Live Pain-Free Through Osteopathy with Sylvain Mancuso

Jun 12, 2023 | Assembling The Band, Gathering Fans, Learning from the Best, PodCast, Season 3

The Back-Story

After studying physiotherapies and working with many rugby, football, and basketball teams, Sylvain Mancuso pursued his studies in Osteopathy in a 5-year course that allowed him to develop his expertise in understanding the causes of pathologies.

Sylvain has 20 years of experience; he studied osteopathy after his physiotherapy degree in France. He came to Canada 10 years ago. He is now working to bring the highest level of care.

He always says, “The symptom is the visible part of the iceberg. We need to find the root cause to provide long-term relief.”

Show Notes

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In This Episode:
[0:00] Intro
[0:23] The good note: A story of success
[3:48] The bad note: What didn’t work out and how he recovered from it
[9:10] The importance of recharging to avoid burnout
[13:08] How to gather the right people and delegate tasks
[20:30] How does he learn from the best?
[31:21] On accountability
[35:23] What’s exciting in his business right now?
[42:19] How to find Sylvain
[44:33] Outro


Read Transcript
Sylvain Mancuso: [00:00:00] Are you a work at home rockstar or do you dream of becoming one? Then you found the right podcast. Your host, Tim Melanson, talks with successful work at home rock stars to learn their secrets and help you in your journey. Are you ready to rock?

Tim Melanson: Here’s Tim. Hello and welcome to today’s episode of the Work at Home Rockstar podcast.

Very excited for today’s episode. We are speaking with the c e O of Monzo Clinic. And realign. And what he does is he helps people fighting pain to better their everyday lives. Very excited to be rocking out today with You’re ready to rock.

Sylvain Mancuso: I’m ready to work every day.

Tim Melanson: Perfect. Well, we always start off here in a good note.

So tell me a story of success in your business or your life that we can be inspired by.

Sylvain Mancuso: Um, you know, in the past 20 years I was field theist and, uh, I’m still back now in, uh, in new Brunwick and, um, helping people. I think, I can’t really give a specific story, but really helping people [00:01:00] in their everyday life.

It’s a big thing, you know, when someone is coming in the clinic and. Um, living without Pain was, uh, one of the best things. But if I can say a story a few years ago, uh, I went to, uh, Peru for Mandatory Mission. And uh, there was a guy, a patient came here, it was free for a week. You know, people can come for free.

And it was really interesting cause I, I was reconnecting with, um, the deep core of, but, you know, taking care of people, you know, not. Just, uh, a comfort things, but really take care of issue, you know? And this guy has no smell since 10 years. You know, he can’t smell anything. And, um, the physician was organize all the session, bring me this patient and say, okay, can you do something?

And, uh, We do, I do all the assessment and all that, do all the techniques. And uh, after only one session, he was smelling again and he is [00:02:00] faced when the physician came with, uh, I think alcohol on, on, on the, on the tissue and he has to the guy, you smell it and the guy was almost crying and say, yes, you know.

And was, you know, I eat something and I still touch me when I think about it. It’s really something that, uh, yeah, was incredible. The, the feeling to really change the life of someone was, uh, was very good. And the fun things on that is the next day there was a line of people thought of orphanage. Yeah. To say, saying, Hey, we want to see, uh, this magic guy, you know, because he did miracle with our friend.

We need to see him too, you know, and was, uh, was really nice to really, uh, impact life. And I think it’s something that I like with my, my work. Uh, I’m not working as a therapist anymore. You know, my team is taking care of patient, but. It’s, uh, really that, you know, impacting life, uh, in the good way. Not changing, you [00:03:00] know, when, when you can’t do anything all day.

Or, I remember one patient, he, he couldn’t, his life was in the wood, you know, he liked cutting wood and he came in sessions and he was feeling way better and he could cut the wood again, you know, and it was like a Christmas morning for him, you know, because, hey, I can go back to, in the wood. And I’m enjoying life again.

And I think it’s, you know, it’s part of the success I can share with my, uh, my story as a Trappist.

Tim Melanson: Wow, that’s amazing. Wow. Yeah, like, I mean, those, uh, you see every once in a while the videos of people that can’t hear and all of a sudden they can hear and people that can’t smell it. Like, it’s just, it would be so emotional to just be in that room.

Eh, that’s so cool. Yeah.

Sylvain Mancuso: You know, it was, uh, wasn’t nice. It’s nice. It’s part of the, of the, of the job, and I, I really like that. Yeah,

Tim Melanson: it’s too bad there wasn’t a switch where I could turn my smelling off. Sometimes though,

Sylvain Mancuso: that’s, that’s possible. Maybe some, uh, maybe [00:04:00] session to clean a few things, you know?


Tim Melanson: exactly. Uh, okay, so now with the good note, sometimes there’s things that don’t go as planned and, you know, I’m wondering if you could share me something, you know, that just was a bad note, something that just didn’t work out, and how you recovered

Sylvain Mancuso: from him, uh, two years ago. Uh, You know, I, I always try to grow my business.

You know, I was a theist working by my own and I thought I want to grow and expand, you know, and, um, I think I didn’t learn, when I came in Canada, I was thinking that my practice will be full, uh, the first, and it took six months to begin to really have a flow of patients. And I had my clinic in, um, I had someone working with me.

It was working pretty well and. And you know, I look at the map of New Brunswick and say, okay, where I can bring new, because everyone is looking for an, but no one is knowing exactly what we do, you know? And, uh, [00:05:00] I said, okay, let’s go to Sanja, you know, and I hire a French, apart from, from France, bringing here all the immigration stuff he can, uh, at the house in Monton for a week.

I bring him to Sanja, put all that together. Then he can really begin to settle down and was a. No patient just not working. And um, I think the biggest mistake is I was not around. And, um, when it took a lot of time, it was in the covid time, I think was not the best decision to try to open something else.

At this time, you know, uh, people were scared to go anywhere because, you know, it was just reopen in November and December. Everyone was scared to catch the covid and they can’t do the family, uh, gathering, you know, and, um, this guy was very good guy, but, um, I, I didn’t choose enough his human [00:06:00] needs, you know, uh, significant certain of connection, all that.

And he had some certain, uh, human needs that. It was not really, uh, it was not the good guy to put by himself. A French guy in an English city, you know, was very challenging for him. And, uh, in March he left, you know, and I shut down. Um, and I shut down Sanja because, you know, I, I, I was going one time a week, but.

You can’t really grow a business if you are not around. If you don’t go to see other people, you don’t. You really need to grow your network and all that. Um, I, you know, I didn’t look at the. At the map of Saint John, say, okay, where are the people who can really afford to pay for osteo? It’s covered by insurance, but you need to have people to be able to pay for it, you know?

And, um, all that together was one of my big crash. You know, he left in March, the other [00:07:00] osteopath who was working with me, uh, in June, left two. And I was just alone by myself against, oh my gosh, what did I do? You know? And. And, um, went to burnout and closed the clinic for six weeks, you know, closed, shut down completely, and said, okay.

I went to play golf. And from that I said, okay, what did I miss? And all I say, you know, I didn’t check correctly the geography I was, I took decision with, uh, without having enough information to really take the decision. And all that together really pushed me, uh, night, you know, I didn’t do wrong groups here, anything like that, but shut down a clinic and was not the funny part of the part of the year.

But, um, yeah, you know, not enough planning and not, you know, I think as a business owner we need to take risk, but, uh, I am, I think I’m still a dreamer sometimes, and I [00:08:00] was dreaming that everything will be good. You know, we say one day I will leave in theory because in theory everything is going good, you know?

Mm-hmm. And, uh, I was way too much on the theory side and not enough on the practical side, but, um, you learn from that, you know?

Tim Melanson: I’d say that’s probably pretty common with entrepreneurs as well because you, you are building something outta nothing and you have to have some confidence and some dreams like, you know, but you know, on the other hand of it, that can kind of sometimes blind you from the reality of things.

Right. Just who confident. Right. But you can always pick it up. No, exactly. But you can always take six weeks off and go play golf and that will fix everything. Right.

Sylvain Mancuso: I think it’s the key. You, you, you. Yeah. I think membership or golf needs to be covered by Medicare. Definitely.

Tim Melanson: Absolutely. Well, whatever that, uh, [00:09:00] that is for that helps you think and, you know, take a step back and, and relax a little bit is definitely important.

Cuz you know, the, I think that just that part of your story alone, it, it speaks volumes cuz a lot of people probably wouldn’t. They would just keep on grinding and burn themselves out. But you, you know, you actually did take some time for yourself to recharge. Right. Which is very important.

Sylvain Mancuso: Yeah, no, I, I think, you know, I, I, because I, I wa you know, um, I have Zu, but at the same time I have Reed me that it’s more, uh, online solution to help people, uh, around, uh, mindset, nutrition, and, uh, physical exercise.

Osteopathy is really the in-person work, and we have a global vision of, uh, of the te of the patient from the head to the two anding that me, it’s really the online version of osteopathy with a global vision [00:10:00] of the patient, you know? And, um, I did that with me to research, you know, w w work about my mindset.

Go back to do a physical activity, uh, outside, you know, playing golf was, uh, very nice. And, uh, be careful about what I was eating. And help me to take back control of your brain because often you can begin to fall in a. And using that to recharge and say, okay, what do I need? Because I now, I have three path and we’re in Mon River view and expanding, uh, iop, but I learned from that, you know?

But as you said, if you still, you still grinding in the same way. You just dig deeper the hole, you know, and just be able to say, okay, you know what? Stop. Have a, have a break, and. Good play golf and the life will be published. Yeah.

Tim Melanson: Well [00:11:00] in, in, uh, in music. So the, there’s an analogy for that I can make for that.

Like, when, when you’re trying to learn something, so you’re trying to learn a piece of music, it’s, it’s amazing how you, the, it seems like sometimes you get, the more time you try it, the worse you get. It’s like, you know, you’re, you’re almost there and then all of a sudden it starts getting worse and you can’t get it at all.

And then you take a break, you go, you know, even, even come back to it the next day. Uh, but just a little bit of rest from that. You come back and it’s right there. So, you know, I think that, that like, it, it expands to just about everything, about how the human brain works. I think that we, we, we come up with things in our rests.

That we can’t really put into words. It’s just like, you know, you’re, you’re practicing, practicing, practicing. You’re, you’re hitting your head against the wall and you think, I just need to work harder and I’ll get it. But that’s not usually the case. It’s like, you need to take a break and take a step back and then you’ll get it.


Sylvain Mancuso: Yeah. You know, it’s the action [00:12:00] reaction more. You push more, you more things are going to react, you know, and sometime as you say, you know, just take. Take a break, you know? And I, I like to say that when you stop to, when you leave the brain, take some rest. The soul, the soul can, can talk. And I think it’s really that, you know, as you, as you say, I’m playing music too, some guitar.

And sometime I’m on it and I, I’m going to have it and know it, just, okay, have a walk, come back in two days and you just sit down. It’s okay, let’s try that. And. Everything is falling perfectly. You know, say what the hell? And it, I think it’s the neurological side, you know, the time of integration, uh, the fact that you begin to be tired and, uh, in any business.

I think just sometime I have take a step back and say, okay, I have everything in place, just wait. But, uh, for that you need to be patient and I’m not the type of guy to be very [00:13:00] patient. Oh, yeah.

Tim Melanson: I think there’s a lot of intelligence in our bodies that we totally don’t quite comprehend, and so when you, when you give it an instruction like, I, I need to learn this little pattern here on my, on my guitar, you’d be surprised that it actually is listening to you.

It just needs some time to work, right. So now we talked a little bit about, uh, some delegating that you were already talking about, but is there any other, uh, you know, theories or things that you’ve learned over time about how to gather that band around you and how, how to delegate in subcontract?

Sylvain Mancuso: Um, I’m, I’m really, my, my girlfriend Natasha is, uh, uh, she’s a business owner too.

And, um, she gave me a, a crazy good tool. Uh, she called that the playbook. And, uh, I’m just using a Google sheet with all the pressure that I need to have to do, you know, and, um, when I came back from [00:14:00] my burn, I would, uh, the first two weeks I was just writing what I was doing every day. And from that, I use all the task I have Gabi to do and put that on my playbook.

Okay? How do I, um, welcome a patient, uh, how I create his fight and all that together? But at the same time, all the admin tasks, uh, you know, how I’m doing the newsletter, how I’m writing the blog, how I’m reaching out to all patient who didn’t come for a long time, which type of template I’m using and all that.

But at the beginning when I was doing that, I, Natasha said, okay, now you need to, um, to record your screen when you do that. You talk front of your screen and you record what you do, you know where, and you talk at the same time. And I was telling to her, oh, you know, I don’t want to do that. It’s way too much time.

You know, I now I know what I need to do. I can follow my pressure and say, no, the goal is not you. Follow the pressure is some people are going to follow [00:15:00] your procedure. And I just begin to sit down and begin to do the newsletter. For example, you know, go, I, I’m using MailChimp, uh, for managing my, my audience with the clinic and do all the workflow, but I register everything.

And when she said, okay, now you can hire someone, and I have someone, and it’s a remote, um, she’s remote, you know, she’s in Philippines, and uh, she’s just follow the playbook. And she’s doing, uh, the follow up with the patient who is the text. She’s doing the newsletter. She’s, uh, organizing the blog. Uh, she is, uh, doing, um, all the post on Facebook.

And I’m just here on the quality side to be sure that it’s really aligned with what I want to bring to my patient. But it just removes so much things to have this playbook in place. Then she can just follow that and we hire [00:16:00] someone else. Uh, now, uh, I have FEA and I have, um, I don’t name Erica and, uh, is following more on the advertising side and FEA is working more on the admin side.

But I, it took time at the beginning to do my playbook, but now when I need to do just some update, you know, I switched, uh, my website from, uh, One to another to catch Abi, you know, because we offer some online course now. Yep. And, um, I just changed the way, uh, before I was doing, I was using Squarespace and I just changed the way how you to do a blog from Square first to catch Abi.

And I just need to change one item. You know, I don’t need to redo everything but this playbook, it’s really something and it’s helping me a lot. Because I just need to follow the link. Look at the, the document and all the password are there, and you know, and if, uh, Feist says, [00:17:00] okay, you know what? I don’t want to work with you anymore.

It’s not going to take me two months to train someone else, because I will say, okay, you have a week to look at the playbook. If you have any question, just ask to me. And that’s a big things for me because it’s, it’s a big work at the beginning, but the time you can gain at the end, it’s. Huge.

Tim Melanson: Absolutely.

This is, uh, this, this follows a lot of the principles. Maybe she might have gotten it from Dan Martel’s book, the Buyback Principle.

Sylvain Mancuso: It’s, yeah. She’s a daddy is a very good friend of my, uh, my girlfriend. And she, he must speak. You need to, uh, read the book. Yeah, I read it. I’m, I’m, It was

Tim Melanson: good. It was very, very good.

Yeah. It was better than I was expecting it to be actually. Uh, but, uh, one of my clients actually also here in Moncton, she had read the book and told me about it. I’m like, all right, well let me give it a, give it a try. And I did. And it, it’s, [00:18:00] it’s very, very good. I, I, you know, some of the, the things in it are things that I was already doing, and he’s got a very good way of explaining it.

So it just kinda like makes it click and you’re like, oh, and then like little improvements that I’ve been able to make. But yeah, he talks about the playbooks and the, what do you call the, the, the, the camcorder thing where you’re recording it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I mean, uh, it’s, it’s very, very good.

I definitely recommend that pro, uh, procedure for sure. Yeah. Uh, it has saved me so much time by doing it that way

Sylvain Mancuso: and, and the fact that sometime you do something every month, you know, but. Every two months, but you forgot to know how to do it, you know? And sometimes the playbook can be useful for yourself.

You know, say, okay, I need to do that. Okay, you just need to follow the procedure. You know? And um, and it’s good for you. Then you don’t need to say, okay, where do I know? Where’s that where I found this? You know? And [00:19:00] I think it’s gaining time for you too, and can be very useful too.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, especially if you do task, like you say like six months a year, maybe there’s something that you have to do, like an annual process.

Yeah. I mean, to remember all the steps that you do every time. Sometimes you might do things backwards and then waste a bunch of time, but you just look at the playbook and if you just follow it right. Yep. That’s awesome. Hey, rockstar. I hope you’re enjoying this episode of the Work at Home Rockstar podcast.

If you didn’t know already, my business is Creative Crew Agency. We build websites now. Let’s talk about your website for a minute. Most people realize that at this point, Day and age, we need a website, but we don’t really know what the website’s supposed to do, and sometimes you’ll just go and build a website for the sake of building a website.

What I do is I make sure that your website actually accomplishes a goal. Now, there are three main goals. To most websites, number one is to provide information and build credibility. Number two is to schedule some sort of appointment and get them on onto a sales call. Number three is [00:20:00] to sell something like an e-commerce site.

Now, when you’re setting your website, you have to be very mindful that the visitor doesn’t know what to do. And so you have to provide them with a roadmap that leads them down a path to wherever you want them to go. On my website, I want them to be on a free consultation, so that’s why when you go to creative crew, you’ll see information about scheduling a free consultation.

Now for you though, I’m gonna provide you with an extra link so that you can get your free website audit. Go to creative crew website audit. And schedule an audit with me, and I’ll go through your website live and determine what we can do to improve your conversions and make sure that you’re getting the business from your website.

Go to creative crew and we’ll see you. So now, I mean, that kind of like leads into the next, you know, topic we can talk about, which is learning from the best. So, you know, it sounds to me like you’ve got, you know, quite a few people that you learn from, right? Like what, what is your process? [00:21:00]

Sylvain Mancuso: Um, the first things to be honest, uh, began in October 20, uh, just after the Covid.

Um, I begin to, uh, follow, uh, Tony Robbins, I dunno if you know this, this guy, you know, um, and was a big eye opener about, uh, limiting belief and, um, mindset and, uh, how I was, um, How my, I was feeling my human needs and all that, you know, it was really a big eye opener. And it was the first one to really push me to, uh, to change my mindset on my personal side, but on my business side too, um, I follow a lot of things with him.

I did, uh, business mastery, wealths Mastery, all that, you know, because each time, um, Now then I’m, I’m, you know, I did my coaching certification with him and, um, I understood that the framework [00:22:00] is always the same. You know, it’s changing, you know, because, for example about Monet, your limiting belief about Monet are going to push you to invest or have some, uh, way to act with Monnet in a certain way.

And it’s a limiting belief. And it’s come from the mindset and the limiting belief often doesn’t come from you, you know, it’s coming. From others or, or if someone is, well, telling you money is bad. You don’t want to keep money in your pocket and you are going to spend it, you know? And, um, like business, you don’t want to, um, delegate and you want to do everything because other people or you learn from your young age than was not the best way to do business.

You know, and all this work around mindset I think was. A big eye opener, uh, for me and, uh, after I begin to, uh, you know, I, I really believe in cross [00:23:00] pollination. You know, what you see in other business, how you can implement in your business. And, um, I, you know, I read a lot. Uh, I think I, in the past four or five years in some ways, Natasha, my girlfriend, I read more books than I ever read.

About self-help, but about business too? Uh, yes, I think I will, I will go to, uh, buy, uh, buy back your time just after the interview. I really need to go on this one. But, um, I learned from books, but General was really the one who changed my mindset. And after, um, I begin to follow, uh, Graham card, uh, with a big guy in cell.

And, um, demystify the selling process. You know, we always think that sell people are bad people, but if you don’t sell, you don’t leave. Your business can’t survive, you know? Yeah. You are not just going to open your website [00:24:00] and people are going to do order on it. You need to sell what you believe and how you can help people with what you do, you know?

Mm-hmm. And, um, he helped me a lot. Um, sap, I read this book and helped me to understand how the human brain is functioning. You know, about the storytelling, for example. Um, and, uh, I, I, I begin to take a course with Igo. It is a big, uh, ADE marketer. He has a specific, uh, cross called EF farming. Where is learning how to buy list to create marketing, um, revenue stream.

But what I learned from him with Leadpage, how to be sure that uh, the email people give you are not fake email and all that know, verify all the steps that you can have, really a quality lead that you can [00:25:00] can reach and work with. Uh, was, was very good too. Um, wow. Yeah. And I have a coach, uh, every two, every two weeks, um, come from Tony Robbins.

Uh, and, uh, I think you, everyone need a coach. You know, I was thinking, and you can learn by yourself, but a coach is a big, big things for me because, um, he will tell you if you. Or not, you know? And, uh, I, I don’t remember. There was a friend called, I think it was, um, speak with your Mother. I don’t remember exactly, but each time you go to see your mother, your mother say, oh, it’s a good idea.

Everything is fine. You know, you will, you will do it. You know, but when you talk with the coach and you begin to say, okay, I’m going to do that, and he say, really? And he just show you with A plus B then. Uh, no, you know, it’s not going to happen like that. You need to be more [00:26:00] organized, give you some, and, uh, a accountability partner.

I think it’s a very good thing that you can just every week, you know, uh, have a call and say, Hey, uh, what was your last, uh, goal last week? Where are you now? You know, and be able to have someone that you can refer to and, uh, help you to grow. I think that is something I, I really like too. I have some French for that.

And, um, business friend. And, um, I think it’s the, my frame, you know, around mindset, uh, and learn from the best. You know? Uh, I think that that’s the key too. Uh, Dan Matter is a big guy in, uh, in the SaaS industry. Uh, I think we can say is the Tony Robb of the SaaS industry. And, um, I, I’m developing, uh, AI with the University of Mountain, who is going to be a SaaS.

[00:27:00] And, uh, when we’ll be ready to, to jump on the next step, I will go to see him, you know, because I think he’s the guide. It’ll help me to bring and, uh, avoid the try and error. Then you can lose months and years and just losing all your error. And I don’t have too much yet and I don’t want to lose more. And, um, yeah, I think, you know, um, coach.

Learn from the best. Yeah. And the beautiful things today is online. You know, I can decide from six to eight to follow a course in anything, almost any anything, you know? Yeah. And, um, I don’t need to go anywhere. I can learn from anywhere because Tony Robbs at the beginning was, we watched the show, uh, I few years ago and I was with my girlfriend and.

I said, we can’t do that. You can’t, we can’t do that. You know, we have four kids all together. Um, we can’t really go [00:28:00] in Florida or in California to follow these things, you know, but with the co when the Covid eat, he switched online. And because of that, I was ab, I was able to do, uh, U P W date with Destiny, uh, business, everything, you know, all the program.

And it’s something that I couldn’t access. And from that it was just an eyeopener. I say, okay, I can still be here, but I can still feed my brain because it’s the key of success. I think feeding your brain with, uh, good material. I’m not talking about TikTok or yeah, Instagram’s real, you know, but, uh, it’s really how you can feed your brain.

And the beauty of the online system now is you can feed your brain with so many. Many good information.

Tim Melanson: Love it. Love it. Yeah. I took a u p W online as well, I think it was. Oh, nice. 2020 was what was when I took it. But I’ve been following, uh, I’ve been following, uh, Tony Robbins for. Several years, probably more than a decade.[00:29:00]

Um, but yeah, the, I’d never gotten a chance to go down to one of his events. And, uh, when it came online, I was like, yes, of course I’m gonna do that.

Sylvain Mancuso: Yeah. We go, uh, Dallas, uh, in November in person at Ah, good for

Tim Melanson: you. Good for you. That’s awesome.

Sylvain Mancuso: Yeah, no, it’s, it’s a very, it may. And, um, I do that with my team too.

Oh, you do? Uh, yeah, because I think it’s a good, uh, cleaning for everyone. And if you want to have your team on the same path, you know each Yeah, yeah. Helping, uh, helping people to, to grow themself will benefit everything themself, but the patient and the client and all that, you know?

Tim Melanson: Agree. Yeah. You made so many good points.

Like, uh, you know, one of the things you said about the accountability portion. Yeah. I mean, most of your friends are gonna be supportive, right? That’s what you try to do. I mean, you don’t wanna. You know, call somebody out when they’re making a mistake. You know, you’re like, oh, you know, you [00:30:00] know, good luck with that.

Like they, they might have been right. But, but I mean, that’s the whole point of it. I mean, that’s why, that’s why you, you hire a coach is because they’re gonna tell you like it is. And not only that, but they, they’ve got the expertise. They’ve been down that line before. So they know what you’re gonna, what you’re gonna face.

They know the problems that you’re gonna come up against and they can sort of just compress that time, otherwise. You know, you know how generationally we always say the rich get richer. You know, you seem to see that this group just keeps on getting. My theory on that is because you know that generational wealth is because they all have coaches within their family.

Their parents were rich, their grandparents were rich, their great-grandparents were rich. So of course, those theories get passed down in, in, into those generations, and they know how to raise kids that are also going to be following in that path. However, uh, you know, because of the lack of an internet, you either had to be in that family or [00:31:00] not.

Like you, you couldn’t just share your wealth with everybody around the world as you can now. Now there’s lots of great coaching programs that you can go on, like you say, at U P W with Tony Robbins and just sit in your home and do it. Probably not as effective as sitting in person, but it’s better than nothing.

Right. It’ll at least get you Yeah. Right, right. On that path. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So now I think is, yeah, we, I think we, we just, we live in the, in a time right now when, you know, there’s really no excuse to not have a good coach right now, you know? Mm. Yeah,

Sylvain Mancuso: maybe. Yeah. Yeah. No, I think yeah, right. You, you do a good point.

You know, I think, um, there is no excuse for you to, to grow. If you want to grow, you have all the tools you need. And, um, one of the things about uh, richer are going to be richer. Uh, uh, I was, I was grant card a [00:32:00] few weeks ago, uh, on, on nine 11, and he was saying, Rich learn how to make money with money. Yes.

And poor are looking to use money to buy things. Yep. And that’s a big difference. You know, when you begin to take your money to invest it, to make money and give you passive income, then after you can buy your stuff. But when you begin to take your money, okay, I’m going to take 1000 bucks every month and I’m going to buy some.

I don’t know. No stock. Because stock, you can buy stock, you can do everything you want. You know, I’m not a financial advisor, but, uh, RA Warren Buffett, for example, who is the big guy, um, doesn’t buy stocks to make money when he is selling stocks. He’s buying stock to make money on the dividend, the stock he’s going to give to him.

Yeah. You know, he’s looking to the passive income and many people are looking to buy the stock. Who is going to make them win at the lottery, but, [00:33:00] You know, reach, you know, I think that and it’s mindset. You know, how you, you, you, as you say, you know, kids are grown in a way of using Monet to make Monet and their mindset is different than someone is going to every Friday buying is lottery ticket and sell.

I’m going to be rich. And, um, it’s not working

Tim Melanson: like that. No, no, exactly. And, and like you say, there’s, uh, there’s. You know, taking your money and buying things with it, it’s a restraint. I think it’s just, it, it, it, it takes a lot of willpower to hold back that gratification. Right. And, and you know, it, it is, I mean, it is, I don’t know if it’s natural in our bodies or if we’ve just been programmed that way for some reason.

We, we have a really hard time. So take delayed gratification. We want it right now,

Sylvain Mancuso: right? Yeah. No, it’s, uh, [00:34:00] it’s a brain stuff. It’s instant gratification. You know, when you watch your email or you watching your, uh, text or you watching your phone, or it’s just give you the feeling of instant gratification.

Like the sh the brain is going to look for sugar to have this sugar rush, but you are going to feel better in the 10, 15, 20 minutes. But it’s not going to stay. You know? And as you say, you know, it’s a education side. To be able to say, I’m not looking for the instant gratification. I’m looking for the long-term gratification that I will have.

What I really wants to have, you know, who is going to feed me deeply? Nudge, just feed me like that. You know, I’m going to buy a new bike or a new car. Uh, I dunno. Anything, you know? And. It’s just that, you know, instant gratification, and I think you’re right about the education to be able, then the kids are able to [00:35:00] wait because they know on the long run.

They will not buy the car, they will buy the dealership where they can take any car they want, you

Tim Melanson: know? Yeah, yeah. There was, uh, uh, like it’d be interesting just to start to ask your kids, you know, do you want a piece of chocolate right now? Or do you want five tomorrow? Know that maybe those kinds of exercises when they’re nice and young, might help them to kind of go, uh, or, or at least find out where they’re at.

If they’re like, no, I want an out. And, you know. Right. But I mean, you have

Sylvain Mancuso: somewhere tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Tim Melanson: Right on. So it’s time for your guest soul. So tell me what’s exciting in your business right now?

Sylvain Mancuso: Um, I, I, you know, I left the practice, uh, in January. Uh, I’m just working as the manager and working to grow the business.

You know, I spend my time on, on the business, not in the business anymore. Um, I really like that. Um, [00:36:00] I have a team of therapies who are, uh, incredibly good. You know, uh, all the patients are very up here, but, uh, their work, uh, we have two in InView, and, um, the same time I’m pushing. Uh, then as I said, it’s really the online solution to see patient in the globality.

You know, not only the nutrition, or not only the mindset, or not only the exercise, it’s really. Take that all together because it was working for me and I really want to share that with others. And, um, it’s taking time, you know, uh, online business is way out of my comfort zone. You know, I was a in-person guy and now it’s really different, but I really like, uh, working on the business and grow the clinics and at the same time working on the, um, on the online, online side of the business.

And, um, [00:37:00] on another project, uh, it’s ai, uh, to help, um, clinics reduce their documentation time. Uh, I’m working, uh, with, uh, university of Moncton about that. We had some, uh, funding from nrc and, uh, it’s, you know, it’s. Ai. It’s just incredible. You know, we talk about pt, but there is so many things, you know, I think PT is the tip of the iceberg, you know, and what’s coming.

Um, you know, uh, how it could, because many people say, okay, AI is going to replace people, but in our way to see things, it’s like I have a personal assistant to reduce. The pressure on the therapist. You know, have someone on his side who is always up to date with the last study, give the right information at the right time, you know, all that.

Then [00:38:00] the therapist has less pressure on him. He can just focus on the patient because often, in my opinion, the therapist, the genuine zone of the therapist is taking care of patients. And if we can’t keep. Therapist in a genuine zone, it’s a win-win for everyone because the therapist is feeling good and the patient has the best care ever because the AI is going to, to the job to keep the up to the therapist taking care of the.

Uh, we have a pre diagnostic, uh, module that is going to be able to give, uh, an idea about what the patient could have, depending the questionnaires and the history has to help the therapist, and that’s another side business. I’m, I’m growing, but take time. You know, programmation and AI can be a challenge, challenging things, but, uh, yeah, no, it’s, uh, where we are now, you know, uh, I begin with in person switching to [00:39:00] an online solution to.

Bring osteopathy a vision to more people because the in person, uh, it’s geographically limited, you know? Yeah. And you can’t really touch too much. And it’s really bring these global vision of health to more, more people. And at the same time, uh, developing a solution to help my in-person people, you know, everything is working together.

I think.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Well, when it comes to ai, for me, the way I’m looking at it is I, I, I just see it as a tool that we can use. And it’s like, you know, you, you, you got a choice. Either you can wash the dishes yourself or you can use your dishwasher. You can get more done if you use the dishwasher. Right. Uh, you know, and, and it’s a tool just like anything else.

It will actually, I think, Get humans focused on bigger problems because a lot of the [00:40:00] little of the smaller, more repetitious problems will start to get handled by this tool, right? Yes. Yeah. Not the, that’s the way I’m seeing it is, uh, yes, I, I mean, it, it will, uh, change the landscape of what jobs you could have, but that’s happened many times in history.

You know, there are lots of jobs that just don’t exist anymore because we’ve become more. Uh, efficient at doing those jobs with tools. So,

Sylvain Mancuso: you know, it’s a new tool. You, you look at the automobile industry, you know when the robotics begin to come and everyone say, oh my gosh, it’s the end of the world.

We’re going to lose our job. But all these people begin to do more something than the robots can’t do because we need our brain, we need our ability with our hands. But there is still, you know, I think automobile industry is still a big, um, player. You know, there is still a lot of people working in it, you know?

Yeah. And just changing, you’re right. You know, keeping your brain [00:41:00] focused on bigger problem. Yeah. Because human brain is just incredible, you know? Yeah. It, the ability of the human brain to learn, adapt, find solution on bigger problem. As you say, you know, when you don’t. Wash the dishes because the dishwasher is doing the job.

You can take care of your kids, have a one-on-one with your kids, you know, you don’t need to rush. You have time all the time than the dishwasher is saving to you. You can use that for something else more. Yeah. Yeah. More interesting for you and more, you know, more, it’s fitting more deeply, you know?

Tim Melanson: Yeah.

And, and I think that the, the issue that we’re gonna have is gonna be more of a, More of a psychological issue because people are resistant to change. And you know, if you’ve been washing the dishes for your whole life and now all of a sudden dishwashers coming on and you got no job [00:42:00] like it, it’s very difficult for those people to let go of the fact that, you know what?

That just, you don’t, you don’t need to do that job anymore. You’ve gotta find a new job now. But I mean, we’re very creative people. We can’t, we will be able to figure it out if we can get out of our old habits of going, but I’ve always done that. You know, please don’t take that job away. Right. And

Sylvain Mancuso: when some, when the dishwasher will fall apart and you will need to go back to dishwasher.

Oh fuck you don’t do that. I forget how to do it’s like a new one. And no way I’m gonna do that anymore.

Tim Melanson: Right on. So how do we find out more about you then? Do you have a website or something like that? We

Sylvain Mancuso: can go to? Yeah, we have, uh, zu Uh, then you can, uh, you can go online to, uh, we do a online, uh, free consultation too, because, uh, you know, the, the challenge we have, it’s nobody, uh, not, not everyone is knowing what we do because the stati is really a melting pot between physio [00:43:00] car and massage and, um, If you have any question, you can go on on, on the website, monte and, uh, ask for online, uh, appointments.

And, uh, you will have the pleasure to meet with me and, uh, we’ll chat about, uh, if we can help you or not. And we have, uh, me is, uh, r e um, dash hyphen hyphen. It’s the. Underscore, no, not the underscore. The other one. Hyphen. Hyphen. Thanks. Uh, ang me and, uh, we have some, uh, online program, uh, we are still working on.

Uh, we have a very good program called Winning Abs because, um, I think, uh, we are abbot’s driving and if you begin to be able to understand your. [00:44:00] Habit and be able to repl bad habit by good habits. Mm-hmm. With efficient tool can make a huge difference, uh, in your life. We have a gross mindset course and we have, um, brain acts, uh, really some techniques to brain, brain to act your brain to learn a new way.

And, um, that’s the things we have now.

Tim Melanson: Nice. Well, I’ll make sure I put those links in the show notes then so people can go to your websites. But thank you so much for rocking out with me today through the band. This has been a good, a good chat.

Sylvain Mancuso: Yeah, yeah, definitely. Yeah, and uh, I’m sure we’ll have the time to connect again.

Thanks again to your podcast.

Tim Melanson: No problem. No problem. And thanks to the listeners for listening in on the Work at Home Rockstar, and we’ll see you next week.

Sylvain Mancuso: Thanks for listening. To learn how you can become a work at home rockstar or become a better one, head on over to today.[00:45:00]

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