive guidance
[20:43] The significance of maintaining a clean and minimalistic jam room for energetic flow and creativity
[28:01] Exciting developments in her business, including hosting retreats and promoting gratitude practices
[29:00] Her most ideal clients
[31:24] Outro


Read Transcript

Tim Melanson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to today’s episode of the work at home rock star podcast.

I’m excited for today’s episode. I’m speaking to a spiritual teacher, mentor, and guide. From bright, shining light. And what she does is she helps people align with their soul, enhance their intuition, and build confidence in using their energy gifts. Very excited to be rocking out today with Naranjan Nota.

Hey, Naranjan, you ready to rock?

Naranjan Nota: I am Tim. I’m excited to be here. Thank you so much for having me on your show.

Tim Melanson: No problem. I’m excited too. So we always start off here in a good note. So tell me a story of success in your business that we can be inspired by.

Naranjan Nota: Make a change. Go for it. Do something. If it’s inspiring, if it’s energizing, if it lights you up from the inside, follow it through.

Follow the path of, of excitement.

Tim Melanson: Right on. And how did you follow the path?

Naranjan Nota: My intuitive gifts got louder and my guides and the people around me got [00:01:00] louder in sharing what I’m good at, because we don’t often see what we’re good at within ourselves. So, that was coming at me from external sources, but also internally as well.

So, taking that leap of faith. In myself, really betting on myself to a certain degree and I’m making a change and really stepping into a deeper purpose of what I’m here to do, how I’m here to do it and following the guidance of my soul.

Tim Melanson: So do you think everybody has guidance from their soul or is it just certain people?

Naranjan Nota: I think everybody has it. Just depends on how much you want to listen to it. Because some of the, some of the choices that we get to make, because they’re not always, um, it’s a choice. Um, the choices that we get to make are not always easy. Yeah.

Tim Melanson: If someone was maybe not following their intuition, [00:02:00] following their guides, how would they know whether something’s coming from a guide or whether it’s

Naranjan Nota: something else?

Typically, when it’s coming from an intuitive sense or a higher power that is in alignment for your highest and greatest good, the messages and the signs would be quieter, loving, or more gentle whispers. Whereas if they come in from an external source, the ego, external, um, sources, environments and a belief system that’s been embedded, they’re pretty loud.

Tim Melanson: Interesting. So for example, then that’s probably a problem with most people because they listen to the loudest voice rather than the quiet stuff. It’s really easy to ignore a quiet nudging, right?

Naranjan Nota: Absolutely. Yes. Yes. So you’ve got to quieten your whole world and [00:03:00] be a little bit more still to allow that whisper to get a little bit louder.

Mm hmm.

Tim Melanson: And I think that that’s probably, uh, that’s probably like the difference between something that feels right or something that you’re being pressured into, right?

Naranjan Nota: Mm hmm. Absolutely. Yes. Absolutely. But in the same token, from my belief systems and the principles in which I teach and support individuals on, recognizing the resistance and the pressure in itself is a message.

So it’s not like there’s a pressure and there’s a resistance happening, so I’m going to ignore that because I’ve got to now follow the quiet, softer, gentle whispers in life. Everything has a meaning. So we need to unravel what that bigger, louder message also is trying to get your attention to.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, because what you said earlier is that the voices were getting louder, the messages were getting louder, and I think that that’s, [00:04:00] that’s interesting because I think you’re probably right.

I mean, if you continue to ignore that little whisper, it eventually is going to end up being like a hammer or a sledgehammer eventually, right?

Naranjan Nota: Exactly. A two by four. Often, as some people that I know, well, it will feel like a two by four. Yeah, absolutely.

Tim Melanson: So, you know, on your journey, you know, not everything kind of goes as planned, right?

I mean, can you explain to me, like, maybe give me something about the bad notes, something that didn’t go as planned, or maybe something that you didn’t listen to, that we can learn

Naranjan Nota: from? The quiet whispers. I mean, from my own experiences in life. Leaning into our own trust and leaning into our own gifts of who we are, what is it that really comes natural to us and lean into that and not take advantage of.

Okay. I’m good at that. So let’s focus on the hard stuff that I’m not good at. [00:05:00]

Tim Melanson: Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s, I think that’s pretty good advice because we are sort of like taught to improve our weaknesses rather than improve our strengths because we’re right, we improve our weakness. Absolutely. And, uh, and, and I think that’s taught through school mostly, right?

I mean, when our parents look at our report card, the only thing they really point out is what’s the lowest grade. Absolutely. Absolutely. You get this grade up right here, but they don’t notice that you got an A plus and something else, right? Yeah, exactly. I mean, they notice it, but, but the focus is usually on that lowest grade, right?

Naranjan Nota: Absolutely. Yes. And that’s the hard part, right? Because that is a nurtured and, um, ingrained behavior and belief system to a certain degree that we, we all get embedded on. Be it from childhood, but also in the workplace too. Um, I was in corporate for probably about 15 years, and there were many HR reviews or even peer to [00:06:00] peer reviews that we’ve done.

We’d had many a conversations about focusing on the weaknesses rather than enhancing the strengths. So it’s embedded in all parts of, of our lives yet as entrepreneurs, we’re kind of taught the opposite.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Yeah, we are. We’re taught to go towards our strength and hire somebody to handle those weaknesses, right?


Naranjan Nota: Absolutely.

Tim Melanson: Yes. Now, that’s not to say that, you know, we probably need to have like some base knowledge of some of the weaknesses because otherwise, when you hire somebody, how do you know whether they’re doing a good job or not? Right?

Naranjan Nota: Absolutely. Of course. I mean, the beautiful analogy of that is.

I’m not Italian. I don’t know if you’re Italian. I can’t make pizza really well, but I make it. It’s okay. It’s not bad. However, do I have the basic awareness and knowledge of what that looks like? [00:07:00] Absolutely. Can I drive a car to go to a B from point A to B? But am I, am I a Formula one driver? No, maybe in another lifetime, but that’s a different story.

Um, so. We all can grasp, um, the high level summarization of certain aspects of life, but it doesn’t mean that we need to be experts in all of them.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, that’s true. And so, uh, now what about some of the instruments, some of the tools that you use in your business? Are there any that you can share with us that we could use to get success in our business?

Naranjan Nota: Absolutely. I think from my business, the most crucial part is especially as entrepreneurs and especially as from people that work from home is taking time away from this beautiful thing called a computer. These magical and amazing devices that we have that keep us tethered together to untether from them as well is equally [00:08:00] important to regain and.

Reconnect with your own heart, your own intuition, and your own inner wisdom and guidance is, is very crucial. We’ve all perhaps heard the analogy of when there’s a challenge or an obstacle that shows up in life, sleep on it. Tomorrow you might get a different outcome, or it might feel different. It’s the same analogy.

Step away from the busyness that we create. And some of it’s very exciting and enjoyable and thriving, yet stepping away gives us the balance that we often need to be able to go, okay, now I can go all. All creative and create different notes and tunes and different parts of life in this. So having, having that balance and having the discipline to be able to do it is very crucial.


Tim Melanson: Well, and there’s [00:09:00] like something, I don’t know if you play any instruments, but uh, I have noticed that, you know, when you are learning something on any instrument, really, So sometimes you can be like just practicing it over and over again. You just can’t get it right. And it’s just not coming out.

Then you step away and you go do something else, whether it be sleep on it or just go away for a couple hours, you come back, you pick up the instrument and it’s right there. Yeah. Isn’t that interesting? Right? Like you can push and push and push and push and you can’t get it. But then you walk away and you come back and it’s there.

So do you think that that’s like a similar thing, you know, in. Uh, in this, I mean, if you step away from the computer and come back to it, do you think you had more focus that way?

Naranjan Nota: Absolutely. I mean, neurologically, our pathways are designed to, um, on a scientific level for us to receive information and digest it in order to simulate it neurologically and [00:10:00] those pathways to get wired together.

We need a bit of time because we’re still a human instrument, right? We’re still a human body that blood circuitry and all that stuff needs to happen. And that’s that’s that step in a way process. Yeah, yeah, I allow it allowing it to do what it needs to do in the background. Then when we go at it, then we tap into that space.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, I think we’re too focused on trying to make it happen right trying to force through it, whereas, you know, we can let our. Bodies, I guess, you know, the things that we can’t understand, figure it out. Cause they’re, you know, they’re processing it as soon as you walk away. Right.

Naranjan Nota: Absolutely. Absolutely. And it’s, it’s just giving ourselves time and the energy to, to be in flow, to present itself.


Tim Melanson: yeah. So let’s talk a little bit about like mentorship and, and, and coaching and all that kind of stuff. Like, do you, what about you? Like, do [00:11:00] you hire coaches? Do you have mentors? Like what’s your experience with that?

Naranjan Nota: One thing that I learned early on, um, in the space of self employment and in the space of entrepreneurship more, more primarily is to get myself a coach, get myself a business strategist, get myself people who are experts or are ahead of the game of where I am for what I want to build.

Or have skills, insights, knowledge, and wisdom that I can leverage and support in what I want to build out of my life. So that’s something that I valued and recognize is really powerful right from the get go. And I’ve been self employed for probably 10 years, if not a little bit longer than that. So it’s an ongoing thing and having different people in our lives to do different things.

So, Mm hmm. [00:12:00] Typically, if you are challenged with different food allergies, you’re going to go and see a dietician. You’re not going to go and see a chiropractor to fix your dietary issues. It’s the same analogy as a self employed, as a business owner, I’m going to seek support from different modalities and different skill sets for me to live and to present and create what is it I want to create out of this life.

Highly important. Highly

Tim Melanson: important. Yeah, I agree. And like I find that there’s a lot of people that are hesitant to hire coaches and mentors and stuff like that. I, I wonder why that is.

Naranjan Nota: Perhaps they can maybe justify the cost, I don’t know. Or leading into the trust of, um, that others can help them. Because we’ve all had the analogies.

You read 20, 30 books a day or you know, over a period of a month or so, you [00:13:00] become the expert in. In that topic. However, the integration of that information leans in itself. So we can read all these books, but we’ve got to digest and integrate it and put it into practice. You can’t get that overnight. You can’t get that even within 2 years in an industry that takes time that takes actual real life lived experiences.

So I don’t. Understand why people don’t really have coaches because it’s, it’s a, it’s an analogy of do as I say, not do as I do.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Especially when coaches don’t have coaches. Right.

Naranjan Nota: Absolutely. But even, but even as entrepreneurs, I don’t care who, what, what level that looks like having somebody to guide you and look at your life from a different perspective.

It’s crucial, whatever industry you’re in. I mean, for yourself [00:14:00] in the music industry, for instance, I’m sure there are people or tunes or instruments or sounds that you hear that you gravitate towards and go, okay, that’s a new version of something that I’m curious to learn more about.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Hey Rockstar, I hope you’re enjoying this episode of the Work at Home Rockstar podcast.

If you didn’t know already, my business is Creative Crew Agency, we build websites. Now, let’s talk about your website for a minute. Most people realize that at this day and age, we need a website. But we don’t really know what the website is supposed to do. And sometimes you’ll just go and build a website for the sake of building a website.

What I do is I make sure that your website actually accomplishes a goal. Now there are three main goals. To most websites, number one is to provide information and build credibility. Number two is to schedule some sort of appointment and get them onto a sales call. Number three is to sell something like an e commerce site.

Now, when you’re setting your website, you have [00:15:00] to be very mindful that the visitor doesn’t know what to do. And so you have to provide them with a roadmap that leads them down a path to wherever you want them to go. On my website, I want them to be on a free consultation. So that’s why when you go to creativecrewagency.

com, you’ll see information about scheduling a free consultation. Now, for you though, I’m going to provide you with an extra link so that you can get your free website audit. Go to creative crew agency. com forward slash free website audit and schedule an audit with me. And I’ll go through your website live and determine what we can do to improve your conversions and make sure that you’re getting the business from your website.

So if you want to get a copy of this book, go to create a agency dot com and we’ll see you. Well, and what you said about like reading books and becoming an expert, it would be like reading sheet music or reading the notes and knowing what the notes are and then thinking that I can just pick up the instrument and play it immediately.

Exactly. We just talked about that a second ago. Like sometimes like, you know what you’re supposed to hit. It’s just your fingers aren’t [00:16:00] doing it. Right. And I imagine it would be. Well, I know from experience that it’s the same thing. You can read a book. But then actually implementing that thing that you just read is a totally different thing.

You know, like intellectually what you’re supposed to be doing, right? But just making yourself do that is sometimes a little bit challenging, right? Exactly.

Naranjan Nota: So, I heard loosely a bit of a stat and I might, you know, butcher this, however, when we have, when we learn a new concept or a new principle or learn a new, um, music of some sort, we typically need 20 to 30 minutes to digest that information in order to put it into practice.

Something around that by doing something completely opposite. So if we build our lives based on that, then it’s totally validating that we need somebody with years of [00:17:00] experience to understand, acknowledge, digest, learn from it, and then have the wisdom from that knowledge to be able to share with others.

Tim Melanson: Right. Um, and how do you, how do you go about finding the right mentors and the right coaches for you and your business and your

Naranjan Nota: life? For me, it’s very much intuitively led because I work in the realm of intuition and from my higher self. And other energetic realms that I can kind of connect with, and I’ve been doing that for probably about 20 years in following that path, following those nudges and those guides, because I’ve seen the opposite when I don’t so for me, those messages have got really loud.

So I follow the path of where I’m being led. And then tune in, does, is this right for me at this [00:18:00] moment of time? So it’s a meditative process somewhat.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And I think that’s smart too, because oftentimes you can on paper see somebody that was like perfect, but you might not have the right, you know, feeling about that.

And, and, you know, I know that, you know, from my experience, there’s a lot of people that know exactly what to write on a resume, right. But that doesn’t mean that they necessarily have that experience. It’s like what we just talked about earlier. They could be a coach that doesn’t have a coach. Right?

That’s right. Uh, you know, but you’re not going to know that by looking at their resume because their resume is perfect. Absolutely. But you are going to know that inside yourself, right?

Naranjan Nota: Absolutely. And even to the same analogy of personality testing, I don’t know if you’ve done this, but I’ve done this in terms of hiring and working with individuals.

There are a myriad of, um, personality testing, Clifton Heights, and oh, there’s so many of them. Even those can be [00:19:00] manipulated. We know that, right? So the classic is Myers Briggs. We can create a very. Specific outcome, but what we know for sure is that our own sensing and our own feeling with somebody. We can’t deny.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Yeah. We got to, we really have to listen to that because, you know, I, I think that, uh, one of the things that has come up on the show before is that like some people, when they talk about the bad night note, they’ll, they’ll talk about somebody that they hired or somebody that they brought on that, uh, you know, it didn’t work out and it’s.

Yeah. It’s it’s just it’s like clockwork every single time they’re like, yeah, it was a couple red flags or, you know, something felt off like there’s always that part in the story, right? It’s it’s very rarely I can’t think of an of an instance where someone just got blindsided and they didn’t have any type of like blue.

Leading up to it. Right?

Naranjan Nota: Right. Yeah. There’s always those little nudges. There’s always those little, [00:20:00] little voices in the back going, you sure? You sure? But then we override it and justify it for whatever

Tim Melanson: reason. Yeah, I think we, we sort of give people the benefit of the doubt, which is good. I mean, it’s, it’s our own, um, we are forgiving, I think.

Right? And so we’re like, well, you know, something doesn’t feel right, but you know what? This person seems nice. I want to give them a chance. And I think maybe the, maybe what I’m thinking now is like, you know, it’s, it’s not whether they’re a good person or not, it’s whether it’s the right fit for you, like they could be a great person and maybe they are actually really awesome at what they do with somebody else.

It doesn’t mean that they’re a bad person. It just means that for some reason, there’s a weirdness. That you’re feeling, and you should probably listen to that, right?

Naranjan Nota: Absolutely, because there’s a lesson in there, in it for you. So that weirdness, that benefit of the doubt, or let’s give it a try, or [00:21:00] you never know.

All of those are bigger markers and nudges for your own journey. Yeah. Because everything that happens around us is for our own growth and evolution.

Tim Melanson: And maybe the thing is, is that maybe the, maybe you saying, giving them the benefit of the doubt or doing, let’s give it a try. And then learning that it didn’t work.

That’s like a lesson for you to go, okay, you knew like your, your, your spirit tried to tell you. So that’s like the learning experience that you’re supposed to experience is you’re supposed to go through that. That. Failure in order to learn that your nudge was there, right?

Naranjan Nota: Absolutely. And maybe the other justifications that you had given.

For whatever reason of maybe they needed a job. Maybe they were lowering price. Maybe the proximity was there or the availability really fit. So whatever justification you gave that benefit of the doubt. [00:22:00] Is what you have to look at. Wow,

Tim Melanson: that’s deep. So now you’ve been self employed now for, you said, 10 years.

So tell me a little bit about your jam room. Tell me about how you’ve set up your home office so that you can be productive and get things done.

Naranjan Nota: I’ve set up my home office. It’s pretty much on this little thing on a computer. So I do travel a fair bit and that how I’ve set things up allows me to do that.

So the physical space, not as important as you can tell, it’s not as pretty as what it normally would be. However, it is. Thanks. It’s the content and how I move through it when I work with individuals, because I work with individuals remotely is the most important piece for me. So my setup is more on an energetic space.

So clearing the energy and the environment [00:23:00] around me, so things can be in flow and I can receive the right messages for my clients and support them through the transformations. So that setup, so to speak, is It’s pretty simple to a certain degree.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. It’s nice to be able to work from a laptop, right? It says this room, you could be anywhere, right?

Naranjan Nota: That’s right. That’s right. Yes. Yes, exactly.

Tim Melanson: That was one of the prerequisites of my business. Actually, when I was getting started is that I got locked into something that was more physical. I’m like, no, no, I want something where I could be working from a laptop so I could be anywhere, right?

Naranjan Nota: That’s the beauty of it.

Yes, yes, exactly. It’s

Tim Melanson: important. So now, uh, you know, is there any other. Like you said that you clear the area in Ossoff. Is there anything that we can do to sort of clear the energy that anybody can do?

Naranjan Nota: Energy is really important and it’s really powerful of how it influences our lives. So, having a clean workspace, whether you [00:24:00] can recognize and work in your organized chaos.

It doesn’t really matter from my perspective, having that clean environment being somewhat of a minimalistic, I guess that’s where, that’s where I’m gravitating and that’s where I’m, I’m leaning into a little bit further. Less really is more, it really is. So the more simplistic we can have life, the more energy will flow.

Cause when logically, even when there’s more stuff, there’s less. Of a pathway to get through. This energy doesn’t flow as fluidly and as creatively, however, you want to attach that analogy, be it to creative endeavors, financial endeavors, opportunities, or abundance, or however, you want to make that connection.

The flow is not there. You can’t [00:25:00] expect, um, a breeze of air to come through. A window if the windows already boarded up, it’s not going to happen. So, having a clean workspace in terms of tangible pieces. But also physically clean, I think is really, really important for an environment and for have that energetic flow to happen.

So, as much as that’s on a physical realm, it’s equally important to have it translated on this technical realm too. So, my device in itself is very minimalistic in terms of the apps that I use and all these other, um. Opportunities that we have to, to really delve into spaces and places and capture and save information.

Yeah. I’m paring it all down even further.

Tim Melanson: And you know what, that’s something that you can control too. Like, cause maybe it might be a little bit difficult to think about, how do I clear up all the stuff in my [00:26:00] head? You know, it’s, it’s, it’s a lot, I don’t know, less tangible, but you can clean up the stuff in your desk.

Right. Yes. You really can do that. You can, it doesn’t take. Yeah. So, and, and also I have noticed that, and I’m not sure if, if you notice, but you know, especially with my kids, like my kids are teens, I’ve noticed that the state of their room tends to be really related to the state of their mind. Exactly. And it’s very, very difficult to get, you know, and to get them to like, you know, just clean your room.

Oh, I’m fine. I know where everything is, you know, but you can even just tell by the way that they answer the question. Right. And so I imagine that, you know, if you can see that in your family and all that stuff, maybe it’s one of those things that we can see in ourselves as well. You know, if you look around your room, you know, if there’s things everywhere, which actually I’m looking around right now, I could use some cleaning myself.[00:27:00]

I imagine that that that would translate and I know that for sure, because I do know that when I’m feeling very overwhelmed by just cleaning my room, like just organize everything in my room, I find I sit down and it really does clear your head.

Naranjan Nota: Absolutely. And that’s what energy does, right? So we change the energy when we move things.

And when we, when we change the relationship to things. So we take out the garbage, so to speak, that is changing our relationship to the garbage sitting there. Cause it’s already out. It’s done. So now it frees up capacity and bandwidth for the lack of better terms in our mental space and in the physical space too.

So when we change the relationship to people, places, and things. It changes the energy to how we relate to and how other people relate to us. [00:28:00] I

Tim Melanson: love it. Okay. So it’s time for your guest solo. So tell me what’s exciting business right now.

Naranjan Nota: I’m excited to be hosting retreats. So I will be hosting retreats a couple of times a year in different parts of the world.

So I’m excited about that to get some delicious one on one time, but also in a communal setting too, for individuals who really want to delve deeper in, in their Their personal growth, but also realigning with their soul that I’m excited to do the other piece is. Staying in a place of gratitude. I published a gratitude journal a couple of years ago.

I still find great value in staying in a place of gratitude. So, that is available for individuals to participate in and then, of course, an opportunity to work with me 1 on 1. I would be honored to support individuals on this whole journey.

Tim Melanson: [00:29:00] Well, so who do you work with? Do you work with people that are just beginning their journey or people that are on their way?

Who’s the most ideal person for you?

Naranjan Nota: I have a couple of opportunities for individuals. I support individuals who this is, this is all very new. I can support individuals and give them, give them a different perspective, but also, most importantly, hold space for them as they nurture into new territory, into new ground.

My ideal client are individuals who have already stepped into this space. They’re aware of what energy is. They feel it. They sense it. They might have read a few books here and there, and now, you know, collecting a few more, which becomes shelf help. We know that. So, but they’re curious in, in making those shifts because they’ve, they’ve done a few things and they’ve seen the shifts in their own lives.

So be it healthcare practitioners. Other spiritualists, [00:30:00] because I offer a very different perspective of how energy can be transformed and given our own power back. We get our own power back and really connect with ancestral lineage. So individuals who are aware, but who are also very driven. To making a change.

Because we all know individuals who say, yeah, I really wanna do that. I’ll get to it. Three years later, they’re still thinking about it. Mm-Hmm. . So we talked about this very early on in the conversation. There needs to be a sense of urgency, a desire in order for a change to happen. But you’ve gotta take the step to do it.


Tim Melanson: Yeah. You can’t change anybody who doesn’t wanna be, who doesn’t wanna change, right.

Naranjan Nota: Yeah,

Tim Melanson: exactly. Yeah. Right on. So, so how do people find out more?

Naranjan Nota: Go to brightshininglight. com. All the information’s on there. I am on socials too, LinkedIn and Instagram [00:31:00] and all those fun places, but all path leads to brightshininglight.

com. So come and join me on that site. Awesome.

Tim Melanson: Right. Shining light. com. I love that domain by the way. That’s right. Yes. Yes. Thank you so much for rocking out with me today. This has been a lot of fun.

Naranjan Nota: Thank you. Thank you for having me. Tim. Loved it.

Tim Melanson: Awesome. And to the listeners, make sure you subscribe, rate and comment.

We’ll see you next time on the work at home rockstar podcast. Thanks for listening

Naranjan Nota: to learn how you can become a work at home rockstar or become a better one. Head on over to work at home rockstar. com today.

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