Trading Success Through Expert Mentorship with Philip Jayhawk Chan

May 13, 2024 | Instruments of Choice, Learning from the Best, PodCast, Practice Makes Progress, Season 3

The Back-Story

In this episode, Philip Jayhawk Chan, the CEO of Lightspeed Investing, joins Tim and shares a unique opportunity to grow your wealth and secure your financial future. Philip talks about how he started and how mentorship has been crucial to his trading success. He discusses the importance of having mentors in business and how it has helped him navigate the ups and downs of the market. Philip also talks about the tools they use to succeed in trading and how they honed their skills over the years. Additionally, he shares what excites him about his business and who would benefit from their mentorship. If you want to learn from successful traders, check out Lightspeed Investing.

Who is Philip Jayhawk Chan?

Philip Chan, CEO of Lightspeed Investing, is a unique figure in finance. Once a medical professional, Philip experienced burnout and disillusionment, leading him to discover the power of lightspeed investing. This revelation sparked a journey of relentless learning about various asset classes. His pursuit led to a fortunate collaboration with ex-medical professionals turned investment gurus. Today, as the leader of Lightspeed Investing, Philip brings his unique perspective to the financial world.

Show Notes

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In This Episode:
(0:00) Intro
(0:19) The good note
(0:50) The bad note
(2:13) On having mentors for his business
(5:31) Losing to win
(7:57) Tools to succeed
(12:57) How did he get good at trading
(15:59) What’s exciting in his business right now
(22:09) Who is this business for?
(22:51) Where to find Philip
(23:55) Outro


Read Transcript (generated: may contain errors)


Tim Melanson: Hello and welcome to today’s episode of the work at home rock star podcast.

Excited for today’s guest. He is the president, CEO of Lightspeed Investing. And what he does is he helps his people to invest in the financial future market. So super excited to be rocking out today with Philip Jayhawk Chan. Hey, Philip, you ready to rock?

Philip Jayhawk Chan: Yes, sir. How you doing Tim?

Tim Melanson: I’m doing fantastic. So we always start off on a good note.

So tell me a story of success that we can be inspired by.

Philip Jayhawk Chan: Oh man. Well, a good note is, you know, since we teach our clients a skill set that they can learn for life, we have clients who are now making five grand a month. And they were struggling to make five grand a month prior to joining us. So, we recently, have been expanding the efforts on marketing as well to create additional public awareness.

And that’s the feedback that we’re getting

Tim Melanson: right on. Yeah, that’s a big number. That’s really cool. But along with the successes, sometimes there’s some bad notes that we hit. So, you know, can you share something that isn’t working necessarily well, or has it worked well [00:01:00] and how we can recover from that?

Philip Jayhawk Chan: Yeah, well, you know, I would say frustration point can definitely be, you know, when you grow and expand, learning from trials and tribulations. So. Recently, as we have grown and expanded, some frustrating things happening internally is just the communication, right? Making sure that the communication between different team members stay consistent so that we have a smooth operation.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. So have you, like, what is it as like a standard operating principles? Are you using like tools for that now?

Philip Jayhawk Chan: change that? It’s definitely pertinent, you know, for business owners to document your processes, right? And also make sure that the team is aware of the process. So essentially, one of the best things that I learned was, you know, after you say something to someone, make sure you ask them, Hey, what is it that you heard from me?

Because sometimes people zone out and they may not have heard you the way that you want them to hear you. So just make sure you take leadership to, say, Hey, like, did you interpret it the way that I,

meant for you to interpret it and that way everyone’s on the same page [00:02:00] and no ball gets dropped.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And sometimes that can be challenging because I think some people don’t want to seem stupid, right? So they’re like, Oh, you know, I’m just going to pretend like I knew what he was talking about, but really you do have to clarify these things, right?

Absolutely. So now let’s talk a little bit about learning from the best when it comes to, you know, coaches, mentors, all that kind of stuff. Is that something that you do? Like, do you hire people to help you

Philip Jayhawk Chan: with certain areas of your business? Oh man, I love that question. You know, that’s, to be honest, the number one thing that’s accelerated my career and my growth and my wealth creation journey, right.

You know, being willing to always look after mentors and learn from the best, right? So for us, you know, a mentor, That really guided the firm to success is John Arnold. John Arnold, after graduating from Vanderbilt was able to take 1. 5 million to 1. 5 billion in two and a half years because he traded the commodity natural gas.

Correctly and effectively, right? And [00:03:00] before Arnold became a billionaire, he actually hosted a lot of trading workshops and seminars for a limited time in Dallas, Texas.

And my business partner actually had the opportunity to learn directly from him. And so that’s why 70 percent of our methodology is based off of Arnold while the other 30%, we’ve added additional prudence. Professionalism and ethics on top of his strategies when navigating the markets the right way.

Tim Melanson: And, you know, is this something that’s like super difficult to understand or, is it simple? Like, what do you think?

Philip Jayhawk Chan: Oh, no. So at first glance, you know, it may go over a lot of people’s head, but, you know, this game is naturally based on a game of pattern recognition, right? So first and foremost, when we talk about futurist and commodity financial market, it’s a bit different.

It’s, you know, not the same asset class as stocks. Bonds, real estate, right? And mutual funds. Where we reside is under alternative investments on the right side. So simply under derivatives, right? In the same neighborhood as stock options, cryptocurrency, Forex, foreign exchange, right?

As well as [00:04:00] art and luxury timepieces, right? So that’s kind of where we reside. And for. Anyone to be successful in these markets, right? They just need to follow a proprietary system, which for us, we’ve identified five to seven factors. And only when these five to seven factors are in unison, in confluence and congruence, right?

Do you want to enter in a trade? So most people are, Tim are very apprehensive, right? About the risks, volatility, and fluctuations in the markets. We make it where individuals, business owners, and professionals. Can walk into these markets with confidence because they actually know what you look for before ever placing a trade.

And that’s where it no longer becomes gambling, right? If you look at the statistics, 90 percent of retail traders lose money because they simply don’t know what they’re doing. When you don’t know what you’re doing in the markets, you’re basically gambling. So we systematize that process by, sharing with you.

Things to watch out for, and again, only [00:05:00] when they are in unison, in confluence, do you ever enter in the trade.

Tim Melanson: Okay, just a kind of a follow up question, because I, I am not familiar with all this stuff, but not super expert on it. Does someone have to lose in order for you to win?

Philip Jayhawk Chan: So, you’re asking if it’s a zero sum game?

Right? Then I believe the answer is, well, you shouldn’t frame it that way. For every losers, there is a winner. So basically if you were to lose money, someone else is going to win money But it’s not directly correlated, if that makes sense.

Tim Melanson: Everybody knows what they’re doing. Is there any money to be made?

Philip Jayhawk Chan: better question. That is a great point. And that’s why not everyone gets to win in this game, right? Because you will inherently have people that don’t know where to do it. And when they don’t know what they’re doing, they’re basically giving money back to the market. And when you are someone that knows what they’re doing, you’re able to take money from the market.

So look at the market, like the intermediary, right? If you don’t know what you’re doing, money belongs to the market, right? If you do know what you’re doing, you’re able to extract [00:06:00] from the market. And that’s what we’re subject matter experts in is extracting points from the market. See, Tim, what you have to realize with this skill set, you know, in terms of learning from John Arnold, right, specifically, this skill set is first and foremost based on a science, right?

And so, you know, your question of, Hey, you know, is this game going to be created equal? It won’t be right. And that’s the idea is that, you know, unless you know what you’re doing with short term investing. Right. It’s an active style of investing with a skillset. This is not real estate where you put money into a building or a house and you’re expecting cashflow to your bank account,

right? This is based on a skillset. So you actually do have to show up. Now, the difference is this is not day trading. We’re not spending five to eight hours in front of the screens because We’re looking to be surgically precise.

Spending only half an hour to an hour and a half, and we’re extracting points from the market. And what you have to understand is inputs always dictate outputs. So when you can extract points from the markets, those points would translate to profits. [00:07:00] And the beauty of this game is you can actually dial and scale up your skillset as you get better and better.

So that allows you to attract more points and hence more profits. But, you know, a lot of things that we tell our clients is don’t ever look on the back end, right? And just be money oriented. Look at. What is the quality of your trades, right? Because if you know, out of 10 trades that you make, you’re able to be 70%, 80%, 90 percent correct, then you know, for that money will pump.

Tim Melanson: Right on. So I assume that you’ve probably got some tools that you’re using to get some success in your business. So can you share with us some of these tools?

Philip Jayhawk Chan: Absolutely. So tool number one is the asset class that we’re trading. And tool number two is the brokerage that we’re using to trade these asset classes.

Right? So the thing about the futures and commodity financial markets is yes, there is a lot more risk and volatility involved. However, right where we come in as we normalize. These risks into advantages, right? So the main difference with these asset classes, if [00:08:00] you know what you’re doing, not only can you make money when the markets go up, down or sideways, you can actually make money when the markets go down, because it goes down 67 percent faster than when it goes up.

So, for example, Tim, back in 08, when people would freak out because the stock markets would collapse, let’s say if you had a million dollars tied to the stock market, right, and your valuations of those shares also collapse, you’re going to freak out because you’re like, I have no clue how long it’s going to take for the stock markets to come back up, right?

But in futures and commodities specifically with this asset class. You know, that markets will go down 67 percent faster, right? So I don’t know if you’ve ever been to the amusement park, but imagine being next to like rollercoasters and there’s this platform that they sit you at the very top and they dangle you.

And you just don’t know what’s going to happen. And out of nowhere, they drop, right? But I want you to imagine that elevator drop as what I’m describing when I say markets go down 67 percent faster than when it goes up. So if you know what [00:09:00] you’re doing, you can actually sell the market right before it drops.

You’re going to be in profit for those 200 points, which translates to a, you know, pretty hefty cashflow for your bank statement, right?

Because it’s immediately reflected in your trading account. But the idea here is that, you know, with this asset class, not only what can you make money when the markets go up, down or sideways, but when most people are freaking out because the markets are going down or collapsing. We are not, we’re actually impervious and we’re not vulnerable to these things because we know certain things, right?

Like the markets go down 67 percent faster. So you can be a masterful trader and just time the shorts, just enter in a trade right before it drops, right? You see how that will affect you as well. So that’s the tools for success is number one, the asset class that we have chosen. And number two is the brokerage that we’re trading with.

See, if most people who don’t. No, right. About the industry. If they just looked up popular brokerages for the futures and commodity financial [00:10:00] markets, one of the first ones that pop up would be IB interactive brokerage, right? That’s what the name of that thing is called. Now, what they don’t understand is, you know, in order to trade one contractor, the Dow us 30, the minimum right margin is 12, 000 USD.

If you want it to trade one contract of gold and oil respectively on that platform, it’s. 17 and 27, 000 respectively.

Tim Melanson: Hey, rockstar. I hope you’re enjoying this episode of the work at home. Rockstar podcast. my business is creative crew agency. We build websites. Now let’s talk about your website for a minute.

Most people realize that at this point. Day and age, we need a website, but we don’t really know what the website is supposed to do. What I do is I make sure that your website actually accomplishes a goal. Now there are three main goals.

To most websites, number one is to provide information and build credibility. Number two is to schedule some sort of appointment and get them onto a sales call. Number three is to sell something like an e commerce site. Now, when you’re setting your [00:11:00] website, you have to be very mindful that the visitor doesn’t know what to do.

And so you have to provide them with a roadmap that leads them down a path to wherever you want them to go on my website. I want them to be on a free consultation. So that’s why when you go to creative crew agency. com, you’ll see information about scheduling a free consultation. Now for you, I’m going to provide you with an extra link so that you can get your free website audit, go to creative crew agency.

com forward slash free website audit. And schedule an audit with me and I’ll go through your website live and determine what we can do to improve your conversions and make sure that you’re getting the business from your website. Go to creative crew agency. com and we’ll see you there.

Philip Jayhawk Chan: that we use allow our clients to get in on a much lower barrier to entry because to trade the same contracts for the Dow US 30 gold and oil, we’re talking about 500.

And then a thousand and 2, 000 respectively, as opposed to 12, [00:12:00] 27, 000. So a lot of ordinary people can enter this game with much lower barrier to entry.

Tim Melanson: So now I imagine this takes a fair bit of practice to figure out. I mean, I know that I played around, like I say, with some trading platforms way back when, even some simulations that you can learn about too.

this is, I think, totally different than what I was doing, but it really does take some practice to figure out what’s going on. You lose your money real quick. So I’m wondering like, what do you do for practicing? Like, how did you first of all, get good at what you’re doing?

Philip Jayhawk Chan: So first and foremost, the reason why we get our clients profitable is because there is a systematized process, right. In terms of the training that we provide. We’re not just educators educating, right. We’re doers first and we’ve been successful in doing.

And our clients have actually asked us to teach them. So for the past 15 years, our firm has been very successful in garnering returns for high net worth individuals in the form of money management. Right? And because we’ve been able to do it well, a lot of our clients started asking us, Hey, these returns are great, but what if [00:13:00] something were to happen to you?

Right? What if something were to happen where you’re no longer around? That’s where we created this proprietary trading education platform so that individuals, can actually be more independent of us so that they don’t have to just rely on us to do it for them. They can do it themselves. And so the way that we get them profitable,

And I come from a surgery disciplines, I’ll use surgery as example, Tim, I think you and I can agree that there is a fundamental difference between me teaching you surgery and you actually operating on a live patient.

Tim Melanson: Yeah.

Philip Jayhawk Chan: So operating on a live patient is trading the markets with real money.

Alright, so what we do is we make sure that you can prove to us that you can conduct more successful surgeries than non successful surgeries, first and foremost. On a simulated trading education platform, right? Similar to operating on a mannequin patient, making sure you have more winners than losers first, remember the inputs, right out of 10 trades.

How profitable are you? And only when you can demonstrate to us that you have a winning [00:14:00] percentage, do you ever transition to a lot? So we have the learning phase one, right? Where you’re just being a sponge. You’re understanding the language. You’re understanding the patterns that we identify.

You’re understanding the techniques that you should execute on. And you’re just absorbing, right? And then the next thing is you’re actually practicing and you’re trading alongside us. What makes us different is that we actually prove what we teach. We go live and we trade in front of you, right?

So we make money in front of you. We also show you what we’re doing. And so for someone who’s, going through that process, first, they’re learning, they’re understanding what’s going on, and then they can trade alongside us in a simulated manner.

And then once they have proved to themselves and to us that their inputs, are ready for their outputs, because they have more winners than losers, then that’s when they actually transition to a live account. And they trade real money on it.

Tim Melanson: That’s a good idea. Cause I mean, having a little bit of a sandbox is useful, right?

So now it is time for your guest solo. So tell me what’s exciting in your business right [00:15:00] now.

Philip Jayhawk Chan: Oh man. Well, what’s exciting is in this game, you can make money practically every single day, right? But 90 percent margin game. So what I mean by that is if you’re a business owner, let’s say you ran a brick and mortar business in the form of landscaping, in the form of construction, restaurants, right?

Let’s say out of a million dollars of gross profit, you are lucky to net 8 to 15 percent. 20 is like really good. So out of a million, you’re lucky to net 200k, right, on 20 percent. This game is a 90 percent margin game, Tim. And the reason being is the only overhead that you have is the internet connection, your wifi, the laptop in front of you, as well as the brokerage that you’re trading with.

Right. And so if you know what you’re doing, you can really grow and scale this game because this game is based on a skillset and when you grow and scale your skillset, [00:16:00] then you can have more money. And by the way, this skillset you can have for the rest of your life.

In the mornings, when we prove what we teach, when we demonstrate our assets under management skill sets, we’re trading in the hundreds of contracts, but this is a game of ratios, right? So when someone you’re starting, it may start off by mastering one contract. But, you know, they can grow and scale one contract to three to five and then 10 and that 10 contracts, Tim, if you know what you’re doing, 10 contracts is going to equate to 10, 000 USD, right?

And there’s 20 trading days in a month. So if you trade it, if you want it to trade all 20 trading days. Right at 10 contracts a day, which is 10 K a day, you know, that basically turns into a 200 K per month on average, plus minus, right? So just to give you some perspective, you know, that’s what’s possible, right?

And that’s, what’s really exciting, you know, about this game is that it’s a 90 percent margin business model and you can grow and scale it. The more committed, the [00:17:00] more income you’ll be able to generate.

Tim Melanson: Okay. So I’m trying to understand how it works. So now if I’m at the top of that list, like, am I playing this?

Am I playing against everybody else who

Philip Jayhawk Chan: is trading as well? I wouldn’t want you to think about it like that, you know, because that’s not, you need to focus on your own input for someone who’s successful. They’re not worried about what’s going. See, that’s another reason why this game is so great is technical analysis.

This is not fundamental analysis. Like, for example, when you are a shareholder of a stock, right? And you invest into a stock, you’re saying from what I have seen, right? I think this company is going to take off. Okay. But you have to realize you’re not the CEO. You’re not the founder. You’re not the one in direct control of that company.

You’re saying when I say speculator, I think this company is going to take off. So I’m going to invest in it. But remember, this is fundamental analysis. So you’re researching what’s the global economic trends, what’s the interrelated ability of markets, what are the potential strengths and weaknesses of this company,

right? It’s in [00:18:00] front of you with the charts themselves. Okay. That’s why it’s technical analysis. That’s actually why we’ve been able to retire medical professionals, especially radiologists from their careers that they want to, because they’re so good at reading x rays, right?

Normally. So again, the difference here is you don’t need to research like crazy. All you need to know is I need to focus on my accuracy, right? And precision as a trader and the more quality inputs I have, the more winners I will get right. And the more profits I can extract from the markets, right? So what I’m trying to say is like, you know, the interrelated ability of you and the markets and other people is not necessarily, you know, as important because that’s not what is required for me to become successful, right?

It’s more about you. Managing your own emotions, you having the discipline to great with your risk management. So this game, you know, you want to start off, remember it’s a skill set that you can grow and scale. So what we teach is you want to start off with a 1 to 3 risk to reward. [00:19:00] Risking say 5 to make 15, 50 to make 150, 500 to make 1500, right?

But remember, as you grow in scale, the skillset, you can take more risks because you’re getting better. So then you can bump it to one to five and one to 10 in terms of the risk to reward. So at one to 10, you’re risking 10 to make a hundred dollars or 10 points to make a hundred points, I should say.

Right. And by the way, just so you have some background, So one point is 5 off of one contract. 10 points is 50, a hundred points off of one contract. It’s 500. So that’s why when you’re able to, let’s say, get to 10 contracts, that 500, becomes 5, 000 of a hundred points.

And that’s why if you were to extract 200 points from the markets, 10 contracts, that will become 10, 000. You see that, but that’s why you focus on the input, right? How many contracts are [00:20:00] you trading? How many points can you extract realistically? If we don’t talk about the money, we’re just talking about, Hey, Tim, what is your risk to reward?

What is the amount of contracts you’re trading? How many points are you able to extract from the markets day in and day out that’s going to give you some feedback, right? Because not all markets are created equal in terms of the points, different markets, like the NASDAQ is actually, four times more than the Dow US 30.

So at one point it’s not 20, but you want to focus on the Dow US 30 because that’s the starting market for you to master, right?

Tim Melanson: So who would be, I mean, I know you mentioned physicians for sure, but, are there any other sorts of types of personalities that would, you know, just kind of have a head start and be good at this right from the beginning?

Philip Jayhawk Chan: Yeah. Well, so first and foremost, this game is for people who are, you know, open to learning a skill set, right? This is investing based off a skill set. So if you’re someone who’s always been passionate to learn, you want to learn and stack high income skillsets so that you can be in control of your life.

That’s who this is [00:21:00] for, right? At the highest level. Now, in terms of breakdown, we have professionals, business owners. Real estate investors and people looking for a new career opportunity that engage in conversation with us.

Tim Melanson: Well, thank you so much. Now, how do we find out more?

Philip Jayhawk Chan: Yeah. So you can shoot me a message on LinkedIn.

My name is Philip Jay Hawk Chan. And you know, in the show notes, there should also be a talent lead. Link by booking a call with us, you can secure a complimentary two week access to our weekly sessions. So be a, by being an audience of Tim’s podcast, right? What you’re basically going to be able to do is take a sneak peek of our paid client sessions.

We’re teaching as post market analysis, where we break down the futures and commodity financial markets, explaining how things happen and why they happen. While in the mornings, we actually prove what we teach. We go live and we make money in front of you.

So these are typically paid client sessions, but if you book a call with us, we’re going to identify the best two weeks that worked [00:22:00] for you and you can show up and be exposed to this universe at zero obligation.

Tim Melanson: That’s cool. Thank you so much for that. That’s a really, really good, offer for sure.

Thanks, Philip. Of course. Absolutely, Tim. All right. Well, thanks for rocking out with me today. This has been a lot of fun.

Philip Jayhawk Chan: Yeah, man. Appreciate you. And I hope you have a great rest of your day.

Tim Melanson: Awesome. To the listeners, make sure you subscribe, rate, and comment. We’ll see you next time on the Work at Home Rockstar podcast.

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