WHR #10 : Matt Mawhinney – Podcast Editor

Oct 22, 2015 | PodCast, Season 1

MattMatt Mawhinney has a background in sales and marketing, in addition to holding positions within multiple levels of government throughout his career. He was introduced to the world of podcasting by his brother Marc, who has a daily podcast for coaches. Getting to see first-hand how much work was involved in producing a show, Matt decided to leave his corporate job earlier in 2015 to assist his brother (and other podcasters), and started up PodAssist. His  motivation is to save podcasters’ time and energy so they can focus on delivering their messages to the world.

Episode #10 : Matt Mawhinney

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

FAVORITE HOOK (Quotes from the Interview)

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear


  1. Do your market research
  2. Dropbox & Skype for productivity
  3. Remember your “why”

Matt’s Book Recommendations:

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