WHR #38 : Matt (handshakin) Holmes – Networking Expert

Jun 6, 2016 | PodCast, Season 1

mattMatt “Handshakin” Holmes is an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and world record holder.  He is Founder of the Handshakin Video Series: featuring top entrepreneurs on networking and personal branding strategies. After interviewing venture capitalists, members of Congress, and billionaires, Matt has been on numerous podcasts sharing tips on strategically making connections and relationship building. Today, he helps aspiring entrepreneurs implement networking and personal branding strategies.

Episode #38 : Matt (handshakin) Holmes

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

Show Notes

  • Made the mistake of not paying enough attention to passion
  • Matt has an exercise bike in his home office
  • At 8:00, Matt & I come up with a “million dollar idea”
  • Matt hires virtual assistants and interns to help him grow his business
  • Delegation is extremely important!
  • Matt plans to take every Sunday off.
  • Start networking now!  The best time to build your network is before you need it.
  • the key to the information that you are looking for is held in the knowledge of the people you haven’t reached out to yet.

Books that impacted Matt:

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