WHR #24 : Jeremy DeMerchant – Permission to Sell

Jan 18, 2016 | PodCast, Season 1

Profile Pic 650x650Jeremy DeMerchant, International Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Sales Strategist is the founder of Permission To Sell Consulting Group. With over 17 years in sales and 13 years in coaching and sales leadership in the corporate arena, Jeremy decided to focus his passion in supporting coaches and entrepreneurs on a global scale though his own business. With targeted support in the areas of sales conversations, pricing, and program design Jeremy’s mission is to help entrepreneurs earn their true value, and build a business that has a significant impact on clients while creating a life of flexibility and full of opportunities.

Episode #24 : Jeremy DeMerchant

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

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FAVORITE HOOK (Quotes from the Interview)

Start before you are ready.


  1. If you aren’t ready to start your business full time, then find a job that complements your business idea whether it be opposite times or similar contacts.
  2. Get your mind going early in the morning by listening to a audio book or a podcast.
  3. Delegate and subcontract where you can.

Jeremy’s Book Recommendations:

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