Jennifer Arthurton – Old Chicks KNow Sh*t

May 9, 2022 | Assembling The Band, Learning from the Best, PodCast, Practice Makes Progress, Season 3

Season 3 / Episode #66 : Jennifer Arthurton

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

The Back-Story

Jennifer Arthurton is the creator and founder of Old Chicks Know Sh*t, a community and podcast (of the same name) designed to inspire and support midlife women in chasing their dreams and creating their kick-ass next chapter. In addition, Jennifer is an empowerment coach, podcast host, writer, and speaker.

Having made her midlife course corrections, she is a passionate advocate of the inherent power and knowledge that women possess at a time when they often feel overlooked and doubt themselves most.

Show Notes

Guest, Jennifer Arthurton is the founder and creator of old chicks know shit. And she provides inspiration, Infor and information to help middle-aged women create the next kick ass chapter.

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Show Notes:
[0:00] Intro
[0:39] The Good Note – Story of Success
[1:43] The Bad Note – Story of Failure
[11:23] Practice Makes Progress
[12:46] Assembling The Band
[18:35] Learning from the Best
[31:41] Guest Solo


Read Transcript

Intro / Outro: Are you a work at home rock star, or do you dream of becoming one? Then you found the right podcast, your hosts, Tim Melanson talks with successful work at home rock stars to learn their secrets and help you in your journey. Are you ready to rock? Here’s tim?

Tim Melanson: Hello, and welcome to today’s episode of the work-at-home rockstar podcast.

Excited for today’s guest. She is the founder and creator of old chicks know shit. And she provides inspiration, Infor and information to help middle-aged women create the next kick ass chapter. Super excited to be rocking out today with Jennifer Arthurton Jennifer are you ready to rock.

Jennifer Arthurton: I am ready to rock. Thanks for having me.

Tim Melanson: Perfect. Thanks for being here. So we are always start off on a good note. So tell me the story of success in your business, your life that we can be inspired by.

Jennifer Arthurton: Yeah, so I mean, my basic, my business is, um, a success story of my life actually. Um, in the year leading up to my 50th birthday, I found myself divorced unemployed, uh, an empty nester and red bedridden with a stress-related illness after a 30 plus 30 year career, um, in corporate marketing.

And, um, I was faced at ask myself some pretty hard questions about like what I wanted for my life and what’s next. Right. I could continue on the path that I was. Or I could use this as an opportunity to do something that I felt passionate about. And that was one of my things was I wanted to be, I wanted to wake up every day and feel passionate about what I did.

And so, you know, it, uh, was the beginning of the creation of old chicks. know shit, which is a podcast, a community and mastermind programs, uh, for women who are looking to reinvent themselves in their second chapter.

Tim Melanson: Awesome. That sounds good. Now on that path, though, there are sometimes some bad notes that get hit.

And I’m wondering, I like to normalize that just to make sure that everybody understands that, you know, it happens to all of us. So I’m wondering, you know, what’s something that was just really didn’t work out well for you that we can learn from, or avoid.

Jennifer Arthurton: Yeah. Um, I think like for me, having spent so long in a corporate environment, I mean, basically I was my, from my very first job, like I did what everybody did, you know, went to school, you went to a good college, you know, got good grades, got into the corporate world, worked my way up the ladder.

And I finally got to got to a place that I had always aspired to. And. I was like, there’s something else. Like there has to be more to this, like, this is what I’ve been working so hard for. Um, but I would never let myself even entertain that idea because I only, I, I thought I only knew what I knew. Right.

And that, like, this was the only path available to me. You know, being able to, and then when I found myself in that position where I literally had to, you know, begin recreating my life, I literally was like, okay, this is the end for me. Right. I’m too old. You know, people don’t start over at 50 and I bought into.

Every limiting belief I could possibly come up with, like, those that were served up to me externally from, you know, media and things like that. And then everything in my head, like all of the limiting beliefs about myself and I hung onto those for a very long time. And it kept me stuck from moving forward until, you know, one day I got tired of my own crap and I was like, okay, Two choices here, go do what you were doing or do something else, but you can’t stand in the middle of the road anymore, but I stood there probably for.

Much longer than I would care to admit, because I was afraid to kind of look at you, like, what are the possibilities? Right. I just, you know, every time something, an idea would come to me, that would be the, oh, but you’re not smart enough. Oh, you don’t have any experience in that. Oh, somebody is doing it better.

Right. So it was like, I just let all of that literally paralyzed me at the big.

Tim Melanson: Wow. Wow. I think your story is going to be relevant, uh, relating to a lot of people. I know for myself, I went to university, got a degree, went and worked for a big old company. Uh, it was only for 10 years and I found myself without a job at 30 when the company went bankrupt.

So I remember having a lot of the same thoughts that you had, and I had a totally different situation. So I think. It’s like, no matter where we are, we always come up with these excuses on why we can’t do something is no excuse. Right,

Jennifer Arthurton: right. What I think too, the thought for me of being like, self-sufficient like, I really want it to be, self-sufficient like freedom is one of my top values.

Right. And which is probably true for most of the people listening to this. Um, and, and, but the idea of that freedom was actually scary. I really wanted it, but the idea of being self-sufficient like I have only to rely on me was the part that I think was really, really scary because, you know, again, like I said, every insecurity, um, you know, every limiting belief that I had about myself, it was basically validating that, oh, you can’t do this.

There’s no way you need a paycheck. You need, like, how are you going to survive? Like, I remember thinking, how are you going to pay your mortgage? Like, how is all of this going to happen? You can’t do this on your own.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It would have been so much harder for you to, cause I know that in my case, I was, you know, 20 years younger than you were when I found myself there.

And, but like I remember my mindset being a little bit different. I remember thinking like, well, This company, you know, cause they were on the rocks the entire time I was there when I graduated, it was basically a few months in maybe four months in when the company started to fall apart and start laying off.

Right. So, you know, the writing was on the wall. I knew it was gonna happen. And I, but I remember thinking, uh, like, you know, we have the script in our head that, you know, that you stay with the company, be loyal and you know, they’ll take care of you right. To the end. And then I remember not being taken care of totally being thrown out on the road.

And I thought, well, if I go and start my own business and I start to get my own clients, well then maybe I have 10, 20, 30, 40 clients. If somebody leaves me, then I still have all those other clients. So. You know, I will at least have some income. Whereas if I go get another job and work for another company and put all this time and effort into it, and then they lay me off again, but I’m going to be back here again.

Jennifer Arthurton: Right. Well see, and that was what, you know, I had a very similar train of thought after a while because, um, you know, after I had given like the company that I was with, I was with for almost 12 years. Right. And basically gave my all like, hence I was like, I was burnt out. I was physically burnt out. And what had happened was I ended up taking a leave of absence from my job because I was experiencing the physical symptoms.

And I was like, okay, you got to get this under control. And it was in the process. Uh, that leave of absence. Like I took a two month leave of absence that, uh, they told me that I no longer had a job. And I was like, wow, like I have given you everything to the point that I have physically burned myself out.

And at my low point, you guys kicked me to the curb and I’m like, wow, never making myself like that, that vulnerable to something again. And then I had experienced layoffs before in my career and it really, you know, And having been pretty high up in the organization, people are literally a line item on a spreadsheet and when they need to, they could just boom, hit delete.

And it’s as simple as that. Right. And, you know, and so that was, again, one of the motivations for me was to say, and I valued freedom. I’m like, okay, I really need to find a way to get over this. Um, you know, this comp of limiting beliefs that I’m, I’m sitting on right now.

Tim Melanson: Right. Okay. So then what’s next. So now you have to take something that you’re probably good at, or you have to figure out a new path.

So what did you decide to do then? How did you transition to the next step.

Jennifer Arthurton: Yeah. So, you know, as I was figuring out how to recreate my life, um, you know, and, you know, I had asked myself, like, what do you really want for your life? Like, what is it that you love to do? Right. And so I went back through my career and like, you know, Plucked out the pieces of things that I love to do.

And I’m a creator at heart. Like my, my best times in my career was when I was building something that didn’t exist before. Right. So I was like, okay, we need to create something. And then the second part of what I love most about my career was, um, teams. Like I loved running teams. I love the power of a team.

I love nurturing a team and, you know, Um, like optimizing, like I loved all of that type of stuff because I love people. Like I love seeing people achieve their best. And so as I started to think about this thing at the same time I was searching for, you know, the inspiration of like, where are all the amazing, no, 50, 60, 70 year old women who are recreating themselves?

What are they doing and how are they doing it? You know, as I was looking around, like, I wasn’t like everything that I saw was actually pretty depressing because if you look at women over 50 at mainstream media, you’re basically seeing bladder leakage protection, a meal replacement, shakes, and retirement.

And I was like, okay, well maybe these are necessary. But like, that’s like a teeny tiny fraction of the story of what it means to be a woman in her fifties. Right. And so I was like, okay. So I started talking to people about their stories. And, uh, you know, I thought tons of inspiring women and I was like, okay, I need to share that.

Like, it’s the inspiration that I need and I know that others need it too. And then, you know, I, I’m also a really good coach, a really good mentor, and I wanted to create the space, the community and the environment where women felt comfortable to bring, you know, their fear. So very similar to what you do, you know, to bring their fears and hurdles about recreating yourself in midlife.

To the table so that we could work through it all together. Because the one thing that happened to me is I felt very, very alone. Like I was looking around at everybody else’s life going, like, isn’t this perfect. And I’m 50. I don’t, I supposed to be riding off into the retirement, sunset on the arm of a handsome man.

And I’m like, yeah, that’s not my reality. So there has to be something else. And so that was kind of the combination. And I say this to all of the people in my community is like, Everything in your life that has led you to your, this point is exactly what you need to get to the next one. You might have to rearrange the pieces a little bit and plug them in a little bit differently, rewire them.

But all of that experience is valuable. Like it’s not for nothing. You’re not really starting over. Yep.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And I love what you just said about going back into your career and plucking out the things that cause, I mean, we all, we, no matter where you are on your path, there are some things that you’re good at and you can block those out and make a business out of it.

Jennifer Arthurton: Yeah. And for me it was like, where did I feel most passionate in my career? Like, what did I absolutely love? Because I knew that was the thing. Right. I had. And you know, part of the thing was in my corporate job, I had actually, as I had kind of risen in the ranks, I had kind of been losing my passion for what I did.

Right. Like I was getting kind of out of the weeds a little bit and starting to, you know, get into the executive level and. Um, yeah, I was losing my passion for it. So it was about, okay, where did I feel most passionate in my career. And then let me write that down. And so I’m a huge proponent of like creating a journal or something where you can actually put the stuff down on paper because in your head it’s very different than when you actually see it. written

Tim Melanson: Right. Yeah. Yeah, it makes, it makes it real too. So now, you know, passion is one thing. Uh, however, you also have to be good at something too. And so I’m wondering, how do you approach practicing? How do you approach getting good at what you do in honing your craft?

Jennifer Arthurton: Well, and this for me is where the passion comes in because when you’re learning anything, there is going to be the periods of suck.

Right. And sometimes the periods of suck are really long time. And if you don’t have something pulling you forward through that time, it’s so easy to quit. Like the number of times, like I remember, you know, even starting my, my podcast or the first, you know, Facebook live that I ever did. Like I look back now and I kind of cringe a little bit.

But like, I was scared to death to do those things. I’m like people are going to judge me. Nobody wants to hear what I have to say, like all of this, but I kept showing up. Right. I kept showing up every day I kept showing up. And the reason I kept showing up is because I knew I had a mission. Like I wanted to help women.

Like I wanted to see women, you know, being inspired about recreating their lives. And that’s what kept me showing up. Had it not been for that, I probably would have said, well, I suck at podcasting. I suck at doing lives because I did. I really did. Right. And I would’ve just given you.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. So you really do connect with your passion and connect with your why, and then that keeps you coming back to it. Right?

Jennifer Arthurton: You have to have something to keep you pulling, pulling it forward

Tim Melanson: right now. So what about, uh, you know, the band? What about, what about putting yourself around the right people and assembling a team and all that things and delegating, how do you do that? How do you find the right people? You know, do you need anybody else in your business?

W w what do you do about that?

Jennifer Arthurton: So, I am always, I’m huge proponent of people working in their zone of genius. And I became, it became very clear to me. What I was good at and what I was not so good at, like early in my business. And I, you know, what I struggled through for a long time, like doing it all. And then I think probably one of the biggest, best things that I did for my business was hiring a virtual assistant before I thought I was actually ready.

Like, if you looked at the numbers, you probably be like you. Yeah. You know, But delegating some things that were actually bogging me down was bogging my business down as well, too. Right. Because like, I wasn’t good at that stuff. Like it was taking me probably twice as long, like podcast editing for what’s one for me.

Like it would take me so long, right. That nothing else could get done. And when I outsourced that was like, oh my goodness. Now I can stick to what I’m really good at, which is talking to people like interviewing people, doing, you know, finding amazing guests. And like that it just accelerated my trajectory trajectory.

Um, like, uh, I probably wouldn’t be where I am had I not done that. So I’d take, I actually took that step and the thing that held me back, like before it was ready and the thing that held me back was, oh, can I afford it? Can I afford it? Well, now I look back on it and I’m like, that’s the best money I ever spent.

Right because it doesn’t actually, and in my head as well, you know, the expense of that was something huge. And I found somebody who works at an hourly basis. She has other clients. And so sometimes like it’s only a couple hours that she, that I pay her. Literally, you know, like double that amount of time off my own schedule so I can focus on what I’m good at.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Well, and, and I think what you’re saying there is it’s subcontractor. It’s not somebody that you hired full time, right?

Jennifer Arthurton: Oh, no, no, absolutely. Right. So it’s still, I’m still the only full-time employee of my business, but I have, um, other people who support the business. So my VA, my podcast editor, um, I also have somebody who writes for me as well, too.

Um, Although I love writing, but sometimes I just need somebody else’s perspective. Um, but yeah, just being that we’ll surround those people who are just really good at what they do, just like, it gives you a perspective too, because it can be a very lonely journey and it’s so easy to get bogged down in your own stuff and lose perspective of what you’re doing.

So having somebody look at it from the outside is actually re like where they can say to me. Yeah. I didn’t quite get that. And I’m like, okay, perfect. Thank you. Right. Cause to me it made perfect.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And I like what you’re saying. Cause I mean, if you’re, if you are focused just on the money, on, you know, trying to pay the least amount, well then you’re probably not going to get what you want.

Right. Cause, uh, you know, especially in your case, you’re like, well, no, I only need a couple hours a week or whatever it is then why don’t I get somebody who’s really good during those couple hours? And then I make sure that, that I can focus on something else and not have to babysit them.

Jennifer Arthurton: Well, and the other part of, you know, the cost of not hiring somebody.

So there’s the actual cost, but the cost of not doing it is the two things that I wanted out of my business, which was freedom and passion. Right. And it was taking me away from the things that I’m passionate about. It was also taking away from the freedom that I wanted to be able to do the things that I wanted.

Right. And so the flip side of that, so the amount, that’s what I’m saying, it was the best money I’ve ever spent because the payoff for that money, isn’t just the person doing the thing. It’s all of the side benefits that I get from that about being able to, like I said, focus on what you know, on what makes me happy in what, where my passion lies.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Well, and when you think about it, I mean, your energy goes down when you’re doing something that you don’t like doing. So in a big way. So, I mean, if you’re spending time in your business, doing things that are bringing you down, then how can you bring your best self to the things that you really need to be doing?

Jennifer Arthurton: Yeah, exactly. And sometimes, you know, even at the very beginning, before I hired a VA, sometimes I would send something out, you know, I would write something or I, you know, I’m thinking about a podcast episode and I would have to send it to a couple of friends and say, okay, feed this back. Right. Like, so you get creative about ways that you can, you know, get the support that you need.

Um, you know, and sometimes that worked and sometimes it did, and it’s a lot more streamlined now with, you know, having a VA, but, um, yeah, you just have to find ways to be able to stay. In what lifts you up because it’s one is an energy drain and the other one is like an energy, you know, um, increasing boost.

Right? Exactly. And that energy boost allows you to get so much more done. Yeah,

Tim Melanson: exactly. Yeah. I mean, and I think anybody can kind of see that, right. When you’re excited, time flies, you get so much stuff done. You’re you bring your, your excitement to the phone calls that you’re having. When you’re talking to people about your business, you know, if you just got off of, you know, a string of things you didn’t like.

You know, it’s going to take us some time to get that energy back, right? Yeah,

Jennifer Arthurton: yeah, exactly.

Intro / Outro: Hey rockstars, it’s Tim here. Hope you enjoy this episode. And if you are, feel free to leave us a review while I’ve got you here, I want to tell you about my business. Creative Crew agency is a one-stop shop for your online business.

We provide graphic design websites, ongoing support hosting, and so much more. If you’re looking for a shiny new website. Or you need some technical help with your current platform. Feel free to visit, creative crew, agency .com and book a time to talk, go back to the show

Tim Melanson: right on. So now what about, what about, uh, mentors, uh, coaches masterminds?

Do you participate in any of that stuff yourself?

Jennifer Arthurton: 100000%. Um, so when I was at the beginning stages of reinventing my life, one thing that was very, very clear to me was like, if I want my life to be different, I have to show up differently in it. And I was like, I need somebody. Who’s going to call me on my crap, who is getting.

You know, dragged me up by my ear when I want to quit. Like, I need somebody to reflect me back to me and I hired my first coach. And I remember, I remember very clearly the day I hired my first coach and I spent like a lot of money and I was like, what am I doing? Like, this is insane. Like, why am I paying this amount of money again?

It turned out to be the very best thing I could have ever spent money on. You know, I could have invested in a new computer or, you know, fancy business cards or like whatever that stuff is. Instead I spent it on that coach who literally, again, like reflected me back to me and reminded me more than anything, like reminded me when I, you know, of my genius of my passion.

Like all of that stuff when I was like in the suck and really wanted to quit. And I, I mean, That was, you know, that was what, eight years ago. Now I hired my first coach. I have had a coach, always a mentor, always from that point forward because we cannot see ourselves objectively. Right. We just can’t. And, um, being able to surround yourself with like-minded people, um, you know, people who are going to challenge you, people who are gonna pull you forward, um, people that you can learn from.

So whether it be, you know, a mindset coach, business strategy, coach, like whatever that is, you need those people to keep moving you forward. Right. Because everybody knows that like the fastest way to self-development is to start a business. Cause like no stone is left untouched, like personal development comes as your business develops.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Yeah. You. Uncover a lot of your own limiting beliefs when you start a business. Right? All of a sudden, you know, you don’t have a boss with all this. I don’t know. I think, I think one of the things about when you get hired for a job is that you get this like list of things you need to do, and your boss trusts you because they gave you that job.

So you just do it and you feel like, but when you’re working for yourself, there’s nobody that’s giving you that list of things to do anymore. Right? Right. Exactly. And I think that that’s, you know, in a way I know that people hire coaches for mainly two reasons. I think either to learn something or for accountability.

And I think the accountability part. Downplayed way too much, like you’re saying it right. I mean, it’s, you know, if nothing else hire somebody for 50 bucks a month, that doesn’t know anything that you can just explain what you’re doing and tell them what your goal is, and then show up the next session with the goal done.

Right. It’s better than nothing, right?

Jennifer Arthurton: Yeah. And it’s the same thing with masterminds. It’s why I now run masterminds in my business is because surrounding yourself with people who are on the same journey, who know what it’s like, who’ve experienced a lot of what you’ve experienced or are experiencing at that moment.

Right. Again, feeling like you’re not alone and seeing other people’s success and seeing other people and learning from other people’s challenging challenges is so. Incredibly powerful more than I couldn’t probably express to you. Um, but like, I mean, as humans we’re pack animals, right? Like we, we don’t do so well on our own.

Like we need, we need a tribe. And so finding that tribe of like-minded people is, um, just incredibly important, I think, to the growth of your business

and the growth of yourself as well and the growth of yourself. Yeah. No, I, I, I think it’s, uh, probably a evolutionary survival tactic to be part of the pack, because if you’re alone, you’re.

You know, w we have this, this inherent desire, but also, like you say, I mean, you know, now, now, especially in, you know, from a home business, you’re literally like alone and that is tough. Right. So, so having some sort of like, so now you, like, what do you do for your mastermind? How’d you find your mastermind for.

Um, the one that I knew or the one that I run,

Tim Melanson: uh, both. So, okay. Let’s talk about, from a perspective of, uh, how do I find a mastermind?

Jennifer Arthurton: So, um, one of the things that I started doing at the very beginning of my reinvention journey, where I was trying to figure out which end was up is I made a point to have coffee with as many different people as I could possibly find from every walk of life, because they wanted to know like, What inspired them, how did they get to where they were?

What are their stories? Like, what do they love? What do they not love? Right. And it was all kind of like nuggets of information that I would take away from each conversation. So when I started my own business and I was really like, I’m a people person. Right. And, you know, I’m used to being able to walk down the kitchen and get a cup of coffee and chat with my coworkers.

Right. Um, so instead I would set up these, um, weekly dates with other people that I would meet either. Uh, friends of friends or I met at, um, um, you know, a conference or things like that, or just people from my past, my past life. And, um, you know, those people would through conversations, I would find out about, you know, this mastermind that coach this, right.

And so we just kind of, I had this ongoing conversation going with all of these different people and that’s how I found my tribe. Like those people then became my tribe and, you know, then I found formal masterminds through. Right. Um, yeah. And, you know, even with, and that’s why I do the masterminds as well too, because like, we all get stuck somewhere.

Like I haven’t met anybody yet. Who’s who runs a business that didn’t like, have some challenge, some bump that, you know, maybe it’s sideline that maybe they, I mean, I even did this. Like I went back to corporate because I was like, no way can’t do this. Can’t do this. Can’t do this. Went back to corporate.

Was there for like, Uh, four months, I think. And then I was like, oh crap, what did I do? This is not it. And then that kind of lit my fire to say, okay, I need to find a way to get over these hurdles. And that’s exactly why I created the mastermind because it can be lonely. It can be very easy to quit. It’s you’re in your own head.

And like, I want to create that community. Like one of the things that I used to do in my corporate world, when I ran teams. I used to have a weekly meeting where, you know, the heads of each of the departments that I ran, I was like, you come to the table with ever whatever problem or challenge that you’re having this week and you put it on the table.

And even if your peers don’t even know what it is that you do, sometimes they can see that problem from a way different perspective than you can. And they might not know the nuts and bolts of your work, but they’re like, Hey, what have you looked at? And people would leave going. Oh, okay. Wow. I hadn’t thought about it that way because we get stuck in our own circular thinking.

Yeah, right. Sometimes we know too much for our own good. And just putting it out there, somebody else can see something that you’ve completely missed. And that like was the impetus for my mastermind. Like I used to do this with my corporate teams and I’m like, now I do this with my mastermind. That’s that’s how we’ll help.

What helps people see and to keep going?

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Yeah. Well, you’re thinking in your own little box, right? So as soon as you talk, tell somebody else, especially, especially if they know nothing about what you’re doing, all of a sudden, you think about things differently. They’re not using the same rules as.

Jennifer Arthurton: Right. Exactly. Yeah. Perceived rules that you have

Tim Melanson: perceived. Really? Yes. It’s funny that you said about the copy. They think that’s a strategy. We have a lot of things in common. That’s a strategy that I used as well. And that’s actually how my current business got started was I would go on Facebook and find people with similar interests as I am in my local area and ask them if they want to go for coffee.

And I’m a networker, I’m a people person as well. So my. My strategy with that would be, what can I do to help them with their business? I want to find out about their business. I want to find out if there’s anybody that I know that I can connect to them. And then it turns out, you know, things start to move when that happens.

And then one of the guys I went for coffee with was looking for a website. I wasn’t doing websites at the time. And so I offered to do his website for him, and that turned into a business. He started giving me referrals. So it’s amazing what can happen just by going for coffee with people.

Jennifer Arthurton: Well, and that’s the thing, because I was coming out of corporate and my whole network was people who are in corporate.

And I was like, okay, I think like them, I look like them. You know, we do kind of the same types of thing. I’m like, okay, I need people who are living a different life from me because I need to see that, like, I need that perspective. And I was. Amazed at the things that people were doing. Right. Like, I always used to say to myself when I was in corporate, who are these people in the mall at 11:00 AM?

Like, who are these people having drinks on the patio at 3:00 PM? Like, who are they? Like, how do they do that? Right. And then I was like, oh, oh, look at that. It’s possible right

Tim Melanson: now. They still work. Oh, sorry. However, it’s just a matter of having that flexibility, right? I mean, we have the same thought about freedom.

It’s the freedom to choose when your hours of work are going to be right.

Jennifer Arthurton: I work probably as hard, if not harder than I did in my corporate career now. But the difference is like one was an energy. Like we were talking about one was an energy depletion and the other one is an energy creation. And so I have the energy to keep going long past, you know?


Tim Melanson: Which is why, w which is why it’s okay. That we work as much as we work, because people are like, oh, it seems like you’re working all the time. I loving what I’m doing. Like exactly.

Jennifer Arthurton: Right. And you know, so many of us and I used to found this so true when I was having conversations with people. It’s like, so many of us have these dreams and desires that we want for our lives.

And, you know, we, and I did this for the longest time. Like, I didn’t have necessarily a concrete dream, but like these ideas would pop up and I would push them away. Right. Because then I would never allow myself to entertain them. Right. Because it would be like, oh, okay. I got work to do get back. And one of the things I encourage everybody now is to actually spend time dreaming about like, what’s your perfect day?

What would you like to be doing? Because when you allow your brain to go into those places, like it’s, it’s changed. Right. Like, it’s you allow like you’re planting a seed and you’re allowing it to grow a little bit and entertaining dreams and desires and finding our passions is like probably one of the best things that we can do for ourselves as humans.

I mean, there are scientific research behind, you know, people following their passion and, you know, being driven and, you know, being happy with what they do every day. Right? Like happy and having purpose. Like it’s, it’s the keys to longevity.

Tim Melanson: It is real. And, you know, What do you have to lose?

Jennifer Arthurton: Exactly. Well, okay.

And that question, like, what do you have to lose like that? When I say that to people, it’s like my house, I have kids in college, um, you know, like all of that type of stuff. And that’s real too. Like that is real right. Like, you know, um, but it doesn’t like we tend to be as humans, very all or nothing. I’m either doing this or doing that, but there are ways to incorporate your passion into where you are with a goal of.

Getting to that other place.

Tim Melanson: Well, and what I meant by what do you have to lose it’s by the dreaming by, by, by actually, because when you do that, as you mentioned, and you know, there is, you’re like you say lots of coincidences of life where, you know, you sit down and you dream, and then all of a sudden an opportunity, a path shows up in front of you, right?

Yes. You know, it’s just a matter of, of like, yeah. It’s magic. Exactly. So what do you got to lose by spending, 10 minutes a day dreaming. Right.

Jennifer Arthurton: I am a massive proponent of visualization. Like I have seen things change in my life through the power of visible visualization and I spend every day at some point.

Um, for some amount of time, sometimes it’s 10 minutes. Sometimes it’s three minutes in the vision of what it is that I’m trying to create, because like you just said, when you get into that vision and you’re in the energy of that, that vision doors will open opportunities will present themselves. Like I said, it’s like magic.

Tim Melanson: It is, it is. And I can’t say enough about it. It’s just so many times like you, same thing with you, you visualize something and then all of a sudden it just happens like that. Can’t be coincidence if it keeps happening over and over again. Right.

Jennifer Arthurton: Yeah. Right. Yeah. You look around, you’re like, oh, wait a minute.

Oh my God, that was my vision. Like here it is like right in front of me. And I’ve seen this so many times in my life. It’s it’s insane.

Tim Melanson: Well, and you know what the opposite is true. That is true as well. When you, you visualize bad things happening, it just, they tend to happen. Don’t they.

Jennifer Arthurton: Yeah. Well, what is it they say worrying is like praying for what you don’t want.

Tim Melanson: Yep, yep. Yeah, no, I mean, that being said, you know, it’s good to be prudent on both sides, you know, plan for possibilities, you know, good and bad. But I think that’s the thing is that a lot of us spend way more time planning for the bad things than we do planning for the good things.

Jennifer Arthurton: Right? Yeah, exactly.


Tim Melanson: So it’s time for your guests solo. So tell me what’s exciting in your business right now

Jennifer Arthurton: so much. Um, well, first of all, my podcast, the old chicks, no shit podcast where I get to showcase amazing women doing amazing things. Like I come off those podcasts interviews like floating on clouds, like the conversation.

So good app. And then the other thing that I’m super I was excited about is, um, the midlife Kickstarter mastermind. So this is an intimate group of women who come together on a weekly basis. And, you know, we bring our challenges, our successes, our fears, our limiting beliefs, um, to the table for, to be witnessed and supported by other women on the same journey.

So like-minded women on the same journey as you and watching. The evolution of people and their dreams throughout the process of this mastermind. Again, like nothing lights me up like that. Like it, it inspires me like, you know, and I, you know, I do teachings and things like that within the mastermind, but what they don’t realize is like, I’m running this mastermind, but I’m also so inspired by it.

And this is the thing that keeps me moving forward as well too. Cause I’m watching these women like do incredible things, you know, start charity, start businesses, um, you know, Even tackle like physical feats, you know, that they’ve never done before. And I’m like, wow, like, look at these amazing kick ass women.

Right. And it’s literally fueling me from the inside as well, too. So yeah, I’m super passionate about, you know, women, um, you know, going in the face of the cultural narrative about what it means to be an older woman and to really like show the world what’s possible.

Tim Melanson: Right on. I’m not surprised that you’re on clouds.

Cause it looks like you have wings on with your chair. There is angel wings. So how do we find out more about your, about your mastermind, about your business? How do we find out more about all that?

Jennifer Arthurton: So you can find me on all the socials. So Facebook and Instagram at old chicks. No shit. Um, you, my website, it will chicks.

No So that’s old chicks. K N O w. So no And then I also have a free Facebook group of the same name as well.

Tim Melanson: Awesome.

Thank you so much for rocking out with me today, Jennifer. That’s been a lot of fun.

It’s been amazing. Thanks for having me

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