WHR #77 : Cassie Parks – Coach

Apr 17, 2017 | PodCast, Season 1

Cassie Parks loves the ocean, dancing for no reason and the power of possibly. Her best-selling books include the topics of money, business and lifestyle design. She is a mentor for those who want to turn their wildest dreams into their dreams come true. Manifest $10,000 hits bookstores in May 2017.

Episode #77: Cassie Parks

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

Show Notes

  • How Cassie became a Work @ Home RockStars
  • Cassie shares the dangers of going “all in” and quitting your job to start your business
  • Going full time doesn’t necessarily make you more productive
  • Get clear on what you really want
  • Choose work that you want to say yes to
  • Get clear on what you want from the people you hire and outline it for them immediately
  • When you go in looking for the clarity in the decision you are in a more powerful place
  • Cassie paints us a picture of her jam room
  • Everybody has blind spots
  • Cassie shares her routine and ritual and why she does it

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