Emily McGuire – Aweber
The Back-StoryWith lessons learned over a decade in tech, sending thousands of email campaigns, and working on email campaigns earning over $80 million in revenue, Emily loves sharing the mistakes and strategies of email marketing done well. You’ll typically find her...
Barbara Fletcher – Barb Fletcher & Associates
The Back-StoryBarbara Fletcher believes that to be at your best, you must be resilient. She is inspired to train & coach using effective, simple strategies that will help people create the life they choose. When people are resilient, their lives change. People relate...
Dalene Allen – BNI Maritimes
The Back-StoryOver 30 years ago, Dalene Allen signed up as an independent sales rep with Mary Kay Cosmetics and built a multi-million-dollar direct sales business. As both a woman and a new entrepreneur, building her business gave her experience that could be gained...
Lucas Root – SGIC Consulting
The Back-StoryFrom his strong roots at Fortune 500 companies and on Wall Street to developing smaller but powerful brands, Lucas has built a strong track record of successes that includes many speaking engagements, podcasts, publications, and his best-selling “Work...
Michael Brooks – goLance
The Back-StoryMichael Brooks is the founder of the brand new freelancing platform goLance. He’s also well-known as a successful entrepreneur, published author of two books, a college professor, and an investor. He is a strong believer in harmony, teamwork, loyalty,...
Molly Rose Speed – Virtual Assistant Management
The Back-StoryMolly Rose is a talented strategic thinker with cultivated skills in online tech solutions, systems, and processes that improve company efficiencies. With a background in finance and analytics, Molly Rose started her own business in 2014, serving online...
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WHR #56 : Holly Homer – Blogger
Holly Homer is a professional blogger and work-from-home mom of three boys. She is the author of two books, 101 Kids Activities that are the Bestest, Funnest Ever & The 101 Coolest Simple Science Experiments. Her FB page, Quirky Momma is liked by more than 3...
WHR #55 : Diane Gardner – Tax Coach
Diane Gardner is an expert tax coach, Quilly award recipient, and best-selling author whose proactive planning approach gives clients a leg up on Uncle Sam and helps them dodge the tax bullet. Diane saves small business clients between $5,000 and $50,000 in as little...