WHR #31 : Marc Mawhinney – Natural Born Coaches

Mar 14, 2016 | PodCast, Season 1

MarcBenchProfilePicMarc Mawhinney is on a mission to help coaches build stronger businesses!  He has a passion for entrepreneurship, having started a number of businesses in his life and growing one to 100 employees.

After becoming a coach, he saw the struggles that coaches face while trying to build their businesses, and decided to do something about it!  He launched “Natural Born Coaches”, a daily podcast where he interviews successful coaches to share their advice, and works with coaches in his “Accelerate For Clients” 1-on-1 and group programs.

Marc frequently makes media appearances and is a contributor for Entrepreneur.com.  You can learn more about him at NaturalBornCoaches.com!

Episode #31 : Marc Mawhinney

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

FAVORITE HOOK (Quotes from the Interview)

Don’t try to hit a home run on the first try.


  1. Take the time to talk to your kids and spouse to explain that when you are working on certain projects you cannot be interrupted.
  2. Make sure you keep your expenses as low as possible when you are first getting started.
  3. Build a business part time to get it started before you quit your job.

Marc’s Book Recommendations:

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