Empowering Innovation In the Legal Industry With Sukhi Alberga

Mar 18, 2024 | Instruments of Choice, Learning from the Best, PodCast, Practice Makes Progress, Season 3

The Back-Story

Navigating the ever-changing landscape of technology and law requires skill, which Tim and Sukhi Alberga discuss in this episode. Sukhi is the founder of Bridging Legal Solutions, a multidisciplinary law practice. They talk about the critical role of governance and public protection when integrating new tech into legal practices, from AI to cybersecurity. They also uncover the power of connections, mentorship, and expert relationships. Sukhi also discusses the recently launched Counselurdocs, which demystifies legal processes and empowers individuals with knowledge and understanding. They share insights for anyone looking to navigate the intricacies of business relationships or seeking inspiration from someone who has effectively transformed the legal industry through technology.

Who is Sukhi Alberga?

Sukhi Dhillon Alberga, the founder of Bridging Legal Solutions (BLS) and Counselurdocs, leads a multidisciplinary law practice fueled by ingenuity. BLS specializes in helping startups, healthcare businesses, medical practices, and health tech companies navigate complex legal terrain. With a team of brilliant and driven professionals, Sukhi’s BLS offers tailored legal and business solutions. Their services span business law, health law, accounting, and human resources.

Sukhi’s decade of experience at the bar is complemented by her roles as a member of the Legal Futures Subcommittee of the Canadian Bar Association and the Human Resource Committee of the Law Society of New Brunswick. She also chairs the first Atlantic Roundtable with the Canadian Bar Association of New Brunswick. Sukhi thrives on connecting with people, solving problems, and contributing to business growth.

Show Notes

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In This Episode:
(0:00) Intro
(1:53) What didn’t go as planned
(8:14) How do they keep up with changes in the industry
(11:15) Fostering relationships for learning
(13:33) Tools to succeed in the business
(17:54) Practicing and learning to stay sharp
(24:52) What’s exciting in her business now
(30:20) How Counselurdocs works
(32:12) How to find Sukhi
(32:29) Outro


Read Transcript (generated: may contain errors)

Tim Melanson: Welcome to today’s episode of the work at home rock star podcast.

I’m excited for today’s episode. We have the founder of bridging legal solutions and also counsel at your docs. She’s a lawyer. And what she does is she helps people to empower themselves, to get the knowledge that they need to run their businesses and stay out of sticky legal situations.

So we’re talking to Sukhi Alberga. Hey, you ready to rock Sukhi?

Sukhi Alberga: Oh, I’m so ready to rock. Let’s do this, Tim. Thank you for the opportunity.

Tim Melanson: No problem. So tell me a story of success in your business that we can be inspired by.

Sukhi Alberga: Oh, well, I guess I would start with counsel your dogs.

Counsel your dogs is a software platform that is writing legal education. And how to draft a shareholder startup agreement. So, what inspired me to do that was I wanted the public to be educated on how to do it and do it effectively and to protect themselves and customize it with their particular business.

So, that was my inspiration to do it. And the reason why I say that’s like a success is, is that I went through the [00:01:00] Law Society of Ontario’s Sandbox process to get an approval to launch this particular startup so that the public could have access at a cost effective way of doing their shareholder agreements.

So really I have such passion for entrepreneurship that I really wanted to help someone. Startup sometimes may not be able to afford all the legal costs when they’re actually starting their business. So this was a way of increasing access to justice and being cost effective. And to be able to get that approval after like a 19 month betting process, that was not easy to say the least.

That is a real success. And we just launched on January 15th. So, it’s an exciting time.

Tim Melanson: That’s awesome. Right on. Okay, so then, you know, along with a good note, there’s often some things that don’t go as planned. And I’m wondering, for a bad note, something that hasn’t worked, in your favor over the last, however long you’ve been self employed, can you share with us some mistake that you made that maybe something that got you into like some [00:02:00] sticky situation that we can learn from?

Sukhi Alberga: I think one of my biggest takeaway, and I hope listeners can learn from this and avoid this, is I ended up. When I first launched Bridging Legal Solutions, our law firm, which is a multidiscipline practice that helps clients with both business law, health law, and HR services and accounting. I wanted to really have a great marketing firm to kind of help and sort of, it’s a new innovative idea and I needed a marketing firm to kind of help me.

To get the message out there about the new law firm that I had. I went with a very expensive one thinking, you know, they knew what they were doing and thought, you know, hire the best, then you’re going to get the best results. What I was communicating to them and being an innovator and doing something different, that communication line didn’t quite get there.

And I think what ended up happening is I ended up paying a lot, but didn’t get the ROI [00:03:00] that I wanted back. And as a result, that kind of really was a hard kind of lesson to learn. and then it was also like, okay, well, when I hired the next. Marketing firm. I have to make sure I’m asking the questions.

Make sure that they’re understanding what I’m saying. They get it. And then what strategy are they proposing? And if possible, like, work out with them for a shorter period as a trial basis, whether then Hiring them for the longterm and saying, okay, let’s just go with it. I’m trusting you on this. I think that’s kind of the lessons that I learned.

And that would be something that I would tell every business owner who’s starting out, or even if you’re at a point where you’re now looking to expand and you need a really good marketing team, really asking the right questions and making sure That the marketing team is a good fit is really critical for your business to go to the next level.


Tim Melanson: You know what? That’s really good that you bring that up. Cause [00:04:00] you know, I hear that quite often marketing companies, especially, it seems as though, maybe it’s like the wild West out there where there’s a lot of companies that say that they’re a marketing company and they might not necessarily have the skills to back it up, but I think it’s less nefarious.

I think it’s really just a matter of like, things are changing so quickly. And I mean, just look at how. Even when you think about, you know, SEO and like social media marketing, that those are kind of like the main ways that you do marketing nowadays. It’s not necessarily billboards anymore or TV ads and the rules change so fast,

That very difficult to keep up on it. So you might have a marketing firm that, you know, maybe they’ve gotten all of their, you know, experience in the old days and they’re not, you know, things don’t work the same way anymore.

Sukhi Alberga: Absolutely.

And each business is different. And then you kind of have to figure out, well, where’s your target audience? Where can you find them nowadays? It’s like what platform, what social media platform is supposed to work for you. Something that might work great for somebody on Tik Tok might not work for [00:05:00] somebody on Instagram or maybe LinkedIn.

So you’ve got to kind of figure out for your particular business, Where’s your audience, where do you find them, where they hang out? And then, you know, you got to kind of communicate that to your marketer and get them to go and do that marketing skillset that they have to get the attention.

Of those target audiences and hopefully convert them to sales. So yeah, it’s a tricky situation, especially like since COVID too. And there’s been so many different ways of way people communicate and where people are hanging out and things like that. So yeah, you’re absolutely right. The archaic ways of.

Doing things like, you know, radio ads or billboards or TV, like may still may work for some companies, but not, not for everybody,

Tim Melanson: not for everybody. And I mean, I think that what you just said is pretty good too, because there’s two sections of marketing. There’s the number one, trying to figure out.

What strategy overall is going to work, like, is it going to be social media? Is it going to be billboards and TV ads? Is it going to [00:06:00] be, Google and SEO? So maybe that’s, a reason why you might want to hire a marketing firm just to find out what is best for you.

But then if you already know where your target audience sits, maybe you’re looking for a different marketing firm. Maybe you’re looking for more of a viewer. You know, the ones that are actually going to put together the little campaigns, you know, on social media, they’re going to put together your graphics and all that stuff.

And those are sometimes two totally different agencies, right? You’ve got the strategy agencies, and then you’ve got the doer agencies. And, I think that that’s probably where a lot of people are making the mistake. They’re hiring a marketing agency. That’s going to do something that won’t even work for your business rather than trying to figure it out.


Sukhi Alberga: Yeah, that’s a really relevant point. And I think it also brings up to my inspiration of why I did counsel your docs. Like sometimes you have to identify even when the people that you’re working with and you’re hiring them to do something for you, they have to understand that you have a problem and they have to be the solution to it.

Right. The same [00:07:00] way with the reason why I got inspired to do counsel your docs was that I knew that there was a gap. There was a gap in people, public understanding. Tech companies out there, legal tech companies saying, Hey, you know, use a template for this or use a template for that, but not really understanding what lawyers do and how they do it and why they do it and why certain clauses are really important and how that affects your everyday, you know, importance of running your business.

So again, it comes back to figuring out what’s your problem. Who can solve it and who can solve it effectively? And I think that applies to when you’re hiring somebody in the marketing place as well. Right?

Tim Melanson: Yep. Well said. So let’s talk a little bit about learning for the best.

So now I’m actually just curious in your own world, like how do you keep up on the new, you know, stuff that’s going on?

Sukhi Alberga: Yeah. Like. To be honest with you, like when you’re in the space, especially when you’re now I’m entering into the legal tech world and there’s a new space and things are a little bit different when technology and it’s very fast paced and all that.

But at the same [00:08:00] time, I understand the importance of in different industries when you have innovation and technology. People are going light and speed ahead, like AI, generative AI languages, models and things like that, and are going track GPT and all that, like speed, right?

It may be okay to do that, but when you’re dealing with the legal world, especially with law firms and stuff, and even in those industries, it does come back to us. So if any kind of issue comes up with cyber security, data breaches or whatever, lawyers have to go in there and resolve it, right?

So in the space of the legal world, and even in the tech world, emerging of the two. It can’t be as fast paced as other industries We have to still do it with a level of governance and a level of understanding within the law and protection of the public. So, for me, it’s, you know, always having to be in that space and trying to understand where we’re at and where we’re going.

And so, yeah, I have had the [00:09:00] privilege to have, like, I know a couple of professors from the University of Toronto, the University of Ottawa, Laura. Steve. Queens University that, you know, I keep in touch with and sort of speak to them and have that engaging conversation. I’m involved with the Canadian Bar Association, being involved with them.

We do a lot of podcasts, guest speakers, so we can get experts coming in, in the tech world, cyber security, and all those kinds of things where, An AI where you can actually talk to them and ask questions and get a lot of information and be informed that way. So I think having knowledge, like they say, is knowledge is empowering, right?

And when you have the right knowledge, you can actually make the right decisions. innovation is such a key thing. You know, the more we innovate, the more we can advance society in a positive and good way, even despite, some of the pitfalls that can come up with innovation like AI, right.

With hallucinations and biases and things like that. And there’s cybersecurity issues as well, and hacking So it’s an interesting world [00:10:00] to be in that space, right? Cause there’s so much happening and you just have to kind of keep yourself informed in it.

Right. And you have to learn and be a sponge, right? learn the information and then figure out how do you work it in what I’m doing for me, how I serve my clients. And that’s really important. So that’s how I do it.

Tim Melanson: So. I mean, you mentioned that you’re in touch with like professors and all, like, have you, number one, was it hard to get their time?

Like do you find that they’re, you know, hard to reach and all that stuff or do they tend to be really open to helping people?

Sukhi Alberga: I think, yeah, yeah, well, everybody’s busy schedules, right? So sometimes just scheduling can be an issue. But I think if you’re out there and you’re seeking someone’s mentoring, or you want to get some information or whatever, there’s a level of, being persistent and being flexible with their time and trying to accommodate them so that you can get the information you need.

But I think really important, I think at the essence of everything is relationships. It’s how do you foster a relationship, right? How you make a [00:11:00] connection with someone. And when you’re around like minded people, you feed that energy off, right? And they feed it from you and you feed it off of them. And then you get that kind of rapport and that interesting conversation kind of sparks that way.

So I think managing relationships. being flexible are the key ways of fostering those relationships where you can actually learn and grow and be able to have a springboard, right? So I think those things are really important.

Tim Melanson: you tend to like offer them something? Like, is there anything that you can offer them?

That’s like a win win on both sides?

Sukhi Alberga: I’ve kind of never think of myself that way, but I think humbly speaking. Yeah. Like. They’ll be like, okay, Suki, that was interesting that you thought this, why would you do it this way or whatever? It just, the conversation just becomes really engaging, right? And then, you know, you can share your ideas and thoughts and kind of help them.

Like I had one colleague who recently was, she’s a lawyer, but she’s also doing her master’s and she has a thesis coming up and she wanted to do something on [00:12:00] AI. And so we started talking and I was able to kind of guide her on how to narrow her thesis and what direction to go. And she kind of really appreciated it.

The fact that, you know, I gave her that insight. you never know, right? it’s in the conversation and how it flows, whatever you learn. And when you have an openness to be able to share information and have that exchange, it allows those opportunities where you kind of learn and grow from each other, right?

So. Yeah, definitely. Openness is really important.

Tim Melanson: So let’s talk a little bit about the tools now. I mean, we’ve mentioned AI a few times, but is there any other tools that you use in your business to get success?

Sukhi Alberga: Yeah, for sure. I think if you have systems and processes in place for your particular business, those are really important.

And I think when you get them right. Look, nobody’s perfect, right? You have to learn and go like, obviously when you launch and you get out of the gate, some things might work, some may not, and you might have to tweak or maybe even pivot at some point, right? So you do that. But so long as you choose the right systems and they [00:13:00] have the right foundation, you have a place to go.

Do you know what I mean? You can only kind of build from that. And I think for me, sometimes because some systems are kind of designed for a certain target audience or whatever, they may not suit what you have to do. And I find myself in a, maybe I’m just kind of built that way. I don’t know, but I tend to tweak things.

I tend to say, okay, your system works this way for me, but what I’m doing and what my objective is, I needed to do this. So how can I make this work for me in my particular scenario business case? And then, you know what, most of these systems and places and tools that you can use, they have support.

You always call them support and be like, Hey there, I really want to do this. I understand you’re supposed to do this, but can I do this? You know, and you kind of got to figure it out. So I think I’m really that. person that’s kind of built to sort of do things differently and figure out how I can make it work [00:14:00] for what I’m doing.

And then how does it best serve my end users or my clients, right? At the same time. And so for me, that’s always the objective too, right? Because what is successful is dictated by the feedback you get from the people you serve, right? So,

Tim Melanson: well, that’s really good advice. And it’s something that I’ve actually done too.

Like, okay, you buy a software package or whatever it is, or a tool. And you just have to use it the way that they say that you use it. But I actually contacted the makers of a software program because it wasn’t quite working the way that I wanted it to. And I was really surprised to get a response back from them right away, and they wanted to know a little bit more about how I was using it.

And I get it now because from their perspective, they’re like, Oh, this is another use case that we can do to improve our product. Right. And so I was actually helping them. Whereas I didn’t even, it was just one of those things where I remember when I sent the email, I just, I didn’t expect a response.

I just thought, whatever, I’m not going to send this email and [00:15:00] see what happens. And it sounds like you do that too. Like. You might be surprised. I mean, it’s, these companies might not necessarily be the big behemoth that they don’t even check their email. They might actually check it and actually modify their tool for you.


Sukhi Alberga: Yeah, exactly. I think that’s a key thing about entrepreneurs. Most entrepreneurs, when they have the personality, you have to be a cut from a certain clock, right? And when you’re an entrepreneur, there’s a sense of, well, I need to get something done.

How do I do this? And then there’s that tenacity of figuring it out. And I figure it out so that it works for me. And then also we’re always cost conscious and want to be effective and still deliver. I mean, I think most entrepreneurs are this way, a quality product or a quality service at the end of the day, right?

So when you have those things in mind, like you figure it out and you try and get that resolution. For what you’re doing, right?

Tim Melanson: Yeah. I love it. Right on.

Marc Mawhinney: Hi, it’s Mark Moiney from Natural Born Coaches. And I want to [00:16:00] give two very big thumbs up to Tim Melanson and his Creative Crew Agency.

I have been using them for a long time and I am 100 percent happy. They get the job done right. They are fast and they let me focus on my business. I don’t have to worry about anything. So again, I want to give them two very big thumbs up. I have no problem recommending them. I don’t give testimonials for everyone because my name is attached to it, but I gladly do so for Tim and the Creative Crew Agency.

So use them. You won’t regret it and good luck.

Tim Melanson: So now let’s talk a little bit about practicing. Now in the music world, I mean, this is, A big thing. You need to do a lot of practicing. You need to keep on learning more things and the business world is no different. how do you stay up on top of things?

How do you practice?

Sukhi Alberga: You mean in terms of what the feel of what’s happening in the business world or

Tim Melanson: however you take that? Like sometimes people will talk about, maybe even personal practice and [00:17:00] personal routines and things that keep them sharp. Right? But there’s also could be some actual stuff within your business as well that you need to keep up.

It’s just a matter of like, you know, what do you do behind the closed doors or on top of things so that when you get out into a, you know, an actual business situation, you’re going to have the best information.

Sukhi Alberga: Yeah. I think that’s an excellent question.

Be organized, right? You yourself having to be organized, understanding what your objectives are and when they are. One person once said to me, our wise person, you have to prioritize, like choose wisely. What are the things that are really important right now? What are the things that you can’t necessarily get to right now?

And that’s okay. You’ll get to them after. What is the key stuff that you need to focus on? I think when you have that kind of clarity, clarity of mind So having clarity in mind means also mean taking care of yourself, right? Like taking that time and breather for yourself and doing whatever self care or whatever you need to do to make sure you have your clarity of mind When you have your clarity of mind, [00:18:00] then when you’re going out in a business situation or a meeting or a scenario, what I like to do is I like to listen.

I like to hear what the other person’s saying. I like to find out their insight, their thoughts on what particular situation we’re talking about or whatever, absorb that, process it, and then see for myself. How is that? The information that I gathered and got, how is that going to help me and how is it going to help others?

And what do I do with it? How do I dissect it? Where does it go from here? How do I apply it? How do I implement it? And what information doesn’t necessarily work for my scenario, but hey, good to know, probably could share with somebody else that could be applicable to them. You know what I mean? So how could I use this information to help others if it doesn’t necessarily help me at this particular time, right?

So it’s kind of that. Sort of way of thinking and just kind of having a pulse on things, you know, hearing what other people are saying, their [00:19:00] experiences, what’s happening in the business world right now. And just in society in general, right? These are really difficult and unique times that we’re in for most people.

But in all of that, the exciting thing is, is that there’s still a lot of innovation happening and a lot of, Optimism for having a better world and better tools that can help people just do life better, you know? And so I think that’s the exciting part.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. There’s a few things there that I want to bring up.

Number one is, you know, yeah, they are difficult times for some people. However, one thing that I do know from history is that during major depressions is where large behemoth companies grow out of, Whenever something, downturns, that’s where the real big companies get started.

So, there’s a lot companies that are starting right now that will be the future companies of the world. So now it’s kind of an opportunity.

Sukhi Alberga: Yeah, and I think for me too, it was like, I remember when COVID hit, [00:20:00] because I, like I said, counsel your dogs was in a long process with the last study of Ontario access to innovation sandbox.

So I reached out to a friend of mine who’s in the States and he was a lawyer, but now he’s in the tech world.

And I said, listen, I have this idea. I want to do this. I don’t know where to start. And he didn’t really take me too seriously.

Tim Melanson: know,

Sukhi Alberga: so he was like, yeah, you could do it on this thing So I went and I started and I learned encoding myself.

Like I learned and taught myself everything. And I was just. Tenacious and you know, sometimes you just have to have grit, do something once you put your mind to it. And so I remember being up like 72 hours and trying to get, figure this thing out and getting it done. And then when I showed it to him, he was like, Oh my God, do you realize what you’re doing?

And I’m like, what do you mean? He goes, you’re doing computational contracts. And I was like, what’s that? I got to look at something else, like I just kind of stumbled into all of it. And I think. When you kind of get into that space where you’re just like, I want to do something, I’m inspired

Something kind of [00:21:00] jolts you to say, wait a second. What can I do? Is there something I can do? And if you can, and if you have it in you to be like, don’t give up and just do it. And you have that mentality, I’m going to get it done, then you go for it. I think the other thing that I usually have with my clients like that about me is, is that I’m the type of person where I’m like, if you say no, I say why not?

Tim Melanson: Yeah.

Sukhi Alberga: Let’s come up with another solution. Why not? Like there’s not, unless it’s absolute definite and you can’t do anything about it, but if not, there’s always why not?

Intro: Yeah.

Sukhi Alberga: Right. What’s another way that we can do? Can we think outside of the box? How can we do this differently? You know, and I think when you have that kind of mentality and you create that space, you allow that creativity to happen.

And things like the depression and COVID and all these other things that have happened in the world kind of give you time and reflection and space to kind of think about. And I think that’s where a lot of inspiration comes from. And people get inspired to do things [00:22:00] and be a solution.

To a problem. And I think that’s the most amazing part of humanity, right? The way that we have these gifts to be able to come up with ways to solve things. And that’s why we’ve had so much advancement in like, let’s say what, I don’t know, in less than 150 years, look how much like our great, great grandparents.

They’d be like, well, what kind of world is this that we’re living in? Right? Like, it’s so cool. Right. They look at you and I right now, we’re able to see each other and communicate with each other. There was a time when you and I growing up, this wasn’t an option.

There weren’t even cell phones, right? And long distance calling was like, you know, sometimes a connection wouldn’t be good if you were calling to England or whatever the case may be. Like we’ve come quite the long way, right? And so I think you’re absolutely right. Even in the tougher times, that’s where the most inspiration and strength comes, right?


Tim Melanson: Well, you know what, this is the perfect place for you to guest solo. So tell me what’s exciting in your business right now.

Sukhi Alberga: Oh my goodness. It is exciting right now. Yeah. Well, [00:23:00] cancel your dots, like I said, just launched. And so we’re getting a lot of traction and a lot of positive feedback and it’s only three weeks in its launch.

And so I’m really grateful for that. And I just. Exciting to see how many people, users and the public and businesses will benefit from it and just get them going. Because a shareholder agreement is really critical for businesses. And I don’t think people necessarily understand that. So she, if you’re a two or more individuals that are coming together and wanting to work on a business, it affects your succession planning.

It affects your financials. It affects your decision making and everyday decision making of your business. It affects your business development. And like it. Can really impact so many areas of your business. Oh, and taxation CRA. Oh my goodness. That’s another impact that a shareholder agreement can have.

So that’s why it was particularly important for me to say, you know what? This is a critical document that people don’t necessarily understand needs to be in place. And if you don’t have it in place, [00:24:00] it can cause a lot of liability issues, stress, and sometimes relationships can actually end like it just doesn’t.

And there, it has a real ripple effect. And so to me, I’m really big on education, right? I really wanted to create something that would not only be a solution, but educate. And that was important to me.

Tim Melanson: So what is Counsel Your Docs then?

Sukhi Alberga: Counsel Your Docs is a software platform, which allows a user to go in and create their shareholder agreement.

But it’s guided with education and understanding so that you can customize your own shareholder agreement for your particular business idea and your situation. So it’s really guided and it’s cost effective and it’s time saving.

Tim Melanson: Nice. So now who would benefit from this? Like what kinds of businesses are being able to use this platform?

Sukhi Alberga: Yeah. So we created two streamlines. One for the public, which [00:25:00] is predominantly for existing businesses. Let’s say you started your own sole practitioner business. Now you’re bringing somebody else in to join your business. Or you’re someone who is, you have an innovative idea and there’s, one person who is actually has the IP, the intellectual property, and then the other person who has management skills and you’re coming together and you’re going to launch the business together.

So that’s a great place for you to take advantage of doing the shareholder agreement at a lesser cost and cost effective way of doing it. Those are the kind of people that would benefit from it. And then the other stream that we have is we have it for law firms where law firms can use and help service their clients.

So we have two streams to help, but really my heart was how do I advance our legal industry and our profession? While at the same time being a benefit to the public and educating the public. So my heart was really about all of that. And I hope people will [00:26:00] sense that and appreciate that and really love using Counsel Your Docs.

Tim Melanson: All right. So this is really for anybody who’s entering into a partnership of two or more people for a business,

Intro: right? Yeah,

Tim Melanson: right on. And you know what, that’s great. I mean, I don’t, there’s quite a few guests on this podcast that on their bad note. The thing that didn’t go well was some sort of partnership, right?


Sukhi Alberga: Yeah, it could be a joint venture. You could be in a corporation where you’re adding another one. That’s a shareholder director, but has authority and decision making power. Right. Or is the managing role in the business in the corporation, right? Or it could be in a partnership relationship where two people come together and they’re both have, and that’s even more critical because both of them are saying, well, We’re taking on liability personally too.

So it’s not even in the, like, it’s not like the corporation is an identity of its own and it’s separate. No, we’re two together. And that’s really important to have a shareholder agreement at that time. So it’s really important to do that.

So they need a founder shareholder [00:27:00] agreement as well. it’s a really important thing to have. When two parties or more understand what the terms are, what you’re agreeing on, and it’s really clearly laid out and agreed, you fall into less contentious situations and pitfalls. Right?

Tim Melanson: Yeah.

Sukhi Alberga: So it’s to really avoid all of that.

Tim Melanson: I was also thinking that I’m guessing that process of doing this. Probably would bring up a bunch of questions that you might not have thought about. Absolutely. Maybe might even make that partnership either more clear or are, might even point out the right thing to do.


Sukhi Alberga: Yeah. I might not be right at a particular time for your business at this point. And you may still do something alternatively different or. You do realize, no, this is something we needed, but we hadn’t thought of this, this, and this. Now you can put it down and you can go through it. And you can actually understand why you have to think about these things.

And what are the legal implications of having such terms and how do they even [00:28:00] practically work in your everyday business runnings? So I think that’s kind of where my heart was to do that.

Tim Melanson: And so basically this is something you’re using a platform. So you’re not necessarily having to hire a lawyer and pay their fees.

you’d save a little bit of money by doing it this way.

Sukhi Alberga: Yeah, you’re doing it at your own pace. Like sometimes you have clients and you kind of go over a document with them. And they’re like, this is the one thing that I always try and get my clients to understand. And that’s why I take my time with my clients too, is there’s always that like, Oh, I have to be careful with my words and how I use this.

Yeah. Still a lawyer hat on, but like, you know, how. When you’re kind of sitting and you’re explaining something to a client, making them understand something, there’s that kind of sense of, Oh, well, my lawyer knows about it, right? But then they go out in the world, not understanding, but, Oh, my lawyer knows about it.

Oh, but I made a decision that wasn’t fully informed or fully understood.

Tim Melanson: lawyer wouldn’t approve. But I

Sukhi Alberga: still got my lawyer to figure it out and fix it for me. But [00:29:00] what I created with Counsel Your Docs is making you say, Hey, do it at your own pace, do it at your understanding, but get this. Get this, understand it, so that when you go out there, you’re making right decisions.

You’re getting it, you’re understanding it, and if you don’t, now’s the time to understand it or seek out further legal advice, right? And of course, clients can always come to Bridging Legal Solutions too as well, and we can help you too, but the whole idea is to say, you know what, get informed, understand it, This is for your own benefit.

We want to see you succeed. I mean, I’m really passionate. Nothing excites me more when I see startups and businesses succeeding. Like to me, it just, I don’t know, I get a high out of that. So, you know, and being an entrepreneur yourself, right? Like you want to succeed and you want to see others succeed and take them along with you to see that journey.

So how do we find out more? Oh, yeah. Please visit cancelyourdocs. com and you can learn more about it. I’m also on LinkedIn at Sukhi Dillon L. [00:30:00] Berga, and you can learn more about cancel your docs and bridging legal solutions, and you can visit bridging legal solutions at blsmdp.


Tim Melanson: Thank you so much for rocking out with me today, Sukhi. This has been a lot of fun.

Sukhi Alberga: Oh, thanks so much to great questions. Thank you.

Tim Melanson: Great. And to the listeners, make sure you subscribe, rate, and comment. And we’ll see you next time on the work at home rockstar podcast.

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