Christopher Hamze – PIVOT

Aug 2, 2021 | Assembling The Band, Instruments of Choice, Keeping the Hat Full, PodCast, Season 3

Season 3 / Episode #26 : Christopher Hamze

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

The Story

teelaunch is a leading print on demand fulfillment company. We take your design ideas and orders and fulfil them from start to finish. When someone orders on your website, we will print the product, ship the product and act as a customer liaise if anything goes wrong. Put simply, you don’t need any inventory, any large investments or anywhere to store and ship your products. You ONLY pay for the items printed, so you ONLY pay if you sell something! Focus on what you’re good at and what’s most important to your business – and we will take care of the rest!

Show Notes

Good Note: Using the time during COVID to redo their entire app that hadn’t been redesigned in over 7 years.

Bad Note: There have been many pivots over the years, it took realizing that the 1 type of customer that they had been revolving their business around was not best customers to look for. Redesign the old model and track your metrics.

Bandmates: Working personally harder will only get you so far, you can’t be good at everything let only give it their 100% focus. Alleviate it with bandmates to spread the work accordingly. With the expense of hiring, you will make it back in the long run whether it been personally or financially.

Cash Flow: Being a very conservative company, they determine what’s left over and how to allocate that. Take the time to think things through. Don’t go too crazy with your money and don’t be too stingy.

Instruments: In the early days it was more about working with what you have. Later to realize there are many different types of tools to help with being more efficient. Tools for project management, messengers, dropbox etc.. Even if they are not necessary you can always give them a try.

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