Simon Severino – Strategy Sprinting

May 16, 2022 | Instruments of Choice, Keeping the Hat Full, PodCast, Practice Makes Progress, Season 3

Season 3 / Episode #67 : Simon Severino

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

The Back-Story

Simon Severino is an Author, CEO of Strategy Sprints and Host of the Strategy Sprints podcast. He has interviewed powerhouse entrepreneurs like Rita McGrath, David Allen, Nir Eyal, Perry Marshall, Verne Harnish, Brian Kurtz and hundreds more on business, productivity and growth. He helps business owners in SaaS and Services run their company more effectively which results in sales that soar. He created the Strategy Sprints™ Method that doubles revenue in 90 days by getting owners out of the weeds. Simon leads a global team of Certified Strategy Sprints™ Coaches that help clients gain market share and work in weekly sprints which results in fast execution. As a member of SVBS (Silicon Valley Blockchain Society) he enables cross-stage capital flows and helps minimize execution risks in technology startups. His team is trusted by Google, Consilience Ventures, Roche, Amgen, AbbVie and hundreds of frontier teams. He is a TEDx speaker, and has appeared on over 500 podcasts. He writes for Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine about scaling digital businesses.

Show Notes

Guest, Simon Severino, is the CEO and founder of strategy sprints. He does is he helps business owners, double their income in a short period of time.

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Show Notes:
[0:00] Intro
[0:36] The Good Note – Story of Success
[3:13] The Bad Note – Story of Failure
[4:37] Practice Makes Progress
[15:12] Instruments of Choice
[19:40] Keeping the Hat Full
[32:20] Guest Solo


Read Transcript

Intro/Outro: Are you a work at home rock star, or do you dream of becoming one? Then you found the right podcast, your hosts, Tim Melanson talks with successful work at home rock stars to learn their secrets and help you in your journey. Are you ready to rock? Here’s Tim?

Tim Melanson: Hello, and welcome to today’s episode of the work at home rockstar podcast, excited for today’s guest, he’s the CEO and founder of strategy sprints.

And what he does is he helps business owners, double their income in a short period of time. Very excited to be rocking out today with Simon Severino, Simon. Hey, you ready to rock?

Simon Severino: I’m ready. Hello everybody.

Tim Melanson: So, so we always started on a good note here. So tell me a story of success in your business or your life that we can be inspired by.

Simon Severino: Today. I had the coaching closing session with the coaching coaching client and where we summarize what the journey was and the results. And he said, you know, I’m not. In a position. So he’s, he coaches, coaches, he coaches the, the big consultancies of the world and, um, he and his wife, he can now finally start their summer in April because they’ve reached all their yearly goals and now they can enjoy family vacation much longer.

Than usual. And so basically they say, all right, let’s have a very long, beautiful summer because our business is, you know, on, on autopilot, let’s enjoy life

Tim Melanson: right on. Doesn’t it feel good to hear those types of stories from your clients right on. And, uh, and so what about you? Like what, what, uh, how did you end up in this field?

Simon Severino: I started 20 years ago and I’m still doing the same thing. And I just coach entrepreneurs on how to have a very resilient, um, a very impactful business and, uh, improve their sales, marketing, and operations. And so I started 20 years ago and the world changed. It changed many times, but I stick with the people I serve.

Which is entrepreneurs and small business owners. And because I sticked with the same people, there were changed. My words changed, but I serve always this same group of people. So first I could grow an audience over 20 years and also I could learn with them and change with them and grow with them. If I would have focused on a solution that solution now would be super old, but since I focused on the problem that they have, uh, I need more time and I need more saves.

Um, I am, I am still, uh, relevant and I am still learning and I am still contributing.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, exactly. And those problems never go away. There’s always going to be some old those problems. Yeah. So now along that journey 20 years, that’s, that’s, that’s a long time. I’m wondering, you know, we tend to hit bad notes along with our good notes.

So can you tell me something that didn’t go as planned and something that maybe we can avoid or recover from? If it happens.

Simon Severino: Every day, you have some people on my teams leaving, uh, about, I, I want them to stay here, but they leave for a better, bigger company. I oh, how many stories can I tell you? Every day, some stuff breaks somewhere.

We work in three continents. Um, so something breaks. All the time leaders, staff, every country, different legal situation, tax situation. So something breaks every day, uh, multiple times in our team. And that’s why we’ve tried to enjoy the journey. We know something will break. We know that tomorrow something will pop up that needs our attention.

And, um, so we try to embrace the journey, not just. Even three years, we will do this big vision. No, no, no. Tomorrow I will enjoy tomorrow when stuff breaks and it needs me and I will embrace it. I will show up with courage and I will solve it. Yep.

Tim Melanson: So there you go. So that’s how, you know, if you’re an entrepreneur or not, if you embrace the things breaking, because I’m the same way.

I love it when things break. Cause it’s a new challenge now to solve.

Simon Severino: Exactly.

Tim Melanson: So now, how do you get good at what you do? I mean, I used to say practice makes perfect. Now let’s say practice makes progress. Uh, but tell me how you approach getting good at what you do.

Simon Severino: I have three habits that I’ve been doing for 20 years, daily habit weekly.

Have it monthly. And we all do it in the team. Also, we share it with our clients and there are even templates where later I can even share the tools with you. So the first one is the daily flow, which means every day I reflect. So tonight when I’m done working, before I closed on my work computer and my work day, um, this template asks me two things.

I wrote down how I allocated my time today. What did they do? 6 7 8, 9, 12, 14, 16. What did I do in each hour? And then there are two reflective questions, Simon of all the things that you did, which one will you delegate tomorrow? And the second question is Simon. If tomorrow you would live more intentionally and more freely, what will you do tomorrow?

So simple question takes me just five minutes to answer them. And then I close my day. I create the flow of tomorrow. Now I informed by this reflection. I now say, okay, tomorrow 6:00 AM. I’m going to do that 7, 8, 9, et cetera. And so by doing that over time, I know now quite well, what is a good flow of the day for me?

And we are, we are all working from home, right? So we need to create our own daily structure. This is really important. The one that nourishes us and you need those boundaries in there. So I create my flow. I create my boundaries and for me it’s because I have three kids in the morning. I need me time before my kids wake up.

So two hours before my kids wake up, it’s my me time. I start with me and then, um, I serve, of course. Them and, and my team and our clients, et cetera. And then in the evening, there is a clear boundary when I stop working and go over and I start either cooking or, or, or play with my kids. And so that’s hard boundaries, whatever happens on the day that that’s, that’s the hard boundary and there will happen.

Something will always happen. That’s why you need those boundaries. And then the, and then it says, I don’t know, movie night or something that really happened. Whatever happens, that’s moving like that. And then there’s the daily. Daily habit of not just doing stuff, but also learning from how I do stuff, how I can do it better tomorrow, very old tool, uh, that probably the Egyptians already were using.

Uh, but it’s just helpful. It’s just helpful. And, um, I find things that I will delegate. This is how I went from being a solopreneur five years ago, to running now a global business and being two levels about fulfillment just with this simple practice, because I have identified things to delegate. I started with, uh, accounting.

I hate it. And I said, okay, next, next week, I delegate that accounting. And then, you know, I delegate it operations and then marketing and the last bit was sales uh, and so I delegated all the things. Now I have a business with runs even without me, but you start with the daily habit. Wow.

Tim Melanson: What is the thing that you think you need to continue to do yourself and that you can’t delegate?

Simon Severino: Five things that I can not delegate as a CEO. First one is the company vision, having it clear, having it so simple that everybody understands and I’m making sure everybody knows it. When they enter from the first, second day they, they entered the team, uh, and every week to remind them so vision, the second is hiring nobody can hire for you. Of course, some of my people in my team now, they also hire completely alone and I don’t even see those people. That’s also fine. But key roles you have to hire, like, you know, the most important vital roles, head of marketing, head of sales, head of operations, you have to hire the people.

And then so hiring and with hiring comes also firing not many people talk about. But sometimes you have to fire. It’s not fun for anybody. And, um, there are better ways of doing it and worst way of doing it. And we learn it the hard way. Uh, but it’s important. And some, sometimes it’s, it needs to happen. It needs to happen quick and professionally.

And, um, so we had vision, we have hiring and firing. Um, the next thing, you know, Optimizing the systems. So who will improve so who will work on the business versus in the business who will improve form fit and function of your sales system form fit and function of your marketing system form fit and function of your client onboarding operations delivery system.

Uh, I think that’s the job of the CEO in his small business. And, um, of course, if you are a bigger business, you have whole departments doing that, but I guess it’s like us small businesses here. Um, so yeah, that’s your job working on the business? Cause if nobody works on the business, I have very bad news.

We will burn out probably because you are always just doing the, the solutions for your clients, but who is solving. Nobody. So they pile up and at some point it’s just overwhelming.

Wow. So, so we had, uh, we had division, we had the hiring, the firing of those two things or one thing.

Yeah. You can count content both ways, I think. And then, uh,

and then there’s systems and processes, I guess. So

working on the business. And then the growth, growth related task growth tasks are for example, joint venture partnerships, finding affiliate partners, the Manny’s mall affiliate partners.

I like to have 50 affiliate partners per year. So a weekly affiliate partner out there sending an email to their list saying, Hey, Simon has a cool chapter. This is what he can do. Check them out. And, but also one big joint venture partner. For example, my German two partner of this year is Google. And Google has a program called grow with Google it’s for small companies.

They bring 6,000 people together. Then they say, all right, this is the growth stage, go to Simon. And then I work life on, on their sales problems and we solve stuff. It’s a win, win, win situation. Google gets brownie points for doing good staff. Uh, Simon gets clients, uh, and, um, and they get growth. So it’s win-win um, and so you want time dedicated because it will take you 12 months, 60 months to find a big platform as joint venture partner.

You have to queue rates that relation find that relation to rate that relation over years. So, but that’s an important growth lever to having strategic partners. Yeah. And yeah, these things I cannot delegate. Wow. Wow.

Tim Melanson: Very good list. That’s really cool. I mean, we talk a lot about what we want to delegate, but it’s very rare that we talk about the things that you should not be delegating.

And it’s funny that some of that stuff ends up, especially the firing would be something that people would want to delegate. Right. But you probably shouldn’t.

Simon Severino: Yeah,

Tim Melanson: exactly. Yeah. It gets someone on your team to do all the partners. I mean, if you’re a huge company with the HR teams and all that stuff, maybe, but, but even still you as a CEO should probably have some hand in how you’re managing your people.

Simon Severino: I think having hard conversations is the thing that you need to, to model you are the role model for what, what are the standards.

And so if the standards that you show is whatever is hard, you just push it away. You are creating a very toxic culture, and I guess you want to have other values like courage, transparency, fairness, respect, uh, but also velocity. Uh, resilience, uh, that, that you, that you live in, that you do every day, you practice and by practicing them, that will become your team culture.

Tim Melanson: Yup. Yup. And you get better over time and you get more used to it and it gets, you know, it gets easier over time as well, right?

Simon Severino: Yes. It gets slightly better. It’s never fun, but, uh, you get quicker and you get more professionals in doing it.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And you probably get better at the hiring side of it too.

Because of what you’ve learned about why you needed to fire. Right.

Simon Severino: All hiring is so tough. So I just brought this book strategy sprints, and they chapter 12 and chapter 13 are my hiring checklist. My blueprints, literally how I hire. And so 20 years of hiring and, um, it’s still two quite big chapter. And I still look it up every week and go, oh, oh, what did I forget?

This is not going well. What did I forget? Let me go through the list. Oh, I forgot this part. It’s like a checklist for myself. So still after practicing. Quite a tough thing because it takes time. It’s a ton of interviews. Uh, you get it wrong. Many times I have picked the wrong people and onboarded them.

I’ve picked the right people on them, lost them three months later because they go, so all these things will happen. It is a long journey. Don’t expect it to be easy, cheesy. Um, that’s why I’m sharing the blueprints with everybody. And we coach everyday dozens of entrepreneurs. And, um, it’s not hiring is not easy, but it’s easier with blueprints.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. Yeah. I agree. A hundred percent. Okay. So now what about tools of success? So what kinds of tools do you use to create success for yourself and also for the clients that you coach.

Simon Severino: We have created 274 tools that we share with our clients at one of them, you just heard is the daily flow. So it’s a template.

There’s the iPad version. There’s the spreadsheet version, whatever you like using better. We share them with them and they use it everyday. They screenshot it. We coached. So these kind of tools, we have 274. Now maybe we pick just three of them. One, one we had this daily flow. The second is the, the weekly habit has also a tool.

The weekly. is get me, my marketing numbers, sales numbers, and operations numbers off this week reported in a simple way, visual way. I want to see a dashboard and I want to see, are we going in the right direction on the right. And that is told to you by getting your three marketing numbers, three sales numbers, and three ups numbers.

Even when I was a solopreneur, I had already this spreadsheet, it’s three visual things. It is, it says marketing, and then you’ll see it either going up or down. For example, the, the number of marketing is how many people were on our website today unique visitors of this week. Uh, how many really want something from us?

And how many did we call three marketing numbers on the left and se, and just visually see if it’s going up or down then in the middle, uh, the sales numbers. And they literally say, okay, how many discovery calls did we have? How many demo calls did we have? How much did we close in Euro or us dollars or Australian?

And you’ll see there, that’s the gene a number and you want to see it going up. And then the third one, the operations number, how many times? Uh, became super fence and you measure that by number of clients referrals, they did refer you to somebody. Um, and so how many referrals this week? Six, you it’s two more than average.

Wow, cool. And so it’s a little celebration because it’s a very important feedback loop and you want to have these three things and seeing them, uh, in front of you makes things simple. And, um, and you are more connected to your reality. Otherwise you decide based on narratives, let’s do more LinkedIn. Why?

It feels like it’s working. Okay. Show me the numbers. And so then you have your numbers and you know, oh, LinkedIn is not working. Uh, that podcast is working. Okay. Then let’s. Wow.

Tim Melanson: So you’re tracking everything.

Simon Severino: Three numbers in marketing, three numbers in sales, three numbers in operations, but they, we track basically in real time, every seven days.

When we come together, we review them and learn from them. Oh look, there is a slight variation here. 0.2 hours more watch time on YouTube. Oh, interesting. Was it the topic? Was it the time of publishing? Did you do something different? Yes, I’m an, I send it to the newsletter 10 minutes before. Oh, look, let’s look at those 10 minutes.

Maybe we do it now. 15 minutes before. Um, that’s how you find the weak signals and improve your business every week. That’s the strategy sprint method pick the few vital metrics, have them always in front of you. And every seven days learn from them. Find out what works, do more of that. Find out what doesn’t and cut it.


Tim Melanson: well, I’m seeing a pattern in the, in your systems. They’re all based on tracking and then reviewing and tracking and reviewing over and over again.

Simon Severino: Doing learning, doing learning, doing learning. That’s that’s the loop. That’s this? That’s the scientific methods. That’s that’s the entrepreneurial methods.

Entrepreneurial method to, yeah, absolutely.

Intro/Outro: Hey rockstars. It’s Tim here. Hope you enjoy this episode. And if you are, feel free to leave us a review while I’ve got you here, I want to tell you about my business Creative Crew Agency is a one-stop shop for your online. We provide graphic design websites, ongoing support hosting, and so much more.

If you’re looking for a shiny new website or you need some technical help with your current platform, feel free to visit creative crew and book a time to talk now, back to the show.

Tim Melanson: So now what about, what about cashflow and keeping the hat full? I mean, a lot of times we can get kind of pulled away and get, you mentioned, you know, tools and lots of things that you might be looking at.

Cause someone said LinkedIn is great. So all of a sudden you spend all your time doing that, or someone says this tool is great or that tool is great, or you should hire this person. How do you make sure that you’re making more than you’re spending.

Simon Severino: This is a very important question right now in this environment, because many listening right now do not, uh, have enough revenue.

The revenue is not more than the costs, so there is no profit or too low of, of a profitability. Um, so let’s look at those things first. If you’re not doing enough revenue, this is what you start doing this week. write it down

all your activities, you triaged them by, do they contribute to one of these three things? One is, does this activity lead to 25% more conversions from existing leads? Yes. No. Does this activity lead? Two 25% more frequency of your sales, either a faster sale or a, an upsale cross that happens 25% more. And the third one is, does these activity lead to you charging 25% more for the same thing, which would be via a better positioning?

Uh, if it really contributes to one of these three things. Prioritize it, keep it. If it doesn’t stop doing it for a month, stop for a month. Cut costs. Cut the energy, save a ton of money and a Tabata headache just don’t do it for a month. Just do it for a month. All it is things that contribute to these three things.

It’s, it’s a great, uh, exersise now you’ll have more revenue. Okay. Now in 30 days you have more revenue. We do this every week with dozens of people eat the doubles, their revenue in 90 days. That’s why we can promise. And our program is called. It is called double your revenue 90 days. It’s a 90 days coaching program and that’s why they doubled their revenue.

We, we, we, we make sure that these three things happen. Now, when you’ve done that, now you have more revenue. That’s not over because more revenue just means, okay, you have more oxygen and oxygen alone is not enough in your body. Right? So you really want to have more profits. Uh, most people don’t know their profits.

So of course we have a template for that, that people can can download. Is the cashflow management template. It’s a spreadsheet. That is a little bit different from your usual financial reports. So I changed it because I needed it in a different way. First, not monthly. I needed a, well, some, some get this annually, some, get it.

Um, twice a year, you want it at least monthly, at least monthly, you get your profits. First profits, then revenues then costs position the costs of marketing cost of sales, cost of operations. And then you want fixed costs, variable costs, and then you want cashflow, uh, what it’s coming in, what’s getting out.

And then you want expectations who expect money from you soon. And, uh, who do you expect money from soon? And when you have that simple as that, uh, on one page every month, now you have a cash flow system before that you are guessing and wildly surviving, but you don’t have a cash flow system. So make sure you get that from your accountant or you make it.

Um, and now we have to look at the profitability is how do you raise profitability? Go to the costs position, turn fixed costs into variable costs, which much easier than you think you can do this with suppliers, with employees, with yourself, with, um, many costs positions where you think they must be fixed.

Don’t need to be fixed. You want to have more costs when you have more clients and less costs. When you have less clients, it’s it’s natural. You want to move. With the demand as a cost should move with your demand, with your amount of work and not be always fixed. That’s one of the problems, uh, that, that you need to solve.

And the second problem is how you charge it when you charge. So go from charging per time at the end of the month, that’s the worst thing to do. Stop doing that. Move to a. At retainer and monthly subscription retainer that’s second best. And then ideally with the help of a sprint coach, you move to package up paid upfront before you do anything.

The whole package is paid. Uh, that’s ideal because these creates the best cashflow for you. Now you have a reliable and also sales forecast and a reliable cashflow. And now, you know, okay, I can afford this key position in that month. I can afford, uh, this expenses in that month. Now you have a cash flow management.


Wow. Okay. Uh, so much, so much gold there. Uh, now the, the thing, the last thing you mentioned about, uh, moving from hourly to packages, I’m a hundred percent on board with that. I’ve moved everything. I try to never do anything by the hour, but I find that that’s actually one of the things that a lot of entrepreneurs find the hardest.

To position with their clients. So how would you, let’s just say, you know, someone’s working by the hour, how would you position it to translate them into a retainer or into a package model?

There are eight things that we need to do, and it takes us around 14, 15 days to do it with our clients. And these are positioning steps because when you get the positioning right.

Then the package will flow easy. For example, apple has a great positioning. If you go into an apple store, try to negotiate anything in there, it doesn’t work. Why the package is perfect. They did the eight things that we do with our clients. And so when you go in there and say, can I have a little bit more, um, of, of, of a complicated symbol on the left side, they go call the window.

Uh, no, we are, we are apple here. This is the package and this is what we stand for. And this is the reason, and this is how it feels. And this is why it’s overpriced. And this is why you buy. It’s only if you really want it. And so, and then the people who are not the right people, we go away and the, and the few nerds who like it will pay much more than they should pay and we’ll be happy to pay.

So I am happy every year to. So much money for these things because they work really well. They give me exactly what I need. So I don’t think about those. I don’t know. I could, I could spend $600 less on something else. No, this is exactly what I came for.

Tim Melanson: Yeah. And I think you mentioned a couple of really good things.

Number one, is that. By doing it in a package way or even in a retainer way, but more of a package way. It gives you the best chance to provide the best experience for your client. Right. And then the second thing is you also have to be willing to let people go because some people are just not going to want to do it that way.

They’re going to want that hourly, whatever it is, because they think they’re getting a deal that way they’re not right. I mean, we know that after you’ve. Experienced selling things and packages and doing retainers, but, but the clients thinks that they’re getting a better deal that way. Right. So I think that that’s the thing is that we have to be willing to kind of say, you know what, maybe what, this is not the right fit.

And I think we do have a hard time doing that. Right.

Simon Severino: First years, you take too many clients and you say too many yeses, then later on, we’d experienced your start saying, I think this is not the right thing for you. And you’re a little bit afraid when you say it. Oh my God. We don’t have enough revenue this month.

But then you do it. You, you see that your level of integrity goes up and, um, the people who are your clients resonate much better. So you have more referrals. You have more happy clients at et cetera, et cetera. You have so many positive loops that couple months later, a couple of years later, you don’t think about the revenue problems anymore because you have such a high integrity of what people need and what people get it. The fit is so high that now you have a reinforcing positive loop, the right people come now and they tell others who are also, um, the rights, right. People, uh, about, your offer

Tim Melanson: Wow. Yeah, I agree.

Yeah. Your integrity goes up and you know, one of the things that I, I know that I do when I’m talking about packages versus hourly is to the client, they know what they’re paying, right. I mean, if you’re doing by the hour, then who knows what the Bill’s going to end up being. So sometimes you can just change your wording slightly, right?

Simon Severino: Yes. And I don’t trust them to be an expert because if somebody is an expert, More and more like a doctor, they say, oh, Simon, yes, you want a headache pill, but I tell you what you need. And I tell you the way you are going to take it. And I tell you the duration and I tell you what you need to do. And I see it in your face.

Simon. It’s not what you want to have. You just want to have a pill and prescription for a pill, but you don’t get it. Okay. I am the doctor. I’m the expert. I tell you what you need. You need three weeks of not eating salad or whatever. And I go, oh, that’s no, no, no. Don’t touch my diet plan. Right. I tell you what you lead with the experts say, and that’s usually a good expert.

Nobody will say. Yeah. And I don’t know. Let’s, let’s find out it’s 30 bucks an hour and let’s find out what you need. It’s very different purposes.

Yeah, I agree. A hundred percent. Any, any time that I’m tempted to charge by the hour, it is actually, because I don’t know exactly how long it’s going to take, so I don’t want to take some risk.

Right, exactly. But I did it for many years. Then day rate, I am a consultant. So I have a day rate. Um, yeah, that was before I got, I really hope honed in my practice. Did it enough, hundreds and thousands, then later of time to know exactly what it is now, it’s 90 days program. I can tell you exactly what happens in month one.

We free you up from the weeds so that you have time to work on the business, not in the business in month two, we improve your sales in pond three. We improve your marketing. I tell you exactly what happens in each week. I’ll tell you exactly the average outcome and depending on your. Context and maturity level, what you can expect in additional stays in which month.

And then after I tell you all of that, Seminar, you really know your stuff. I’m in, it’s quite the risk because you need this hundreds of times, you know what happens in which week you are curating, it you are attentive to it. You care about it, you improve it. You are looking at it obviously every day. So Hey, it’s, let’s go.

It sounds totally the reason.

Tim Melanson: Yeah, absolutely right on. I love what you’re saying. So now, you know, that does lead us right into the next part, which is your guests solo. So tell me more about these programs and how we can get started.

Simon Severino: Oh yeah. I just did it, right. So, yeah, it’s a 90 days program. It’s called double your revenue 90 days.

And it’s for solopreneurs and small businesses who want to improve their sales and. Month one is regaining the freedom that they initially was the reason why they started the business in the first place you started, because you want more freedom to do whatever you want, whatever you are here to do. And less of that and stuff that other people should do.

So, but then the opposite happens, right? When you say I’m coming, I’m coming. Give me just 10 minutes. Oh, now the business runs me. I don’t run the business. The business runs me and we all know that. And so when you get to that point, And you go, Hmm. I need to change something in the business model here in the way I operated.

Uh, that’s when this print is for you, you get the one-to-one sprint coach. It’s 24, 7 for 90 days. You can always take them. It’s like Spider-Man. And his guy in the chair Spider-Man is in action is to kick the left or the right, or what should I do? Should I kick the left or the right door? Give me, give me a moment.

Says the guy in the chair. Kick the left door because behind the right door, there is a cactus. Uh, this kind of coach is what you get 24 7. And that’s why in month one, you can regain 10 to 14 hours per week of your time by organizing stuff better, automating, delegating, cutting in tool. We improve your sales and the in mom’s three, we improve marketing because now you have something that’s.

And machine that works now is the first time where marketing makes sense. Uh, and I know this is counterintuitive. Everybody goes, do marketing, do marketing. No, don’t do marketing before you have perfect operations and perfect sales system. And then you go and tell people about it because now it’s time for marketing.


Tim Melanson: I agree. A hundred percent. So who would be your ideal? Like you describe your ideal. Client that would get the most out of this program from you.

Simon Severino: It’s a B2B business. They’re doing 35 K per month. Right now, there are five people. Um, three of them are not on payroll, just freelancers. Um, and they really care about their clients and, um, their clients are also business leaders in, in, in their area.

And, um, they are their trusted partner. They want to stay. They want to stay sharp, stay best in class in their field. That’s our ideal client

Tim Melanson: awesome. So now how do we find out more about this? Where do we, where do we get information?

Simon Severino: We hang out at strategy, And if you like reading books and needs those checklists strategy, sprints is the book available right now.

Wherever you buy books, if you will, if you buy it on Amazon, please leave me a review that hasn’t lost that.

Tim Melanson: Okay. Awesome. Yeah, that’s a nice looking cover too. Well done.

Thanks right on. So thank you so much for rocking out with me today, Simon, this has been a lot of fun.

Simon Severino: Yes, absolutely. Keep rolling

everybody great.

And to the listeners, make sure you subscribe, rate and comment. We’ll see you next time. And the work at home rockstar podcast.

Intro/Outro: Thanks for listening to learn how you can become a work at home rockstar or become a better one head on over to today.

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