WHR #37 : Joshua Latimer

May 30, 2016 | PodCast, Season 1

Josh Large HeadshotJoshua left his “safe and secure” job as a banker for JP Morgan Chase to start a cleaning business at the age of 25, while his wife was pregnant with their first child. Joshua wanted to build a local business, while creating time and freedom for himself and his family.
He grew the business until it was generating over $150,000 a month in revenue and then sold it to a national buyer. During the last two years that he owned his company, he only worked 5 hours / week on the business, but it still grew at 35% per year. Joshua is passionate about business systems and how they can change your life.
When Joshua sold his company, he moved to Costa Rica where he now runs his two internet based businesses with a small team of professionals from all over the world.

Episode #37 : Joshua Latimer

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

Why A Home Business?

So he can move to Costa Rica!

Biggest Mistake?

Didn’t create a team and tried to do it all by himself.

FAVORITE HOOK (Quotes from the Interview)

Being an entrepreneur is like jumping off a cliff and building a plane on the way down.


  1. Don’t be a lone ranger!  Build a team.
  2. Defining a clear destination for yourself helps with your motivation.  What is your why?
  3. Don’t worry about the “how” yet, let yourself get caught up in the “why” first.

Books that impacted Joshua:

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