WHR #28 : Greg Zuffelato – Too Busy To Eat

Feb 15, 2016

Profile Pick copyWith a background in biology, chemistry and physics, Greg has been investigating and researching everything related to nutrition and exercise for the past 20 years. All of his experimentation and education helped him develop a unique understanding of nutrition and weight loss. From this background Greg’s book, I Believe Weight Loss, was written. The book resulted in the launch of his company, Too Busy To Eat, which focuses on removing the obstacles to weight loss. Greg’s experience helping thousands of people lose weight gave rise to a weight loss system that is easy to follow, sustainable, and is highly successful. The reality is people are too busy to eat….healthy. Too Busy To Eat is the solution to this problem.

Greg has a popular podcast, Too Busy To Eat, where he shares his insights on how to remove the obstacles to becoming healthier and happier while living a face-paced lifestyle. To compliment the weight loss programs, a line of Too Busy To Eat nutrition products have been created to make losing weight even more convenient.

Episode #28 : Greg Zuffelato

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

FAVORITE HOOK (Quotes from the Interview)

For every overnight success there is a huge background to how they got there


  1. An app to keep you organized ToDoist
  2. Go get guidance from someone who is already successful in the area that you want to be successful.
  3. Listen to podcasts or Audible to get inspiration


Greg’s Book Recommendations:

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