Episode #25 : Caitlin Pyle
FAVORITE HOOK (Quotes from the Interview)
“Learning changes everything.”
- Check out Daily Greatness Journal
- Learn more about Google Forms to embed forms on your website for feedback, contests, etc.
- Focus on the fans of your business rather than the haters.
Connect with Caitlin:
Show Transcription
Tim: Hello, and welcome to today’s episode of the Work-at-Home Rockstar podcast. I am very excited for today’s guest. She’s a business consultant. She helps people start freelance businesses from home. She’s actually been working from home for about five years now. Her name is Caitlin Pyle, and I’m really excited to hear from Caitlin. Caitlin, are you there?
Caitlin: I’m there, Tim. How are you?
Tim: Perfect. Welcome to the show. Are you ready to rock?
Caitlin: I’m ready to rock.
Tim: Well, I definitely would have liked to have a little bit of help starting my business when I first got started, so I’m looking forward to hearing about what your story is. So, the first question I have then is, how did you become a self-employed work-at-home rockstar in the first place?
Caitlin: Oh, man, I sure didn’t feel like a rockstar when I first started out. It was actually — I didn’t have a choice. I lost my job in the summer of 2011 and I decided to go back to school, actually for personal training, which had been a dream of mine for some time. I ended up really not liking it. But, at my previous job, my last real job is what I like to call it now, I learned how to proofread transcripts for court reporters. So, I was actually doing a little bit of that on the side to kind of cover the gap between personal training school. That costs quite a bit of money, and I had just gotten married, and we had a single income and stuff. So, just to kind of fill in the gaps, I did proofreading for court reporters. And, I did that for a time, for about a year, and really tried to figure out the personal training thing, and just really ended up not liking it. But, then, I realized that I could do more proofreading.
So, I started getting out some feelers, and I ended up getting signed on with an agency in the state of Florida, which is where I live, Florida, and that kind of changed my life. They kept giving me more work, and I was getting referrals because the clients I was working with were really happy. So, I just did more and more proofreading until I had actually built up my income to about 4,000 US dollars per month. I did that solidly for two and a half years, until I decided to start the course, and it grew. I started teaching the course to teach people how to do exactly what I did. The course takes up most of my time now, so I don’t do as much proofreading. But, I didn’t think I could like anything more than proofreading, but I do. I really love teaching people how to create the freedom that I had as a freelance person working at home.
Tim: It’s so cool how things work, right? It’s just like one step at a time. It just flows into the next step, into the next step, into the next step. And, the next thing you know, you’re teaching people exactly what you did. So cool.
Caitlin: Yeah, I love it. It’s the best.
Tim: So, over the last, I guess, five years, since you’ve been a work-at-home rockstar here, what is the biggest failure or mistake that you experienced, and what did you learn from that?
Caitlin: Hmm. Well, I’d have to say getting fired from my job really wasn’t fun. I learned that I didn’t want to work for anybody else because I didn’t want anybody else to have control over my livelihood. So, getting fired actually was the best thing that could’ve happened to me because, if I hadn’t gotten fired, I’d probably still be there right now and probably wouldn’t be as happy as I am now working from home. But, that was all it took to cement for me that I didn’t want to work for somebody else, that I could do it by myself. So, I do. I do it now.
Tim: Yeah, isn’t that interesting? I actually got laid off too way back when. It’s one of those things that just kind of pushes you.
Caitlin: Yeah. You’re like, “I’m not doing this again. I’m not having to get into that people-pleasing aspect, and having to be paranoid that somebody’s going to yell at you for some stupid thing, and micro-management, and all that.” When you’re your own boss, and your results are directly affected by the work that you put in, it’s just so much more rewarding. Some people are like, “Why would you want to work for yourself?” Or, “Why would you want to work from home? It’s so hard to stay motivated.” Well, my results are direct results from the effort I put in, so I’m always hustling. I’m always putting in the effort to make my courses and make whatever I proofread the best it can be all the time because that directly affects my income level.
Tim: Well, so, was there any overlap? Were you working on your business before you got fired as well, and you just transitioned into it? Or, was it just a brand new idea as soon as you got fired?
Caitlin: I didn’t even have the idea until, let’s see, the end of November of 2014. So, I did proofreading as my freelance business for about two and a half years after that happened — maybe closer to three years. Then, people would ask me, like, all the time, “Well, I want to work from home. I’m really good at grammar. I’m really good at punctuation. Can you teach me?” I taught several people, but the last person I taught [before starting PA], she really took off. She’s actually living in Ecuador right now and making over 2,000 US dollars a month, living in Ecuador, where the cost of living is really low. So, she’s making a really good amount of money being able to do this from home.
I, obviously, didn’t charge her, but my husband brought it to my attention, like, “Well, what if you could scale this in some way and help more people do what you just helped this person do, and be able to change their lives, and be able to live wherever they want, and be able to provide this service to people?” And I was like, “Hmm, you’re right.” So, I eventually started looking at how to make that happen for more people and it’s just been a really good thing. I’m really glad that I did that. It was risky because I had no idea how it was going to turn out, and I had a lot of doubts, like people are not going to want to learn how to do this. Well, people do, and they are learning. And, I tell you what, Tim, there’s people that are in my course that are better proofreaders than I ever was. It’s amazing. You meet so many amazing people, and I finally don’t feel alone in my nerdiness, so to speak.
Tim: Well, that was a brilliant question. How do we make this into a course? Now, is your husband also self-employed too?
Caitlin: He is. He does pay-per-click marketing and consulting. So, he works with businesses to help them get more traffic to their websites using pay-per-click platforms, like Google, maybe even Pinterest, Facebook, things like that.
Tim: Was he self-employed before you were?
Caitlin: He wasn’t. He was working at a university in Florida, a financial aid officer, and he had actually been doing that for two different universities for a period of five years. He was just miserable. He didn’t like it, it was very limited in his income, he was overworked, and the commute was really long, and he was just coming home miserable, really late every night. And, he actually was just fishing around on the internet and found an entrepreneurship program that he ended up enrolling in. It was kind of like an online course itself. He was just so inspired by that program that he was like, “We need to monetize your genius.” And, coincidentally, I have a course called that now, “Monetize Your Genius.” So, that’s what we did, and it’s been a long road. So, yes, now he’s self-employed, but before, he was not. It took him being miserable at his job and me getting fired. I got fired first, and then he was really unhappy at work. Then, now, we’re both working together. We do a few things together as well. We mentor some people and things like that.
Tim: That is so cool. You guys are inspiring each other.
Caitlin: We are, yeah. He’s kind of like my coach, and I’m kind of like his coach, and we just push each other when we’re feeling down, things like that. We balance each other out in that way.
Tim: So then, on that note then, how does the dynamic work between the two of you? Is it difficult to kind of focus when you’ve got someone else working at home as well? Or, do you find this is actually even better?
Caitlin: It can be difficult because we’re working on different projects and, a lot of the time, he needs to make phone calls a lot. So, I tell him, “ We get out of this one-bedroom apartment in Santiago and back home again, we are going to get you a soundproof room” because that dude is loud. He is loud. So, I’m on the phone now talking to you, but he is on the phone a lot. He gets it from his parents. They’re both very loud people, and I love them. But, he’s very loud. So, in that respect, it’s hard to concentrate. But, usually, I can get in the zone and tune him out. So, yeah.
Tim: So, he’s loud.
Caitlin: Yes.
Tim: Oh, that’s great. Well, and that’s actually one of the things that, even if your spouse is not working at home, one of the first things that almost every self-employed rockstar that’s been on his show has said is, get your own office. So, with you guys, having both of you working at home, that means you need two offices.
Caitlin: Yes. Right now, we’re in a one-bedroom apartment in Santiago, Chile, and we’re traveling long-term, so we’re here for two months. But, I’m at the desk right now, and he is in the bedroom just sitting on the bed. So, we really only have one desk. We have a little futon and a countertop. But, if he wants to work and stay away from me, he’s going to go in the bedroom and close the door.
Tim: Okay. So, how do you keep everything organized between the two of you, and your schedules, and all that stuff?
Caitlin: Well, he is usually on the phone a lot more than I do, so we kind of just bounce off of each other when we have calls and things because we share a Skype number. So, obviously, both of us can’t use it at once if we’re calling the US. But, we can both be on Skype at the same time. Between each other, it’s not too hard to keep organized. We just kind of let each other know when we have calls, and we have a couple common events that we both know about. But, for me, staying organized, I just have a sticky note app on my MacBook called Sticky Notes, and I just write down when I have my meetings, and I write it in my planner.
I’m using the — I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, the DailyGreatness Journal. And, ever since the new year, actually, something I’m trying to do is just stay more organized using that journal and just write down what I’m going to do, even what workout I’m going to do, planning that in because it just helps me make sure that I do everything I’m supposed to do, and at least accomplish one goal for the day. It doesn’t have to be a 15-hour day, where I’m trying to get as much done as possible. But, something that helps me feel more accomplished is being organized.
Tim: Beautiful. So, now, what about the people around you? Do you have friends and family that are around you? Are they also self-employed, or are they you know, working full-time jobs? And, you know, do they understand what you guys are doing?
Caitlin: That’s a really interesting question, Tim. That’s really interesting that you ask that because, no, we are pretty much the only people that are working from home in our family, our immediate family. When we first started getting into it, when Ben first decided he was going to quit his job, and pursue something, and then, when we were starting Proofread Anywhere, which was our first venture, people were doubtful. They were like, “You guys are going to go travel South America for 14 months and you’re going to work online? Like, okay.” But, the thing is, our family had to spend a lot of time on their corporate careers and they’ve become very successful in their corporate careers.
So, they hadn’t experienced the internet, internet marketing, and being able to create online courses, and provide value to people everywhere in the world, not just in your immediate vicinity or from an office. So, they were very skeptical. But, it didn’t take long for them to see that we were doing something good. But, at first, they were like, “Um, no. This is the way you should do it, but you can do what you want.” They were very skeptical, and doubtful, and worried for us. They just wanted us to be happy, and make money, and all this stuff. But, we knew what we were doing. Well, we didn’t know what we were doing, but we figured it out. We figured it out.
Tim: That’s the irony of it, you didn’t know what you were doing.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Tim: I don’t think any of us do when we first get started. We just have a feeling, you know, have that feeling that it’s going to work.
Caitlin: Yes, yes. One step after another.
Tim: Well, I remember my logic because I used to work in high tech. I was a software designer. I had a great job, really, when you think about it. My parents were super proud of me. And then, all of a sudden, I decide, you know what? I’m done with this. I’m going to start my own thing, and go get my own clients, and stuff like that. And, they were like, “That’s so risky.” But, I thought to myself, “Here, my company was laying off big time — big time laying off.” And I’m like, “If I lose this job, and I don’t have anything to fall back on, what am I going to do? How am I going to work that? But, if I go out there and build my own thing, my own business, and get a couple clients, get a few different clients, and one of them drops me, well, I’ve got a bunch more to fall back on”. I figured that it was less risky, in my logic, in my head.
Caitlin: Yeah, when you can take control of your earnings, that’s just so powerful. I just think it’s a lot less risky when you’re in control, and you realize you have that control, and what you do can make that happen. And, yeah, yeah, I agree.
Tim: Totally, yeah. Well, you coach freelance people, so that’s how I started. You think, from the outside looking at this, you’re like, “Oh, it’s just a freelancer. They’re not really serious about anything.” But, you know what? You can make some really seriously good money by doing just freelancing, and you have that control over your income. So I don’t think it’s risky at all.
Caitlin: Yeah, I think it’s just really smart. But, it’s new to a lot of people. So, they hear about it, and they’re like, “Oh, my God. I’m going to have to pay my own taxes, I’m going to have to do this, I’m going to do that.” But, it’s totally worth it. I mean, it’s a little learning curve at first to figure out how it all works, but there’s resources out there that’ll help you. We have a whole module in our course just to help people through that. And, once you know it, then you know it, and it doesn’t scare you anymore. Knowledge changes everything.
Tim: Yeah. I think we live in a very different time right now, than maybe the people around us lived in. So, right now, with the internet, and with all the resources, and courses like yours, you can get the information you need, and you can probably even get it for free. It’s out there somewhere. I don’t know if that was really the case 20 years ago. I think it might’ve been a lot more difficult to get the resources that you need in order to be successful. But, now, I mean, even just podcasts like this one, someone would be listening to this and going, “Oh, wow, okay. This is actually possible.” I don’t think you could get that 20 years ago. So, I think we just live in a world where these things are a lot easier to come by now.
Caitlin: Yeah, definitely. It’s a lot more doable. There’s resources that teach you step-by-step exactly how to do it. Yeah, for sure.
Tim: Right. So, speaking of resources, is there an online resource that you have for your business that you just can’t live without, something like maybe a tool, or a website, or an app, or something that you’re using on a regular basis?
Caitlin: Wow, this one might sound kind of cliché, maybe, a lot of people say it. But, I love Google Forms. It’s free. I did a scholarship contest in November, and we were giving away some free enrollments to the course, and we used Google Forms for that. We have our students submit their success stories using a Google Form. We have our graduates submit to be listed on our graduate directory using a Google Form. Everything is using a Google Form because they’re just so easy to put together, and then you can just embed it on your website. So, say you’ve got a form, you can say, “Go to ProofreadAnywhere.com/blahblahblah,” and there’s the form right there on your website. So, I really like it. It’s so easy.
Tim: Wow, Caitlin, that’s amazing. I’ve never even heard of it before.
Caitlin: You got to go check it out, it’s great. It’s great.
Tim: Oh, yeah. It’s perfect for my business.
Caitlin: Yeah. Very useful.
Tim: I use other types of forms. But, yeah, I love the Google suite of tools. I use a few of them myself. I use Google Docs, and the spreadsheets as well, and the calendar is amazing. I think the Google tools are fantastic, so I’m not surprised that this one’s great as well.
Caitlin: Yeah. And, your forms, the results can be displayed directly in a Google sheet. And so, if you’re collecting email addresses for something, or somebody entered the contest, and you can just copy and paste the email addresses that are entered — you have to create the form that says, “Please enter your email address,” but it’s fabulous. I love it.
Tim: Okay, that’s awesome. Now, what about books? Are you a reader, or an audio book, or is there something that has made an impact on you?
Caitlin: Well, that’s a funny question. So, I used to proofread for a living, and books are like the last thing that I actually picked up when I was done working, and that’s kind of still rang true. I do love fiction just because, now, I’m spending a lot of time reading blogs. I generally prefer blogs. The DailyGreatness Journal has a lot of great reading and inspiration to it, but I love reading blogs and just like inspirational articles. Medium.com has some really good articles. But, I generally don’t read non-fiction books at the moment. I know that I probably should, but usually when I’m reading a book, I want to tune out. So, I’ll read Clive Cussler adventure novels, which, I know, is totally nerdy. But, I love reading about the ships, and the shipwrecks, and the history behind it, and stuff like that. So, I’ll be real honest and say, my history as a proofreader has not made me all that interested in reading for educational purposes, other than being on blogs.
Tim: Awesome. Yeah, I find that, for me, it’s audiobooks that really keep me going.
Caitlin: Oh, yeah.
Tim: Audiobooks, and podcasts, that’s something you can just stick in your ear and do your housework, you know?
Caitlin: Oh, man, that’s so true. And, it’s multitasking at its finest.
Tim: Yeah. I find that it really does give you a little bit of a boost in your motivation because, sometimes, especially when you’re working from home, you’re kind of apart from everybody else. And, how do you get that motivation if you’ve got – I mean, you’re lucky. You’ve got a spouse that is also working from home as well. But, what if you’re all alone? Putting on an audio book is fantastic for that, right?
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. And then, you’re reminded that even though you’re alone, you’re not alone, so to speak.
Tim: That’s right, that’s right. You’re absorbing their knowledge, and their excitement, and their motivation as well.
Caitlin: Yep, make it happen.
Tim: So, question for you, and it’s a little bit of a real one, have you ever thought of giving up?
Caitlin: Oh, man, yes. Yes, I have. It’s hard when you’re doing something that nobody’s ever done before. I’m in the industry of court reporting, teaching people how to work in the court reporting industry. There’s people that have never heard of me that have been in court reporting for a long time, and they have said really mean things about me, and just literally made up lies about my course. They have never seen the curriculum; they have never met me; they’ve never reached out to me to talk to me. They don’t know anything about me, but they’re just slamming what I’m trying to do. It doesn’t happen a lot, but the first time it happened, it was on a Facebook group, where I just saw that I was being ripped to shreds.
Number one, if I were in that room with them, like we were all in a room together, they wouldn’t be saying those things. And, number two, I thought this was supposed to be a group of professionals. But, it hurt to see other professionals talking about you and what you’ve worked really hard to build. They don’t know anything about it, but they are just ripping you to shreds. And so, I thought, well, maybe I should just go quietly into the night because of what these people are saying. But, the truth of the matter is, these people aren’t constructive critics at all. They’re haters, and they don’t know anything about what I’m trying to do. So, it’s gotten a lot easier, dealing with that. And, they’ve gotten a lot quieter as the course has grown. They’re going to see that I’m not just a fly-by-night scam. That was one thing that I was accused of being, was like, I’m scamming people out of money. And, I’m like, “What evidence do you have to that?” There’s so much social proof and so much evidence that this is an amazing, very rigorous course that’s very effective for people. They were just ripping it to shreds, saying that I paid people to say those things, and it’s just crazy. And, yeah, when I first saw it, I was like, “Well, maybe I should just like slip away and just fade away.”
And, that’s what they said, “She’ll just fade away. She’ll realize that nobody likes her,” or whatever. But, that hasn’t stopped me, and it hasn’t affected my students at all. So, it doesn’t really matter what your haters say, is what I’ve learned. Other entrepreneurs have talked to me about having haters in their business, and I’m like, “You know, you got to listen to what your customers say, not what your competition or your critics say. “ Just crush them. Just continue doing what you’re doing, and continue improving, continue being the best person you can be, and the best product you can be, or best course, whatever, and time will tell. Time will tell that you’re in it for the long haul.
Tim: Wow, Caitlin. That is huge. I’m so happy that you actually brought all that stuff up because it is pretty serious stuff. And, really, it’s so funny that you can have all this positive feedback, and it just keeps going and going. And, all of a sudden, this one hater pops in there, and that’s the thing you focus on.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Tim: You’re like, “Oh, my gosh. I got this one person. I got to figure out how to make them happy.” They’re not your client.
Caitlin: Yeah. And, most of the time, the haters – actually, in my case, all of the time, the haters have never seen the course curriculum. They’ve never spoken to a student who’s actually taken the course. They’ve never asked me for my story. They’ve just heard some kind of rumor. That’s not really a sign of professionalism when you believe rumors like that. You don’t do your due diligence, and research, and things like that, and you just believe the first thing you hear. That’s not a sign of professionalism. So, it doesn’t really concern me when that pops up anymore because they’re not people that I want in my program. I really prefer working with professionals, to be honest.
Tim: Yep, you’re totally right. And, chances are, they’ve got a competing product and that’s why they’re badmouthing you.
Caitlin: Yeah, or they’re just mad they didn’t think of it first. What can I say?
Tim: Yep, absolutely. Just jealous, yeah. Well, I’m a musician on the side. I’ve been doing this for quite a while now. And, one of the things that I realized is that, everybody has different tastes. You might like this certain singer, or this certain musician, but someone else really doesn’t. So, really, all these opinions don’t really matter. And, if you had somebody out there, who’s very, very famous, who’s got this huge following, but there’s a bunch of people that don’t like them, are they going to stop serving those people that really enjoy their music because somebody doesn’t like it?
Caitlin: No, not at all.
Tim: Not at all, no. I mean, if you’ve got a group of people that are like, “Wow, I really like what you’re doing, can you keep doing this for me?” You’re entertaining them. They really want that. Why would you stop because of somebody else who doesn’t like it? They can go and listen to their own music.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Tim: So, I think that that really does translate very well to business. If you’re serving a certain group of people, they need you. They need your knowledge. They need your product. And, if you stop delivering that product and that service because someone over there doesn’t like it, then you’re really doing a disservice to the people that really need it.
Caitlin: Yeah, exactly. And, I’m not in business for the people that don’t like me, really. The people that say the mean things about me, my question for them is always, “What are you doing to help these people?” Nothing, you know?
Tim: Exactly, yeah. Tell me your better idea, and let’s talk about that.
Caitlin: Yeah, I like that. Maybe I will. No, I like to stay out of it.
Tim: No, no, of course not. Yeah. Don’t even give them any energy because, obviously, that’s exactly what they’re looking for, right?
Caitlin: Yes, always, always.
Tim: So, if you could give your younger self some advice, what would it be?
Caitlin: Oh, my goodness. That’s a really good question, too. You know how everybody grows up hearing, “You can be whatever you want to be”? I think I would probably go back and tell my younger self that that’s actually true because I think I grew up thinking, oh, you know, Mom just says that, everybody says that. I know I couldn’t grow up and be a rocket scientist, even if I really wanted to be one, you know? But, I knew from a pretty early age that I didn’t want to work for anybody else. And, for one reason or another, I got hooked into believing that I had to work for somebody else, or that freelancing or starting my own business, I just wasn’t capable of that. So, if I could go back to even five years, six, seven years ago, when I was first graduating from college and starting to work in the real world and I didn’t like it, I wish I could go back and tell myself that it wasn’t necessary, that I could actually do exactly what I wanted to do. I just needed to seek out the tools to make it happen and seek out the people that were willing to help me make that happen.
Tim: Beautiful, that’s great advice. So, one last question before we get into what you’re excited about in your business, and I think this is very appropriate for you. But, if someone wanted to become a work-at-home rockstar, what’s the very first step that you’d tell them to take?
Caitlin: That’s a really good question too. You’re really good at asking questions, Tim. So, definitely seek out people who have excellent resources, who have a track record, who have social proof that you can obviously see that what they’re doing is good, what they’re doing works. If you’re interested in proofreading, find somebody like me, who knows how to do it, knows how to build businesses, and has helped a lot of people do it. Yeah, look for honesty. Don’t just fall for any old crappy product out there that says, “Learn to work from home, $17.99.” Then, you buy it, and it’s just really useless. So, look for the people who are not saying, “This is the easiest thing ever, working from home is a dream, and all your problems will be solved.” Don’t look for people selling snake oil or the magic pill.
Look for people who are honest, who have a lot of really transparent information on their websites, and who answer their emails. Always try to email the people that you’re looking to train under, or get some consulting, or coaching, or training from, and see if they actually answer emails. And, if they don’t, then I don’t think that’s a good sign, to be honest. But, you should be able to talk to a real person. So, I always make sure to answer my emails for that reason because it just makes people feel a lot better about what they’re getting into. So, make sure you know the person behind it for whatever training you’re seeking, and really make sure you feel good about what they’re offering, and they’ve got some proof to show that it really works, and that it can help you.
Tim: Right. That’s great advice. You know what, when you’re finding a coach, someone who’s done it, I always say that, “Look for someone who’s a tour guide rather than a travel agent.” You want to find somebody who’s actually been there, and done that, and walked those steps. Otherwise, someone just sends you there, and they’ve never been there before. How can they really give you an experience that’s going to be successful, right?
Caitlin: Yes, I love that. Tour guide, not a travel agent, that’s perfect. Perfect.
Tim: Cool. So, then, what is the one thing that’s going on in your business right now that you’re super excited about, Caitlin?
Caitlin: Another great question. So, we talked a lot about my proofreading business, and I’ve got ProofreadAnywhere.com going on. But, actually, at the end of December of 2015, we launched – a friend of mine who’s been working from home as a transcriptionist, she runs her own transcription business, and she’ll probably be mad for telling this, but she makes over six figures running her transcription business from home. She works with a few subcontractors. And so, we’ve actually partnered together to bring TranscribeAnywhere into existence. And, that launched at the end of December. And, we are kind of soft-launching, we’re just kind of getting some feelers out, and getting a few of our blogger friends on board with marketing that to their audience, and things like that. But, we’re super excited about it. A lot of my proofreading students have enrolled in her course, as well.
She’s been teaching for a long time, but her method of teaching has always been in kind of like a download format. And so, we’ve basically transferred and expanded the download format into a very thorough, 100% complete, multimedia online course. And so, we’re basically teaching people how to do general transcription from home. And, basically, what transcription is is you listen to audio, and you type out what’s said. And, it’s not as easy as it sounds. People are like, “Oh, I just have to type fast.” You’ve got to know how to punctuate, which is great for proofreaders. So, my proofreaders are latching onto this like fish in water, right, because they get a ton of punctuation training. You’ve got to know how to punctuate. It’s just a lot more than just typing and typing fast. So, we teach how to use the shortcuts, how to use the software. And, it’s the first online course in existence for general transcription, like, full-on online course, and students get online support. So, actually, if you can’t tell, I’m really excited about that because what we’re offering is just groundbreaking.
So, TranscribeAnywhere.com is unlike anything anyone in the industry of work-at-home has ever seen. So, we’re just excited about growing that and helping more people break into general transcription because it’s booming. I mean, podcast hosts you know, use transcriptionists to get transcripts of their shows so they can put it on their websites and rank better in the search engines for their content. And, there’s so many podcasts, just in the podcast industry alone, there’s so much general transcription work that can be done. However, in order to be successful as a transcriptionist, it’s not just about typing fast. You’ve got to be able to use your shortkeys, and build up your speed, and use the software in a way that produces excellent work. That’ll keep your clients coming back. And, you’ve got to know how to market, so we actually focus a lot on marketing.
We’re excited about the amount of marketing training we have in both of our courses, actually, proofreading and transcribing. Because we’re both – we’re marketers, we know how to market things, and so, we share that information with our students in a way that you don’t get that kind of training in just an eBook that you pay $3 for on Amazon. You don’t get this kind of hands-on lifetime support. You don’t get tutorial videos, you don’t get any of that. So, we’re just super excited to be the first people to offer something like this in the work-at-home industry, in the work-at-home world.
Tim: Wow, that is so awesome. I’m actually looking forward to looking into that myself. So, how can the listeners find you online?
Caitlin: So, we have kind of a suite of brands. I call them Anywhere brands. So, you can find out about what it takes to build a business like what we’ve built with Proofread Anywhere and Transcribe Anywhere by going – and you can follow us in our travels, as well, I should mention that. We blog about our travels through South America on TheWorkAnywhereLife.com. And, if you want to learn more about transcribing and the online course for that, it’s TranscribeAnywhere.com. And, of course, proofreading, that one’s been in existence for over a year now, and we’re going strong. It’s ProofreadAnywhere.com.
Tim: Excellent. Well, thank you so much, Caitlin, for rocking out with me, today.
Caitlin: Thanks for having me, Tim. This has been a pleasure.
Tim: Yeah, it’s been a lot of fun. And, to the listeners, make sure you subscribe, you rank, and rate on iTunes. And, we’ll see you next time on the Work-At-Home Rockstar podcast.
Female: Thanks for listening. To learn how you can become a work-at-home rockstar or become a better one, head on over to WorkAtHomeRockstar.com today.