WHR #32 : Steve Rodgers – Alchemy Advisor

Mar 20, 2016 | PodCast, Season 1

steve_sittingBusiness and lifestyle consultant, as well as author, Steve Rodgers has a knack for bringing out the best in people. As he sees it, “I am leader helping others discover, maximize, and increase their highest good and purpose in life and business.”

Steve’s sense of commitment is strikingly evident in the business sphere. Embracing challenges big and small, he consistently finds a way to maximize the inner workings of companies. But you needn’t be a powerhouse business to share in the good fortune. Many a first-time entrepreneur has discovered the road to success thanks to Steve’s rock-solid guidance. Every positive impact he makes is a windfall from his overriding goal: find the best ways for companies or individuals to increase their happiness and fulfillment on all levels.

Episode #32 : Steve Rodgers

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

FAVORITE HOOK (Quotes from the Interview)

If I say no to something, I have a chance at loss, but it is in my hands.


  1. Watch the cash flow, don’t rely just on one account
  2. Set a 4 point Report Card for daily progress and accountability
  3. Hire a coach!

Steve’s Book Recommendations:

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