My name is Snowe Saxman and I was a millionaire at age 25, then living on food stamps + bankrupt by age 35. Now I am earning multiple six figures on my way to millions again. I have been able to channel a painful past into a purposeful future and rebuild my global empire by teaching women God-inspired success, financial and business strategies. When I was at my lowest point living on food stamps after just filing bankruptcy, I cried out to God to ask Him what He was waiting on to bless me. What He said totally shocked me. He said, “Snowe, you are not waiting on me, I am waiting on you!”. After this defining moment, He began to show me that every way I handled money was fear based. I had so many negative thoughts and fears about money that I was actually keeping more from coming to me. I began a journey of transformation emotionally, spiritually and financially which I now teach to others. Creating more money ALWAYS starts with your mindset. Mindset is simply a way of thinking. Unfortunately, most of us have been taught to think the wrong way from everything we experienced in life and now we have hidden success blocks in our minds. I can teach you how to build a profitable business, how to create, manage and multiply money or how to have more success in your life, but if you have any limiting beliefs (which are learned behaviors that hold you back), emotional blocks or unresolved emotions, you will stay stuck. I walked through this same process and now I teach others how to do the same so that they can live the life that God intended, emotionally, spiritually and financially free!