Eric Seropyan – Always keep learning

Aug 16, 2021 | Assembling The Band, Gathering Fans, PodCast, Practice Makes Progress, Season 3

Season 3 / Episode #28 : Eric Seropyan

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

The Story

This Is My South Bay is a digital marketing agency located in the South Bay region of Los Angeles.  Our agency specializes in helping small to mid size businesses gain exposure online with a variety of digital marketing strategies.  We are an agency that focuses on driving traffic to our clients website utilizing the power of search engines and optimizing websites to be ranked organically.  This practice is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  Book an appointment now to speak with a representative on how to drive potential clients to your website.

Show Notes

Good Note: It’s always good to show your client the data points. After looking through their businesses using web tracking methods they can pick apart what could be needed to get more traffic.

Bad Note: While working with certain clients on their online presence, Eric had ran into a situation where the client was using copyrighted material for their blogs. Turning into a real problem when working with google.

Practice makes Progress: Keep doing it & testing it. Never stop educating yourself on the subject especially technology. Just look at the innovation in the past 10 years.

Bandmates: Picking colleague based on referrals. When in business you take care of your clients the referrals will follow. You can also offer free audits.

Getting Fans: Wether it is local or international, the campaign is different when helping a business get leads. Lock in to key words for your business and how your competitors are being found.

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