WHR #49 : Kate Butler – Intuitive Success Coach

Sep 12, 2016 | PodCast, Season 1


Kate Butler is Certified Professional Success Coach, Mindset Expert and #1 best-selling author. She will be publishing her 5th book this month, called Women Who Ignite, which is available on amazon! Her last book to be published was one she co-authored with Jack Canfield, creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series™. Her wildly successful children’s book More than Mud and More than Magic were inspired by her two girls ages 4 and 6 and were not only best-sellers, but also turned into plays! She even co-wrote More Than Magic with her oldest daughter, Bella. She is a work-at-home mompreneur as she practices self-care, creating a for-purpose business and being fully present with her family.

Episode #49 : Kate Butler

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

Show Notes

  • Delegate Now!
  • Balance is BS : Kate shares her philosophy
  • She started by delegating the housework rather than her business
  • Kate hired a coach before she even started to delegate
  • She discusses the judgement from others and pushes on her path regardless
  • Kate shares her ritual/routine in order to set the intentions for success
  • To Do Lists are usually lists of other people’s priorities… Focus on your own priorities

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