Success From Ground Up with Real Estate Investor Peter Vekselman

Nov 7, 2022 | Assembling The Band, Gathering Fans, PodCast, Practice Makes Progress, Season 3

The Back-Story

Peter Vekselman is a seasoned investor and has been a leader in the real estate industry for over 30 years. He has successfully done over 3,600 deals. Today, he leads a team of real estate professionals who continue to close deals across the country.

Peter’s passion is breaking down the barriers that hold people back from becoming real estate investors. He eliminates virtually every obstacle through partnering on deals. Peter provides 100% of the capital and brings his expertise & world-class team to actively partner on closing deals. Peter has helped hundreds of new and seasoned investors. His goal is to help newcomers get their first deal done, then keep them rolling in like clockwork!

Show Notes

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In This Episode:
[0:00] Intro
[0:27] The good note – a story of business success
[2:12] The bad note
[6:03] There’s almost always a way, as long as you don’t quit
[11:57] How does he continue to get good at what he does?
[16:16] Anik Malenfant, the founder of Mastering Ascension, shares her wonderful experience with Tim Melanson
[17:19] How does he get the right people around him?
[26:59] How does he attract fans to his business?
[31:51] Guest solo: What’s exciting in his business right now?
[33:14] Who’s the ideal partner for him?
[34:07] Where to find out more about Peter
[34:59] Outro


Read Transcript

Tim Melanson: Hello, and welcome to today’s episode of the Work at Home Rockstar podcast.

Excited for today’s guest. This is very, very unique. He’s the CEO and co-founder of Partner Driven, and what they do is they help people by doing real estate deals with them. They provide the training, technology fund the deals a hundred percent, and when they sell the property, they split the prop. The profits 50 50.

Very excited to be rocking out today with Peter Veelen. Hey Peter, you ready to.

Peter Vekselman: Ready to go, Tim, Thanks for having me on the

Tim Melanson: show. Awesome. So we start off on a good note here. So tell me a story of success in your business that we can be inspired

Peter Vekselman: by. You know, I think my biggest success. Really overall in life, Tim, I’ll be honest with you, came at the, with the worst part of my life, war in business, um, I’d lost, took me about six months to lose everything I had when I came into real estate.

Literally wipe me out two months later. I was literally, you know, living, uh, out of my own car and um, just by accident I had stumbled on two. One, an apartment building up to that point. And believe it or not, since that point, I very rarely do apartments. It’s almost all houses. So I had stumbled upon an apartment building totally by accident at, at a Waffle house, was sitting with the owner at the counter, and two, the very next day I stumbled, uh, and a guy named Barton.

Who ultimately became my first mentor and three years later, uh, from being homeless, um, that night, uh, I did my first apartment building and it was a quick turn and got myself out of that mess. And three years from that point on out a meeting Barton, basically the same day I made my first million dollars.

So the reason I consider those two success stories are basically one day of success stories. This is my whole philosophy. You just never quit. You know? You just never stop. You never slow down. As long as you’re willing, as long as you’re willing to be in the game. There’s always that shot of coming across that one one right opportunity.

Yeah, you bet.

Tim Melanson: Never quit. Right. Never quit. And, and that’s the thing, I mean, with enough of tenacity, you know, that’s pretty much the story you hear from everybody who’s had success. They, they were just about ready to

Peter Vekselman: quit, right? Yep. That’s exactly right. Exactly. So,

Tim Melanson: you know, we pair that with a bad note.

And I mean, I think you already kind of did, but maybe you can share with us another situation that didn’t go as planned and how, uh, how you got through it and how

Peter Vekselman: we can get through it. Yeah. I’ll tell you, it’s kind of a, uh, little bit funny, but there’s a, there’s a, there’s definitely a lesson to be learned.

You know, one of the things that happens to entrepreneurs, I think is they don’t really understand the scope of the businesses they get into. Not everyone understands the concepts. You know, I’m start. Dry cleaning. I’m opening a band, you know, I’m gonna be in real estate, but nobody understands all the, every single, you know, intricate detail involved with that business.

And, and as we know, it’s those details that an end can drive us out. And so I remember, um, about. A long time ago, in about 15 years or so, I was, uh, I also became a private lender for other real estate investors where I would actually lend money onto them. And I remember, and I had one partner, his name was Bob and I still, and I remember calling Bob, uh, he was more the field guy was going to office guy, and I’m like, Dude sounds like you’re throwing up.

He’s like, Oh, I’m throwing up. Alright. I go, What’s going on? And back then we would actually front people money. We were charging them pretty high interest rates. So to do that we had to do some unusual things. So we would front ’em rehab money ahead of time. Anyway, make a long story short, we had fronted this, this borrow bars $50,000 and he accidentally fixed the wrong house.

And when Bob came there, I remember we were borrowing this money ourselves, you know, from here and lending it out here. And as we, we were on a hook for that $50,000. And, um, and that turned out to be a pretty darn big horror story. But again, out of everything bad, you always have to have something good.

You know, we learned and as, as every entrepreneur has to understand, you have to have some checks and balance. In your models, in your systems, you know, you have to have some continuity to them. You have to have procedures set in place because ultimately, you know the upside about being your own boss, your own entrepreneur.

You know, everybody knows that. You know, everybody knows the upside. That’s possible. . Um, but I will also tell you, not too many people realize all the potential downsides that come along with being entrepreneurs. And, and one of the big things I learned from that kind of disaster, that $50,000 disaster, you got to have your checks and balances in place.

Wow. Wow.

Tim Melanson: That is a, that is a crazy story. I, I didn’t, I, How did you even, What did you do?

Peter Vekselman: I tell you very interesting. Um, we didn’t end up losing the whole 50,000. We lost some money in that deal, but we found something very interesting. What was happening is we were fixing the wrong house. It turns out the owner of that house who did not live there, right.

Um, But he would drive by there and he saw what was going on and we had proof that that was happening. This all happened now in the rear end, and we had proof that he was driving by. So we learned there’s actually a law that exists that if someone starts fixing your house and you’re aware of it and you don’t stop him, that’s your acknowledgement that you have to pay him for the work.

So we weren’t able to get the re recoup the whole 50, but we, we, we learned that kind of a quirky law and we were able to recoup a pretty, pretty decent amount. I was

Tim Melanson: actually wondering how that was gonna work out. Yeah. Cause I, I thought maybe the, maybe the homeowner kind of looked at it and went, you know, thanks a lot for this.

We needed that work anyway. Here’s some money. But, so he did try to get it out of it.

Peter Vekselman: He, he, he did it first. Uh, but then, you know, again, once we got the, the, the powers to be, and you know, those are attorneys involved, we’ll learn that just kind of the obscure law that you no one, none of us knew about. And so again, we didn’t recoup the whole 50 Tim, but we recoup, um, A decent amount of it.


Tim Melanson: You know, and, and this is one of those things that, you know, that’s why I like to talk about the bad note because it, it’s just so unexpected. You know, there’s something that’s gonna happen and just about every business that you just, you’re not gonna see coming. And it’s gonna be weird. And, you know, there’s always a way out

Peter Vekselman: of it though, right.

Well, two ways of looking at it. That’s the right way to look at it. But you and I both know Mo a lot of times why people don’t become successful is they just choose not to, because you’re right. Almost anything that you’re still standing and you’re breathing afterwards, there’s ways to get out of it. You might not get out of it whole, You may not make money on something, You might not be a, a win for you, but there’s almost always a way, and that’s really the, the, the, the.

Kind of, you could say a pseudo definition of success, right? Are you gonna let the stuff the crap get in the way? And unfortunately, you know, when you talk to people that have been down the pathway of success, but never made it, the story’s almost always the same. This happened. That happened, that happened, this happened, this happened.

And they just, you know, somewhere along the line they quit. You just can’t quit. You’re absolutely. Yeah.

Tim Melanson: And, and I think that that’s, um, the interesting that I’ve found anyways, when you do talk about people that did quit, their reason for quitting is so much less than some of the reasons that people succeeded.

Right. You know, that, that big thing there. Oh, you know, somebody screwed me out of 50 bucks and I just thought, you know, this isn’t for me. Meanwhile, you’re talking about 50,000.

Peter Vekselman: You know, I, I kind of say what you just said. I paraphrase it a little bit and, you know, people always say, Well, how do I keep going?

You know, I’m outta money, I’m outta time, I’m outta support, you know, my husband wants me out, my wife wants me out. You know, usually it’s, it’s usually the reason people quit. It’s, it’s, it’s a, it’s, it’s a lack of capital and the lack of time, whatever an endeavor is, and I tell ’em a little bit what you said.

I kind of turn it upside down a little bit. I said, Your reason to keep going, Has to be bigger than your reason to quit. And, and, um, that’s another issue I find Tim, with people, a lot of times people get started and things, whatever that is, and they don’t know why they’re doing it. They’re just like, Well, I wanna make more money.

Mm. That’s never gonna get you successful. Well, I, you know what I mean? So I always tell people in those initial stages of going for it, entrepreneurship. Pathway to success. You really, really have to dwell down and really, seriously figure out why you’re doing this. Because along the way, and by the way, across the board, Across the board, you will always wanna quit.

Heck, when I got started 22 years ago in real estate, I think I quit every day for a couple years. I mean, literally, I was out. I was, I didn’t really physically walk out, but I was. I was quitting and quitting, quitting. But again, the reason to stay has to be than the reason to quit, has to be bigger than the reason to quit.

Tim Melanson: And I can back that up. I, there have been days that I wanted to quit too, especially in the very beginning. And you know, as time goes on, those days become longer in between, I guess. And now I barely think about, now I’m good. Right.

Peter Vekselman: But that’s it. I mean that really, the bottom line is that’s reality of success.

You gotta hang on on long enough, you know, and it’s, you know, obviously you’ve been through the journey and, uh, and isn’t it crazy like watching or seeing other people. And it’s like, you could see how close they get. You know, I always tell people it’s like that, you know that spotter and the race car driver, right?

The race car driver only sees the car ahead of him, the spotter who’s on top. He sees the whole track. And it’s amazing to me, uh, and I get in involved a lot with entrepreneurs. It is amazing to me how many times I see people get close, but they literally just see, you know, that next day that, that, that, that current problem.

Bad thing that just happened and they don’t see a little bit past that. But yeah, success state rocket science is what I tell people. It really isn’t.

Tim Melanson: No, and I, I think I, I think that people define success. Incorrectly. A lot of times they, they define it in terms of money. And I mean, let’s face it, I don’t think there’s very many entrepreneurs that do it for the money, uh, because they would, they probably never would’ve gotten to the point where they’re making money, because in the beginning there has to be some sort of other, you know, fire burning that’s making you wanna do this.

Maybe it’s for lifestyle, maybe it’s for, I don’t know what it is, but everybody’s got their own reason, and it’s usually not

Peter Vekselman: money. Right. Well, and here’s the other thing to expand upon that most people have no idea how to evaluate their journey to success because they literally do they val, Well, I’m not making money, so that must mean I’m off track.

I haven’t closed the deal. That means I’m off track. I’ve been booked for that gig with a hundred thousand dollars in audience, I’m off track. They have no idea that in the, especially in the beginning, I mean, all the way through the process, but especially in the beginning, your measurement of progress, your measurement of success can’t be what you think it is.

It’s, it’s, it’s, is it, Okay. Tell me more about your, you know, in the beginning it’s, it’s really more activity. You know, are you doing the things that you need to be doing to move forward? You know, you may not have your first deal done in a month or two. Well, that’s that. That is not a measure of success.

You know, How many people have you contacted? How much things are you doing? So, That’s the other big problem with entrepreneurs. They literally have no idea how to measure where they are. And on track and this, This is along the lines, why I always tell people, you gotta connect with someone you know. You have to align yourself with someone because you probably don’t know how to do a lot of things, including evaluate if you’re on track, off track, because you could also flip it on the upside down, right?

You could think, Oh, I’m dead on track. Next thing you know, eight months goes by, you have zero to show for anything guys. As a matter of fact, you’ve just gone backwards and you may be off track. So it’s always important to have those checks and balances, not only inside the business, but checks and balances for you personally set up.

And usually that, usually some kind of alignment relationship, you know? Right. So those are important things also.

Tim Melanson: Right on it. Well, this leads basically into the next section, which is about practicing. You know, that’s part of it. You know, How do you continue to, you know, get good at what you do? How do you measure that

Peter Vekselman: progress?

Well, you know, when it comes to things like practice and getting better, you know, the example I always use is, you know, I use athletics cuz most of us have at least exposure to athletics. And you know, you look at the top people in the world, like in the world and you never hear or see a team, an individual that just shows up at games.

Just, that just doesn’t happen. You know, They’re literally, they spend way more time practicing, perfecting their craft, getting better. And um, and I think that’s the thing that’s lost in a lot of people. You know, I remember, um, a couple years back, uh, a buddy of mine, uh, he was in real estate, still in real estate.

He was a realtor of Summit Investors. He’s a realtor and I walk into his office now. He was the top realtor in the nation in terms of average agent that worked for him. He was a broker, average agent that worked for him had over 20 listings. That’s unheard of. That’s like picking up a guitar today and tomorrow playing at Wembley Stadium.

That stuff just doesn’t happen. Um, and he had like over 50 agents at over 20 listing. I remember walking into his office at like six or seven in the morning, and there were all these desks set up, and I’m like, Dude, what are you doing? You know? Well, he goes and remember, these are the top people in the country, in the world, probably at their craft.

He said, Every day we get together for an hour or two, and we practice the scripts. And when it comes to being a realtor and scripts, it is not rocket science. It is usually a three minute conversation. And now you think of the top, top, top, top. Every day, spend an hour practicing a three, basically three, a five minute just pitch.

How important is perfecting your craft? I mean, it’s, it’s absolutely. Um, and that goes along with education. You should always level up, you know, you should always know more about what you do. You should become, if you wanna be good at something, I think very few people are good at something. If. Uh, and are not subject matter experts at it.

You know, you’re gonna find very few people at top of their game, and then you realize they know nothing about what they’re doing. That just doesn’t happen. But you’re gonna find plenty of people at the bottom of their game that have no concept of what they’re doing. You know, and, and, and, and, and those are the people that really need the, the, the education, the training, the practice, and it’s amazing.

Few, those people will do it because they’re looking for that shiny object, that shortcut that, you know, something doesn’t exist. Whereas the guys and the people at the top, it’s, you know, they’re still grinding it out. They’re getting better. They’re getting better at what they do. Right

Tim Melanson: on. Right on. No, you’re, And it’s the same in music as well.

I mean, it’s all about, I think, I think that it’s, Practicing the fundamentals over and over again. Yeah, I mean, it doesn’t really help you much to, you know, go find one of the best solos out there and try to practice that every day. , you’re, you’re not gonna be able to, uh, you can only play that one thing, I guess is what it comes down to.

You can’t roll with the punches and a lot of times, I mean, I’m sure that’s why they practice the sales pitch over and over again, cuz you gotta get that down so that it is unconscious.

Peter Vekselman: You know, uh, a few years ago I wrote a, kinda like an ebook and the, and the title of it was, You Have to Become Brilliant at the Basics.

And, you know, we’re saying kind of the same thing over and over again, but you know, even in real estate, which is a huge business, overwhelming business, tons of things. After Judaism for two decades, Tim, I still only do basically two things, you know, but. I would say I’m better at those two things than almost anyone in the country, in the nation.

Um, so, um, yeah, you gotta, I always, another way I say what we’re talking about, you know, there’s two ways. This is where people mess up. There’s two ways to grow. There’s what’s called horizontal growth, and that’s the guy that’s trying, you know, he is got 60 plates spinning. He’s not really good at anything, but he’s always, And then there’s vertical growth.

That’s the guy that kind of figures out one or two things and he just gets better and better and better and better. So, I’m. Personally, I’m all about that vertical growth. All about that vertical growth.

Anik Malenfant: Hi, my name is Moff. I’m from Mastering Ascension and I’ve been working with Tim Melanson and the Creative Crew Agency for a number of years now.

Tim is my go-to guy for all things technology, and his team have helped me to really. Create the platform that I need that represents my brand, my message, and connects me directly to my ideal clients. What I particularly love about Tim is before he starts to dive into the technology, he always makes sure that he understands what your global view is, what your ultimate goals are, so then that way you’re not wasting a lot of time back and forth.

Switching around technology or platforms, he creates something from the get go that is scalable, which is highly, highly, um, beneficial for any business. What I’ve experienced from Tim and his team is they’re highly responsive. They are a wealth of information, and they’re gonna offer you the tools that you need to really make the mark that you wanna make in the world.

That’s my recommendation for Tim. He’s awesome. You’re gonna love every minute. You won’t regret it.

Tim Melanson: So let’s talk a little bit about, about the band, about team building. So what’s your approach to, you know, getting the right people

Peter Vekselman: around you? Number one, it’s critical. It’s critical. And I’ll tell you why it’s critical.

Um, and again, it doesn’t matter if you’re a band guy or a real estate guy or a franchise guy. I always tell people the reason. Most people wanna level up in life. One of two factors. They wanna make more money. Or they wanna have a better lifestyle, you know, no matter what the reasons are, they tend to fall in one of those two categories.

And when it comes to making money, yes, you can make a lot of money doing a lot of things yourself. There is no question. I mean, we, we all know people that are very successful who make a lot of money and they are just like, you could literally sit that as a one person show. But I always tell people, if you want that other side, which by the way, in my opinion is even more important, the lifestyle side, the time control side.

Uh, on that side of the equation, it’s a, it’s, it’s, it’s all, all the ability to leverage yourself. And really, when I say leverage yourself, um, it’s all about developing teams around you. It’s all about developing infrastructure around you. It’s all about surrounding yourself with the right people. I’d, you know, I, I tell people a very interesting stats.

You know, if somebody were to ask me in a street, Hey, what do you do for a living? I’m a real estate. When was the last time you saw a. Seven years ago, and it never computes. Like to them it makes zero sense. But in those seven years, I bought over a thousand properties. And to them they like the the two.

How can you not see what you’re doing? Well, because many, many, many, many years ago I bought into this concept, you’re only as good as the people around you. And so every day I’m doing real estate deals, and every day I’m enjoying an incredible lifestyle along the way. So this whole premise of the ability to develop a.

Um, the ability to put the right people in place and then let ’em do what they do, you know, not micromanage anything like that. Uh, it’s critical. That’s as far as I could tell, at least in the things I’ve done, Tim, that’s the only way to create a lifestyle for you, only way to create a lifestyle. So how

Tim Melanson: do you, how do you find these people that are incredible and, and how do you I I, I don’t know, motivate them or inspire them to, you know, work for you, I guess.

Peter Vekselman: Um, When people ask me what I do is, I mentioned I’m a real estate investor, haven’t done, haven’t personally looked at a deal in seven years. So that’s always the follow up question. Well, what the heck you do with yourself? And that is exactly what I do with myself, Tim. I am always, always connecting with people.

That step never stops. You know, I might have a conversation like we’re having right now, 4, 5, 6, 7 times a day and, um, or get my name out there 4, 5, 6, 7 times a day. And in the end it’s for two reasons to spread the message of what I do, but also to connect with the right people. You know, it, it is. It is not easy.

Um, but you know, you, you, you, you have to go, um, number one at the very initial conception of how do you find the right person. I’m past the interviews, the testing, that’s all. You know, like who’s ever had an interview that goes like this? Well, yeah, I’m pretty bad at this stuff. I don’t think it’s gonna work, but go ahead and hire me.

Right? Yep. So I’m past all that. How I make my decisions around when I’m talking about now my own team. Um, in the beginning I tend to make decisions based upon who one’s at the most. I found in my life that when I bring people into my world of people that wanna be there, they not always, but they tend to be the ones that work out the best.

Wow. Number two, you know, um, there has to be some kind of vision in place. Um, and they have to buy into the vision. You know, if your vision is to go out there and conquer 30 different countries, there’s a lot of people who are not gonna buy into that vision. You know, if your vision is to, uh, well, like, you know, my world, your world, you’re in a world of bands and music.

I’m in a world of real estate, so a lot of times people that would buy into my vision, Would not buy into your vision and vice versa. You know, you’re more of a Yep. Artsy, you know, and stuff like that. So you gotta find people that buy into your vision. Um, I think environment’s very important. You know, people tend to overlook the environment they create for people around them.

Um, so to me that’s a big thing. And then the other thing is, and this is one thing that I pride myself, you know, kind of my inner team’s been all of ’em, been with me over 10 years. You have to learn how to keep. That’s, that’s the key because good people. Um, are always gonna be thought after, you know, they’re always gonna be, there’s always gonna be more opportunities for the good people, so you really, really need to figure out how to keep ’em.

And that is a combination of everything I just said. That’s a combination of environment, that’s a combination of the vision. Obviously a financial component has to be in there. You know, and I really, and I know there’s different philosophies about this, I’m not a micromanager. I think in the end, adults wanna be treated like adults.

And you know, my team definitely keeps me posted through this thing, the cell phone, but. And, and there’s times where I come in and help make decisions and all that, but they know they have the latitude to not only make decisions, but they have the latitude to sometimes make the wrong decision. Wow. And that’s important if you want to keep people that you don’t want people that are on pins and needles all the time.

You know, you don’t wanna people that lose sleep over their jobs and stuff like that. So I think it’s a combination of all of those things. But, But in the. Lifestyle. Lifestyle. Not just the financial, the financial, Yes, you could go out there and crank it out yourself and all this, but if you’re really chasing lifestyle, you gotta chase people, then you gotta know how to develop people and build teams around you.

Absolutely critical. Love it.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, and, and I think a lot of the reason why people, uh, have a hard time with this is that they’re not, they’re, they’re uncomfortable really showing who they. They’re uncomfortable with turning someone away. They see somebody that’s amazing on what they do, but maybe they’re just not right.

Like, you know, you mentioned the, the band and the real estate. Hey, You know what I mean? If, if I’m trying to get somebody who’s very good real estate agent into my band, it’s, it’s not, they’re not gonna be . Right. You know, So I might be trying to impress them and, and, and trying to pretend like I’m more of something that I’m not, because I think that they’re so good at what they do, but they’re not gonna be good at what I.

And that’s okay. You know, you’re better off to just kind of push somebody away and not wasting time having a conversation with somebody. Uh, you know, and maybe, maybe you can be a connector for them. Maybe. Maybe there’s something, somebody in your network that they’d be better suited

Peter Vekselman: for. Right. You know, I always tell people I don’t put skill set as the number one thing.

I do not. I put, like I said, I will, I put wanting to be, I put loyalty, but I think I put skillset right around number three. You’re absolutely right. You know, you, you cannot overlook. Obviously we all want great people in our lives. I mean, who doesn’t, right? But to just overlook, and I’ve done this, I’ve done this just based upon wanting somebody and, and, and just became blind to the fact that the skill set’s just not there.

And, and, and remember, there’s a reason why sometimes skill set’s not there. It’s not their passion, right? They became great with some other skill set. I mean, it’s just kind of common sense. So yeah, I, I agree with what you’re saying. Somewhere along the line, the skillset does, the aptitude does have to be there.

There’s no question.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And then that leads to your next point, which was keeping them and treating them like an adult and giving them the ability. Cause I think that’s another fear that a lot of people have is that, you know, they think that it’s their business. If someone screws up on their dime, well, you know, now they’re gonna, you know, they’re gonna be in trouble.

So they try to help them to not screw up. But that’s where we learn right, is, is through the mistakes.

Peter Vekselman: And you got, you know, it’s not only that, but it’s that piece that I was talking about. You gotta give people. The flexibility to make mistakes, you know, because you’re, they’re never gonna make any kind of great decisions if they’re afraid of making a mistake.

Greatness only comes because when you have the ability to fail, you know what I mean? And, and so that’s a big thing that I see a lot of good people leaving. Pretty decent places actually, because it’s so tight, it’s so rigid, it’s so unforgiving. It’s so black and white there. You know? You gotta learn how to work in the gray areas.

I mean, I’m sure in the world you are in, there’s plenty of gray areas, and if you don’t know how to sustain yourself in there, if it’s just black and white, then it’s gonna be very tough. It’s gonna be very tough for you can imagine how that’s gonna be for a poor employee that’s just getting rock and rolling, you know, that ain’t gonna.


Tim Melanson: I mean, yeah, and, and when you’re thinking about music, music is, is, is very much in a box in a lot of ways. And really the creativity comes from getting outside of that box. And so if you’re always working within the box, you’re never gonna find real magic cuz it’s all understandable. It’s all in there.

As soon as you start to make a mistake, hit a note that you shouldn’t have hit. All of a sudden you see, Oh, that actually sounded pretty good. Maybe I

Peter Vekselman: can do something. Absolutely. Absolutely. You know, and I’m in the same business, you know, real estate, talk about gray areas and the ability to experiment sometimes and try things, it’s very, very important.

So yeah, totally agree. Right on. So let’s

Tim Melanson: talk a little bit about getting fans. So how do you attract people to your business, you know, as customers?

Peter Vekselman: Uh, doing what we do now, , you know, um, that’s really it, you know, right now I got, as a, as an owner of what I do, I say I have three functions, Cash flow, make sure we got the right money.

Um, two, what we just talked about, attracting the right people into our world. And number three, getting the message out. Getting the message out. And, um, that’s a very, very, very important thing. Now, what I tell people today, we’re in, um, totally different world. You know, 22 years ago when I got started, if I wanted somebody to know about me, it would cost me a lot more.

It would take a lot more time. Um, you would, you would need a lot more skill set in all this, but in today’s world, you know, There’s a lot of, so many different ways of, of, of marketing, of getting the message out. You know, one of my favorites and, and it’s actually our best way right now, is social media.

And the reason I’m so excited about it, because a year and a half ago I had no social media presence, like none. And today, In my world, it is the top and really social media, you know, if you basically understand at least the concepts, that is not a very expensive media for marketing, for advertising, for getting the word out.

Um, but you have to have to do that, you know? Um, I always tell people, and you know, let’s take social media out of it. It is the most critical point of investment of capital in any entrepreneur’s world. You know, if I was starting out a business and I had the thousand dollars to my name, I would say pretty much any business, I’d probably use 95% of it into some kind of a marketing apparatus, because that drives everything.

It’s, we’re a revenue. It’s the thing unfortunately, that people tend, especially young, not just young, but beginner entrepreneurs tend to cut the quickest, but it’s the thing that needs to be really, really massaged the most in um, um, um, and when it comes to financial investments, that’s where your money has to.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, I agree. And I think it’s because the ROI is more complicated to to calculate. You know, you can, you can make a sales call and know that you’re gonna make money from it, but when you’re putting out, you know, getting on a podcast, you don’t know that you’re gonna get an actual client out of this.

Peter Vekselman: Right. You know? Um, I agree with you, but at this point in the, in today’s environment, this is what I tell people who have that philosophy. You’re just lost in the weeds because you, you, you, it’s, it’s just a no brainer. It’s like saying, you know, I’m not gonna get on that train cuz I don’t know how the engine works and I’m just too afraid we’re gonna fall off the crap.

Okay. In today’s world, you’re afraid to get on the train cause you don’t know how the engine works. You’re just, you know, you’re a hundred years in the rears. And, and I tell people, cause I get that all the time too. Yeah. Well it’s hard to measure some of the stuff and all this, but listen, in today’s world it is no longer, uh, up for, it’s not a discussion piece.

Like, does it work or it doesn’t work? It works. It’s just a matter of are you gonna do it or are you not gonna do it? You know, But, but, but, but don’t let the lack of potential measurement on a one-to-one basis prevention for making some real money in the end. You know what I mean? That, that’s, that’s a no-brainer.

Yeah, I

Tim Melanson: agree. And you know what I mean? Part of it is, uh, is going back to the fundamentals as well. You’re, you’re practicing a conversation over and over. That you’re gonna get better at and it’s gonna connect with certain people. And you know, it is more of a numbers game, you know, the more you get out there, the more you’re gonna get

Peter Vekselman: back.

It’s a hundred percent. I mean, you gotta do it. You know, again, I put that as one of my top three functions as a as, as in, in my world of real estate investing, uh, getting the word out and getting the message out. And again, the great thing is about what we’re talking about is that today you can literally be starting in a business, sitting in your underwear from your basement, and you have an unfair advantage called, Social media that you could start competing with the big boys just like that.

That is not something to run away from, you know? That is something to like embrace and stick your hands in the air and say thank you. Yeah. Speaking of the choir ,

Tim Melanson: I’m thinking that this is like a golden age really, where, I mean, you mentioned earlier, you know, 10, 20, 30 years ago you had to spend a lot of money on TV ads or billboards or whatever it.

And now you don’t even have to buy ads on social media. You can literally do this organic

Peter Vekselman: if you, if you choose to. Right. Even playing field is what I call it. It equalizes. I could literally compete no matter how big or how small I am. I could literally compete with the big boys now. That’s huge. That’s huge.

That’s huge.

Tim Melanson: So let’s tie for your guests to, So tell me what’s exciting in

Peter Vekselman: your business right now.

I do think I have a very exciting thing that we’re doing. And you know, the exciting thing about business is that we’re booming and we’re growing. Uh, we’re in a, we’re kind of in a, you know, we’re obviously in a downturn economy, but that’s an upturn economy in real estate. You know, as I mentioned to you, I do real estate deals and, and my model’s very simple.

I partner with people across the United States and we do deals together. Um, but it’s what we. in this partnership that really makes everything I do so exciting. You know, I provide ’em money to do deals. I spend money where they live in their cities and generate leads for them. My back office processes, everything gets contracts done, inspections, closings, handled for my partners.

Like I said, I give ’em unlimited capital as much as they want to do as many deals as they. Our construction outfit gets in there, helps ’em fix it. We put ’em in a market, sell ’em with the profits down the middle of 50 50, done 3,600 deals. A hundred percent of all my deals are with partners just like this.

For everyday people across the United States who wanna level up financially, who wanna create huge lifestyles and um, And so, and, and literally we’re doing more deals now than I have in 22 years in this business just because of what’s taking place out there. So it’s very exciting all the way across the board doing deals in my business.

Is the excitement part. ? Right on

Tim Melanson: Peter. Well, I’m intrigued. Like, so tell me what, you know, what’s the ideal person that would, you know, be a good partner for you?

Peter Vekselman: It’s just that somebody that’s ready to level up, somebody’s not satisfied whether their job, their career, their business that’s struggling, maybe they wanna level up financially and they wanna create a bigger lifestyle for themselves because real estate is one of those things, when Done correctly has those two components.

Not every business does by the way, but real estate does. You can make a ton of money in this business, but you could also if you set it up correctly. And that’s where partnering with me gives an ability to do, cuz we handle so much things for them. You have the ability to create an incredible lifestyle.

So for people that wanna retire from their jobs, for people who are not satisfied with what they’re doing, for people who want a bigger lifestyle, control their time more. Those are the people that become my partners. Wow.

Tim Melanson: So really it’s anyone of any walk of life really.

Peter Vekselman: People that ready to level up.

Tim Melanson: Ready to level up. Awesome. Well then how do we find out more about.

Peter Vekselman: Um, you can, somebody could pop over to my social media. I know my office probably give you some links, but they can go to name Peter of Selman, which is written there. Uh, they can connect me with me there. They can shoot me a dm, follow me.

Click the link on my bio to set up a conversation with me. Um, or I’m sure there’s some, some links that my office provided for you that you could, you know, put in a description. But, uh, yeah, pop over to my social media, Peter of Selman, I’m sorry, Instagram. You could go to of Selman and, and kind of get a feel of who I am, what I do, and what I’m about, and connect me with me right through there.


Tim Melanson: Right on. Well, thank you so much for rocking out with me today, Peter. This has been a lot of fun.

Peter Vekselman: I enjoyed it. Thanks for having.

Tim Melanson: Cool to the listeners, make sure you subscribe, rate and comment, and we’ll see you next time on the Work at Home Rockstar podcast. .

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