From Stage Fright to Standing Ovation: Mastering Public Speaking with Sean Tyler Foley

Dec 25, 2023 | Assembling The Band, Gathering Fans, PodCast, Season 3, The Jam Room

The Back-Story

When Sean Tyler Foley, managing director of Total Buy-In, found himself on the precipice of a speaking engagement alongside Tony Robbins, he did the unthinkable — he turned his expertise into a book under a nail-biting deadline. Today, Sean Tyler joins Tim to talk about his remarkable journey from stage fright to spotlight, revealing the transformative effects of embracing a challenge head-on. They discuss the immense preparation behind seamless performances, emphasizing that success is not a sudden burst of luck but the culmination of years of hard work. This notion extends beyond the arts into entrepreneurship, where legal and financial preparedness, highlighted by a personal story of loss and the importance of succession planning, form the bedrock of sustainable business practices. They also touch on the transformative power of podcasting, as experienced by Sean Tyler, who has over 300 appearances in a single year. It is a testament to the medium’s potential to build a robust online presence and establish credibility. Tune into this enlightening podcast episode and step into your spotlight.

Who is Sean Tyler Foley?

Sean Tyler Foley (STF) is a versatile film and stage performer who has been acting since he was six. He has appeared in productions such as Freddy Vs Jason, Door to Door, Carrie, and the musical Ragtime. Tyler is passionate about helping others take the stage and impact an audience with their stories. He is currently the Managing Director of Total Buy In and author of the #1 best-selling book The Power to Speak Naked. With his distinct and direct style, Tyler is emerging as one of North America’s sought-after leaders in public speaking for personal and professional development. He inspires others to reach for their dreams by promoting and encouraging people to be heard and understood.

Show Notes

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In This Episode:
(0:00) Intro
(1:05) Sean Tyler’s good note
(5:19) Sharing a stage with Tony Robbins
(9:46) The bad note
(16:12) What he learned from the bad note
(17:56) Forming the band
(23:51) Playing with talents better than you
(28:17) What is important in a jam room
(32:10) Sean Tyler’s guest solo
(34:42) Podcasting and marketing
(40:40) How to find Sean Tyler
(43:48) Outro


Read Transcript

Tim Melanson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to today’s episode of the work at home rock star podcast.

Very excited for today’s episode. I got another musician on with me. This is going to be super cool. He’s going to get all the analogies, I’m sure. And, uh, so we’re talking today with the managing director of total buy in. And what he does is he helps people to better engage their audience when presenting by connecting their personal stories to their leadership style.

Super excited to be rocking out today with Tyler Foley. Hey, Tyler, you

Tyler Foley: ready to rock? Oh, I’m ready. Rock Tim. I’ve been, I’ve had this circled literally for months, you know, I’ve had the scheduled on and uh, I, I can’t even begin to tell you, man, I’m, I’m blessed.

Tim Melanson: Perfect. Well, this is going to be super cool. We always start off here in a good note.

So tell me a story of success in your business that we can be inspired by.

Tyler Foley: I, yeah. So it’s funny because you and I had talked offline and you know, I was always prepped for this and I’m like, what, what is some of those really big And my big business success, I think for me was why I finally got to publish my book.

And, uh, that was one of those things where I’d had business [00:01:00] mentors who had been telling me, this is a thing that you need to do. And I kept pushing against it and, and, and, you know, I’m not a writer. I don’t want to write. And, uh, ironically, I still view that having. A few published works out there now, I still wouldn’t consider myself a writer, but I remember the impetus being getting the opportunity to speak on the Power of Success stage.

And, you know, the opportunity to share a stage with Tony Robbins thing that was holding me back the promoter, uh, Celine that told me that, uh, he, he couldn’t have me on stage if I didn’t have a book and a course to offer. And I had the course, but I didn’t have the book. And I remember being like, well, how long do I have to get this book out?

And he basically gave me a couple of months. He’s like, you know, if you can get this. It’s December now. If you can get this done by March and published in around April, we can get you up on to the September and October stages. I would, I would do that, sir. And then it became this big, [00:02:00] now what? But what do I do?

I’m committed to this thing and I am not a writer. So how do I? How do I get this done? And what we ended up doing was taking my, uh, course, my power to speak naked course, which at the time was actually not titled the power to speak naked. It was originally titled, uh, basic instructional technique, the bit course, uh, geared towards, uh, construction supervisors so that, you know, when they were thrust into this leadership position, they could.

Get up and present, uh, usually training material. We call it a basic instructional technique because it’s called a public speaking one on one. Nobody would show up because everybody hates public speaking. So we had to, yeah, this guy, what it was and make it interesting course. So we compressed all of that information.

And what we ended up doing was taking the, I. I’m a born performer, as you’d mentioned. I’m a musician. I’m a former child actor. And, uh, so I’ve been on stages most of my life [00:03:00] and I record everything, absolutely everything. So I had hundreds of hours of videos of me presenting this, uh, basic instructional technique was a two day workshop.

And so we took all the video, grabbed the audio off it, transcribed the audio, and then put it into it because it was a course, it was naturally structured into chapters anyway, and, uh, I had an editor who was really, really, really good, and, uh, we Kind of pieced it together. That became the book. The hardest part of the book was actually not putting together the book.

The hardest part was coming up with the title and then getting the cover art work for it. Wow.

Tim Melanson: That is such a great story. You know, what’s funny is that, uh, I’ve got like in music, I’ve got so many, uh, people that will be like, Oh, you know, together a little project and all that stuff. And I always found that I get the gig first, then I put together the project for the gig

Tyler Foley: and it works so much better that way.

Doesn’t it? Yeah, it’s funny [00:04:00] what an impending deadline will do for you. And the other thing is, too, is there’s a little bit more like, um, charge behind it, right? Like, if you arbitrarily give yourself a deadline, whatever, but to know that you have to do this thing on this date or X, Y, Z doesn’t happen or that dream that you have doesn’t get fulfilled, that’s, that’s a big thing.

And in my case, you know, the greatest reward Was being the impact that that book had, I would have never put it out. The lean patent pushed me to do it, but here I am now. And I get to say, not only do I get to say I’m a published author, but number one, bestselling author and all of those that aim from the opportunity that presented themselves after I was able to speak to a crowd of 9, 000 people in the middle of Toronto.


Tim Melanson: so cool too. And sharing the stage was with Tony Robbins. How was, how

Tyler Foley: was that experience? That is so surreal. And, um, and a little bit more PR than what, uh, [00:05:00] than what it actually is because Tony is Tony. So he’s going up when Tony’s on stage. You don’t share the stage with Tony. You spoke on a stage that Tony Robbins was on as well and he did it, right?

Um, but it was, I mean, it’s cool to, I mean, I got to meet him backstage and I mean, he literally is the giant of self development. So to be able to just be in his presence. For a couple of minutes and, uh, you know, all the rest of us had a green room that we were in and then Tony had his. Separate green group that there wasn’t like, even a little bit of mix and mingle that way, but he was very gracious to come in and say, hi, uh, to the rest of us.

And, you know, he knew a couple of the other speakers that were there built town and, uh, who else, uh, or Rachel was there. Um, so a couple of, uh, different. You know, speakers that he knew from the circuit and it was becoming a little bit more familiar with. So to be included with that was with an absolute joy and a pleasure.

And then, you know, [00:06:00] the other opportunities that came from that too. So like I got to, I got to have a less brown open for me, uh, at a speaking gig in Oregon. And that’s, That’s again, a little bit more PR because less as I don’t know, many people


Tyler Foley: who Les Brown is. A lot of people know. I do. Yeah. And he’s been living with cancer for a couple of decades now and, uh, and, you know, winning that fight, but he still, you know, it’s an issue for him.

And, uh, he was speaking at a three day event. in Bend, Oregon, and couldn’t finish the last day because he had to go. He wasn’t feeling well, and he had to go and get some medical tests. And the promoter of that event knew, uh, Salim, who was the promoter at, uh, Power of Success and Power of Influence. And she, she had seen me and was familiar with me and reached out to [00:07:00] me and said, listen, can you get down here?

And in the next 24 hours, because, you know, I need somebody to finish up this event and less is doing his thing on public speaking. And I know you do a really good job of that. Will you come and do this? And I was like, absolutely. So I got to go and close out the event for less. And so now I get to tell everybody that less opened up for me, but

Tim Melanson: it’s so cool.

Man, lots of last minute stuff, right? That you get offered and you just take it, right? Go

Tyler Foley: with it. You never know what happens when you say yes, but a lot of that comes with the prep work to be able to, you know, have, right? It’s, it’s, we’ll get into it, but right, you know, you can’t just get up and, and gig.

If you’re a musician, you’re the people don’t understand the years of practice and rehearsal that goes into a really good set on stage. I mean, you look at what Taylor Swift is doing right now with their eras too. She’s literally presenting all of the eras of her, uh, music career. She’s been playing, I think, since she was [00:08:00] like, what, like under 10, I think.

And, and now she’s in her thirties and you, and the nice thing about that tour, anybody can’t afford this 7 million tickets. Yeah. At least she’s released it into theaters and you can go watch it there, uh, for only a couple hundred dollars now for a movie ticket, but, uh, you know, you watch that progression of her.

Uh, music writing and, and even just this stage craft that she has and how her, uh, stage show has developed like that doesn’t come overnight. That’s a lot of practicing rehearsal that we don’t get to see. And, and same with, with this, like, I, you know, I’ve been, I’ve been public speaking since I was six years old, you know, I was the first time that I ever got on stage as a professional actor, and so, you know, we’re, I’m into my fourth decade of performing on stage, so there’s a lot of, and I can, I’m continually working on that [00:09:00] craft, so I think, you know, Yeah, I’ve had a lot of last minute opportunities, but I was able to succeed because I had all the prep work going.


Tim Melanson: exactly. The preparation was already there for the opportunity that you could take. Yeah. Okay. Now, I mean, not everything’s magic though, right? There are some bad notes from time to time. I’m wondering, can you share something that, you know, just was devastating that you ended up bouncing back from that we can either, you know, avoid or, or come

Tyler Foley: back from ourselves?

Yeah. That diminished F sharp that shouldn’t have been in that chord. Yeah. I, I, I, I, I know the, the biggest learning lesson that I had, uh, it’s funny that we were talking about preparation is not knowing what I didn’t know, uh, when I started my first company. You know, I, again, I’ve been performing most of my life, but for, uh, a brief period in my late twenties, I tried fighting the arts and wanted to get a [00:10:00] real job.

And I went back to school and I got an engineering discipline, uh, specialized in geomatics for anybody who doesn’t know that’s, you know, earth study and making maps and surveying. And the first company that I started, I started with my mentor and it was an aerial survey company because I specialized in photogrammetry by one uncle is a photogrammetrist.

My other uncle is a photogrammetrist and cartographer. My other uncle was a bath metric surveyor for the military. My grandfather was a surveyor. So it’s in my blood. It was the thing that I understood. And my mentor at the time specialized, she’s one of the best photogrammetrists in North America. And I got to study under her.

It was phenomenal. So we would do these, we had a fleet of three planes, small, little, two of them, single engine, one of them, uh, rule prop. And we would Fly the ground and take pictures of the ground and stitch it together and make anybody who’s ever flipped on satellite view on Google maps, [00:11:00] that’s, that’s what I did.

I made that those pretty pictures of the ground and it was a, it was a really great business. It was kind of, that was going to be my future. That’s what I invested everything in. I’ve literally invested everything that I owned into getting that business going. And it was going really well for about three years.

And then my business partner who, because she was more established and because she had most of the money, almost everything was in her name, you know, planes are not cheap. The scanner that we ended up getting, we ended up moving into mobile interior scanning. And, uh, that cart was like 1. 5 million dollars.

Planes, planes are expensive. So everything was in her name, and, uh, she wasn’t feeling good one weekend, and, uh, you know, went to the hospital Friday evening after work, and never left the hospital. And so literally overnight, uh, and over a weekend, I not only lost a friend and a mentor, but I lost [00:12:00] my business partner and my business.

Because I didn’t have the right director’s insurance. When she passed away, everything was in her name, of the board, and I had no legal way of taking over the company. Um, I was the vice president in, in name and title, and I was on a lot of the, uh, structure when it came to the organization and the shares.

Within the company, but if the shares were literally worthless overnight with her passing, because all of the finances were wrapped up with her as the president and, uh, the chief initial office. And, you know, that was one of the dangers of a small company. Like we only had 12 employees at our peak, uh, usually we’re running on a staff of about seven or eight.

Um, and so you don’t think of things like a succession or a director’s insurance or [00:13:00] all of those things that were kind of out of your scope. And I didn’t think to ask. And the irony is I had. Some of the best business minds that I know that were supporting me. Um, my uncle had run a successful mapping firm for over 30 years, grew it to multi million dollars, sold it off.

My other friend, who’s an international business lawyer, was advising us, and he made his first million dollars at 18, selling water out of his backyard. And that’s, you know, so I had people who knew what they were doing, and I just didn’t. I didn’t ask the right questions, didn’t know what I didn’t know.

And to have that collapse overnight was an excellent learning opportunity for me. But it’s probably the biggest sour note that I’ve hit in my career. Well, that’s,

Tim Melanson: and that’s something that, like you say, I mean, all these mentors, that’s probably a situation that never happened to them, right? I mean, you know, it’s just, well, how would you even know?

How would you know that, [00:14:00] right? Yeah, I suppose the only thing

Tyler Foley: would be the succession part. Well, but even still like, so we had an idea of succession, but that, right. That’s, it’s down the road. That’s down the road. We’re three years into this venture. And I was young, like at the time I was, you know, Early, early thirties, like 31, 32 and, and, and Jan wasn’t that old.

She was in her early to mid fifties. So it’s like, it was, it is not something that, uh, you know, when we’re talking succession, well, let’s build the empire first before we figure out how we’re going to sell it off and pass it on. We were still in the growth phase. And so, yeah, so, uh, although we had an idea of what succession would look like, those weren’t formalized discussions up front as part of the building, and certainly not something that, uh, when we were looking at getting our, our insurance, and we had to be very well insured, so our, uh, The one cart that [00:15:00] we had had a military grade IMU, which is an inertial measurement unit.

It’s the same piece of equipment that they put in the Scud missile so that the Scud missile can guide itself and land perfectly where it’s supposed to and not hurt other people. So we had to get top secret military clearance through both the U. S. and Canadian governments to have this piece of equipment.

Further, we needed to have a ridiculous amount of insurance in case the thing got stolen. So we had insurance and we had talked multiple times with our insurance provider and Rector’s insurance wasn’t one of those things that got checked. Wow. Okay. Wow.

Tim Melanson: And I don’t even know how, like, what lesson did come out of it though?

Like what, have you changed anything about how you operate from that

Tyler Foley: lesson? Well, yeah. So ask the questions and, and ask what is it that I, you know, what, what are all this in here and start pulling some of those higher X. Um, [00:16:00] the, the biggest lesson that I, I learned was asked for a gap analysis from an outside provider, you know, what could go wrong and, uh, and, and evaluate it that way.

Um, and I’ve, I’ve used that a lot of times, especially when things aren’t going right. Oftentimes, it’s just 1 little course correction that needs to happen and all of a sudden everything clicks, but it’s so hard to get outside of the in the view. And even with the people that you’re regularly working, right?

Like, even if you’re hiring professionals, like, I, I changed my account every 4 years. Not because I think my accountants is bad, but because I want a new set of eyes on my books and then if it goes, you know, if the new guy is doing something that the other lady wasn’t in a bad way, then I can go back to the lady and say, Hey, you know, let’s, go relook at our relationship going forward.

But I tend to, I [00:17:00] tend to get a new professional, whether it’s my lawyer, uh, whether it’s my accountant, whether, you know, it’s one of those business professionals. I tend to change them up every three to four years just to get new eyes on it. Even if it’s within the same organization or company, like my lawyer, my legal team doesn’t change, but I always get a new.

Lawyer to come in and take over my account. Wow. Well, I mean,

Tim Melanson: that leads us right into the next topic, which is about the band and the people that you have around you. And it sounds like you, I mean,

Tyler Foley: you either put a

Tim Melanson: lot of thought into it or it magically comes to you. I’m not sure.

Tyler Foley: Which one, which one would it be?

Uh, Column A, Column D. I, I think one of my biggest assets that I’ve ever had is the ability to recognize people’s talents. Um, you know, I, one of the, um, child. Entities of this parent company that is total buy in is a talent [00:18:00] agency that I’m a silent partner in for a long while. I, I was at acting agent inside the agency.

So, you know, getting actors and finding them, finding the raw talent and getting them in front of the camera or getting them up on stage and getting them seen, and, you know, even now, one of the things that I do for fun. I, you know, when I’m not working, it’s still work. And that is produce musical theater and, you know, being able to find that raw talent.

So I’ve always had this eye for talent in the creative space, but I think I have an eye for talent in what people’s passions are. So like, you know, my best friend, when he became a lawyer, I’m like, of course he became You know, he was smart in business, but he was often smarter than the people who were giving him legal advice.

And so he understood the law better. He just needed to get the degree to go behind it. And, and I do that with most of the professionals, like even the people that I work with within my organization, a lot of them, I bring them [00:19:00] on board initially as subcontractors before I hire them just to test out the waters that the people are doing really good.

Like you want to, you want to work with them, right? Musicians. Want to work with the best producers because you could be the best musician in the world, but if your audio track is recorded poorly, nobody will ever be able to tolerate listening to your album. And so you go out and you find the mutlings who can make Shania Twain a star, you know, and for me, that’s.

That’s one of the things that I have, I’ve always kind of had a gift for is seeing where people’s passions are and being able to, to help them apply that. So for me, I, I, I collect, you know, I collect talent, um, I both realistically when it comes to my talent agency and metaphorically when it comes to the people that I work, if I see somebody.

You can excel at that because I’m not a specialist in very many things of anything, right? I have [00:20:00] one really good skill. And that is being able to speak well, everything else. Even my drumming is mediocre at best. I’ve managed to fake it by being surrounded by incredibly talented people. And like even the band that I was in, you were talking offline, right?

When I was playing with straight clean and simple, when I was playing with, uh, Cranston field, uh, Cranston foundation, they, uh, you know, the, the musicians that I’ve worked were able to hide my flaws really well. Because they were so good that it didn’t matter. Yeah. That, and

Tim Melanson: that, I think that’s always a key.

And I mean, for me, it’s always been what I want. I always want to be the worst one in the band. Always. Like, I mean, I always want to put myself around people that are better. And that’s, I’ve learned over the years that that’s not common. I don’t think a lot of musicians think that way. I don’t think a lot of people think that way.

A lot of people want to be the smartest person in that

Tyler Foley: room. Right. Yeah. See, and I, I never, because I think you play. [00:21:00] Like, as I play hockey, right, we’re Canadian, we understand, you do know where I’m going with this, and I’m a goaltender to make it even more complicated, and I would, uh, you know, Again, being a goalie on a, on a really good team can hide your flaws, but it forces you to get better because usually when you get scored on, uh, it’s not the team’s fault, it’s your fault.

And so you want to raise your level of play to those that are around you. And I find like I played multiple leagues because of the goalie, everybody, you’re always needed. And so, you know, I know that like when I play in low division. I’m getting scored on 10, 12 times a night. And I’m like, where, how, like I just played last night and had a shutout, but you raised, you tend to raise your game to the level of the play around you.

So I have always been of the opinion that I want to, I want to be the worst person in the room. Uh, and that way I can learn from the best. Because, you [00:22:00] know, especially if you’re looking for continual improvement, continual growth, which is one of the bathrooms, one of the values within my companies is continual improvements and continual growth.

You can’t grow and improve if you, if you’re, if you’re always playing at the level or if you’re playing below your level, that’s the other thing, you know, I can, I can easily go and play with these guys over here, but I’m not going to grow. And in fact, I’m likely going to, uh, have my skill set actually.

Because I’m not using it to its highest potential, and so I, I always want to surround myself with, hi, it’s Mark Ney from Natural Born Coaches, and I want to give two very big thumbs up to Tim Lanson and his Creative Crew agency. I have been using them for a long time and I am 100% happy. They get the job done right.

They’re fast, and they let me focus on my [00:23:00] business. I don’t have to worry about anything. So again, I want to give them two very big thumbs up. I have no problem recommending them. I don’t give testimonials for everyone because my name is attached to it, but I gladly do so for Tim and the Creative Crew Agency.

So use them. You won’t regret it, and good luck.

Tim Melanson: I find that I am better when I’m playing with better talent as well. Like, and sometimes it’s, it’s a little bit surprising. Like, uh, you know, I, I can sometimes go like, I can normally not hit that. And I just did. And I’m like, okay, something’s going on here.

Something’s different. You know? And it is fascinating how that works where, where there’s sometimes when I, you know, with these people, I can hit it every time. And then I go play a solo show and I’m like, Oh, I just did that song

Tyler Foley: last night. So

Tim Melanson: like, Oh my God, I can’t. I’m having a hard time here. I’m gonna have to cut this one short quick.

What’s going on? You know, but it is like that literally has happened to me where I, I [00:24:00] play it the night before with the band. And I try to do it solo and I can’t do it. Bizarre how that works, but I’m sure it works in business too,

Tyler Foley: right? Why, but it does, you know, where, and especially in business, because you can’t do everything on your own.

And if you don’t have the good talent to support this, your, your areas where you’re, you maybe don’t have as, as much ability or skill. It becomes this domino effect where it’s a knock on. You know, it’s everybody needs to be pulling their weight, you know, and it’s like you said, like when you have a bad, like when you’re in a real group, right.

And everything is clicking a three piece. Band can sound like they have 12 members, but as soon as one thing is off, if I’m, if you know, if my meter starts to slide as the drummer and I’m throwing the bass player off and all of a sudden the vocals start sliding and we’re missing [00:25:00] harmonies, that it becomes very obvious that you only have three people in the band.

And then it sounds like only one person’s playing. And the business is very much like that. Very much like that. Where if you, if you, you know, If your sales process isn’t owned in and really on point, then your customer service starts to lack, which means that you now are having issues with quality and like all, then it, it, it starts to.

to ping. And then now your professional reputation starts to take a hit. And then you’re not getting as many clients. Now you’re going to have to maybe not be able to provide the same financial compensation to your team that you were before. And then now you’re not retaining a really good talent because they’re starting to look elsewhere.

And the opposite is true, where if everybody’s firing on. All cylinders. Everybody wants to hear the band, man. Did you guys, you know, and now all of a sudden you’re, you’re [00:26:00] selling out, you know, stadiums instead of playing to five people in, uh, in a pub somewhere and say, it’s amazing how quickly it can, you know, exponential growth can happen.

And how quickly exponential contraction and I, you know, it’s being hyper aware. And again, surround yourself with the best. You’re going to sell. I think that’s the key

Tim Melanson: there. So now let’s talk a little about the general. It seems like you’re jamming it in a

Tyler Foley: green room today. Yeah. Yeah. This is, uh, this is not my normal, uh, office studio space, which is hilarious because I remember when you and I were initially talking about being on the show and I’m like, Oh yeah.

And then when I got my studio, cause I do, right. I usually brought that. From as a performer, I have my actor studio and it’s nightly sound insulated. We’ve got all the good light. I’ve got a really good backdrop, everything beautiful. I got beautiful mics and, uh, and then I got called to speak today. So I [00:27:00] was like, yes, I can.

I’m going to need this time, uh, right now to be able to record with him, uh, cause I don’t want to have to reschedule. And, uh, so I’m going to need a really nice, uh, area to do it. And so I brought all my equipment, but yes, this is not my usual data space. And, uh, you could think then here are. Yeah, definitely.

Still pretty cool though. I mean, it’s

Tim Melanson: a cool background.

Tyler Foley: That’s for sure. Yeah. Right. Like I liked it and it, it almost is enough to look digital because it’s kind of like, could be a fake background, but you can actually touch this thing. And what’s funny just above it is, is like that down proofing, uh, boards.

Yeah, you would seen in Right. Um, but they’re not effective . Well then what,

Tim Melanson: what do you think is important in a, in a jam room then for, uh, to be successful and to be, uh, productive, I

Tyler Foley: guess? Well, I think it, it, it really is individual and tailored. So like my jam room for me for working at. [00:28:00] Does not work for my wife.

And when my wife works at home, she has to work in a totally separate space than where I work. Mine is, is great for me. Um, because I’m one of those people who gets hyper focused and. I need to eliminate stimuli outside of what I’m going to do and my work compared to my wife’s work is significantly different and like for me as a public speaker, I need to be able to do this a lot.

And, you know, I, I actually stand up and talk usually. So right now I’m seated, but, uh, my camera and my light stand and my ring light, they’re on a very large tripod, extendable tripod. So normally I would stand up and move when I’m giving presentations versus interviews, so that I can emulate and simulate me on stage.

And so like my, my full Work environment. My gym is designed to emulate and simulate being off on stage and, [00:29:00] and then being backstage in a dressing room as odd as it is so that I can do my work in hyper focus. I can put on my headphones, I can put on some baroque music and I can just listen to something in the background and just go through.

I’ve had to experiment with what that looks like. Even when, you know, back when I had into solutions, the mapping firm, we would play music. All the time, and, uh, usually, usually Broadway musicals, there was a, uh, this was before you could get satellite and, uh, we would tune into, uh, an internet radio station that only broadcast, um, Broadway musicals.

And then I’d listen to that kind of in the background to. So for me, my jam space needs to have music, but I think it’s important for people to find out, you know, what works for them and what doesn’t and experiment because what works for me may not work for you. And if you find that your environment isn’t working for you, change it up, find those things like what isn’t [00:30:00] working, how do you, how do you fix that?

So now I’ve got the really good stage that I can go and be on stage even when I’m in the basement of my house. Yeah. And it

Tim Melanson: sounds like you’re excited to be there too, right?

Tyler Foley: I love it. I love that’s the great thing about my work is I get up every day. I’m I’m somebody who if you were to give me just. I’m to myself, I would sleep 14 hours a day and wake up usually around noon or one, like that is my, that would be my default.

And I’m a little bit of a night owl. So I’d probably work until two or three or in the morning and then, and then sleep. Right. But I don’t know what, if it, if it says an AM at any point, I don’t want to be waking up during, but I know when I’m in my right space, like if I, if I get a, an opportunity to be in a film or a TV show or on, on stage or do a podcast or radio interview or speak on stage, you can tell me my call time it’s three 30 [00:31:00] in the morning.

I’ll be like, yes, yes, it is. And just be happy. And you know, my, my business is structured in an, in a way, because I have such good talent around me that I don’t have to show up very often for my business to run. And I have the ability to, um, to make my schedule and make it so that I can do things in the times that I want to do them.

And because I can be home based. I can set up my space in a way that I, you know, it’s great. Wake up, have a shower, I can pop down to the studio and. Boom. The on, it’s just, it’s fun to do my job. Love it. Well,

Tim Melanson: it’s time for you to guest solo. So tell me what’s exciting in your business right now.

Tyler Foley: Rethink. So every, everything right now is exciting in the business.

We’re about to publish the second version of my book. So the power to speak naked, bigger, longer, and uncut. The irony with that is [00:32:00] my publisher is technically a Christian publisher. They publish other works and usually nonfiction. But it, it’s definitely, uh, 80% of their titles are are Christian . And so I was able to sneak that title in without anybody catching on, uh, which was great.

So the power to speak naked, bigger, longer, and uncut is coming out, uh, shortly. It’s just, we’re just funneling, uh, finalizing the, the manuscript right now and updating the cover. Art, uh, to reflect the new edition. And so I’m really excited for that to, to hit shelves, especially because the original book, uh, you know, came out in 2019 and was, uh, had a second edition published in 2020.

And it, so it’s just, you know, follow up to a number one bestseller is, is really cool. Plus we have a whole bunch of. Courses that we’ve been able to put together and launch. So one of the, one of the ones that I’m really, really excited about is, uh, our [00:33:00] podcast mastery because, uh, a lot of the people that I work with are small business entrepreneurs and people who are looking for publicity, but don’t have like the 10, 20, 30, 50, 000 to invest in a PR machine or an agent.

And, you know, having grown up in the industry and, and knowing the importance of media presence, uh, being able to show people how to get on to a hundred podcasts and a hundred days with our, uh, podcast mastery challenge, which we run every month. Is, is phenomenal. I just, I love that, especially getting to work with the people that we get to work with and seeing their success, getting to hear the feedback about, Oh yeah, no, I was on this podcast.

And it’s amazing the networking opportunities that being able to talk on podcasts offer. So, uh, to be able to push the podcast mastery program. Um, and then with the book coming out, I’m, I, those, those are the big highlights right now for me, uh, where I, where I, I’m, I’m just. Uh, bubbling every day when I get to hear the updates from the team and what’s [00:34:00] going on and the numbers for enrollment and stuff like that.

It’s just, it, it brings me joy. That’s awesome. Yes.

Tim Melanson: Send the rock stars my way.

Tyler Foley: Mine. Yeah. Yeah, we will for sure. Well,

Tim Melanson: it’s, it, isn’t it cool though that, uh, like there people nowadays have it so much easier, I think, to get their marketing out there than, you know, 30 years ago, right? Just because this whole podcast thing, it’s just, it’s huge,

Tyler Foley: right?

Well, podcasting and media streaming and media availability, like I remember when we were playing in the band, like you had to go and you had to hand out, do you remember handing out flyers on the street and telling people to come to your gig? Like yeah.

Tim Melanson: Putting them up on the poles, putting them

Tyler Foley: up on the poles and stapling them up on the construction site.

Yep. Like I remember like just hustling and you’d maybe get. 50 people come to your gig and that was a good day, you know, and now none of them saw those posters. None of them saw the posters because they were all friends of the friends [00:35:00] and, but now, you know, you can have YouTube channel and have social media accounts and accounts, plural, and, and there’s such a.

Proliferation of availability of information that it’s, you know, it’s such a wonderful era to be in. And I think that’s one of the things that I love the most about the course that we do offer with the podcast mastery challenge, because a lot of people don’t realize just how quickly that snowballs, right?

That we were talking about it earlier, that exponential growth and how, like, At first, it feels like a bit of a struggle. One plus one is two. Two plus two is four, four plus four eight. But then you start getting into the 2 56 and the, yeah, you know, five 12 and then like it just blows up. And with podcasting, like if you can get on a hundred podcasts and it’s entirely plausible, it’s easy to do a hundred podcasts and a hundred day, like it’s exactly that.

I was [00:36:00] on over 300 podcasts last year, so I assure you. And I’m running an empire. The guy, my time is finite and I was still able to get on a hundred pod over 300 last year. So a hundred podcasts in a hundred days is easy. But what I think people don’t understand is it’s not just a podcast like your show goes out on and airs as a podcast, but you also have the YouTube channel.

Yep. And then you’re gonna link my information to that. Well, if you search my name right now, if you were to Google or like just go into YouTube and type Tyler Foley, I think I have like 120. Uh, things that pop up like I, I, I, you type my name in and I come up and it’s all other people who have posted this stuff for me.

So that is, that is media and PR that I didn’t have to do that you’re going to edit. And any, anybody can do this, whether you’re a musician, whether you’re an artist, whether you’re a businessman or an entrepreneur. You want to get the quick publicity, this podcasting thing. So yeah,

Tim Melanson: it’s great for the, for the hustlers, right?

Like it’s, it’s, you know, back in the day [00:37:00] you, you had to throw money at it. Yeah. You had to, you had to have a lot of money to put up a billboard, uh, you know, for hustling, like, like, like we did then like putting bolsters up and all that stuff, I don’t know how much you got, but nowadays, I mean, geez, you, you know, if you’re a musician and you’re not sure if you’re going to be able to get a gig or not.

Just record

Tyler Foley: something and put it online. The gig’s right there. And the other thing is, too, is if you don’t even know what you want to put up, to put on a cover of something. Like, I, I, you know, you see some of these musicians who have been discovered because the artist they covered saw them do the cover and were like, They just did it better than me and they need an opportunity and I can think of at least five examples of that where other like established artists have seen the work of somebody else.

I think like we’re Canadian didn’t usher flying Justin Bieber off of a YouTube video. Yep,

Tim Melanson: he did. Yep. [00:38:00]

Tyler Foley: You know, that came from YouTube. I hate that that has to be the uh. The example, but it is and it’s so true and it speaks to the, to the power of the media present that is available to everybody or free right now.

And as you said, it’s way better to be recording and putting something up on YouTube or Facebook or Instagram, uh, tick talk than it is to be at Kinko’s. At five o’clock in the afternoon, running off 150 posters and then pushing them into people’s hands on the street

Tim Melanson: and trying to get someone to hire you for a, for, Oh my God.

Like now it’s walk off the earth is another one. That’s another Canadian one. They did it through just sheer, like, and, and, and their story is fantastic because they put out a lot of videos before one of

Tyler Foley: them took off. Like they just, and that’s the other thing too. As it’s so bright, that preparation that we talked about at the beginning, they had all that catalog in the back that nobody [00:39:00] saw, nobody stopped, but then they hit that one viral video and then everybody goes back and looks at the catalog and goes, Oh, these people are genius.

And that’s the power of, of just going out and doing it. Why I love doing the a hundred podcasts and a hundred days challenge, because now when somebody finds that one inter that beats their interest. You have 99 others that are social proof so that when you find that, that guy who’s going to hire you for the gig, you know, that, that media promoter and she wants you there, that person can go back and look at the social proof and go, Oh no, Tim’s got it.

Tim’s gone because look at these hundreds of episodes that he’s done. Tyler can do it because look at these hundred different things that he’s done. That becomes your social proof and, and it’s somebody else saying it’s not you. It’s not you going, Hey, look at me, look at me. When you do these, you know, particularly the podcast, that is somebody else’s platform saying this person has something to say.

We believe in their message, check it out. And then you [00:40:00] can link that all together. Oh, and it’s the exponential growth, man. It’s the exponential growth and talk forever on this band interview, really good. But now, so how do we find out more? Uh, if anybody wants to find out more for me, they can go to the website, which is Sean Tyler Foley.

com. Tell him Tyler sent you. I do spell my name the proper Irish way, S E A N. T Y L E R F O L E Y. com. But if they’re going to do that, the easiest thing they can do, Tim, is go down into the show notes below. But if they’re going to go onto the show notes below, they’re already on your platform. So I would ask them kindly to do me this one favor.

If they can do me this one favor, I’m going to give them some free stuff. So if they could, because they’re already listening to your show, if they could give you a five star review. And in the comments type, why don’t just click the stars and walk away, like give Tim some feedback so that he knows what you’re enjoying about the [00:41:00] show.

Um, maybe who one of your favorite takeaways was, what one of your favorite guests was something you’d like to see in the future. Um, you know, what are some of the bits of advice that you’d like to see more of? Any of that would be really helpful so that it’ll, and what it’s going to do is it’s going to help all of us.

It’s going to help you get more and better material from Tim. It’s going to help Tim rise in the ranks of the podcast listings because now he’s going to have more five star reviews. He’s going to have more comments, more interaction. It means the algorithm pushes him ahead. That helps me because more people will see this episode because more people are looking at his show in general.

And it helps everybody. You get better material. I get better publicity. Tim has the ability to get more and better guests to serve you, but only if you give that five star review. So no five star review, no free gifts for you. But if you’re willing to give Tim a five star review, When you come and click on my link, Sean Tyler Foley.

com at the [00:42:00] bottom of the show notes, I will give you a free PDF download of the original manuscript for the power to speak naked. I will give you access to my drop the mic speaker training series, which is. Seven, five minute videos that will give you a very actionable quick tips to be a better public speaker.

And we’re going to invite you into my private Facebook group, uh, endless stages where I go live every Tuesday for 20 minutes to provide tips from the group. So it’s, it’s group driven, it’s group run. Anybody who’s struggling with anything, you want more information on podcasting, more information on finding stages, more information on getting your work out there, more information on business information.

Put it into the group. We answer those questions every Tuesday live. And so you’ll get all of that for free if you go to seantylercoolie. com. But again, only if you give Tim a five star review, give Tim a five star review, and I’m happy to give that all to you.

Tim Melanson: Thank you so much for all that. And for this entire episode, this has been a lot of fun jamming out with you [00:43:00] today.

Tyler Foley: Oh, I’ve enjoyed it, man. Let’s uh, let’s rock out to the outro. Absolutely. And

Tim Melanson: hopefully at some point we’ll be able to jam together. I’d like

Tyler Foley: to gift you I’m a kid. Oh yeah. It’d be my joy and my pleasure to poorly back you with some mediocre timing. I

Tim Melanson: can handle that. I’ve been doing jams for quite a while now.

Yeah. Awesome. Thank you so much again. This has been a lot of fun and to the listeners, make sure you subscribe, rate, and comment. We’ll see you next time on the work at home rockstar

Tyler Foley: podcast. Thanks for listening to learn how you can become a work at home rockstar or become a better one. Head on over to work at home rockstar.

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