WHR #22 : Alex Barker – Author / Speaker / Podcaster

Jan 4, 2016

alexAlex Barker is a life alchemist at 66DayExperiment.com. He experiments on his life and business, like reading a book a day or making healthy habits stick.
By day a pharmacist, by night a hero to his 2 daughters and wife, and by early morning a business owner.
His mission is to help men and women find a disciplined approach to success in life and business. Join him at 66DayExperiment.com to get a free course on how to make habits stick and beat procrastination.

Episode #22 : Alex Barker

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

FAVORITE HOOK (Quotes from the Interview)

Every failure is a chance to learn a lesson


  1. Make sure that those you follow are actually credible.
  2. Delegate as much as you can and focus on doing the things that you are more passionate about.
  3. Build multiple streams of income so that you aren’t completely reliant on one source.

Alex’s Book Recommendations:

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