WHR #11 : Sara Oblak Speicher – Business Consultant

Oct 26, 2015 | PodCast, Season 1

11350536_10100856877467845_4524170400493584699_nEverything I do, has a purpose, and that is to support amazing entrepreneurs! While I’ve always had great working relationships with both, men and women, I am discovering that my specialty is in supporting those who are going through a life transition, a shift in business; those trying to juggle motherhood with business ownership; and those ready to step up their game.

Episode #11 : Sara Oblak Speicher

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

FAVORITE HOOK (Quotes from the Interview)

When the student is ready the teacher appears


  1. Get a coach
  2. Sales calls are about serving others
  3. Use your knowledge and experience to the fullest

Sara’s Book Recommendations:

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