Empowering Your Business and Team for Ultimate Success with Mike Abramowitz

May 20, 2024 | Assembling The Band, Keeping the Hat Full, PodCast, Season 3, The Jam Room

The Back-Story

Protected time is a set amount of time dedicated to a task without interruptions. In this episode, Mike Abramowitz, co-founder of Better Than Rich, joins Tim and shares his experience of how his business successfully operates and produces good results and profits while he is away. He talks about how to build a system that can buy back your time so that you can spend it on what matters most to you and still produce the desired results. He discusses ensuring that when clients try to get your attention during the protected time, someone from the team can take care of the business. This system allows for a more balanced work-life dynamic and helps prevent burnout. Mike emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and sticking to them to maintain productivity and focus. By implementing these strategies, he has achieved personal and professional success while enjoying time away from the business.

Who is Mike Abramowitz?

Mike Abramowitz is an accomplished author, speaker, coach, and philanthropist who has overcome significant challenges in his life. He has written nine books, 2 of which reached #1 on Amazon, and has been recognized for his efforts to feed people experiencing homelessness through his PB&J for Tampa Bay initiative. Despite facing personal trials, including the premature birth of his son, Mike’s strong business acumen allowed him to achieve financial success while being there for his family. He has since become the co-founder of “Better Than Rich” and has transformed the lives of hundreds of entrepreneurs through his expertise in automation, delegation, and systemization. Mike’s ‘Operator to Owner’ program teaches business owners to streamline business operations and leverage a team of Virtual Assistants. He co-hosts “The Better Than Rich Show” podcast, where he openly shares his journey and offers business insights. Mike’s passion lies in uplifting and serving others, and he is committed to helping individuals uncover their untapped potential.

Show Notes

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In This Episode:
(0:00) Intro
(0:31) The good note
(4:21) What didn’t go as planned
(7:13) Finding the right people
(12:15) Structure and time flexibility
(15:25) Managing cash flow
(23:12) Challenges in working from home
(25:21) How to set up a system to enforce your boundaries
(32:28) What’s exciting in his business right now
(34:45) What AI-powered means
(36:30) What businesses do they work with
(39:01) Where to find Mike
(39:23) Outro


Read Transcript (generated: may contain errors)

Tim Melanson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to today’s episode of the work at home rock star podcast.

I’m excited for today’s guest. He is the co founder of better than rich. Cool name. And what he does is he helps entrepreneurs transition from overwhelmed operators to true business owners, using streamlined systems, delegating to a team of virtual assistants and implementing automation. So super excited to be rocking out today with Mike Bromwitz.

Did I get it right? You got it right. Thanks for having me here, Tim. Awesome. Thank you for being here. Are you ready to rock? I’m ready to rock, man. Let’s do the crowd’s waiting. So we always start off here at a good note. So tell me a story of success in your business that we can be inspired by.

Story of success.

Mike Abramowitz: The good note is. My son was born at one pound, four ounces, and we were in the hospital with him for 254 days. So eight and a half months. And during that time, my wife became a full time medical mom and I was able to have my business run without me during that timeframe and still produce [00:01:00] a quarter million dollars in revenue, six figures in profits.

While we were in the NICU with him for 254 days. And when I got out of the hospital, I was able to turn that really tough season into a gift where my wife was able to leave her corporate position to become a full time medical mom. And I was able to teach other people, other business owners, how to do what I did, which is to build a business that had systems and team and tech that can buy back my time.

So that way I could spend that time on what mattered most to me, which is being present with the family. And now I’ve been able to help hundreds of other business owners do the exact same, which is to help them buy back time from their business. So I would say it’s kind of a, it’s everything that I’ve been doing for the last few years, which is to help myself and also my fellow business owners.

So they’re no longer the bottlenecks, and, they could have a business system that can create predictable results.

Tim Melanson: Wow, Mike, that’s amazing. [00:02:00] Question, did all these systems and all that, did that come out of like necessity because you had to be in hospital or was that already something that you were doing and you just sort of leveraged it?

Mike Abramowitz: It’s a good question. Without getting into all the weeds of everything, I’ll give a short rundown of the story. So just so there’s a little bit of context and then you could ask like the specifics, but the short of it is I wanted to retire early. so I bought my first house when I was 20.

I had three rental properties. And by the time I graduated college, because I was married to my business, I was in a relationship seven years and it ended because I was so immersed into the business. So when I met my now wife, when we started dated 2014, I said, I really need to like remove myself from the business and work from home and be more present father and a husband.

So I hired a business coach. He had an experience in India, scaling a company from 6 million to 30 million and had a team of 1400. So when he came back to the States, he started teaching business owners how to corporatize their business. I was his first client and his student in [00:03:00] 2016. So from 2016 through really COVID, it was all building these systems, offshore virtual assistance, team technology, installing CRM and learning management softwares, all these things that were really taboo and direct sales industry that it was in.

But we started putting all those things in place and then COVID hit and it was like, boom, all systems go, we provided over a thousand jobs. We did 2. 5 million in sales that year. We were doing a hundred thousand dollars sales weeks. I took an 18 day road trip. And then the circumstance happened with my son, I was able to completely remove myself from the business and still have the business run in a profitable fashion without me there and we still produce great results.

And that’s kind of like the or the short version of the origin. Yeah, that got me to. Be able to remove myself.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, okay, so yes, you were already on the path, which is great. I mean, that, that means without

Mike Abramowitz: knowing, without

Tim Melanson: knowing the circumstances. Yeah, exactly. So [00:04:00] you kind of got a bit of a test test of what you had been doing to see if it actually would work.

And it did, right? That’s exactly right. Wow. Okay. Now, along with the good dough, sometimes things don’t go as planned. So, you know, there must’ve been some hiccups going on during that time. I’m wondering, can you share with us some things that didn’t go as planned and how we could recover from it if it happens to us?

Mike Abramowitz: Well, absolutely. So mom passed when I was 20 and I used her life insurance money to buy my second home, my first home. And when I was 20 and my second home at 22. I was working with Cutco Kitchen Knives, selling Cutco through college.

And I advanced into management, but then 2008 was when I got crushed. So the market collapsed and I lost all three properties. I was negative 130, 000 in debt. I had a 400 credit score and I was near bankrupt. So it was a really tough season. And then, I had unhealthy eating habits.

Like I didn’t really want to get off the couch. Like it was a really, really challenging season [00:05:00] and. All I could do was just try to work my way out of it. I was making like 50 to 75, 000 a year, but it was like. 24 seven, it wasn’t like a nine to five. It was like 24 seven every day on call answering my phone, trying to lock down clients and sell cut go.

I was working on recruiting all the, you know, my sales team and then coaching my sales reps. It was just like, I was constantly the bottleneck of everything. And it made it challenging to create anything that could be sustainable beyond that season. So it was really

Tim Melanson: Well, that is challenging.

I like the way you keep using the word season. I think that’s valuable. The way that you say that instead of, you know, sort of just understanding that the season will end, right. And we’ll, we’ll end up in another season.

Mike Abramowitz: Yeah. So spring always follows winter. And for me, that spring was when I went to a Tony Robbins event and circa 2012.

I walked across fire. I’m a 7 time fire Walker now. And when he said at that event, my mess is my message. I realized all of the stuff I was going through my [00:06:00] 20s. It was like, man, I could turn this into a gift and teach other people how to do something different. So, during that chapter, that season of life, when I was planting seeds for my spring, I spent 300 hours speaking to the school district in Pinellas County, Florida.

To teach what is my mess and what is my message and help me craft that and that turned into my first book, grab tomorrow your best year ever, which led to nine books and I was speaking and writing and doing like book signing. It was like, awesome was a really again, a really great season, but it didn’t give me time freedom.

I was still working my tail off in my cut, go office business by direct sales business. Now I just added this other layer of complexity of. Writing and speaking to the mix. So that’s when I hired my business coach. I was like, all right, what I’m doing is just, it’s just not sustainable.

Tim Melanson: Well, let’s talk a little bit more about the band then. So, you know, you mentioned a coach and you’re also like training and hiring sales reps. Like what is it that’s important to you, when you think about. surrounding yourself with the right people.

Mike Abramowitz: Well, [00:07:00] during my career with direct sales, after 20 years, I ended up training over 5, 000 people how to sell the product line, that produced just under 20 million in sales.

I have a lot of experience with interviewing and hiring and training and recruiting when it came to bringing on my like internal staff and my internal team, that was a similar strategy, but slightly different. So I would put it processes in place where. we would run private one on ones as a screening process.

First, it would be a phone call. Then it’d be a private one on one, typically in our office, that’s switched to Zoom, and then it would be a group evaluation with qualified candidates to see who’s the most qualified, and then a private one on one to make a final decision. Very lengthy process of recruiting and finding the right people.

So I took a version of that and systemized. Having them fill out a form, having them watch a video, having them send information to me, giving like test projects. So that way I can see who was most [00:08:00] qualified, who were most committed to the process, and I would pay them for the test project. From that pool of candidates, that’s who I would bring onto my band.

So I would make sure that I would qualify them and pre qualify them before I even spent time with them. Then I would spend time with them. So that way I was only spending my time with the most qualified, most committed candidates. That’s how I built my initial team. I had a team of maybe 15 to 16 individuals that were not local, just virtual assistants, some stateside, some offshore.

I think it’s important just to kind of capture Tim. Like I went to Fiverr and Upwork initially to try to find this band, these people. But the challenge was it took me so much time to find qualified people who are reliable, who could work, you know, That was a little bit of a challenge, but it was low costs.

So then I went full tilt the other way where I paid an agency 2, 500 bucks to find me a qualified, talented person. But it didn’t have like processes and systems in place for that person. So I had paid all this money, but they weren’t [00:09:00] doing a lot of the stuff. And then eventually this person was bottlenecked with 15 to 16 different projects and tasks that had her do.

So then I went to indeed and put this built out this process to hire this internal staff. So there’s a lot of. Growing pains that came with adding talent to my organization for me to be able to be freed up so I can again, buy back my time so I can spend my time on sales strategy, strategic partnerships, brand development.

Like, these are the types of things building more verticals, higher ticket offerings. those are the types of things that I needed to be spending my time on and I couldn’t be spending my time on all the administrative or. Some of those lower value tasks that I could pay someone else to do.

Tim Melanson: Wow. Very well.

Like, you know, I, I do like that story cause it does demonstrate how much actual thought went into in finding people. Cause I know that when, I mean, you go to Upwork or, and it just looks like it’s easy. Oh, look at all these qualified people. And it ends [00:10:00] up being a little bit more challenging than that.

Right. You know, and even going to an agency still was a bit of a challenge. So you really do have to have some really good onboarding and, you know, suction processes in place. And it sounds like you figured that out eventually, right?

Mike Abramowitz: Yeah, eventually, eventually. Correct. So it’s, it’s made a world of a difference.

I mean, now with our better than rich company. We just took a lot of what I did, a lot of the experience with my business partner. He was, by the way, he was my coach and now he’s my business partner. So that was the little piece of that story.

I said, do you think we teach people how to do this? He said, let’s find out. So that was the birthplace of what we’re doing. And now we have a team of. 35 to 40 people on our team. And since 2021 in the fall of building out what we are doing now and helping business owners buy back time. It’s been really an amazing journey, but I think that for somebody listening.

The most important part of surrounding yourself around really good people is to know what are your standards, what are those expectations, because people will [00:11:00] fall and rise to those standards and to those expectations. People like working for us because we have this structured flexibility.

We have these meeting cadences. Structured, flexible environment with standards and expectations. It’s not just like show up and work whenever you want. And I think that’s sometimes what the business owner neglects to do because they’re like, Oh, they’ll just work. I trust them that they’ll get their stuff done.

So you want to have high quality talent, raising them in a healthy environment. That’s one of the things that’s important.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Wow. Well, and people just generally are contradictions. Like we want freedom and we also. Structure the same time. Right. And so, you know, you got it nailed. I think you’ve got to have something that people understand what they’re doing.

Cause I think that’s a big problem in a lot of situations where you’re trying to bring on people under your team. You’re not really super clear about what they’re supposed to be doing. Right. And then, then you got like people just, that’s not my job type people, right? You know, [00:12:00] versus, you know, the other part of it is that, yeah, I mean, I think really high talent people like the flexibility they want to be productive and they like to be able to do it on their own time as well too.

Mike Abramowitz: Yeah, absolutely. And that’s part of that onboarding process is getting clear of like, what are their expectations too? It’s like, what would make this an awesome place for you to work? Like, I don’t want to go through all this onboarding and interviewing and training and through the entire process with you.

And then you are, it’s almost like, let’s get married, but you’re also going to start dating other people on the side. I want you to be committed to me. I want to be committed to you. Let’s make sure that our values are in check and all those expectations are clear.

Cards on the table. What are all the advancement opportunities? What are the opportunities for compensation? What are the opportunities for growth? Personal growth and professional growth. Like I want to make sure they know all of that we’re going to offer to them, which means I have to get clear as the business owner of what am I offering to these individuals?

And it’s important because even if someone is starting an admin, [00:13:00] well, they could eventually climb out to be like an account manager where they have a team of admin underneath them as an example. And then from like an account manager, then maybe we could give them coaching on specialized skills. So there’s opportunities for them to grow within the company.

I think it’s really important to note that if someone’s a solopreneur and they’re just by themselves right now, that they should get a resource called buy back your time by Dan Martell. It’s a fantastic playbook, highly recommend it. And he talks about the replacement ladder being administrative as the first thing to offload, then marketing and client success or fulfillment.

Those two interchange, then sales, then leadership. It’s a really, really great resource to help you start getting in the mind of what can be delegated. And one of the things that I could do it at the end, but I have a gift that I’ll give to people who maybe they don’t want to take the time to read, you know, a 250 or 300 page book.

I created a workbook that can really support these business owners and just go through the workbook to figure out what are their low value activities? What [00:14:00] is their dollar per hour wage? What is their high value activities that they could do with that time, how they could offload some of those low value tasks and replace it with a high value.

And we can get to that at the end, but I just want to make sure that to make that available as a resource for some people who want it.

Tim Melanson: Nice. I was going to mention that. So, Dan Martell is actually from Moncton. I live in Moncton. This is, oh, nice.

Mike Abramowitz: impressive.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, it was super impressive.

And it was like, wow, this is a really, really good book. And I’ve mentioned it a few times too. It’s like, not just because he’s from my hometown. Actually, it’s a really good book. it is fantastic. So let’s talk a little bit about the, you know, the keeping the hat full, the cashflow situation here.

Because, you know, of course, all this is going to take time, but it’s also going to take some money too. And how do you sort of, you know, make sure that you’re going to make more money than you’re spending?

Mike Abramowitz: Well, it’s a good question. Number one is every single month, I look at dollars in and I look at dollars out.

So every single month I’ve done this for, I used to hire someone to do the bookkeeping. And then [00:15:00] eventually I took it over because it was like, I was being not reckless, but because I wasn’t the one manually doing the numbers, I was like, all right, I’m being, I want to be a little bit more cognizant of dollars in versus dollars out.

I took it over. I hired someone in 2014. I took it over 2017. I did it myself all the way up until like 2023 in the summer. I finally let go of that because it was like, all right, somebody else could do this for me. But dollars in versus dollars out is really critical for business owner. Every single dollar that’s number one, as far as cashflow, when my business partner and I, we use other people’s money all the time and OPM.

All right. So other people’s money, we sell the thing and then use the money that they’re paying us from the presale to fund the thing. So I’ll give you a few examples here. Number one, when we partnered up September, 2021, we said, let’s host an event. So great. We posted, we decided to do our first coming out party of an event.

We called it. Finding your [00:16:00] purpose. We thought this is what the marketplace wanted to hear what wanted to learn. So we put it, booked a thing in Mexico, but we didn’t book it yet. We just said, we’re doing something in Mexico. As soon as we sold the first ticket for 5 grand, we took the 5 grand and booked.

The Airbnb in Mexico, then we sold the next one, 5 grand next one. We ended up filling the space with our goal of 20 people. We filled up the space with our 20 people using their money to fund the experience. And on the back end, while we had them there, we said, okay, maybe there’s an offer here for continued service.

On the other end, the challenge was. There wasn’t a good offer on the back end of finding your purpose because everyone that was there was like, this was amazing. We had an unbelievable experience. They feel so fulfilled, but they’re like, I don’t have time. I got to go back to my business. So then we did another event in March, 2022 called business mastery.

Same thing. Same strategy. Fill the space. 20 people, five grand a pop. On the other end had an offer that offer on the other end was, can my [00:17:00] virtual assistants do work for you? I was like, let’s find out. So I made a beta test offer. I said, I’ll do this with five of you, 10 of them raised their hands. I was like, all right, let’s find out if my virtual assistants can work for you at a very reduced rate.

That was the starting place of our AI powered virtual assistant services that we now have like 70 clients using. But that’s where it started.

We said, let’s take this 10 invested and turn it into 30. How could we do it? We paid for click funnels and sales pages. We built a masterclass and started talking and teaching and doing guesting. And we built a mini course on the back end of this. We filled it with 106 people. It was five days, one hour a day, 106 people bought it for 29.

And on the back end had a higher ticket offer for a five to 10, 000 offer called operator owner. And we have 31 people sign up out of the 106 per operator owner. And now is going into 2023. So this is just an idea of use it, leveraging [00:18:00] other people’s money, but that it’s not just taking their money. It’s providing a tremendous amount of value.

So that way they want to continue to create a partnership with you and generate MRR monthly reoccurring revenue. we did right right at 200 K our 1st year, which was 2022 and then 2023 last year.

We did right at 600 K. And right now. Just through March, we are, pacing steadily towards 7 figures for this year. So far, as long as we keep the trajectory up the way we are. So, and we created a foundation of somewhere around 50 to 65, 000 and monthly recurring revenue. And that’s the name of the game.

So now that we have like that baseline. Now it’s just adding extra logs in that fire to get it to 100k per month. Wow, I love that.

Marc Mawhinney: Hi, it’s Mark Mawinney from Natural Born Coaches, and I want to give two very big thumbs up to Tim Melanson and his Creative Crew Agency. I have been using them for a long time, [00:19:00] and I am 100 percent happy.

They get the job done right. They’re fast and they let me focus on my business. I don’t have to worry about anything. So again, I want to give them two very big thumbs up. I have no problem recommending them. I don’t give testimonials for everyone because my name is attached to it, but I gladly do so for Tim and the Creative Crew Agency.

So use them. You won’t regret it and good luck.

Tim Melanson: I think that there’s like a lot of Psychological value to doing it that way as well. Like number one is that when somebody like oftentimes or sometimes someone can spend tons of time trying to build something. Before they sell it and then find out that nobody wants it.

So in your way, you’re like, okay, well, if someone pays me the money for it, well, then I know that this is something that’s valuable. I know I can sell this, you know? So it gives you a little bit more proof of concept so that like, I think that that’s amazing, but also having a deadline [00:20:00] too, now you’ve just sold something.

They paid money for it and you have a date, right? That they’ve just paid for. So you’re going to, okay, I got to work now to get that because people do like deadlines. I think that work tends to expand to the time you give it to get done. Right? Oh, absolutely.

Mike Abramowitz: And that’s why you got to have fans, right? The marketing, right?

You gotta, you gotta double down on that and really making sure we, we, by the way, Alex Ramosi, hundred million dollar leads, fantastic book. Just leveraging your warm personal networks with one to one and one to many and then doing cold we did we still to this day We barely barely do any cold marketing other than like podcast guesting, but it’s still warm I mean we are very much still on we’ve built we will be a seven figure company with zero ad Spend or cold marketing.

It’s all been organic Through adding value to the marketplace through warm networks.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, I’ve never spent any money on ads in my business as well.

Mike Abramowitz: I’m not saying it’s the [00:21:00] way, but I think it’s important for someone not know like cash flow as long as you’re adding value and solving problems in the marketplace.

You can add value and leverage other people’s money to fund the business without spending an over leveraging yourself too much is at least what we’ve realized with our current business, better than rich.

So the more we sell, the more money I would make. So I would make sure that the business decisions I was making on hiring this talent, I would come up with compensation structures that were directly correlated To profits, I wouldn’t pay people by the hour.

It was almost like a profit share, but not like a specific profit share.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. I love that right on. So let’s talk a little bit about, I mean, you’ve been working from home for quite a while now. So there are some challenges to your jam room, to the places where you find in your house to work. Tell me some of something about that.

Mike Abramowitz: Well, I think having a sacred space is important. So I have my home office, and I think having that protected space is important, but also having the [00:22:00] time, the boundaries of time is really important. So it was a ramp to get to where I’m at now, but where I’m at now is nine to four Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and then nine to two on Friday.

That is protected time where I work in the business. That’s where people can hop on my calendar. I have different events for people to book with me. That is intentional time. Monday is personal day where I could do whatever the hell I want. If I want to work on strategy, if I want to work on myself, I rented a Harley and that’s why I got so sunburned.

I rode up the coast here in Florida. Mornings are my personal time. I usually dedicate that time to taking care of our son and taking him to school. He’s been thriving recently, Evenings are with the family. Saturday, I give my wife a day to where I hang out with my son.

I have a daddy day with my son and give her a little bit of a break. And Sundays we do a family day. We just had our newborn. She’s three months old now. So it’s kind of threw a little bit of a wrinkle, but that was the schedule. So I created these boundaries around that and built a ramp towards that to have personal time and.

Have these [00:23:00] blocks of times where I’m working on the business versus working in the business versus working with myself. And then I create a communication guidelines around this. So that way everyone in my life knows this is when I’m available and this is when I’m not. No one interrupts me on Mondays.

Why? Because they know that I’m not available. I come back to my Slack. I come back to my inboxes and I’m like, okay, cool. Then I’ll have communication guidelines in place for each of those as well. But I think it’s important for someone to know if you want to work from home. And want to make sure that you’re not working 24, seven, having those boundaries in place is going to be really, really important, not just for space, but also time.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, I agree. Okay. So then let’s start at the beginning. Like, let’s just say that you are, you’ve realized you’ve listened to this bunch and you’re like, okay, I need to create some boundaries in my life. And these are my hours. Now, I assume that people are not going to get it right away. So what do you do to make sure that you can stick to that without like.

Mike Abramowitz: offending everybody in your life. So it’s one conversation at a [00:24:00] time and one technology at a time. So you could start with your inbox. If you don’t have a virtual assistant managing your inbox for you, which I recommend, we can have a conversation around it. But the number one is just use your out of office reply, right?

That’s something simple. I’m not available right now. Just like you go on vacation. If you have a doctor’s appointment, you go on vacation. How do you say, how does somebody set up. Their communication. I’m not available. Your phone is on airplane mode. The moment that you respond or pick up is the moment you are sending a message to the other person that you’re available.

So, if we react, We are letting them know I’m available. If we don’t react, we’re not available. However, we don’t want to lose business. So therefore if prospects or clients or you are trying to get your attention, you want to make sure there’s some sort of system in place where when they try to get your attention, ideally it’s not live calls.

So if you are in a position where all of your communication is through live calls, they call me, they get my attention. I think about a real estate agent. [00:25:00] They call me to get my attention. You got to create a buffer around that. Make sure you hire an assistant. You know, can answer that call for you.

There’s some sort of buffer there. You don’t want to lose business here, but the moment you pick up the phone during that protected time is the moment that person knows that you are available. I highly recommend you got to have some sort of rigidity with these boundaries. And if someone is out of bounds, you got to let them know they’re out of bounds.

The next conversation you have with them, not that conversation. So if someone calls me on a Monday, I just don’t pick up. I just don’t pick up. I mean, it’s, if you have space in the schedule in the mornings, if someone tries to call, I just don’t answer.

The bigger thing is if I lose that protected space of working on the business, I’m going to miss out on the strategy, the strategic partnerships, the sales, the other opportunities. The lifestyle, the quality time with my wife, my kids, and things that are most important to me. Because whenever we say yes to one thing, we’re saying no to something else.

So [00:26:00] if we’re saying yes to picking up the phone, we’re saying no to being present with whatever it is that we initially were going to do. So we gotta keep that in mind. We don’t want to lose things, but we also want to make sure we’re gaining things as well.

Create boundaries around that shit too. just, it’s pretty much anything. That’s okay, if you want to scroll and do social media, just do it at a designated time. It’s like, this is the only time. Gaps are traps. If you fill a gap, you’re like, oh, I got 15 minutes, let me just wait till my next meeting.

It’s like, ah, there could be a productivity thing that you could do during those 15 minutes if it’s designed correctly. I could talk about this a lot. but I just think it’s important, just more of a psychological shift that someone has to have when you’re working from home to avoid working, quote, unquote, working all the time and being in reaction mode, be productive, be proactive during set times.

And then the other times that you’re not working in the business have designated time where you’re working on the business, where you’re not working on the business or in the business, then you are off. What does off mean? You’re [00:27:00] working on relationships, you’re working on yourself. You’re working on fun, your Fs, your faith, your family, your fun, your friends, those things that are important to your fitness on business, in business, your Fs, right?

Tim Melanson: Love the link. And you know what I can add to that is that, agree with everything you say and actually implemented it. On the occasions when I was like, Oh, you know, I really want this client. Maybe I’ll answer now, those clients end up being a real big pain in the butt, because if they can’t handle, not having a phone call on your sacred time or whatever that happens to be like, just even just for the sales call, whole project is going to end up being on that J you know, bit of an exaggeration.

But really, you know, if they can’t handle working within your time, then it’s probably going to end up leading into your time the entire time through the project. So, you know, you probably don’t want that client, wouldn’t it be better to save that space for a client that can work with you?

[00:28:00] During your work time, right? 100%.

Mike Abramowitz: Yeah, it’s painful. Like it stings. I just quote unquote fired a client like we just fired a client 8000 bucks. It’s just like we could not I took my family. I was out of town for a day. I communicated. I was out. She’s like, you didn’t respond. You were going to hold me accountable.

And then you weren’t there. I can’t do this. This is I’m like, You’re right. This was not the agreement. We established agreements. And this is someone who missed two coaching calls with me. So it’s like they weren’t following their end of the agreement. But when I wasn’t at their back and call for that one time and they stood me up twice.

It’s like no deal. Here’s your money back. It’s not a win win. It’s either a win win or no deal. Here’s your money back. And that’s okay to do when you’re in business, you can fire clients. If you have people that are not going to bring you energy, you do not need to be desperate for that money, because you’re going to attract the people that you want and repel the people that you don’t want.

When you know, when [00:29:00] you have clarity and you understand those standards, it’s tough when you’re in scarcity. I was there in my twenties. Like I would say yes to anything who was going to pay me. You’ll pay me again. I’ll do it. Yes. But my coach really helped me understand that every time I was saying yes to those things, I was compromising.

There was that compromise and I was out of integrity with myself and I couldn’t really lead a successful organization. And that’s helped me 10x, way more than 10x the type of results and revenue and everything that goes with it.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And if you can really start to convince yourself that when, when things are not working out with a certain client, because of whatever, like, I always just sort of go, okay, well, for some reason, the universe does not want me to be in a relationship with that client.

I’m going to have to assume that there’s a reason for that. And, you know, they’re not in alignment with me and I just like, let it go. You know, you’re just getting started. You need the money. So you’ll take on an end client. And, you know, I would say, you know, to anybody who’s listening, you know, if that’s how you’re feeling, do it.

But you’ll keep in mind that you’re going to learn that [00:30:00] lesson at client probably. So, you know, it is what it is. You know, sometimes you have to just experience it for yourself to realize that. A lot of these people that have been through it are all saying the same thing. We’re all saying, no, no, no, no.

You’re going to find out that lesson, whether you find it out yourself or whether you just listen to your coach. Right?

Mike Abramowitz: Yeah, it’s true.

Tim Melanson: So it’s time for your guest. So tell me what’s exciting your business right now.

Mike Abramowitz: Well, right now we are, I alluded to before, and I’d love to give this as a gift because it’s something I’m really excited about.

And I know this, when this airs, I might not be doing it personally, but so one of my teams still will be. We’re doing free 90 day delegation planning sessions for market research to help us as a company figure out what are the struggles that business owners have. And in return, we’re giving them a workbook and giving a 30 to 40 minute.

90 day delegation planning session to help them offload all the low value tasks. So that way we can figure out how do we add value to the marketplace? So I’ve been doing this so far with this right out to March 26. This [00:31:00] is what I’ve been doing five to 10 times a week, every single week of this year so far.

And on the other end of it, we do have a service. Our service is AI powered virtual assistants where we will install a team. To go into somebody’s business and do all of their administrative, social media, inbox, management, podcast, production, voice work, calendar, management, data entry, CRM management.

They’re all powered by AI, and we will put them into someone’s business if they’re depending on what their task lists and their needs are. But these delegation planning sessions that we’re doing is to help the business owner figure out what are those, what is their target dollar per hour? What are the low value tasks?

What are the high value tasks? And then it’s like, once we have that awareness, Hey, our team can handle the low value for you if you’re a good fit. If you’re not a good fit, we won’t even present it. We’ll just say, Hey, now that you know, let’s get that stuff offloaded during the next 90 days so you can buy back your time.

So that’s what I’m focused on. That’s what we’re doing. And someone could take me up on that. It’s [00:32:00] better than rich. com slash 90 day plan, nine zero day plan. It’s just bringing me a lot of energy to help and pick up parts of people’s businesses and just try to help them figure out these are areas that you as the business owner do not need to do.

You got to let go of control of those things. And these are the parts of the business that need your genius that only you can do, we got to make sure that you’re dedicating that time there. So that’s, that’s what I’m focused on. And that’s been really rejuvenating me during this season right now where I’m at.

Tim Melanson: Oh, so I have a question about what that means, AI powered, I mean, that your team installs AI tools or they manage those tools or it’s a combination of the two.

Mike Abramowitz: a couple of examples, like if someone needs podcast production, our team understands AI on how to pull the podcast, make sure it’s chopped up.

You know, pull the clips, create reels, captions, all of that leveraging AI, so that way it could be done efficiently and also with [00:33:00] quality for inbox management, they will do my writing style how to write as me. And how to respond to emails in an effective way if they’re doing social media content, calendar creation, using social media, any commenting or inbox or lead generation messaging outbound messaging.

We use AI to figure out the brand guidelines and who the avatar is that we’re speaking to and writing for and then, what is the writing style that we want the business owner to be using so that way a human. Is using the A. I. versus just plugging A. I. in because A. I. sometimes is, too robotic.

I. to go do all this for me without the human sometimes like vetting it or clicking some buttons or putting in the right place. Sometimes the A. I. could be a little reckless. So that’s why we say A. I. powered virtual assistants because. They’re using AI as a tool. It’s almost like having, a shovel, AI is the shovel, but you need that human to make sure that the shovel is like being used effectively.

And that’s essentially what we created. Love it.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And [00:34:00] that’s exactly how I use it too. I, I call it AI power. I use AI a lot, but you’re right. It doesn’t do it on its own. You need that human that’s going to interact. So that’s really cool the way, the way you do that for sure. Another quick question.

Is this, just anything that a business owner has? Like it, could it be as small or as big? Yeah,

Mike Abramowitz: I mean, our goal is to be the provider for business owner. Like our number one client uses 320 hours a month, Ben, and that’s our goal is to grow with a business owner. So as their tasks grow, we have a monthly subscription model with.

Team of 35 to 40 specialists on the backend that can handle some stuff with an account manager. So like a client just says, all right, account manager. I need my social media done. I need my video editing done. I need my administrative, my CRM. And it’s just like a one stop shop where the client reports to one person, but then there’s a team of doers behind that account manager is getting all of that administrative data.

That’s how I operate. So like, for example. Hey, account [00:35:00] manager, me say, I want to get on podcasts, go get me on podcasts. Here’s a, you know, go find a list of podcast hosts that are in our, in the niche. I want to get into great. Somebody is doing the data entry, finding those podcasts hosts. Then somebody else go email all these people, give them a rating and review and go spotlight those people, give them some value.

Email those hosts saying, Hey, I think Mike Brown, which should be a really good guest on the show. And that’s how I’m here right now. So there’s a process behind using the AI powered VAs to write and to reach out and a prospect. That buys me my time. So that way, all I’m doing is I’m showing up.

Wherever I’m booked. So I have a team of like 14 or 15 people behind me that is managing all of my administrative marketing, lead gen, a lot of that for me as me, just not by me. So that way all I’m doing is I’m doing like 90 day delegation planning sessions for market research. I’m doing podcast guesting.

I have my own [00:36:00] podcast show. And, working with our top tier clients, which is what is the only place that Mike and Ken be. At the moment, so I’m spending my time in that genius. Well, I have a team around me that can support as me just as good as me. And Dan Martell says book 80 percent done by somebody else is a hundred percent awesome.

And that’s essentially, what I love to try to teach to as many people as possible. Build out predictable playbooks and processes, and then install AI powered VAs into your business, and you could truly buy back a lot of time and have some time freedom.

Tim Melanson: It’s an excellent idea, Mike. Okay, so tell me, where can we find you?

Mike Abramowitz: I would say better than rich. com slash 90 day plan. that goes directly to me right now. better than rich. com slash nine zero day plan. And we will, we’d love to help wherever we can. Well, awesome. Thank you so

Tim Melanson: much for rocking out with me today, Mike.

This has been a lot of fun. Yeah. Thanks for having me, Tim. Awesome. To the listeners, make sure you subscribe, rate, and comment. We’ll see you next time on the workers home [00:37:00] rockstar podcast.

Intro: Thanks for listening to learn how you can become a work at home rockstar or become a better one.

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