WHR #9 : Heather Havenwood – Chief Sexy Boss

Oct 19, 2015 | PodCast, Season 1

webinar-profile-heather1-300x300Heather Ann Havenwood, CEO of Havenwood Worldwide, LLC and Chief Sexy Boss, is a serial entrepreneur and is regarded as a top authority on internet marketing, business strategies and  marketing. Since marketing her first online business in 1999, bringing together clients and personal coaches, she has played an active role in the online marketing world since before most even had a home computer.

Episode #9 : Heather Havenwood

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

FAVORITE HOOK (Quotes from the Interview)

There is an energy to our day … Most people are in the quiet mode at night and the energy is more creative.


  1. Get a workout routine
  2. Find a local group of entrepreneurs to work around
  3. Send entertaining emails at night, send informational during the day

Heather’s Book Recommendations:

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HeatherHavenwood.com == > Business Marketing Coaching

SexyBossPodcast === > Podcast on I-tunes for Women Entrepreneurship

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