Harneet Bhalla is a marketing consultant, coach & speaker.
Harneet’s passion is to help people establish and scale their online businesses so that they can live the freedom based lifestyle they have always dreamed.
He is known for helping his clients multiply their revenue by implementing high performance marketing strategies. These strategies result in making his clients thousands & sometimes millions in additional revenue & become an authority in the market.
With a huge pool of successful clients, there is no doubt that he is one of the best online marketers in the world.
Episode #21 : Harneet Bhalla
FAVORITE HOOK (Quotes from the Interview)
Resourcefulness is the most important resource
- If you yourself are hungry, you cannot feed someone else
- Separate your day into chunks with their own todo list
- Copy from one person and it is plagiarism, copy from multiple and it is research
Harneet’s Book Recommendations:
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